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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Arbitralita protisoutěžních dohod v právu Evropské unie / Arbitrability of anti-competitive agreements in the law of the European Union

Pavelka, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
In the past, an Irish barrister and arbitrator James Bridgeman remarked that the arbitration of competition law is a meeting of two black arts. This perception has not changed since and yet, the adjudication of anti-competitive agreements in arbitration is an everyday event of real life. This thesis, after a brief summary of history of arbitrability of competition law, picks specific issues closely tied to current practical problems that arbitrators must face. First, whether arbitrators should consider themselves as being under obligation to raise competition issues of their own motion (ex officio) during arbitration proceedings, secondly, whether national courts of the EU Member States must automatically set arbitral awards in breach of competition rules aside and thirdly, whether arbitrators are in a good position to address complex antitrust questions properly and whether they can receive some help from the official competition authorities entrusted with primary enforcement of antitrust law. Mainly EU law will be covered here albeit with few brief excursions into particular problems of national law of the Czech Republic, to which this thesis endorses relevant solutions.

Dohody narušující hospodářskou soutěž v mezinárodním prostředí / Cross-border Anti-competitive Agreements

Tupá, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT Cross-border Anti-competitive Agreements Functional market mechanism, as an essential element of a market economy, is a prerequisite for the economic prosperity of advanced democratic states. A completely crucial element of its functionality is free competition, the protection of which is regulated by competition law. However, competition does not apply consistently across all sectors. In this thesis I focuse on its application within the financial services area. This sector`s nature is very specific because we must always strive to maintain financial stability when implementing any measures. How should legislation respond to these aspects respond and how should the competition policy itself be shaped? Is regulation of this area necessary or does the competition intself represent a thread to the financial stability of the system? In order to fully understand the specifics of this area, it is firstly necessary to become familiar with the economic aspect of competition law and the nature of these white-collar crimes. Consequently, I will focus on the application of the competition law on financial services, taking into account new technologies and their influence on the structure of this market. The impact of competition on the banking sector is one of the core parts of this thesis. Based on an...

Ochrana hospodářské soutěže - dohody narušující soutěž / Protection of Economic Competition - Agreements Violating Competition

Kianková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Protection of Economic Competition - Agreements Violating Competition The aim of this thesis is to investigate and analyze legal relations arising from the anti-competitive agreements according to Czech law on the one hand and according to European law on the other hand. The thesis emphasizes analysis of the relevant judicature of respective courts and public authorities because this area of law is significantly amended by the case law. The first chapter defines and specifies general terminology regarding protection of economic competition. This part provides comprehensive interpretation of the relevant legal regulations regarding anti-competitive agreements, describes the mutual relation between the terms, and points out some issues of the current legislation. In the second chapter author focuses on the issues of anti-competitive agreements and gives their analysis in terms of form, participants and their distinction. Further, this chapter includes demonstrative specification of the particular state of facts of anti-competitive agreements. The last chapter provides a detailed analysis of selected questions from the perspective of the relevant judicature of respective courts and public authorities. Author chose two cases decided by Czech courts and two European cases. The cases have been chosen...

Informationsutbyte vid konkurrentbevakning : Vilken information får inhämtas från konkurrenter och hur får det ske vid konkurrentbevakning i enlighet med artikel 101.1 FEUF?

Lundhem, Sofie January 2014 (has links)
Att upprätthålla en god affärsetik är viktigt för många företag, eftersom det skapar ett för- troende hos intressenter i olika led. För att inta en stark ställning på marknaden krävs även att företagen är konkurrenskraftiga. Ökad konkurrenskraft kan fås genom konkurrentbe- vakning, då information inhämtas från konkurrenter. Dock saknas det tydliga regler huruvida informationsutbyte omfattas av artikel 101.1 FEUF, som reglerar konkurrensbe- gränsande företeelser på marknaden. Kommissionen har meddelat att artikel 101.1 FEUF bör omfatta informationsutbyte, ef- tersom det kan påverka ett företags självständighet att ta beslut. Detta har även fastslagits av domstolen och artikeln måste därför anses omfatta informationsutbyte. För att artikeln ska bli tillämplig måste ett avtal, beslut av företagssammanslutningar eller samordnat förfa- rande föreligga, en situation mellan konkurrenter, påverka handeln mellan medlemsstater och avtalet ska ha ett konkurrensbegränsande syfte eller faktiska eller potentiella konkur- rensbegränsande effekter. I kommissionens riktlinjer ges en viss vägledning om hur en be- dömning ska göras huruvida uppgifterna får utbytas enligt artikeln. Hänsyn ska bland annat tas till hur aggregerad och gammal den är, marknaden och hur ofta informationen utbyts. I enlighet med gällande rätt får information inhämtas från konkurrenter på ett sådant sätt att det inte begränsar konkurrensen vilket innebär att företag bör undvika att ingå alla for- mer av avtal om informationsutbyte. Det är förenligt med artikeln att inhämta offentlig in- formation och delta vid mässor och branschorganisationer. Uppgifter som får inhämtas är offentliga, gamla och aggregerade uppgifter som inte går att härleda till en specifik aktör och som inte påverkar företagens självständighet att ta strategiska beslut. Dock råder en del osäkerheter vad det gäller bedömningen av de olika faktorerna och för att minska osäker- heten på området krävs tydligare regler och riktlinjer. / To maintain high standards of business ethics are important to many companies, because it creates trust among stakeholders at different levels. To hold a top position on the market also requires that company are competitive. Greater competitiveness can be obtained by competitor intelligence, when information is obtained about competitors. However, there are no clear rules whether article 101.1 TFEU, which regulates competitive restrictions, co- vers the exchange of information. The Commission has noted that article 101.1 TFEU should include exchange of infor- mation, because the exchange can affect a company's autonomy to make decisions. The Court has also established this and because of that is it to consider that the article includes exchange of information. If the article shall be applicable an agreement, decisions by asso- ciations of undertakings or concerted practices need to exist, between competitors, affect trade between Member States and the agreement must restrict the competition. Guidelines written by the Commission gives some guidance how the assessment whether the infor- mation can be exchange according to the article. How aggregated and old the information is, the market and the frequency of the exchange shall be take into consideration when a decision is made. In accordance with applicable law exchange of information from between competitors should be made in such way that it does not restrict competition. Companies should avoid entering into all forms agreement regarding information exchange. According to article 101.1 FEUF it is consistent to gather public information and participate in trade exhibi- tions and trade associations. Data that may be collected are public, old and aggregated data that can not be traced to a specific operator. However, there are some uncertainty regard- ing the assessment of the various factors and to reduce the uncertainty in this field clearer rules and guidelines are necessary.

Prisalgoritmer – ett instrument för konkurrensbegränsande samverkan : En studie om hur användningen av algoritmer påverkar förståelsen för olika samverkansformer och tillämpningen av artikel 101(1) FEUF. / Pricing algorithms – an instrument for anti-competitive collusion  : a study about how the use of algorithms affects the understanding of different forms of collusion and the application of article 101(1) FEUF.

Adelsson, Rodi January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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