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An Investigation of the Relationship Between Maltreatment and Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) Use Among African-American and Hispanic Adolescent GirlsGray, Calonie Marie Kelli 24 March 2009 (has links)
Maltreatment experienced in childhood or adolescence is a known risk factor for later problem alcohol and/or other drug (AOD) use (Bailey & McCloskey, 2005; Shin, Edwards, Heeren, 2009). A growing body of empirical work has found significant associations between adolescent girls’ AOD use and maltreatment experiences. However, questions remain as to how this relation unfolds with African-American and Hispanic adolescent girls. Guided by four relational models that have been proposed in the literature, this study examined the links between maltreatment, trauma symptoms, and alcohol and/or other drug (AOD) problems in a sample of 170 African-American and Hispanic adolescent girls who were participants in a school-based AOD use intervention. Results of this study revealed that maltreatment experiences (physical and emotional abuse) were positively related to trauma symptoms, which were positively related to AOD problem severity, alcohol abuse, alcohol dependency, drug abuse, and drug dependency. Perceived discrimination moderated this relation between sexual abuse and trauma symptoms, such that more perceived discrimination resulted in a stronger effect of sexual abuse on trauma symptoms. Ethnic identity moderated the relation between sexual abuse and AOD problem severity, such that ethnic identity demonstrated protective properties in the relation between sexual abuse and AOD problem severity. My research adds to extant knowledge on the relation between maltreatment and AOD use in adolescent girls and suggests the importance of developing interventions targeting maltreatment and AOD use concurrently.
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An Evaluation of the completion and Recidivism Rates for a Collaborative Community - College Based Alcohol and Other Drug Offenders Diversion ProgramMinor, Dale Michael 24 September 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Spatiotemporal Analysis of Aerosol Over A Major Salt Lake Region: Case Study of Lake Urmia In IranKhaghani, Ali, Khaghani, Ali January 2017 (has links)
Lake Urmia (LU), which once had been the second largest hypersaline lake in the world, and greatest in the Middle East, has undergone severe environmental changes during recent years that have led to widespread desiccation. These changes have converted the lakebed into a significant Aeolian mineral source, which promotes aerosol plumes that can seriously impact downwind regions. A question remains as to how significant emissions are from LU as compared to others impacting the West and East Azarbaijan provinces encompassing LU. This study uses daily Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) data from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) between 2001 and 2015 to show that AOD levels are significantly larger in the latter half of the study period (2008-2015) with AOD values in the West consistently being lower but approaching those of the East with time owing to a combination of increasing emissions from the West province and neighboring areas. While the interannual AOD profile over Azarbaijan resembles that of Iraq owing to transported dust, signatures of the local impact of increasing emissions is evident over the 15-year time period, especially in the months outside of the peak dust season (January, February and October) and on the immediate periphery of LU. Consequently, the spatial profile of AOD over Azarbaijan is not uniform but with distinct hot spot. The onset of the spring AOD ramp-up over Azarbaijan is shown to have started earlier (in February) when comparing 2009-2015 versus earlier years. Correlative analysis confirms that AOD is related to factors promoting dust emissions but also reveals that smoke contributes to AOD over Azarbaijan during the summer months.
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Optimization of the AOD stainless steel processing cost by the UTCAS SystemTa-uar, Chay January 2012 (has links)
The Argon Oxygen Decarburization (AOD) process is one of the major stainless steel refining routes. Several parameters come into play deciding the outcome of the process. The task focuses on studying an optimized processing in an AOD converter using the UHT’s Converter Automation System (UTCAS)-process control program. The process parameters that mostly influence the process are studied and their effect on the process are analyzed. The 304, 409, 316, 430, 201, 2205 stainless steel grades are chosen for this study. The input temperature, input element content (carbon, chromium, nickel, silica, molybdenum and manganese), input steel mass are varied individually keeping all the other parameters constant and their effect on the process is analyzed. The parameters like process time, amount of gases (O2, N2 and Ar) consumed, amount of reducing agent (FeSi) and amount of alloy addition are taken into consideration to decide the optimal outcome of the process. The number of gas blowing steps is also varied to study its influence on the AOD process. This is done at different process initial input to also study the effect varying parameters on the stainless steel process. After analyzing the effect of all the parameters suggestible range of values for the parameters are proposed for on optimal blowing in an AOD converter.
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Valorisation des laitiers issus de l'élaboration d'aciers inoxydables dans le béton / Use of stainless steel slag as aggregate in concreteAdegoloye, Obafèmi Gildas Franck 19 September 2014 (has links)
Le laitier EAF inox et le laitier AOD sont les deux principaux laitiers issus de l'élaboration des aciers inoxydables. Aujourd'hui ces laitiers ne sont valorisés qu'en construction routière. Cette utilisation ne permet pas d'assurer une valorisation complète et pérenne de ces laitiers dont une large part reste stockée. Compte tenu des propriétés physiques des laitiers EAF inox et AOD solidifié par stabilisation, leur utilisation comme granulats dans le béton peut être intéressante. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'étudier la faisabilité de cette voie de valorisation. Ces travaux sont réalisés en deux parties.Premièrement les propriétés physico-chimiques et mécaniques des granulats de laitiers EAF inox et AOD stabilisé sont déterminées. La composition minéralogique complète de ces granulats de laitiers issus de l'élaboration d'aciers inoxydables est aussi analysée afin de rechercher la présence éventuelle de minéraux instables et incompatibles à leur utilisation dans le béton. Compte tenue de la fluorescence sous rayons ultra-violet (UV) des laitiers, une nouvelle approche qui associe les UV et les analyses minéralogiques courantes (DRX, MEB, EDS) est développée dans cette étude. Cette étape de caractérisation des granulats des laitiers étudiés fait de ce mémoire de thèse le premier rapport sur la caractérisation physique, chimique et minéralogique des granulats de laitier AOD stabilisé. La deuxième étape de cette étude consiste à réaliser des bétons en substituant, dans des proportions variées, des granulats naturels silico-calcaires d'un béton de référence par des granulats de laitiers EAF inox et AOD stabilisé. Les propriétés physiques et mécaniques de ces bétons à matrice ordinaires et à hautes performances sont évaluées. Une étude de durabilité de ces bétons est aussi effectuée à travers le suivi des propriétés mécaniques des bétons sur 365 jours, l'analyse d'indicateurs de durabilité et la réalisation d'essais de gonflement. Enfin des observations MEB sont faites sont faites les échantillons de béton âgés de 365 jours pour observer et analyser le réseau de fissures à l'interface granulat – matrice cimentaire. Les résultats montrent des propriétés adaptées à une utilisation structurelle, avec une légère amélioration des caractéristiques mécaniques et des propriétés de durabilité acceptables pour les bétons de granulats de laitiers EAF inox et AOD stabilisé. / Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) slag and Argon Oxygen Decarburization (AOD) slag are the two principal slags resulted from stainless steel manufacture. Unlike blast furnace slag, a significant part of these steel slags is not valued and has to be treated as waste. Stainless steel slags are nowadays only used as aggregates in road construction and their future valorisation in concrete for building could be interesting. To our knowledge, that possibility has not yet been studied in the literature. The objective of this work is to study the possibility of using slags from stainless steel process as aggregates in concrete. Moreover, this is the first report on mineral composition and physical properties of stabilized AOD slags from stainless steel process.In this study, physicochemical and mechanical properties of EAF slag and stabilised AOD slag aggregates are firstly determined. Mineralogical composition of these stainless steel slag aggregates is also analysed to verify if they contain mineral phases likely to show expansion reactions. An original method using short and long UV lights was developed for studying the mineralogical composition of slag. Secondly, the natural aggregates of reference concretes are substituted, in different proportions, by stainless steel slag aggregates and several physical and mechanical properties are measured on concrete samples. The evolution of concrete mechanical properties has been followed over the time up to 365 days. Similarly, durability tests and swelling tests are made on concrete samples to assess the impact of EAF and AOD slag aggregates. SEM observations of crack network at the paste-aggregate interface and in concrete samples were carried out. The results show adequate structural properties, with a slight improvement of the mechanical properties for concretes made of stainless steel slag aggregates. The durability and expansion characteristics of these concretes are sufficient for construction use.
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Caracterização das propriedades ópticas de partículas inaláveis na cidade de Cubatão - SP / Characterization of the optical properties inhalable particle in the city of Cubatão - SPAraújo, Elaine Cristina 19 February 2019 (has links)
Os níveis de poluição do ar, tanto mundialmente, como no Brasil, principalmente em grandes metrópoles como São Paulo, dentre outras capitais e cidades brasileiras são altos e acima do que se é esperado para uma boa qualidade do ar. Uma das cidades brasileiras que ficou conhecida nacionalmente e até mundialmente pelos altos níveis de Poluentes foi Cubatão. Localizada no estado de São Paulo, a 57 km da capital do estado, Cubatão ainda tem altos níveis de Poluentes, entre eles o Material Particulado, o qual é um dos mais presentes. Dentre as classificações do material particulado estão as partículas inaláveis (MP10) e partículas inaláveis finas (MP2,5), estes são assim classificados de acordo com seus diâmetros aerodinâmicos. Tendo em vista os fatos citados acima, este trabalho propõe caracterizar as propriedades ópticas das partículas inaláveis na cidade de Cubatão - SP. Para tal foram utilizados dados de concentração das partículas inaláveis da Companhia Ambiental do Estado de São Paulo - CETESB e as informações a respeito de perfil espacial foram observadas pela técnica de sensoriamento remoto - Light Detection and Ranging - LIDAR por meio de campanhas realizadas em agosto de 2016. Também foram analisados dados de Aerosol Optical Depth - AOD extraídos da plataforma - Goddard Interactive Online Visualization And Analysis Infrastructure - GIOVANNI, a qual contém informações de satélites, que foram usadas para indicar o tamanho das partículas detectadas na região de Cubatão. Do mesmo modo verificou-se os dados do Expoente de Ångström que são distribuídos pela plataforma GIOVANNI. / The levels of air pollution, both globally and in Brazil, especially in large metropolises such as São Paulo, among other Brazilian cities and capitals are high and above what is expected for good air quality. One of the Brazilian cities that was known nationally and even worldwide by the high levels of Pollutants was Cubatão. This city is located in the state of São Paulo, 57 km from the state capital. Cubatão still has high levels of Pollutants, among them the Particulate Material, which is one of the most present. Among the classifications of the particulate material are inhalable particles (PM10) and fine inhalable particles (PM2.5), these are thus classified according to their aerodynamic diameters. In view of the facts mentioned above, this paper proposes to characterize the optical properties of inhalable particles in the city of Cubatão - SP. For this purpose, the inhalable particulate concentration data of the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo - CETESB were used and the information regarding the spatial profile was observed by the remote sensing technique - Light Detection and Ranging - LIDAR through campaigns carried out in August, Aerosol Optical Depth - AOD data from the Goddard Interactive Online Visualization And Analysis Infrastructure (GIOVANNI) platform, which contains information from satellites, were used to indicate the size of the particles detected in the Cubatão region. In the same way the data of the Ångström exponent, distributed by GIOVANNI platform was verified.
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MAS-sten som ett möjligt material för att minska föroreningarna från deponin i Karlslund : Undersökning av nya tillämpningsområden för slagg från stålindustrinBodén, Birgitta January 2013 (has links)
Till följd av den hårda utbyggnaden av vårt samhälle åtgår en stor mängd naturresurser. Samtidigt som samhället utveckas sätts allt högre krav på att det ska hushållas med naturresurser, inte minst genom införandet av miljömålet en ”God bebyggd miljö”. Enligt detta miljömål ska användningen av såväl mark som naturresurser ske på ett så hållbart sätt som möjligt. Samtidigt med detta skapar den svenska stålindustrin över en miljon ton slagg årligen, varav en stor del deponeras. Då deponeringen är kostsam pågår i dagsläget många försök att finna användningsområden för slagg så att deponeringskostanden ska undvikas. Bland annat har slagg i vissa fall visats kunna ersätta naturmaterial i formav sten, grus och sand vid till exempel vägbyggen och deponitäckningar. Slagg har i försök även visat på en vattenrenande förmåga då föroreningar fastläggs på slaggen.Detta har lett till försök med att använda slagg som filtermaterial i reaktiva filter där sand traditionellt sett ofta används. Denna studie avsåg att undersöka om slagg från Avesta Jernverk fungerar att använda i reaktiva filter för att rena vatten som är förorenade med till exempel tungmetaller och fosfor. Detta gjordes genom att skaka tre olika slagger som produceras i Avesta med ett lakvatten från en kommunal deponi med behov att renas från bland annat fluor, fosfor, kadmium, klorider, nickel och zink. I försöken användes en EAF-slagg och två AOD-slagger. För att undersöka om upptaget av föroreningar påverkades av om slaggen hade nya ytor användes både nykrossad slagg och slagg som varit placerade utomhus under 71 dagar. Resultaten visade att slaggerna som bildas vid Avesta Jernverk har en vattenrenandeförmåga och att samtliga av de testade slaggerna sorberade aluminium, fosfor och zink. Utöver dessa ämnen sorberade flera av slaggerna även arsenik, fluor, koppar och magnesium. Resultatet visade också på ett tidsberoende hos sorptionen, då mer föroreningar togs upp om slagg och lakvatten skakades i fem dygn jämfört med om skaktiden var femton minuter eller fyra timmar. Det gick dock inte att avgöra om slagg med nygjorda ytor sorberade bättre än slaggen som stått utomhus. Beräkningar utfördes och visade att ett slaggfilter dimensionsmässigt skulle vara möjligt att bygga och att en kornstorlek som sand skulle behövas för att få rätt uppehållstid. / As a result of the harsh exploitation and development of our society, a large amount of natural resources are needed. While the society develops it becomes more and more important to economise natural resources. This is also stated as an environmental objective, called "A good built environment" by the Swedish government. According to this environmental objective, the use of both land and natural resources should be undertaken in the most sustainable way possible. At the same time the Swedish steel industry produces over one million tonnes of slag annually, which is mostly deposited. Slag is a byproduct from the steel manufacturing process. When disposal is costly, many attempts to find usage for slag are done instead. For instance, in some cases it has been as replacement for natural resources as stone, gravel and sand in road constructions and landfill covers. Slag has also been shown to have a water-purifying capacity since contamination can be sorbed by the slag. This has led to attempts to use slag as filter material in reactive filters where sand traditionally is widely used. This study aimed to investigate whether slag from Avesta Works could be used in reactivefilters to purify water that is contaminated with heavy metals and phosphorus. This was done by shaking a number of slags produced in Avesta with leachate water from amunicipal landfill, Karlslund. The leachate water needs to be purified from i.a. fluorine, phosphorus, cadmium, chloride, nickel and zinc. In the experiments an EAF slag and two AOD slags were used. To investigate if the sorption of contamination in the leachate water was affected by the age of the particle surfaces, both slags with freshly made and aged surfaces were tested. The aging of the slags was created by placing the slags outdoor for 71 days. The results showed that the slags formed at Avesta Works has a water-purifying ability and that all of the tested slags sorbed aluminum, phosphorus and zinc. Beside these substances, some of the slags also sorbed arsenic, fluorine, copper and magnesium. Theresults also showed a time-dependence of the sorption: More contaminations were sorbed after reacting slag and leachate water for five days compared with fifteen minutes or four hours. It was not possible to determine if the slags with fresh surfaces sorbed better than the slags with aged surfaces. Calculations showed that a filter containing slag should be possible to build dimensionally and that the grain size of sand would be needed to get the required retention time.
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Acid neutralization using steel slags : Adsorption of fluorides in solutions using AOD slagsLarsson, Jesper January 2015 (has links)
Surface treatment processes of stainless steel, such as pickling, produces acidic waste water consisting of Na⁺, Cl⁻, F⁻, NO⁻3, SO42-, PO43-, Fe3+, Cr6+ and Ni2+. At Sandvik ABs steel works in Sandviken, this waste water is treated and neutralized using slaked lime before being released into the lake Storsjön. The aim of this report was to make a literary review of previous work in using slag as a neutralizing agent for acidic waste water. Furthermore, to see if it’s possible to replace some or all of the slaked lime in the neutralization process with slag and to study what slag that might be suitable to use. Since the waste water contains HF acid, the focus of this report was on different materials used for fluoride adsorptions. The literary study showed that the fluoride adsorption process with BOF slag, quick lime and magnesium oxide as adsorbents were endothermic. Therefore, it benefitted from an increased temperature. Furthermore, the literature study showed that many materials follow a pseudo-second-order kinetic model as well as a Langmuir or Freundlich isotherm for a fluoride adsorption. A previous experiment showed that a mixture of BF slag and slaked lime had the best HF acid neutralization among the tested materials. A fluoride adsorption experiment was made at different temperatures (25 – 55 °C) by using a slag from an aluminium reduced steel melt and a slag from a silicon reduced steel melt from the AOD converter in Sandviken. The silicon reduced steel melt slag showed an increase of fluorides in the solution, due to the presence of calcium fluoride in the slag. This was observed for all temperatures. The aluminium reduced steel melt slag also increased the fluoride content in the solution at 25 and 30 °C. At higher temperatures the fluoride content in the solution decreased with 93.6 to 94.9 %. Na⁺, Cl⁻, F⁻, NO⁻3, SO42-, PO43-, Fe3+, Cr6+, and Ni2+
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Capa límite, reflectancia y espesor óptico de aerosoles sobre SantiagoEscribano Alisio, Jerónimo José January 2012 (has links)
Magíster en Meteorología y Climatología / Ingeniero Civil Matemático / Se ha sugerido que el espesor óptico de aerosoles (AOD) derivado a partir de sensores a bordo de satélites puede ser un complemento a las mediciones superficiales de concentración de aerosoles en la capa límite. Se explora si esto es aplicable en el caso de Santiago de Chile, comparando el producto de AOD derivado de la señal satelital del instrumento MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) con diez años de mediciones in situ de concentraciones de material particulado parcialmente respirable (PM10) y totalmente respirable (PM2.5). Para ello, se desarrolla y aplica un modelo numérico simple de AOD en base a mediciones de concentración de material particulado en superficie, altura de capa límite y propiedades de aerosoles obtenidas de la literatura junto con la información disponible de estos parámetros para la ciudad de Santiago. El modelo captura la variabilidad estacional del AOD cuando es comparado con las observaciones obtenidas con un fotómetro solar de la red AErosol RObotic NETwork (AERONET) y también captura la variabilidad diurna en el caso de una campaña de un día. La variabilidad estacional opuesta entre la altura de la capa límite y la concentración de material particulado en superficie son las principales responsables de una estacionalidad débil del AOD simulado.
Se observa una marcada estacionalidad del AOD satelital opuesta a la estacionalidad de la concentración de material particulado en superficie. Por otro lado y debido a la poca cantidad de mediciones simultáneas de AERONET y MODIS, se incluyen las simulaciones en la comparación de AOD. Se observa una considerable diferencia entre el comportamiento estacional del AOD simulado y el derivado de MODIS. En trabajos anteriores se sugiere que la presencia de nubes cirrus es la causa de la estacionalidad opuesta. En este estudio se deduce que aparentemente esta estacionalidad no se debe a la presencia de nubes cirrus.
Con el uso de un modelo de reflectancia de superficie y sus parámetros derivados de MODIS, se propone que la diferencia entre la variación estacional del AOD de MODIS y aquella simulada se explica en gran parte por estimaciones inadecuadas de la reflectancia de la superficie y en menor grado por la selección inadecuada de propiedades ópticas y de proporción de fracción fina del aerosol en el algoritmo de MODIS. Se muestra que esta proposición se sustenta observacionalmente en el caso de Buenos Aires, donde se compara el AOD de MODIS con el observado por AERONET.
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Stabilisering av Aluminiumreducerad AOD-slagg.Axelsson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
Slagg har historiskt använts som konstruktionsmaterial i olika applikationer. Alla typer av slagg passar inte på grund av otillräckliga egenskaper. Vid produktion av höglegerat rostfritt stål så är slaggen mycket kalkrik, vilket leder till sönderfall på grund av absorption av vatten. Vissa stålsorter hos Sandvik tillverkas med ett tvåslaggsförfarande där en första reduceringsslagg först används för att sedan ersättas av en raffineringsslagg. Denna rapport behandlar förändringar i slaggsammansättning för att förbättra slaggens egenskaper gällande volymstabilitet efter deponering. I synnerhet så behandlas volymstabilitet av reduceringsslagg och om möjligheterfinns att kombinera bra stålproduktion med volymstabil slagg.Projektet har syftat till att kartlägga hur slaggen fungerar i dagsläget med provtagning nära konverter men även hur förändrade sammansättningar påverkar slaggen som svalnar enligt normal praxis utanför stålverket. Slagger som faller sönder av fasomvandlingar har observerats. Slutligenhar en sammansättning som ser lovande ut ur produktionsperspektiv och stabilitetsperspektivhittats. Slaggen blir då stabil även efter försök att orsaka sönderfall i extrem miljö. Vid produktionmed minskad kalktillsats under reducering kan ungefär två tredjedelar av ingående charger somska reduceras med aluminium hanteras. Med en mindre förändring i AOD processen vid reduceringså skulle ca 6000ton/år kunna skiftas från att sönderfalla till att bli stabil. / Slag has historically been used as a construction material in different applications. All types of slags are not suitable due to insufficient properties. Production of high alloy stainless steels leads to a slag which is rich in lime, which leads to disintegration due to absorption of water. Certain steel qualities at Sandvik is manufactured with a two slagg procedure where a first reduction slag is use that is replaced with a refining slag. This report looks into changes in the slag-composition to improve the properties in regards to volumetric stability after disposal. Especially it investigates volumetric stability of the reduction slag and if it is possible to combinea production of high quality steel with a stable slag. Further investigations during the project has looked at how the slag works today, with sampling close to the AOD converter but also how different slag compositions affects the slag that is disposed of outside the steelplant with todays disposal routine. Slag that disintegrates due to phase changes during cooling has been observed. A slag composition that seems promising from aproduction and stability perspective has been found. It results in a slag that remain stable even after enduring harsch enviroments. A production with less lime addition during the reduction phase can handle about two thirds of the aluminum reduced steel batches. With this small changein the AOD process roughly 6000tonnes/year of slag could be shifted from disintegration to stable material.
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