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Bovine viral diarrhea virus infections affect professional antigen presentation in bovine monocytesLee, Sang-Ryul 15 December 2007 (has links)
Monocytes are professional antigen presenting cells (APC). They serve as precursors of macrophages and dendritic cells (DC). We have used cytopathic (cp) and non-cytopathic (ncp) Bovine Viral Diarrhea Viruses (BVDV) to determine the genes and proteins expression levels in bovine monocytes. Four specific aims were accomplished in this study. The first aim was to assess the baseline expression of the proteins involved in professional antigen presentation in bovine monocytes. The results showed that the differential detergent fractionation (DDF) approach can provide interpretable and meaningful functional information in bovine monocytes. The second aim was to evaluate the role of in vitro cp and ncp BVDV infection in the expression of the selected bovine genes involved in professional antigen presentation. The results showed that both BVDV could escape innate immune responses by modulating toll-like receptor (TLR) gene expression, followed by pro-inflammatory, type I interferon (IFN), Th1/Th2 type cytokine genes expression, and decreasing the expression levels of CD80/CD86 in professional APC. The third objective was to determine how the two biotypes affect selective antigen uptake, receptor-mediated endocytosis and non-selective uptake, macropinocytosis in bovine monocytes. The results indicated that bovine monocytes use macropinocytosis for a bulklow uptake of soluble antigens. The final aim was to characterize protein profiles in peripheral blood monocytes infected with cp BVDV isolate in vitro. Comparative profiling of the membrane and cytosolic proteins related to professional antigen presentation were assessed. The results showed that 47 bovine proteins, involved in immune function of professional APC have been significantly altered after cp BVDV infection. Overall, we hypothesize that by modulating expression levels of multiple proteins and genes related to immune responses BVDV could significantly compromise immune defense mechanisms resulting in uncontrolled immune activation or suppression.
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The role of thermal processing and protein oxidation in peanut allergyHillson, William Rawstron January 2013 (has links)
Food allergies are an increasing health problem throughout the developed world. Among these, peanut allergy is particularly significant, due to its exceptional severity and frequent lifelong duration. Much of its aetiology remains unclear. In particular, it remains unknown why, unlike other food allergies, peanut allergy incidence correlates poorly with average dietary peanut consumption. A popular explanation for this discrepancy is that peanut allergy is more common in regions where predominantly dry-roasted (DR) peanuts are consumed, leading to speculation that DR-induced chemical modifications may contribute to pathological T<sub>h</sub>2 responses in humans. Yet to date, no research group has demonstrated an enhanced immunogenicity of DR peanuts relative to raw in a murine model of sensitisation. This thesis begins with the hypothesis that dry-roasting does indeed alter the chemical composition of peanut proteins in such a way as to increase immunogenicity and allergenicity. To test this hypothesis robustly, I have first addressed flaws in previous studies by developing a methodology to thoroughly characterise samples of raw and DR peanut protein, as well as purifying samples of individual peanut allergens. Using these samples, I have demonstrated an enhanced immunogenicity of DR peanut protein relative to raw, in intragastric, subcutaneous and epicutaneous models of mouse sensitisation, and furthermore, that such enhanced responses feature a pronounced T<sub>h</sub>2 bias and functional IgE production. I will present evidence that this difference is not caused by either protein aggregation or the presence of other non-protein substances, but is due to an intrinsic property of the DR peanut proteins. I will go on to clarify candidate molecular mechanisms of this effect, examining several putative receptors and probing the effects of roasting on dendritic cell binding and interactions of peanut proteins. I conclude in light of these investigations that the dry-roasting hypothesis remains the most plausible explanation for the epidemiological distribution of peanut allergy, although many additional questions remain regarding the nature of the chemical modifications produced by roasting and the molecular basis of their recognition by the immune system.
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Conséquences de l'expression de la protéine GILZ sur la fonction des cellules dendritiques / Consequence of GILZ expression on the dendritic cells functionsCalmette, Joseph 21 December 2015 (has links)
Les cellules dendritiques (DC) sont les cellules professionnelles de la capture et de la présentation antigènique et font l'interface entre l'immunité innée et l'immunité adaptative. Suite à la reconnaissance de divers signaux de dangers (PAMP/DAMP), les DC s'activent et dégradent l'antigène afin de le présenter aux LT naïfs dans les organes lymphoïdes secondaires et ainsi initient une réponse immunitaire immunogène ou tolérogène. Le contrôle de la réponse immunitaire est notamment possible grâce aux lymphocytes T régulateurs. Il en existe deux types : les nTreg qui se différencient dans le thymus et les pTreg qui se différencient dans les organes lymphoïdes secondaires et/ou dans les tissus. Les DC sont indispensables à leur activation et à leur différenciation respectivement. Les Treg possédent un arsenal variés de mécanismes qui leur conférent leur fonction régulatrice : sécrétion de cytokines immunosuppressives (IL-10, TGF-β et IL-35), activité cytotoxique, déprivation de l'environnement en IL-2….Selon la nature des réponses lymphocytaires T CD4 qu'elles induisent, les DC peuvent être classées fonctionnellement en DC activatrices/immunogènes (DCact) versus DC tolérogènes (DCreg). Les DCact sont définies par leur capacité à induire des lymphocytes T CD4 effecteurs et CD8 cytotoxiques. Les DCreg sont caractérisées par leur capacité à induire des Treg qui vont contrôler la réponse immunitaire. Ces DCreg peuvent être induites par des cytokines (IL-10 et TGF- β produites par exemple par certains Treg), sous l'effet sous l'effet de vitamines anti-oxydantes ou de la vitamine D3, de l'acide rétinoïque, par traitement aux glucocorticoïdes (GC) ou encore sous l'effet de facteurs produits par des pathogènes comme la toxine cholérique. Durant mes travaux de thèse je me suis intéressé aux conséquences physiologiques de l'expression de la protéine Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper dans les DC. En effet, les DC humaines et murines surexpriment cette protéine sous l'effet des GC, de l'IL-10, du TGF-β, de la mitomycin C, de la rapamycine, de la vitamine D3 et enfin de l'environnement tumoral. Sur des DC dérivées de monocytes, ils avait été montré que GILZ est nécessaire et suffisant pour induire un phénotype (diminution de l'expression membranaire de CD40, CD80, CD86, CMH-II et augmentation de PD-L1 et ILT-3) et une fonction (sécrétion d'IL-10 et diminution de la production de CCL3, CCL5 et CXCL8) tolérogènes chez ces cellules. De plus, les DC GILZhi sécrètent de l'IL-10 et induisent la différenciation de Treg CTLA-4+IL-10+, spécifiques de l'antigène, dont certains expriment le facteur de transcription FoxP3 et qui inhibent la prolifération de LT CD4 autologues. Mes travaux ont pour finalité d'évaluer l'importance physiologique de l'expression de GILZ par les DC in vivo, et en particulier sa contribution à l'induction et au maintien de la tolérance immunologique à l'homéostasie ou dans un contexte pathologique. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, je disposais de deux modèles de souris complémentaires, créés au laboratoire, les souris CD11c-GILZhi, surexprimant GILZ spécifiquement dans les DC, et les souris CD11c-GILZko, conditionnellement déficientes pour GILZ dans leurs DC. Les travaux que j'ai effectués jusqu'à présent ont permis d'établir que la surexpression de GILZ dans les DC leur confère un phénotype tolérogène in vivo (faible expression des molécules de CMH II et production d'IL-10) et est suffisante pour induire une accumulation de Treg à l'homéostasie et une expansion de nTreg suite à une stimulation antigénique. De plus, L'absence de GILZ dans les DC leur confère une capacité de capture antigènique par macropinocytose accrue. In vivo, cet accroissement de la capture est sélectif et ne touche que les DC CD8α+.Finement régulée par des signaux antigéniques, biologiques ou chimiques, GILZ est un puissant régulateur de la balance immunogénicité/tolérogénicité dans les fonctions de la DC. / Dendritic cells (DC) are professionnal antigen-presenting cells and interface between innate immunity and adaptative immunity. After danger signals recognition, DC activate and process antigen to present to naive T cells in the secondary lymphoid organs (SLO) and thus, initiate the immune response, immunogenic or tolerogenic. Control of immunitary response is possible by regulatory T cells (Treg). There are two types of Treg : nTreg that differenciate in the thymus, and pTre that differenciate in SLO and/or in tissues. DC are essential for their activation or their differenciation respectively. Treg possess a large arsenal of regulatory mechanisms : cytokines secretion (IL-10, TGF-B and IL-35), cytotoxic activity, IL-2 environnement deprivation…According to theT CD4 lymphocytary responses, DC are functionnaly classified in activator/immunogenic DC (DCact) versus tolerogenic DC (DCreg). DCact induce effector CD4 T cells and cytotoxic CD8 T cells. DCreg induce Treg controlling the immune response. DCreg can be induce by cytokines (IL-10 and TGF-B produce by Treg for example), by anti-oxidant vitamin or vitamin D3, by retinoic acid, by glucocorticoid (GC) treatment and by various product of pathogens. During my thesis work, I focused on the physiological consequences of GILZ expression in DC. Human and murin DC overexpress GILZ after GC treatment and after treatment with IL-10, TGF-B, mitomicyn C, rapamycin, vitamin D3 and under the influence of the tumoral microenvironnement. On monocytes derived-DC, it has been demonstrated that GILZ is necessary and sufficient to induce a tolerogen phenotype (decrease of CD40, CD80, CD86, MHC-II expression and increase of PD-L1 and ILT-3 expression) and functionnality (IL-1à secretion and decrease of CCL3, CCL5 and CXCL8 production). So, GILZhi DC induce the differenciation of antigen-specific CTLA-4+IL-10+ Treg whose a part express FoxP3 and inhibit the proliferation of CD4 autologous T cells. My work evaluate the physiological importance of GILZ expression by DC in vivo, and more particularlythe contribution of this expression on the induction and the support of the immune tolerance at homeostasis and in pathologic context. To reach my objectives, I haved two complementary murin models, created in the laboratory : the CD11c-GILZhi mice, overexpress GILZ specifically in the DC, and the CD11c-GILZko mice, deficient for GILZ expression in mice. Studies I have done show that overexpression of GILZ in vivo in DC induce a tolerogenic phenotype in these cells (decrease of MHC-II expression and IL-10 production) and is sufficient to induce accumulation of Treg at homeostasis and expansion of nTreg after antigenic stimulation. Thus, lack of GILZ in DC increase their macropinocytic antigen uptake capacity. In vivo, this increase is selective of CD8a+ DC. Being strongly regulated by antigen, biologic or chemicals signals, these work show GILZ like a powerful regulator of the immunogenecity/tolerogenicity balance in the DC functionnalities.
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Vliv adenylát cyklázového toxinu na imunitní funkce dendritických buněk / Immunomodulation of dendritic cells by adenylate cyclase toxin from B. pertussisJáňová, Hana January 2010 (has links)
Adenylate cyclase toxin (CyaA) produced by the causative agent of whooping cough Bordetella pertussis, is a key virulence factor important for colonization of the host. CyaA targets preferentially myeloid phagocytes expressing CD11b/CD18 integrin. By elevating cytosolic cAMP in the host cells, CyaA interferes with their phagocytic, chemotactic and oxidative burst capacities. Furthermore, CyaA modulates the secretion of cytokines and the maturation state in LPS-stimulated dendritic cells (DC) by affecting the expression of costimulatory molecules. In this study, we investigated the effects of CyaA on the capacity of murine bone-marrow DC to prime CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in response to ovalbumin epitopes delivered by the CyaA-AC- toxoid, as a model antigen. Further, we examined the possible impact of CyaA on the antigen uptake and processing for MHC class I and II-restricted presentation by DC, as we previously observed a decreased T cell stimulatory capacity of CyaA-treated DC in response to soluble ovalbumin. We found out that the high levels of cAMP generated by CyaA in LPS-stimulated DC account for the decreased presentation of ovalbumin epitopes carried by CyaA-AC- toxoid on MHC class I and II molecules, thereby impairing the CD8+ and CD4+ T cell responses. Whereas CyaA did not influence the...
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