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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Postoje a zkušenosti pedagogů vybrané základní školy s inkluzí žáků s mentálním postižením / The attitudes and experience of Primary school teachers with inclusion of pupils with mental disabilities

Zikánová, Drahomíra January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the issue of inclusive education of pupils with mild intellectual disabilities in Czech mainstream schools focusing on attitudes and experiences of teachers of a selected elementary school on this issue. The theoretical part defines the concept of inclusion in the context of the Czech educational system and legislative measures related to this topic. It summarizes the concept of intellectual disability, describes what an intellectual disability is, what families of a child with intellectual disabilities are facing, and defines the specifics of educating a pupil with an intellectual disability. It also deals with special educational needs and measures for the education of pupils with this disability, which are embedded in the education act and aim to support the inclusive education of pupils with mild intellectual disabilities. The empirical part of the thesis analyses the interviews with teachers of a selected elementary school in the Central Bohemian Region. While conducting the research, the semi-structured interviews were gathered and the attitudes of teachers towards the explored issues were described. The final part summarizes and graphically elaborates findings of the qualitative research and suggests recommendations for possible further research and teaching practice.

Gibbsův jev v nespojité Galerkinově metodě / The Gibbs phenomenon in the discontinuous Galerkin method

Stará, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The solution of the Burgers' equation computed by the standard finite element method is degraded by oscillations, which are the manifestation of the Gibbs phenomenon. In this work we study the following numerical me- thods: Discontinuous Galerkin method, stable low order schemes and the flux corrected technique method in order to prevent the undesired Gibbs phenomenon. The focus is on the reduction of severe overshoots and under- shoots and the preservation of the smoothness of the solution. We consider a simple 1D problem on the interval (0, 1) with different initial conditions to demonstrate the properties of the presented methods. The numerical results of individual methods are provided. 1

Kombinatorické posloupnosti čísel a dělitelnost / Combinatorial sequences and divisibility

Michalik, Jindřich January 2018 (has links)
This work contains an overview of the results concerning number-theoretic pro- perties of some significant combinatorial sequences such as factorials, binomial coef- ficients, Fibonacci and Catalan numbers. These properties include parity, primality, prime power divisibility, coprimality etc. A substantial part of the text should be accessible to gifted high school students, the results are illustrated with examples. 1


ANDRE MALICIA GIGLIO 19 April 2017 (has links)
[pt] É bem conhecido o alto peso que o coque representa no custo final do ferro-gusa, além do que, as suas propriedades estão intimamente ligadas à performance dos altos-fornos. Portanto, buscar uma qualidade do coque compatível com as necessidades do alto-forno e com o menor custo possível, se transforma em uma tarefa difícil senão se dispuser de ferramentas que permitam uma correta seleção de carvões e testes prévios em fornos pilotos. Dentre as propriedades utilizadas pelos altofornistas para qualificar o coque, se destacam a CSR - resistência mecânica após reação com CO2, e a CRI - índice de reatividade, por serem, respectivamente, uma medida direta da reação de Boudouard - solution loss, e da associação desta com a resistência do coque. Com isso se torna possível prever o consumo desta matéria prima nos altos fornos e, devido a sua grande influência nos custos da operação, mensurar seu impacto na economicidade do processo. A unidade de coqueificação do processo heat recovery da ThyssenKrupp Companhia Siderúrgica do Atlântico - TKCSA, possuindo uma concepção diferente do tradicional by product coking process, utiliza um forno piloto próprio, especificamente projetado pela empresa, com o qual se procura simular as condições operacionais das unidades de coqueificação. Entretanto, essa unidade de coqueificação ainda carecia de um estudo experimental especifico capaz de permitir uma análise comparativa confiável entre o coque produzido e o das baterias industriais. O objetivo principal desta dissertação foi desenvolver um modelo de previsão da CSR -resistência mecânica do coque após reação com CO2, e do CRI através da coqueificação de misturas de carvões, obtidas por diferentes metodologias, em no forno escala piloto e sua comparação estatística com os dados obtidos em escala industrial na ThyssenKrupp Companhia Siderúrgica do Atlântico - TKCSA. O modelo de previsão para o CSR quando obtido através de escala piloto se mostrou bastante aderente aos dados obtidos em escala industrial. Portanto, os procedimentos utilizados e este modelo desenvolvido mostraram-se adequados, e podendo assim ser usados como ferramenta para auxiliar na seleção e compra de carvões. / [en] It is well known that coke has a major importance on the final cost of the Hot Metal and besides this fact its properties are closely connected with the performance of blast furnaces. Therefore, seeking a type of coke compatible with the blast furnace technical requirements and at the lowest possible price may become a hard challenge if neither a prediction tool is available to accomplish a correct selection of coals nor previous test were made on coke test facility. Among the properties used by the Blast Furnace specialists to qualify the coke, it can be highlighted CRI - Coke Reaction Index and CSR - Coke Strength after Reaction with CO2, because they represent a direct measure of the Boudouard reaction – solution loss, and its association with the coke strength, respectively. Based on them it is possible to predict the consumption of this raw material in the Blast Furnaces and, due to its high influence on the operational costs, measure its impact on the overall process economy. The Coke Plant unit at thyssenkrupp Companhia Siderurgica do Atlantico - TKCSA follows the coking process known as heat recovery and its concepts differ from the traditional one, by product. This unit uses its own coke test facility, specifically designed by the company s experts to simulate the operational conditions at the coke plant industrial furnaces. However, the coke test facility still required further specific experimental study capable of making a reliable comparison analysis between the cokes produced in it with the one from the industrial coke batteries. The main goal of this dissertation is to develop model to predict the CRI - Coke Reaction Index and CSR - Coke Strength after Reaction with CO2, through the coking process of coal blends, generated by different methodologies, charged on the coke test facility statistically compared with the ones from the industrial Coke plant at thyssenkrupp Companhia Siderúrgica do Atlântico - TKCSA. The prediction of CSR represented when generated through the coke test facility showed good adherence with the values obtained with the industrial scale. Therefore, the current procedures used on the developed model has proved to be adequate and may be used as a predicting tool to help the purchase of coals.

Důvody pozdního připojení rakouské a československé Starokatolické církve k Utrechtské unii / The reasons for the late accession of the Austrian and the Czechoslovak Old Catholic Church to the Utrecht Union

Pavlíček, Viktor January 2016 (has links)
The main task of this work is to present the relationship between the Old Catholic Church of Austria and the Union of Utrecht in the period 1889 - 1925. Other topics are the circumstances of the foundation of the Union of Utrecht and the Old Catholic churches cooperation within the union and contacts with other confessions as well. The first part presents the circumstances of the foundation of the Union of Utrecht and is based primarily on the fundamental theses defining the Union. This part is also focused on the phenomenon of congresses, synods and episcopal conferences, which are the main symbol of the Old Catholic churches. The part of it is also the question of joining the Old Catholic Church of Austria with the Union of Utrecht, which was one of the main themes of this work to be solved by the analysis of archival documents. The next section deals with issues of episcopal office, mainly of appointing the office of the Old Catholic Bishopric of Austria. One of the aims of this part is also to determine whether the filling of the office of bishopric was the condition of the affiliation of the church with the Union of Utrecht. The last part is aimed at the issues of the Old Catholic churches' cooperation, mainly dealing with specific cases of cooperation between Old Catholic Church of Austria...

Svobodný software a spolupráce jako směr rozvoje českého knihovnictví / Free Software and Cooperation as a Course for Development of Czech Librarianship

Jansa, Václav January 2019 (has links)
The dissertation focuses on the use of free software in Czech libraries. Both real practice and librarians' attitudes to this type of software are analyzed. The main goal of the dissertation has been to evaluate the attitudes of Czech libraries to free software, to analyze its use in practice, to design information and communications strategy for free software project and to implement it using Evergreen as an example project. In order to achieve the goals, both qualitative and quantitative research methods have been used. These included a survey, web data gathering and analysis and also case studies. The devised and implemented information and communications strategy consists of eight main parts (setting up a local community, creating communication tools, organizing seminars, Czech localization, the creation of first common catalogues, making documentation publicly available, active involvement in the international community and establishing a legal entity to improve awareness about free software among librarians) which are complemented with a SWOT analysis evaluating the strategy implementation.

Výkon rodičovské odpovědnosti osobami ve výkonu trestu odnětí svobody / The exercise of parental responsibility by persons serving prison sentence

Hájková, Ilona January 2020 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis called The exercise of parental responsibility by persons serving prison sentence deals with the institute of parental responsibility, which means fulfilling and execution of rights and duties of parents serving prison sentence towards their underage children. Legal framework of this institute pursuant to current legislation in the Civil Code is described in detail in the theoretic part, the next part deals with the execution of sentence prison sentence as a specific life circumstance in which a human being is caught in as a parent. The research survey carried out in selected Czech penitentiaries for execution of prison sentence of men and women. The thesis analyses the current legislation of rights and duties of parents serving prison sentence and maps their carrying out in practice. Using the quantitative methodology, the results of the research survey show that rights and duties of parents acknowledged by legislation and in practice of the Constitutional court of the Czech Republic are substantially restricted during the execution of prison sentence. This restriction is caused by system obstacles as well as material and legal ones, both on the side of convicted parent and on the side of penitentiary and other state and non- state subjects that are supposed to take part in the...

Postoje učitelů ke kurikulární reformě / Teachers' attitudes to the curriculum reform

Tůmová, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with teachers' attitudes to changes in the education and the curriculum reform of regional education system in the Czech Republic. The curriculum reform is a significant change for the education policy and the teachers' attitudes are important for the reform implementation. The methodology is based on quantitative and qualitative data analysis. Theoretical basis are the theories about teachers' beliefs and attitudes and a belief system according to Paul A. Sabatier. The teachers' approach to the reform is defined as their acceptance of the reform and the extent of their activities in the reform. The teachers' acceptance of the reform is formulated in two dimensions. The first one is teachers' acceptance of the reform objectives. The other one is teachers' acceptance of the new teacher role as a co-creator of the curriculum. The teachers' attitudes appear to be mainly problematic in the second category which deals to formalism of the reform. As main reasons of teachers' disagreement on the reform were identified the problems in the reform implementation phase, teachers' ideological opposition to the reform, inadequate explanation of the reform meaning by central authorities, which leads to a misunderstanding of the reform objectives by teachers, and an implementation of the reform...

Zapojení zaměstnavatelů do poskytování služeb péče o děti předškolního věku v ČR / Involvement of employers in the provision of care for preschool children in the Czech Republic

Rumanová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
My thesis deals with the involvement of employers in the provision of child care services in the Czech republic, their legislative options, motivations, and challenges associated with providing these services. In addition to the so-called. "firm" kindergartens governed by the School Low, recently there was established new child care in children's groups. I try to describe and explain the process of creating this new legislation using optics of Multiple Streams Theory. The conducted expert interviews and interviews with representatives of employers helped me with the identification of external motivations and influences mainly from the state and the surrounding environment and internal factors directly related to the organization. Problem areas mainly concern the establishment of the service and its sustainability. At the conclusion of the thesis, there are formulated recommendations that could help a greater involvement of employers in the provision of childcare services.

An investigation into the use of problem-solving heuristics to improve the teaching and learning of mathematics

Ofori-Kusi, Daniel 02 November 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore the effects of a problem-solving heuristic instructional method on Grade 6 learners’ achievements in algebra. Two main theories inspired the design of this teaching method, namely the modelling and modelling perspective, and action, process, object, schema (APOS) theory. Modelling and modelling perspectives guided the development of modelling-eliciting activities used in the teaching method and the APOS theory guided the sequence of activities used to develop Grade 6 learners’ conceptions in algebra. The impact of the problem-solving heuristic instructional method was investigated with 198 Grade 6 learners from four different primary schools in the Zululand district of Kwazulu-Natal that were conveniently sampled. A mixed-method approach was used in this study and a hypothesis was formulated to investigate the effects of the teaching method on the learners’ achievements in algebra. The qualitative component consisted of a pre-intervention class observation of mathematics lessons of all four mathematics educators in the schools used for this study. The design and implementation of the problem-solving heuristic instructional method and the quantitative component employed non-equivalent control group design with pre-test and post-test measure. The main instruments for data collection were an observation schedule to document sequence of events in the classroom during the class observation, a standardized achievement test in algebra used to measure effects of the problem-solving heuristic instructional method and modelling-eliciting activities used as a medium of interaction between learners and the researcher during the implementation of the problem-solving heuristic instructional method. Findings from the class observation indicated all four schools made use of comparable traditional methods of instruction. The implementation of the problem-solving instructional method gave insights into how a problem-solving heuristic instructional method can be developed and used in Grade 6 algebra lessons, and the factors that could influence learners’ conceptual development in algebra. The findings from the quantitative component supported the initial hypothesis that improved scores in algebra are achieved through participation in the problem-solving heuristic instructional method. Quantitative data was analysed using the t-test, analysis of covariance, Johnson-Neyman (J-N) technique and the effect size. / Mathematics Education / D. Phil. (Mathematics Education)

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