Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anarchism"" "subject:"anarchists""
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Drömmen om det ouppnåeliga : anarkistiska tankelinjer hos Hinke Bergegren, Gustaf Henriksson-Holmberg och Einar Håkansson /Lång, Henrik, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2007.
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Religiozita ruského anarchismu v 19. století a Petr Alexejevič Kropotkin / The Religiosity of Russian Anarchism in the 19th Century and Petr Alexejevič KropotkinZborníková, Andrea January 2019 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyse two very strong notions - Religiousness and Anarchism. We are used to comprehend these two notions as very different from one another, or even as two opposites. This thesis will show that even though we see Anarchism as Atheism, it is not always possible to exclude Religiousness from it. This fact will be shown as specifically Russian phenomenon. That is why it will be needed to explain broader context of Russian thought in the 19th century. Thesis will also aim to works of prince and anarcho-communist Peter Alexej Kropotkin where it will be possible to exemplify the strong inveteracy of Religiousness in Russian (Anarchist) thought and also the possibility of a dialog between these two notions. Keywords religious motives, religiosity, russian thinking, anarchism, anarchokomunism, spiritual thinking
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Československá anarchistická federace / Czechoslovak Anarchist FederationLinhartová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the Czechoslovak Anarchist Federation (CSAF), specifically its development, the transformation it has undergone during its existence and what position the CSAF holds today. The CSAF was founded in 1995 (its original name was the Czech Anarchist Federation) and it is the longest active anarchist organization in modern Czech history. The aim of this thesis is to capture the transformation of the CSAF based on the examination of their themes and activities, through which we can see how it has progressed and what specific developments have undergone. The aim of this thesis is to therefore answer the following questions: What specific developments have occurred within the CSAF? What changes have arisen within it, both in individual themes and within the membership? How has its position changed over the years and what is the position of the CSAF today? The thesis will in part be based on specialized publications, which are necessary for the theoretical definition of anarchism, but mostly will come from journals, which the CSAF has previously published and continues to publish today as well as information from their website. Finally, personal research conducted based on further exploratory evidence will be used in the analysis and evaluation of this thesis.
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Malé kousky svobody. Individualizace a komodifikace v hardcore-punk subkultuře / Little pieces of freedom. Individualization and Commodification in Hardcore-punk SubcultureKumová, Petra January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the DIY principle that can be a catalyst for collectives and individuals aiming to emancipate (consciously or unconsciously) from individualization and commodification that is symptomatic for today's society. This principle is adopted by various subcultures, but I am focused particularly on the hardcore-punk subculture (or precisely said - counterculture), which ideology is based on the idea of non-consumer society emancipated from values, norms and rules, that are being introduced to us by the mainstream society and its power structures. The analytical part of the thesis is focused on particular individuals and collectives, their activities, motivation, as well as the internal functioning of collectives. A combination of methods of qualitative research, especially participant observation and semi- structured interviews, were used for data collection. Data was analyzed using open coding. The collectives show better ability to resist commodification based on long-term practices commonly used in hc-punk to resist to the process of individualization. Their ability to create communities and collective activities is limited. Key words individualization, commodification, hardcore-punk subculture, diy principle, colectives, anarchism
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Současný anarchofeminismus v ČR / The Contemporary Anarcha-feminism in the Czech RepublicChaloupková, Jana January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the ideology of anarcha-feminism. One of the goals is to study how actually works the linkage between anarchism and feminism and which elements are important and which are missing and how the ideology defers in time. The thesis has two parts - the first one is focused on historical phase of anarcha- feminism, especially on Emma Goldman, American anarchist philosopher, who is often labelled as the founder of this ideology; second part is concerned on Feministická skupina 8. března/Anarchofeministická skupina, contemporary anarcha-feminist collective in the Czech Republic. Feministická skupina 8. března/Anarchofeministická skupina (8 March Feminist Group/Anarchofeminist group) is the only collective in Czech history which adopted anarcha-feminist ideology. The thesis uses critical discourse analysis and also content analysis. In the first chapter we will analyze are Emma Goldman's essays that are concerned on feminist topics. In the second chapter we will critically analyze the publications of Anarchofeministická skupina - magazine Přímá cesta, Siréna, than the anarchist magazine A-kontra, and the websites of two current liberal feminist organizations in the Czech republic - Gender Studies, o.p.s. and Česká ženká lobby. The conclusion compares results of those...
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Sprache und Ideologie: Entwurf und Kritik einer linguistischen Untersuchung von BedeutungssystemenŠvitek, Mihael 22 October 2024 (has links)
Ein Gespenst geht um in der Welt: Das Gespenst der Ideologie. Nach den diversen diskursiven Verschiebungen der vergangenen Jahre liest man diese altehrwürdige Vokabel wieder öfter: Sei es als Stigmawort für die Position des politischen Gegners, als Fachausdruck in politischen Leitartikeln oder allenthalben als Füllwort oder Floskel. Gleichzeitig erfuhr das epistemologisch orientierte Konzept Ideologie in der englischsprachigen Forschung eine ungeahnte Renaissance und reifte somit zu einem mächtigen Analyseinstrument für (politische) Weltanschauungen und alltägliche Überzeugungen heran.
Das Promotionsprojekt unternahm den Versuch, eine Neubegründung des Terminus für die Linguistik zu wagen. Der Ideologiebegriff wird durch tiefenhistorische theoretische Reflexion und angewandte sprachanalytische Modellierung für eine kulturwissenschaftliche interessierte Forschung operationalisiert, um eine neuartige Methode für die qualitative und quantitative Untersuchung von Weltanschauungen bereitzustellen. Dabei wird ein selbstentwickeltes Verfahren angewandt, das die Fallstricke der bisherigen linguistischen Arbeiten zum Ideologiebegriff zu vermeiden sucht.
Zu den untersuchten Sinnkontinenten gehört ein großes Korpus anarchistischer Texte, stilprägende Texte des Maoismus, das Gesamtwerk von Rosa Luxemburg, die rechtsextreme Online-Enzyklopädie Metapedia sowie der Katechismus der Katholischen Kirche. Erstmals erprobt für die Sprachwissenschaft wurde das Verfahren der diffraktiven Lektüre nach Karen Barad, wenn Textausschnitte verschiedener Herkunft durch_einander gelesen wurden, so konnten verblüffende und unvorhersehbare Ergebnisse erzielt werden. / A specter is haunting the world: the specter of ideology. After various discursive shifts in recent years, this venerable term is once again being used more frequently—whether as a stigmatizing label for the position of a political opponent, as a technical term in political editorials, or often as filler or cliché. At the same time, the epistemologically oriented concept of ideology has experienced an unexpected renaissance in English-language research, maturing into a powerful analytical tool for understanding (political) worldviews and everyday beliefs.
This doctoral project attempted to propose a redefinition of the term for linguistics. The concept of ideology is operationalized through a deeply historical theoretical reflection and applied linguistic modeling for research with a cultural studies focus, aiming to provide a novel method for the qualitative and quantitative investigation of worldviews. In doing so, a self-developed approach is employed, seeking to avoid the pitfalls of previous linguistic work on the concept of ideology.
Among the examined “continents of meaning” is a large corpus of anarchist texts, formative texts of Maoism, the complete works of Rosa Luxemburg, the far-right online encyclopedia Metapedia, as well as the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For the first time in linguistics, the method of diffractive reading, as proposed by Karen Barad, was tested. When excerpts from texts of various origins were read through each other, surprising and unpredictable results were achieved.
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Protest, styl a sociální identita. Diskurzivní analýza anarchistické revue Existence / Protest, style and social identity. Discourse analysis of anarchist revue ExistenceSvobodová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on representation of protest in the official periodical of Czech Anarchist federation. It looks into the protest strategies which influence the level of personal lifestyle of an individual. This practice is connected to the issue of devaluation of the anarchist programme and more prominent emphasis on the form of the activities rather than the content. On the example of anarchist review Existence the thesis investigates how the practice is treated at the discursive level in Czech context. It poses a question whether the accent of a particular lifestyle results in shaping a required normative ideal of social identity. At the theoretical level, the thesis reflects how mainstream media tend to represent protest events. Simultaneously, it describes alternative media as the instrument to oppose the dominant media practice. Using the method of discourse analysis based on Norman Fairclough's linguistic approach, the text looks into the similarities between the mainstream and the alternative. The analysis focuses especially on modern tactics of the anarchist movement, politicization of everyday life, reflection of these phenomena within the movement and possible above-mentioned impact on the anarchist programme.
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Vzrůstající oblíbenost extremisticky orientovaných politických stran v ČR / The rising popularity of extremist political parties in the Czech RepublicLEPIČ, Jiří January 2010 (has links)
In the submitted thesis the author focuses on the rising popularity of extremist political parties in the Czech Republic. The popularity growth of extremist political parties in the Czech Republic is proven by election results in recent years. Right-wing extremists{\crq} ``combat power{\crqq} growth is closely connected with the increasing number of their followers. Regional elections in 2008, in which the Labour Party achieved almost 29 thousand votes, which represents eight times more than the party had achieved in the previous elections in 2004, can be a proof of that. What is more, this party achieved 1.07% votes in the European Parliament elections and it surpassed the limit which is necessary for the state subsidy requisition. In the Theoretical Part the author deals with definitions of basic terms ``extreme{\crqq} and ``radical{\crqq}. Then he deals with the theoretical division of the political scene, from both the current point of view and the historical point of view, into the rights and the lefts. Then he attends to some terms which are closely associated with extremism, such as: nationalism, anti-Semitism and racism. In the Conclusion of the Theoretical Part the author focuses on the far rights and the far lefts. He pays attention to both the current representatives and to their predecessors of those extreme lines. In the Practical Part the author sets his targets and defines hypotheses and he also attends to the used research procedure there. The research was made via questionnaire investigations. Questions were focused on people{\crq}s opinions which are related to inadaptable citizens and extremism. There were also some questions which were focused on activities of those parties in the above mentioned fields, regarding the inadaptable citizens and extremism, which have their members in the Parliament of the Czech Republic. In the Practical part of the thesis the author also evaluates the observed results in light of respondents{\crq} achieved level of education. In the Discussion of the thesis the author compares the observed data with the knowledge of experts. He also focuses on divergent opinions of asked respondents, in connection with their achieved level of education. The thesis and the observed results could be used by general public interested in extremism in the Czech Republic. Besides, the thesis and the observed results could be used as a source of information to improve general knowledge about the scene of extremism and about the problems pertaining to the scene in the Czech Republic.
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Podzemní život a literatura: Undergroundová kultura ve Finsku na přelomu 60. a 70. let 20.století / Life and literature under the ground: Underground culture in Finland in the late 60s and the early 70sDejdarová, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Name of the author: Linda Dejdarová School: Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts Institute of Linguistics and Finno-Ugric Studies Nám. Jana Palacha 2, 116 38 Prague 1 Program: Finnish philology Title: Life and Literature under the Ground: Underground culture in Finland in the late 60s and the early 70s Consultant: Mgr. Jan Dlask, Ph.D. Number of pages: 131 (117 + 14 pages of Attachments) Number of attachments: 4 Year: 2012 Key words: Finnish underground, alternative culture, underground literature, underground comics, anarchism, avant-garde, beat-generation, beatniks, hippies, yippies This Master's thesis aims to chart the Finnish underground culture and the ways it was expressed. The time period covered is mainly the late 60s and the early 70s, which was the period of the most significant underground activity. First I deal with the reasons behind the birth of underground culture in general and with its impact on the birth of Finnish underground. This Master's thesis deals with the Finnish underground-culture from the cultural and sociological point of view. I introduce its most important personalities and their work as well as some important cultural events and other sociological links. In this Master's thesis underground-culture is perceived as a complex of many forms of art including...
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Anarchismus v arabské literatuře: radikální myšlení a jeho vliv na vývoj umění a literatury v Egyptě a Sýrii v první polovině 20. století / Anarchism in Arab literature: Radical Thought and its Influence on Art and Literature in Egypt and Syria in the First half of 20th CenturyKrampera, Bohumír January 2016 (has links)
The presented work is focused on the birth and evolution of radical thought in Syria and Egypt during the first half of 20th centrury and especially on it's interaction with art and literature. First of all it's focus is on the relation of Arab renaissance and radical left ideas and continuity of this thought in region under the study in the first half of 20th centrury. This work is as well focused on the common grounds of radical trends in Arab renaissance with Egyptian surrealist movement of the 30's and 40's. To this movement is dedicated final part of this work.
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