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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Wirkung von A20 auf die durch oxidiertes low density lipoprotein induzierte Apoptose bei Endothelzellen am Beispiel boviner Endothelzellen / Effect of A20 on apoptosis in endothelial cells caused by oxLDL

Leicht, Wolfgang January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
A20 reduziert Apoptose in Endothelzellen verursacht durch oxidiertes low density lipoprotein / A20 reduces apoptpsis in endothelial cells caused by oxLDL

Molekulare Mechanismen der nicht-apoptotischen Signaltransduktion des Todesliganden TRAIL (Apo-2 Ligand) / Molecular mechanisms of non-apoptotic signaling of the death-ligand TRAIL (Apo-2 ligand)

Schaffstein, Stella January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
TRAIL (tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand)/Apo-2 Ligand ist ein Mitglied der TNF (tumor necrosis factor)-Superfamilie, das in den vergangenen Jahren als potentielles Tumortherapeutikum breite Aufmerksamkeit auf sich gezogen hat. Denn über seine korrespondierenden Todesrezeptoren induziert TRAIL vornehmlich in Tumorzellen den apoptotischen Zelltod, während normale Zellen unbeschadet bleiben (Ashkenazi et al., 1999; Walczak et al., 1999; Griffith et al., 1998). Neuere Studien belegen allerdings, dass die TRAIL-Todesrezeptoren neben ihrer herausragenden Funktion als Auslöser der Apoptose zusätzlich die Fähigkeit zur Aktivierung nicht-apoptotischer Signalwege besitzen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden vornehmlich die nicht-apoptotischen Signalwege wie die MAPK-Kaskaden sowie die NFkappaB-Signalwege in Verbindung mit der Aktivierung von Apoptose sowie der Induktion des Chemokins IL-8 analysiert. Hierfür wurde die humane Pankreasadenokarzinomzellinie Colo 357 verwendet. In den Experimenten konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass TRAIL die MAP Kinasen JNK, ERK und p38 in Colo 357 Zellen induziert. Die Induktion erfolgte hierbei unabhängig vom apoptotischen Zelltod aber abhängig von der Aktivierung der Caspasen. Desweiteren konnte eine TRAIL-vermittelte Aktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors NFkappaB in Colo 357 Zellen demonstriert werden. Anhand von ELISA-Experimenten wurde gezeigt, dass sowohl die Aktivierung der MAP Kinasen als auch die Aktivierung von NFkappaB eine essentielle Rolle bei der TRAIL-vermittelten Induktion von IL-8 spielen. Durch die Induktion von IL-8 wiederum kann TRAIL inflammatorische Effekte induzieren. Im Hinblick auf eine potentielle Tumortherapie mit TRAIL legen die Daten dieser Studie die Notwendigkeit von Kombinationstherapien mit TRAIL nahe. So kann durch die Kombination von TRAIL mit anti-inflammatorisch wirkenden Medikamenten eine Reduktion entzündlicher Nebenwirkungen erzielt werden. Andererseits kann durch Verwendung von TRAIL zusammen mit Proteasom-Inhibitoren die Resistenz gegenüber TRAIL-vermittelter Apoptose vermindert werden und gleichzeitig eine anti-inflammatorische und NFkappaB-hemmende Wirkung erzielt werden. / TRAIL (tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand), also known as Apo-2 ligand, is one of several members of the TNF (tumor necrosis factor) superfamily that induce apoptosis through engagement of death receptors (Wiley et al., 1995). This protein has generated tremendous excitement as a potential tumor-specific cancer therapeutic because it selectively induces apoptosis in many transformed cells but not in normal cells (Ashkenazi et al., 1999; Walczak et al., 1999; Griffith et al., 1998). Since its discovery in 1995, TRAIL has been predominantly described as a potent inducer of apoptosis with functions in tumor surveillance and immune privilege through binding of its corresponding death receptors. More recent studies however point to additional, apoptosis-independent functions of the TRAIL-death-receptors. The experiments described in this study focused mainly on TRAIL-mediated activation of the non-apoptotic signaling pathways as the MAPK (mitogen-activated protein kinase) cascades and the transcriptional factor NFkappaB in connection with the induction of apoptotic cell death as well as the induction of the chemokine IL-8. For the described project the human pancreatic cancer cell line Colo 357 was predominantely used. The experiments demonstrated that TRAIL induces the activation of the MAPK cascades JNK, ERK and p38 in Colo 357 cells. This induction occured independently of the induction of apoptotic cell death but dependently of the activation of caspases. Furthermore a TRAIL-mediated activation of the transcriptional factor NFkappaB was demonstrated in Colo 357 cells. Both the activation of the MAP kinase JNK and the induction of NFkappaB were shown to play a decisive role in the TRAIL-induced expression of the chemokine IL-8. In correspondance to potential tumor-specific cancer therapy with TRAIL the data of this study suggest the use of combintion therapies of TRAIL, on the one hand combination with anti-inflammatory drugs to avoid side effects arising from the proinflammatory potential of TRAIL and on the other hand combintaion with drugs to overcome resistance against TRAIL-mediated apoptosis such as proteasomal inhibitors which were shown to not only reinforce TRAIL-mediated apoptosis but also have anti-inflammatory and NFkappaB inhibitory effects.

Formation of caspase activating complexes and activation of caspase-12 during apoptosis in AKR-2B mouse fibroblasts / Formation des Caspase Aktivierenden Komplexes und Aktivierung von Caspase-12 wahrend der Apoptose von AKR-2B Maus Fibroblasten

Kilic, Mehtap January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Der Zelltod kann in Dichte-arretierten AKR-2B Mausfibroblasten durch Entzug des Serums oder Behandlung mit Anisomycin induziert werden. Der Zelltod zeigt zwar die für die Apoptose typischen morphologischen Veränderungen der Zelle wie Zellfragmentierung und Chromatinkondensation jedoch fehlen andere apoptotische Charakteristika, wie die oligonukleosomale Fragmentierung der DNA oder Änderung des Membranpotentials der Mitochondria. Während der Apoptose wurde eine beachtliche DEVDase Aktivität nach- gewiesen, die einem einzelnen Enzym zugeordnet werden konnte. Dieses Enzym hatte typische Eigenschaften von Effektor-Caspasen, wie die der Caspase-3, besaß jedoch einen ungewöhnlich hohen KM Wert von 100 µM, und die Molmasse der großen Untereinheit betrug 19 kDa anstelle der erwarteten 17 kDa. Mit Hilfe des rekombinanten mCaspase-3 Proteins wurde dieses Enzym in der vorliegenden Untersuchung als Caspase-3 identifiziert. Die N-terminale Sequenzierung des mCaspase-3 Proteins ergab, daß sich die Spaltstelle seiner Prodomäne von der des humanen homologen Proteins unterschied (Asp-9 von Asp-28). Somit betrug die Molmasse der großen Untereinheit der aktiven Caspase-3 19 kDa. Darüberhinaus stimmte der KM-Wert der rekombinanter mCaspase-3 von ~100 µM mit der überein, die in Zellextrakten bestimmt wurde. Die Affinitätmarkierung in Kombination mit einer 2D-Gelelektrophorese bestätigte, daß tatsächlich Caspase-3 als Haupt-Effektor-Caspase in AKR-2B-Zellen während der Apoptose aktiviert wird. Im Folgenden wurde untersucht, welcher Signalwege in AKR-2B-Zellen, denen Serum aus dem Nährmedia entzogen wurden war oder die mit Anisomycin behandelt worden waren, zur Aktivierung der Caspase-3 führt. Da eine Beteiligunug des Rezeptor-vermittelte Signalweges bereits zuvor ausgeschlossen worden war,wurde überprüft, ob der mitochondrial vermittelte Signalweg bei der Aktivierung von Caspase-3 ein Rolle spielt. Gelfiltrations- experimente ergaben, daß Caspase-3 als freies Enzym und nur in geringen Mengen innerhalb unterschiedlich große Komplexe der Molmassen 600 kDa und 250 kDa eluiert wird. Obwohl die apparenten Molmassen der Caspase-3-haltigen Komplexe mit kürzlich veröffentlichten Daten übereinstimmten, enthielten sie weder Apaf-1 noch Caspase-9. Dies deutet daraufhin, daß der mitochondrial-vermittelte Signalweg ebenfalls nicht an der Caspase-3 Aktivierung beteiligt ist. Darüberhinaus wurde ein neuer Caspase-6 enthaltender Komplex (450 kDa) nach Serumentzug in AKR-2B-Zellen gefunden, der sich deutlich von Caspase-3 haltigen Komplexen unterscheidet. Caspase-3 ist für die meisten morphologische Veränderungen während der Apoptose verantwortlich. Wahrend der Apoptose in der AKR-2B-Zellen zwar Caspase-3 als Haupt-Effektor-Caspase identifiziert worden war, jedoch keine intranukleosomale Fragmentierung nachgeweisen werden konnen, da bei wurde die intrazelluläre Lokalisation der Caspase-3 untersucht. Durch Überexpression eines Caspase-3-GFP Fusionskonstruktes in AKR-2B Zellen wurde die Procaspase-3 im Cytoplasma lokalisiert, während die aktive Caspase-3 vorwiegend in membranumhüllten Vesikeln und zum Teil im Cytoplasma aktiviert wurde. Ebenfalls wurde eine mögliche Beteiligung von Caspase-12 und eine ER-Streß vermittelte Signalleitung an der Apoptose in AKR-2B-Zellen untersucht. Kinetische Untersuchungen zeigten, daß Caspase-12 im Fall von Serumentzug oder Behandlung mit Anisomycin zeitgleich mit Caspase-3 aktiviert wurde, was zur Bildung von zwei Spaltprodukte der Molmassen 47 kDa und 35 kDa führte. Gelfiltrationsexperimente ergaben, daß Caspase-12 als freies Enzym während der Apoptose auftritt. Bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt wurde in allen Publikationen beschrieben, daß Caspase-12 in Folge von ER-Streß aktiviert wird. Nach Serumentzug oder Zugabe von Anisomycin zu AKR-2B-Zellen wurde jedoch kein Anstieg der Synthese des Chaperon-Proteins Grp78, einem Marker für ER-Streß, beobachtet. Dies zeigt, daß beide Behandlungen nicht zur ER-Streß führen. Im Gegensatz dazu erzeugten bekannte Indikatoren von ER Streß wie Thapsigargin und A23187 (ionophor) ER-Streß in AKR-2B-Zellen, was zu unspezifischem Abbau der Caspase-12 führte. Darum ist es unwahrscheinlich, daß in AKR-2B- Zellen Caspase-12 bei ER-Streß aktiviert wird. Zusammenfassend zeigten diese Daten, daß Caspase-12 in AKR-2B-Zellen über Signalwegen aktiviert wird, die ER stress un- abhängig sind und zeigen daß Caspase-3 bei der Aktivierung von Caspase-12 beteiligt ist somit liefern die vorliegenden Untersuchungen einen Hinweis darauf daß neben den klassischen Signalwege weitere Signalwege existieren, die zur Apoptose führten. / Density arrested AKR-2B cells die rapidly in response to serum starvation or treatment by Anisomycin. Cell death is associated with typical hallmarks of apoptosis including membrane blebbing and chromatin condensation but lacks energy dissipation in mitochondria and intranucleosomal fragmentation. During apoptosis a considerable DEVDase activity has been detected which seemed to be represented by a single enzyme. This enzyme had typical effector caspase characteristics, like caspase-3, but exhibited an unusual high KM values of ~100 µM and its large subunit exhibited a molecular weight of 19 kDa, instead of expected 17 kDa. In the present study, this enzyme was identified to be caspase-3 with the help of the generation of recombinant mcaspase-3 protein. N-terminal sequencing of the recombinant mcaspase-3 protein revealed that its prodomain cleavage site differs from that in the human homologue (Asp-9 instead of Asp-28). Thus the large subunit of active caspase-3 was found to be 19 kDa. Furthermore the KM value of recombinant mcaspase-3 was ~100 µM in perfect agreement with that found in cell extracts. Affinity labeling in combination with 2D-GE confirmed that indeed caspase-3 is activated as the main executioner in AKR-2B cells during apoptosis. Since the receptor mediated pathway has already been excluded previously [129], a possible involvement of mitochondria mediated pathway in the activation of caspase-3 was examined. Gel filtration experiments revealed that caspase-3 is mainly eluted as free enzyme and in lower levels within the differently sized high molecular weight complexes of ~600 kDa and 250 kDa in response to serum starvation or Anisomycin treatment. Though the apparent molecular weight of the complexes containing caspase-3 are in accordance with recently published data, they were devoid of Apaf-1 and caspase-9. Apparently, mitochondria mediated pathway is also not involved since neither formation of high molecular weight complexes of Apaf-1 nor cleavage of caspase-9 was observed. Thus, the activation of caspase-3 is caused by a noncanonical pathway during apoptosis. In addition a new 450 kDa complex containing activated caspase-6 was found in response to serum starvation which is clearly separated from caspase-3 containing complexes. Generally caspase-3 has been found to be responsible for most of the morphological changes during apoptosis. One of those is intranucleosomal fragmentation. Although caspase-3 was found to be the main executioner caspase in AKR-2B cells the lack of the intranucleosomal fragmentation led to examine its localization. As detected by overexpression of the Caspase-3-GFP fusion construct in AKR-2B, procaspase-3 was localized in the cytoplasm, wheras the active caspase-3 was mainly found in the membrane blebs and partially in the cytoplasm. Clearly no nuclear localization of active caspase-3 was detected. These data gave first hints on the mechanism of degradation of AKR-2B cells demonstrating that cytoplasmic membrane is the primary site of activation of caspase-3. The possible role of caspase-12 and ER stress mediated pathway of apoptosis was also examined in AKR-2B cells. Kinetic studies showed that caspase-12 is activated at the same time together with caspase-3 in response to serum starvation or Anisomycin treatment resulting in two cleavage products of 47 kDa and 35 kDa, respectively. It was therefore examined whether these two caspases were eluted in the same complexes. Gel filtration experiments revealed that caspase-12 is released as free enzyme during apoptosis. To date all the studies have identified that caspase-12 is specifically activated in response to ER stress. After serum starvation or Anisomycin addition there was no increase of the protein expression level of the chaperone protein Grp 78 which is known to be higly elevated in response to ER stress indicating that both treatments did not lead to ER stress. In contrast treatment with ER stressor substances i.e. Thapsigargin, A23187 (ionophore) induced an ER stress in AKR-2B which lead to unspecifically degradation of caspase-12. Thus it is unlikely that caspase-12 is activated in response to ER stress in AKR-2B cells. However, after the in vitro addition of recombinant caspase-3 to cytosolic extracts caspase-12 is cleaved into 47 kDa and 35 kDa fragments similiar to those observed in vivo. In conclusion the present data demostrated that caspase-12 is activated in AKR-2B cells during apoptosis triggered through pathways that do not involve (the) ER stress and provided evidence that caspase-3 might be involved in activation of caspase-12. Thus the present study in AKR-2B cells gives hints for the existence of additional pathways for apoptosis other than the classical ones.

Identification of proteins that interact with DWNN domain of SNAMA a member of a novel protein superfamily

Rakgotho, Patrick Mpho 22 October 2008 (has links)
SNAMA is a 142 kDa Drosophila melanogaster protein, which consists of the uncharacterized conserved domain with no name (DWNN), zinc and RING finger-like motifs. The primary structure of SNAMA suggests that it might play an important role in cell cycle regulation and apoptosis. Previous studies revealed that homozygous SNAMA mutants underwent ectopic apoptosis which resulted in recessive lethality. SNAMA orthologues such P2P-R, PACT and RBBP6 are involved in cell cycle regulation, whereas Mpe1 is involved in mRNA processing. The aim of this study was to map out the role of SNAMA by isolating proteins which interact with it. DWNN was inserted into pGEX6P-2, phylexzeo plasmid (bait) and the Drosophila 0-12 hours cDNA library inserted in pJG4-5 (prey). The bait and the prey plasmid were used to transform appropriate yeast cells to probe for interacting proteins in yeast two hybrid assays, whereas the pGEX6P-2 was used for heterologous overexpression of DWNN in E. coli. Immunoprecipitation assays were also carried out with the crude protein extract from embryos, adult wild type, SNAMA mutant flies and the overexpressed protein using antibodies against SNAMA, Drosophila p53 Human DWNN and GST. The hybrid assay did not produce any interactors. Some of the proteins obtained from the immunoprecipitations were isolated and sequenced. The proteins identified were hsp82, Hsp70 and CG2985-PA. Data obtained from the immunoprecipitations suggest that SNAMA like Dmp53 might be involved in cell cycle regulation.

HIV-1 subtype B and C GP120-mediated apoptosis of bystander CD4+ T lymphocytes

Pillay, Natasha Camilla 06 March 2012 (has links)
M.Sc. (Med.), Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, 2011 / Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) is the causal agent of AIDS, and currently infects 33.3 million individuals worldwide. The gradual depletion of CD4+ T lymphocytes is a characteristic feature of a progressive HIV-1 infection. During HIV-1 infection the number of infected CD4+ T lymphocytes is fewer than the number of CD4+ T lymphocytes that are depleted, therefore suggesting a role for HIV-mediated apoptosis of uninfected bystander CD4+ T lymphocytes. Apoptosis, also known as programmed cell death, is a highly regulated, normal physiological process that results in the disposal of unwanted or corrupted cells such as virally infected cells. Several HIV-1 proteins are involved in HIV-1-mediated apoptosis, of which the envelope (Env) glycoprotein gp120 subunit is the most effective. However, the true mechanism of gp120-mediated apoptosis of uninfected CD4+ T lymphocytes is not fully understood and remains controversial. Furthermore, research focusing on HIV-1 subtype C Env-mediated apoptosis is limited. This study compared the ability of CCR5-utilizing soluble monomeric HIV-1 subtype C gp120 (gp120ZM651), monomeric HIV-1 subtype B gp120 (gp120BaL) and trimeric/oligomeric HIV-1 subtype C gp140 (gp140AncC) to induce apoptosis of uninfected Jurkat T lymphocytes and activated CD4+ T lymphocytes via CD4 and CD4/CCR5 signalling, respectively. All three Env glycoproteins were expressed in HEK 293T cells, purified by lectin affinity chromatography and characterized by assessing their binding capabilities to monoclonal antibodies IgGb12, 17b (in the presence and absence of soluble CD4) and 2G12. Purified recombinant gp120BaL, gp120ZM651 and gp140AncC were found to v be functional and conformationally intact and subsequently added in different concentrations to uninfected Jurkat T lymphocytes and activated CD4+ T lymphocytes. Apoptosis was detected by flow cytometry using Annexin V/7-AAD staining for up to 48 hours post treatment, and further confirmed by TUNEL analysis at 65 hours post treatment. Recombinant gp120BaL, gp120ZM651 and gp140AncC induced low levels of apoptosis in the Jurkat T lymphocytes (6.1%, 5.0% and 6.8%, respectively) and higher levels of apoptosis in the activated CD4+ T lymphocytes (13.3%, 15.6% and 11.5%, respectively) via TUNEL analysis of chromosomal DNA fragmentation. Moreover, comparable levels of apoptosis were observed between the monomeric gp120 and trimeric/oligomeric gp140 forms in both cell types. Interestingly, the subtype C gp140AncC induced higher levels of apoptosis than subtype C gp120ZM651 and subtype B gp120BaL in activated CD4+ T lymphocytes during the Annexin V/7-AAD analysis while the subtype C gp120ZM651 induced higher levels of apoptosis than subtype C gp140AncC and subtype B gp120BaL in activated CD4+ T lymphocytes during the TUNEL analysis. Overall, these results suggest that soluble gp120 is able to mediate low levels of apoptosis via CD4 signalling only in Jurkat T lymphocytes, and these levels are enhanced in activated CD4+ T lymphocytes, possibly due to engagement of gp120 with CD4 and the CCR5 co-receptor on the surface of the target cell.

Molecular evaluation of ribosomal protein L9 and lipoic acid synthetase genes and in lung and apoptosis

Mphahlele, Raesibe Paulinah 05 September 2012 (has links)
Background: A human ribosomal protein L9 (RPL9) encodes a protein that is a component of the 60S subunit. RPL9 is located on chromosome 4p14 and is approximately 5.5 kb in length and contains 8 exons. The message for human RPL9 is 712 nucleotides long. Some of the functions of RPL9 documented so far include the crucial involvement of the gene product in cell proliferation and protein biosynthesis. Lipoic acid synthetase (LIAS) is a 1.73 kb gene also located at chromosome 4p14. Alternative splicing occurs at these locus and two transcript variants encoding distinct isoforms have been identified but in this study the results represents both isoforms together. The protein encoded by LIAS gene belongs to the biotin and lipoic acid synthetases family and localizes in the mitochondrion. Function of lipoic acid synthetase is not yet well documented. Some studies have attempted to characterise its function by looking at the biological pathways at which LIAS gene product plays a crucial role, for example the biosynthesis of alpha-lipoic acid. Alpha lipoic acid is a natural antioxidant and it is also naturally-occurring enzyme co-factor found in a number of multi-enzyme complexes regulating oxidative metabolism. Motivation for study: RPL9 and LIAS were previously found to be mutated in CHO (Chinese Hamster Ovary) cell lines and these mutant lines had gained resistance to apoptosis. Aim: The main objective of this study was to evaluate the expression pattern of RPL9 and LIAS in lung cancer and to characterise their role in apoptosis and also to determine if the expression pattern of this genes varies between normal and diseased state of the tissue. Methods: In Situ hybridization, quantitative Real Time PCR, TUNEL and Bio-informatics have been employed in order to attain the objectives of this study. Results: In Situ hybridization showed that RPL9 localises in the cytoplasm and it is up-regulated in lung cancer relative to normal lung. LIAS localises in the cytoplasm and it is also up-regulated in lung cancer. The expression of RPL9 was relatively higher than that of LIAS determined by the intensity of localisation. Quantitative real time PCR confirmed the up-regulation of RPL9 and LIAS in lung cancer. RPL9 and LIAS were found to be up-regulated 8 and 4 fold respectively in lung A549 lung adenocarcinoma relative to MRC5 normal lung fibroblast cell lines. TUNEL showed the highest DNA fragmentation in adenocarcinoma, followed by squamous cell lung carcinoma then large cell lung carcinoma which is the same pattern observed in RPL9 and LIAS mRNA localisation by In Situ hybridization. To further characterise the role of RPL9 and LIAS in human, Bio-informatics tools were used and the results revealed that RPL9 is highly conserved through evolution, up-to 100 % identical to chimpanzee and 98 % to mouse. LIAS was found to be 91 % identical to rat and 90 % identical to mouse. It has been documented that the rate of conservation of a gene in evolution is believed to be correlated with its biological importance and its number of protein–protein interactions. Conclusion: All these discoveries coupled with resistance to apoptosis of CHO cell line in which RPL9 and LIAS were found to be mutated following promoter-trap mutagenesis, strongly suggests that RPL9 might be playing a role in cell cycle and apoptosis. RPL9 has been highly conserved through evolution. Manipulation of this gene can lead to greater biological discoveries in cancer research and the elevated expression of RPL9 can be used as a molecular marker for early detection of cancer.

The relationship between hepatitis b virus and apoptosis in humans and in a transgenic mouse model

Viana, Raquel Valongo 17 January 2012 (has links)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) has been found to be highly endemic in Africa and south east Asia. In southern Africa, subgenotype A1 and genotype D prevail while in south east Asia genotype B and C predominate. Infection with HBV can lead to a wide spectrum of clinical presentations ranging from an asymptomatic carrier state to self-limited acute or fulminant hepatitis to chronic hepatitis with progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). It has been shown that viral factors as well as a number of host and environmental factors can influence the course of HBV infection. Development and progression of various liver diseases are associated with either an increase or decrease in hepatocyte apoptosis. Dysregulated apoptosis itself may be a fundamental feature of most acute and chronic human liver diseases. The purpose of this study was to characterise the subgenotype A1 and genotype D HBV infection, prevailing in South Africa. To control for the influence of host factors on HBV infection as well as to avoid the use of in vitro cell lines, such as Huh-7, that have defective apoptotic pathways, the in vivo urokinase plasminogen activator severe combined immunodeficient (uPA-SCID) transgenic mouse model was utilised. The HBV infection of the transgenic mice infected with HBV positive sera containing either subgenotype A1 wildtype, subgenotype A1 with the G1862T mutation, subgenotype A2 or genotype D, was compared. For the first time, we were able to demonstrate the successful infection of the uPA-SCID transgenic mouse model with subgenotype A1 of HBV. The successful establishment of the in vivo HBV infection with different genotypes or subgenotypes in the uPA-SCID transgenic mice was demonstrated by the increase of HBV DNA levels, the presence of cccDNA and HBV transcripts as well as the detection of the core and/or surface HBV antigens in the liver tissue of the chimeric mice. Differences between the HBV infections with the various genotype/subgenotypes were observed. Subgenotype A1 with the G1862T mutation showed the earliest detection and therefore highest levels of cccDNA as well as the highest HBV DNA levels when compared to the other strains. The highest HBV DNA levels were recorded for the subgenotype A1 G1862T infected transgenic mouse followed by genotype D, subgenotype A2 and the lowest levels observed in the subgenotype A1 wild-type infected transgenic mouse. HBsAg was also only detected in the livers of mice infected with subgenotype A1 with the G1862T mutation. HBcAg staining in the chimeric liver was positive when the mice were infected with genotype D, which concurs with previous observations that genotype D is characterised by high HBcAg expression. Subgenotype A1 with the 1862 mutant showed the highest levels of apoptosis as a result of the abnormal precore precursor protein accumulation shown to be associated with this 1862 missense mutation. Thus different genotypes and subgenotypes as well as variations within genotypes can influence HBV infection. Moreover, the results of these experiments in the immunocompromised chimeric mice, grafted with liver cells from a single donor, suggests that even when host and environmental risk factors are controlled for, the subgenotype or genotype can influence the course of infection. The limitations of the uPA-SCID transgenic mouse model include the lack of an immune system and the short life-span of the animal; therefore a population based study was carried out to investigate the influence of host factors on HBV infection in various disease groups. The study cohort comprised 635 serum samples from South Africa, China and Japan. Of these samples, 564 were HBsAg-positive and the remaining 71 HBsAg-negative, HBV DNA negative controls. The study cohort included asymptomatic carriers; chronically infected HBV patients as well as patients with HBV associated HCC. Possible associations were determined between HBV genotype, HBV viral load, apoptosis levels, disease group and the age and gender of the patient where available. Apoptosis levels were quantified by the measurement of cleaved cytokeratin 18 (M30) in serum. Patients infected with genotype C or subgenotype A1 were shown to possess a higher odds ratios of developing HCC compared to subgenotype B2 or genotype D, respectively. Significantly higher HBV viral loads were observed in genotype C compared to subgenotype B2. Among the Asian cohort, it was also shown that the male gender was positively associated with high viral loads in HCC patients. Moreover, a positive association between higher HBV viral load levels and HCC in the South African cohort was observed. Male gender, older age, HBV viral load, subgenotype A1 and the presence of the G1862T mutation were shown to be positively and significantly associated with higher levels of apoptosis. In this study it was discovered that the levels of cleaved cytokeratin 18 could potentially be used as a biomarker for the severity of HBV infection because a significant difference was observed with the apoptosis levels between the asymptomatic and HCC patient disease groups. We conclude that even when the influence of host and environmental factors is controlled for, as is the case in the chimeric mouse model, the HBV genotype can affect the progression of infection. Moreover, it was shown in the population based study that the effect of HBV genotype on the outcome of HBV infection can be influenced by host factors. The subgenotype A1 G1862T mutation was shown in both studies to affect both HBV infection and apoptosis. This suggests that HBV variants should be investigated to ascertain their potential impact on the course of HBV infection as it may differ from the wild-type. Apoptosis was shown to be associated with HBV infection in both studies and could possibly be an ideal marker of the progression of HBV infection. These findings are important in helping us to understand factors influencing the course of HBV infection. We have therefore shown in both the studies that differences do exist between the South African subgenotype A1 and genotype D, and that these differences should be taken into consideration for the future evaluation of HBV infection and treatment of South African HBV infected patients. Moreover, cleaved cytokeratin 18 may provide an ideal surrogate marker for HBV disease progression and monitoring.

Apoptosis in human retinal degeneration.

January 1995 (has links)
Xu Ge-Zhi. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1995. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 56-69). / List of figures --- p.IV / Abstract --- p.V / Chapter Chapter1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Literature review --- p.2 / Chapter 1. --- Necrosis --- p.2 / Chapter 2. --- Apoptosis --- p.3 / Chapter 2.1. --- Morphologic features of apoptosis --- p.4 / Chapter 2.2. --- Biochemical mechanism of apoptosis --- p.5 / Chapter 2.3. --- Genetic regulation of apoptosis --- p.7 / Chapter 2.4. --- Techniques for identifying apoptosis --- p.7 / Chapter 3. --- Retinal degeneration --- p.9 / Chapter 3.1. --- Pathologic myopia --- p.9 / Chapter 3.2. --- Age-related macular degeneration (ARM) --- p.11 / Chapter 3.3. --- Retinal detachment --- p.12 / Chapter 4. --- Apoptosis and retinal degeneration --- p.14 / Chapter 5. --- Scope and definition of the thesis problem --- p.15 / Chapter Chapter2 --- Materials and methods --- p.16 / Chapter 1. --- Cases selection and tissue preparation --- p.16 / Chapter 2. --- TdT-mediated dUTP-biotin nick-end Labelling (TUNEL) --- p.17 / Chapter Chapter3 --- Results --- p.20 / Chapter 1. --- Pathologic myopia group --- p.20 / Chapter 2. --- Age-related macular degeneration group --- p.22 / Chapter 3. --- Retinal detachment group --- p.23 / Chapter 4. --- Peripheral retinal degeneration group --- p.26 / Chapter Chapter4 --- Discussion --- p.44 / References --- p.56

Investigations into inflammation and apoptosis in the 'perimenstrual' human endometrium and a mouse model of menstruation

Armstrong, Gregory Martin January 2016 (has links)
Menstruation is triggered by a fall in circulating progesterone (P4), and to a lesser extent, oestradiol (E2) concentrations, and characterised by classical inflammatory features in the endometrium: breakdown of the basal lamina, tissue oedema and an influx of migratory leucocytes. During and following menstruation, endometrial inflammation is resolved and the endometrium is repaired. The successful resolution of acute inflammation in other tissues involves apoptosis and the phagocytic clearance of apoptotic cells. Human endometrial tissues were collected with informed patient consent and local research ethics committee approval. C57Bl/6 mice underwent an induced menstruation protocol (via sequential E2 and P4 exposure followed by P4 withdrawal), both with and without experimental inhibition of apoptosis (using the pan-caspase inhibitor, Q-VD-OPh). Coordinated apoptosis and neutrophil recruitment were hypothesised to be components of the menstrual event and to precede menstrual shedding in the human endometrium. Immunoreactivity histoscoring for cleaved caspase-3 (CC3) revealed extensive apoptosis in the normal human endometrium early in the ‘perimenstrual’ period, and careful stereological delineation of neutrophil (elastase+) recruitment showed a significant influx coincident with menstrual tissue breakdown. Apoptosis and neutrophil recruitment were hypothesised to follow similar courses in the endometria of mice undergoing an induced menstruation protocol, recapitulating human menstrual events. Immunoreactivity histoscoring for CC3 and stereological investigation into neutrophil (Ly6G+) recruitment in mouse endometrial tissues revealed almost identical extents and timings of apoptosis and neutrophil recruitment in women. Whole genome array evidence of differential apoptosis-related gene transcription in the endometria of women with heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) compared to those of women with normal menstrual bleeding (NMB) led to the hypothesis that apoptosis may be dysregulated in women with HMB and that perhaps this may delay timely repair of the endometrium and lead to prolonged bleeding in consequence. Candidate differentially-regulated gene transcripts identified by the whole genome array were validated by means of RT-qPCR, although immunoreactivity histoscoring for CC3 did not reveal any differences in apoptosis or its localisation between women with NMB and HMB at the menstrual cycle time-points examined. Building on evidence of apoptotic transcriptional dysregulation in the endometria of women with HMB, it was hypothesised that experimental inhibition of apoptosis (via Q-VD-OPh) in a mouse model of induced menstruation could delay endometrial repair and delay resolution of endometrial inflammation. Some evidence of delayed early repair was obtained, alongside the discoveries of delayed inflammatory gene transcription and increased decidual proliferation (BrdU+) in apoptosis-inhibited mice. Apoptosis precedes the classical inflammatory features of menstruation in the human and mouse endometrium, with inhibition of apoptosis in the latter altering repair and the inflammatory micro-environment. An apoptosis-inhibited mouse model of menstruation may therefore represent a viable model for the further study of heavy menstrual bleeding.

Mechanismen der Todesrezeptorinduzierten JNK-Aktivierung / Mechanisms of death receptor induced JNK-activation

Klingler, Barbara January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Fas (Apo-1/CD95) ist ein Mitglied der TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor)-Familie, dass über die rezeptoreigene Todesdomäne Caspase 8-vermittelt Apoptose induzieren kann. Dies geschieht entweder auf direktem Wege durch Aktivierung von Caspase 3 oder durch die zusätzliche, für den Untergang der Zellen essentiellen Stimulation des intrinsischen mitochondrialen Signalwegs. Abhängig von der jeweiligen Art der Apoptoseinduktion werden Zellen somit in Typ I oder Typ II unterteilt. Durch das Vorhandensein von antiapoptotischen Proteinen wie unter anderem Bcl-xL kann in Letzterem negativ regulierend auf den Signalweg eingegriffen werden (siehe Abb. 3). Während der Aktivierung des Fas-Signalweges kommt es zur Phosphorylierung der MAP-Kinasen JNK, p38-MAPK und ERK; dies alleine ist jedoch nicht ausreichend für die Induktion des Zelltodes und findet ebenfalls in apoptoseresistenten Zellen statt. Weiterhin wurde bei der Regulation entzündlicher Prozesse eine Beteiligung von Fas beschrieben18. Bedingt durch die hohe Dichte an Fas und seinem Liganden FasL auf T-Zellen nimmt es durch Apoptoseinduktion auf T-Zellen selbst oder deren Zielzellen indirekt auf verschiedene Formen entzündlicher oder immunregulatorischer Prozesse wie beispielsweise die Transplantatabstoßung Einfluss. Seit vielen Jahren ist zudem bekannt, dass durch die Aktivierung des Fas-Signalweges auch nichtapoptotische Signalwege induziert werden können. Beispielhaft hierfür steht der NF-B-Signalweg, welcher letztendlich zur Transkription antiapoptotischer Zielgene führt. Auch hierbei kommt es Caspase 8-vermittelt zur Phosphorylierung von JNK, p38-MAPK und ERK, weiterhin scheint eine Aktivierung dieses Signalweges in Zusammenhang mit einer erhöhten Produktion von Interleukin 8 zu stehen49. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit hat sich nun gezeigt, dass die Aktivierung von Fas sowohl durch die Aktivierung von Caspase 8 als auch durch unabhängige Mechanismen zur Aktivierung von JNK führt. Hierbei wurde durch Stimulation der apoptosesensiblen T-Zelllinie Jurkat mit dem vorvernetzten FasL die Phosphorylierung von JNK bei nativen Zellen ebenso wie mit dem Caspaseinhibitor zVAD vorbehandelnden Zellen nachgewiesen. Des Weiteren konnte in den wenig apoptosesensitiven KB-Zellen sowie in den transfizierten und somit apoptoseresistenten Colo 357 Bcl-xL Zellen ein caspaseabhängiger, jedoch apoptoseunabhängiger Signalweg zur Aktivierung von JNK nachgewiesen werden. Dieses Phänomen scheint vom Zelltyp abhängig zu sein. Die Stimulation der Colo 357 Bcl-xL Zellen führte nach Vorbehandlung mit CHX, das eine Todesrezeptor-vermittelte, verstärkte Caspase 8-Aktivierung bewirkt, zur Aktivierung von JNK, während im simultan durchgeführten Zytotoxizitätsessay das Überleben der Zellen bestätigt werden konnte. Bei Zugabe des Caspaseinhibitors zVAD konnte in den Colo 357 Bcl-xL Zellen kein phosphoryliertes JNK nachgewiesen werden, während in den KB-Zellen eine Aktivierung von JNK bei reduzierter Konzentration von zVAD mit jedoch bestehendem Apoptoseschutz, graduell stattfand. Zuletzt wurde der Einfluss der JNK-Aktivierung auf die Interleukin 8 Produktion untersucht. Hierzu wurde die Interleukin 8 Produktion bei Colo 357 Bcl-xL Zellen unter Stimulation mit FasL gemessen und mit der Produktion nach Vorbehandlung mit zVAD verglichen. Hierbei zeigte sich eine unveränderte Produktion von Interleukin 8, was einen JNK-unabhängigen Weg postuliert, da JNK, wie im Vorversuch gezeigt, in dieser Zelllinie durch zVAD inhibiert wird. Unter Zugabe des JNK-spezifischen Inhibitors JNKII kommt es jedoch zu einer deutlichen, aber Konzentrations-abhängigen Suppression der Interleukin 8 Produktion, was in direktem Widerspruch zu dem vorab bestehenden Ergebnis steht. Möglicherweise führt eine erhöhte Konzentration von JNKII zu einer Hemmung zusätzlicher Signalwege wie beispielsweise der des NF-B-Signalweges, was indirekt zu einer Beeinflussung der Interleukin 8-Produktion führt. Weiterhin könnte eine obligat gemeinsame Aktivierung des JNK und des NF-B-Signalweges zur Interleukin 8 Produktion notwendig sein. / Fas (Apo-1/CD95) is part of the Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) family which can induce apoptosis by conveying caspase 8 via its receptor specific death domain. This takes place either directly by activating caspase 3 or through the additional stimulation of intrinsic mitochondrial pathway. The latter is essential for cell death. Depending on the specific kind of induction of apoptosis, cells can be divided into type I and type II. By existence of antiapoptotic proteins like Bcl-xL it is possible to inhibit apoptosis in cells type II. Activation of Fas-signaling pathway causes phosphorylation of JNK, p-38 MAPK and ERK/ p-44/42; this by itself, however, is not sufficient for the induction of cell death and occurs also in apoptosis resistant cells. Furthermore, during the regulation of inflammatory processes a participation of Fas has been described. This dissertation has shown that the activation of the Fas-signaling pathway leads to the activation of JNK, both dependent and independent of caspase 8. This phenomenon seems to be dependent on the cell type. Furthermore, the production of interleukin 8 in apoptosis resistant cell line Colo357 Bcl-xL has been investigated. Data has shown that the production of interleukin 8 seems to occur independently of the JNK signaling pathway. However, by adding a JNK specific inhibitor the production of interleukin 8 Colo357 Bcl-xL decreased significantly. This stands in contradistinction to the previously described JNK-independent production of interleukin 8. In the end this contradiction could not be clarified completely.

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