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Formativní přínos divadelně-muzikálních projektů pro aktéry i diváky / The formative benefits of theatre-music projets for actors and audiencesSwoboda, Jaroslava January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is a theoretical-empirical study divided into nine chapters. After the introduction, the second chapter focuses on the theoretical basis, defines the terms applied theatre (drama) and social theatre, which relates to the empirical part, and presents them in a broader context. The third chapter then provides an overview of projects implemented in the Czech Republic. The fourth chapter defines the immigrant experience and the psychosocial events connected with immigration. The fifth chapter provides a brief overview of the practical use of applied drama in the Czech conditions, in the Archa Theatre. The sixth chapter contains qualitative research on the theme of formative influences of theatre-music projects at the Archa Theatre and on several immigrants who participate in them. The seventh chapter is an empirical survey that profiles the audiences of these performances and describes their motivation for attending theatre projects with social outreach. The final, eighth chapter, provides a concluding overview of the whole work. The ninth chapter contains a bibliography and list of sources. KEY WORDS Applied drama, applied theatre, formative influences, immigration, immigrant, social theatre.
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Mít tělo, být tělem, výzkumný, inscenačn í a integrační projekt / HAVING A BODY, BEING A BODY - research, performance and integration projectJungová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Master thesis discusses a reflection of a project To have a body, to be a body which took place in the years 2009 ? 2012. Its topic was a human body and the way how we approach our corporeity and how we relate to it in present days. The project included the experience of people with various types of health or social handicap and also a people whose relationship to own bodies was influenced by their profession. The first part which was the research part included the series of six workshops with following groups: people with mental handicap, boys from juvenile detention center, elderly people, people with physical handicap, IT experts and physicians. The teachers of the workshops were utilizing various movement concepts, approaches and methods (e.g. Feldenkrais method, modern dance, rhythmics, dance and movement therapy, dramatherapy, physiotherapy, neutral mask?) with a common goal to bring the participants to self-expression and self-recognition through their own bodies and authentic movement. In the second part which was the performance part, the authorial performance was created (publicly performed in the years 2010 ? 2012), in which the participants of former workshops took part as authors and performers. The project has had inclusive and integrative aspects. The thesis provides an insight into the project by means of thematic profiles based on its major topics ? it includes chapters Lecturers, teachers and their work in the groups, Group dynamics, Assistance and its changes during the project, Integration, inclusion, re-socialization and project etc.). Among others, one of the resources is wide documentary material gathered continuously during the project. It includes quotes from diary records, interviews with teachers, assistants, participants and curators of workshop groups and from questionnaires for participants and authors of the project. There is rich video and photo documentation added to the thesis.
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Dobrovolnictví v paraatletice / Volunteering in para-athleticsTréšková, Běla January 2021 (has links)
Title: Volunteering in para athletics. Aims: The aim of this master thesis is research and insight into the problems within gaining volunteers in para-sport and further evaluate the volunteers motivation in attending the athletics contests. Methods: The qualitative research used for the examination is based on descriptive analyses. Two surveys and one interview were used for the enquiry of this volunteer phenomenon. To bring up the full picture of the volunteering phenomenon were chosen respondents who are representing three participating groups. First, individuals with volunteering experience, next students of Physical Education in practice and sport for people with specific needs, coordinators of athletes competitions and last para athletes. The research enquiry was based on original self structured surveys and interviews. Surveys were distributed via the electronic program Survio. The interviews were sent by email as a word file enclosure. Results: Results of this pilot research showed the meaning of volunteering in prarasport. The results of surveys for volunteers introduced some important points of motivation. The positive as well as the negative points leading volunteers to the volunteering work at the para athletic contests. The most significant motivation, quoted by the volunteers, is to...
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Vliv taneční výchovy na náladu a pocity jedince s paraplegií / The Influence of Dance Training on Mood and Feeling of People With ParaplegiaKaplanová, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
Title: The influence of dance training on mood and feelings of people with paraplegia Objectives: The objective of this work was to detect using POMS questionnaire, whether the dance education has a positive effect on mood of people with paraplegia. Specifically, we focused on feelings such as depression, activity, anxiety and fatigue. Methods: The survey is a quantitative type using the POMS questionnaire (Profile of Mood State). Research has become a set of 40 people with paraplegia. 20 people were the control group and 20 persons were experimental group. Results: Dance education has significantly reduce the feeling of depression, anxiety, fatigue, and increase activity in patients with paraplegia. Dance in our case, show better results than any other sporting activity. Keywords: Dance education, paraplegia, mood, feelings, emotions, sports, music, adapted physical activities
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Vliv aplikovaných pohybových programů na pohybový systém osob po amputaci dolní končetiny / The Effect of Adapted Exercise Programs on Musculoskeletal System of Lower Limb AmputeesSobotková, Ivona January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation was the creation of the adapted exercise program for unilateral transfemoral amputees and its verification in practice. The content of this program was chosen based on the practical experience and theoretical background in the field of anatomy, kinesiology, rehabilitation, lower- limb amputations and Motion Capture technologies. The four-month intervention program was designed as an adapted corrective exercise aimed at the major muscle groups influencing the posture, especially the position of the pelvic segment, which is the dominant element in the kinematic chain. The aim of this project was to ascertain whether this intervention can affect the pelvic tilt (in frontal and sagittal plane) of unilateral transfemoral amputees and so improve their quality of life. This was a project based on combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. The measurement of the size of angles determining the pelvic tilt by Qualisys optoelectronic system was the essence of the quantitative part of the research. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured in-depth interviews from persons who completed whole project. This research is by its nature and focus characterized as a set of case reports and as a pilot study, proof of concept respectively. 10 unilateral...
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Analýza aktuální nabídky volnočasových aktivit se zaměřením na pohybovou aktivitu pro žáky základních škol se speciálními potřebami na území hl. m. Praha / Analysis of the current offer of leisure activities with focus on physical activity for primary school pupils with special needs in PragueNováková, Eva January 2021 (has links)
Title: Analysis of the current offer of leisure activities with focus on physical activity for primary school pupils with special needs in Prague Objectives: The main objective of this work is to analyze the services offered in the field of leisure activities with focus on sports and physical activity (PA) for primary school pupils with special educational needs (SEN) in Prague. Methods: We use two sources of data in our qualitative research. The first source is data obtained from the analysis of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports specifically for this research. The second source of data is a modified survey questionnaire created by Linhartova (2018). The questionnaire responses were obtained from 49 respondents, who were managers of centers and instructors of PA who provide leisure PA in Prague. Results: The research discovered insufficient support for PA among Prague primary school pupils with SEN in their free time. It turned out that on the one hand the offer of provided PA is not adapted to children with SEN and in the same way the offered activities are used by these children only to a very small extent, where it is more about individuals. The study also points to a set of barriers limiting the implementation of these PA. We identified obstacles in the area of insufficient...
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Uplatnění procesního způsobu řízení výroby ve vybraném podniku / The application process for the management of production in the selected companyPINCOVÁ, Kristýna January 2014 (has links)
The subject of the thesis "The application of process for the management of production in the selected company (Banes Ltd.)" is an exploration and mapping of processes in the company Banes Ltd. occur. The first part covers the theoretical basis of the subject, particularly the definition of basic concepts of processes, quality and selection of technologies, systems and methods used by Banes Ltd. The second part is about describing the company Banes Ltd. The theoretical knowledge is applied in the analysis of the structure of processes, defining processes and their analysis in the company Banes Ltd. In the last section are applied statistical analyses of quality.
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Ověření efektu intervenčního pohybového programu na rozvoj motorických schopností dětí se specifickými potřebami. / Verification of the effect of a sport's program on the development of motor skills of children with specific needsVotroubková, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
Title: Effect verification of interventional movement program on the motor skill development of children with specific needs. Objectives: The main goal of this thesis is to assess the level of physical skills of older school aged children based on the pretest using the MABC-2 test battery. Based on the analysis of pretest results, establish a movement interventional program and use a standardized questionnaire submitted to specialists to determine the effectiveness of the motor stimulation program for children with specific needs and improve the results of a potential post-test. Methods: The template for creating the movement program was collected data using the MABC-2 test battery obtained in six probands aged 11 to 13 years with specific needs. Originally, the practical part of my thesis was to deal with quasiexperiment, which was supposed to obtain data before and after the implementation of an interventional program which includes the movement program presented here. However, control measurements were not allowed due to government regulations due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Method of the pretest analysis of motor skills through the MABC-2 test battery and the method of the standardized questionnaire were used for the purpose of this thesis. Through this questionnaire, specialized experts...
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