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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geological control of aquifer properties of the Chuniespoort Group in the Klip River Valley and Natalspruit Basin, Transvaal

Foster, Michael Benedict John 08 March 2013 (has links)
The aquifer of the study area occupies an escarpment and low lying limestone plain, and exhibits a Vaal River type karst. The four dolomitic formations present fall into two distinct aquifer forming types; chert poor units and chert rich units. The chert poor units of the Oaktree and Lyttelton Formations were deposited in a subtidal environment and were probably dolomi tised in a migrating schizohaline environment during basin subsidence and shoreline trangression. The chert rich units of the Monte Christo and Eccles Formations were deposited in the shallow subtidal to supratidal zones and the interbedded chert and dolomites may result from minor cyclical marine trangressions and regressions or be a geochemical response to the periodic flooding of freshwater carbonate and flats and tidal deltas. These fundamental geological differences are reflected in correspondingly different development of karst. Transmissive zones in the chert poor units are generally discrete solution features in massive dolomite, 1 m to 2 m thick. Transmissive zones in the chert rich units comprise thick (up to 60 m) and extremely weathered chert with a high void content resulting from the dissolution of carbonate material. The relative importance of various geological features to the development of the karst was assessed using information from two extensive hydrogeological investigations of the area. From the results it bas been concluded that lithostratigraphy, including the occurrence of palaeokarstic horizons, is the major control of aquifer properties. All other geological features are of lesser importance but may nevertheless be associated with enhanced transmissivi ties in any given unit. Faults and lineaments are the structural features most widely associated with highly transmissive zones. The knowledge gained in this study is applicable elsewhere as the principal hydrogeological characteristics of the study area are common to many of the Chuniespoort Group aquifers in the Pretoria - Witwatersrand - Vereeniging Region.

The exploration and evaluation of groundwater units in the Van Rynevelds Pass Dam Basin, north of Graaff-Reinet, Cape Province

Woodford, A C 30 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with a groundwater investigation conducted in the Van Rynevelds Pass Dam basin, north of Graaff-Reinet, in the Cape Province. The objective of the study was to assess the groundwater potential of the basin in terms of its development and exploitation as a municipal supply. In order to achieve this objective, fieldwork was carried out involving a hydrocensus, geological/geophysical mapping, drilling, aquifer testing and hydrochemical sampling. The fieldwork was conducted during the period January 1983 to February 1984. The investigation revealed that the most significant ground water occurrence in the study area is an alluvial/weathered bedrock aquifer (Graaff-Reinet aquifer ) . The volume of ground water stored in the Graaff-Reinet aquifer is in the order of 27 x 10⁶ m³, while its exploitation potential is conservatively estimated at 9 300 m³/day. However, the quality of this water is poor and should be blended with dam water or better quality groundwater. Two minor fractured aquifer units were also identified.

The development potential of Kwazulu-Natal aquifers for rural water supply

King, Georgina January 1997 (has links)
The supply of water to 'disadvantaged' areas of KwaZulu-Natal has in the past received low priority. Local government is now faced with supplying water to large, sometimes dispersed, rural populations. Groundwater has been utilised informally as a water supply for some years, but the impetus provided by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry's White Paper has compelled those responsible for water supply to seriously consider groundwater as a sustainable option. The development potential or success of groundwater in its role as a reliable water supply is dependent on acceptance of the resource by the communities, appropriate level of service, yield sustainability and safe quality. Apart from the social aspects, the yield and groundwater quality characteristics of the aquifers under consideration must be used to determine the best hydrogeological features to target during exploration. A total of 993 borehole records, from a recent government drought relief programme, were used to compare the yield, water quality and best geophysical exploration and drilling techniques of the main hydrolithologies in rural KwaZulu-Natal. The results of comparative analysis shows that the competent rocks of the Natal Group and Natal Metamorphic Province and the karstic Uloa Formation of the Maputaland Group have the best overall potential for water supply. The unconsolidated sediments of the Maputaland Group also have good potential, but have some salinity problems. The Karoo Supergroup sediments and volcanics have moderate potential, with the argillaceous rocks having the worst potential of the Karoo rocks. The contacts between the Ecca Group shales and sandstone have the best potential of the Karoo Supergroup sedimentary hydrolithologies. Fractures clearly enhance the groundwater potential of most hydrolithologies, with fractured Dwyka Group tillites rated as having one of the best development potentials of all the hydrogeological targets in KwaZulu-Natal, despite the hydrolithology's poor water-bearing characteristics. Dolerite contacts with sedimentary rocks are commonly targeted features in groundwater development. However, the results from this research showed that, apart from the Natal Group's contact with dolerite, these targets have poor development potential. In general, contacts between different hydro lithologies. Health related quality was found to be adversely affected in argillaceous hydrolithologies, such as the majority of Karoo rocks which had high levels of sodium and chloride and Natal Metamorphic Province schists which had elevated sodium, chloride and fluoride. Crystalline and arenaceous hydrolithologies generally exhibited good quality groundwater. A comparison between the different geophysical methods for each target feature indicates that there are appropriate methods to use to detect anomalies related to water-bearing features. The large number of dry boreholes drilled in locations with recorded geophysical anomalies can be either a function of the water-bearing characteristics of the formation, human error or background noise. The cost of using the different geophysical methods vary considerably. The order of increasing cost is magnetics, VLF, EM-34, electrical resistivity profiling followed by vertical electrical sounding. Drilling has a large influence on the development potential of certain aquifers due to the high costs involved. Most of the secondary aquifers will require percussion drilling which is the cheapest method of drilling commonly used. Some very unstable formations within fractured or highly weathered rock may need ODEX drilling to enable drilling to advance. ODEX drilling in these conditions is very costly and can double the cost of drilling compared to air percussion. The unconsolidated sediments of the Maputaland Group can only be drilled by mud rotary or ODEX techniques. The relative costs of these two methods arer very similar with ODEX being slightly cheaper. Because of the high expense of drilling in the sands it is recommended that alternative sources, possibly from shallow hand-dug wells, be considered as appropriate methods of accessing groundwater. The aspects of groundwater yield and quality of aquifers, appropriate geophysical siting and drilling methods, together with social considerations will all contribute to the success of groundwater development in rural KwaZulu-Natal.

The hydrogeology of a Karoo basalt/sandstone contact aquifer moretele II district Republic of Bophuthatswana southern Africa

Martinelli, Giorgio Luigi January 1988 (has links)
As part of a development programme in the Moretele II District, the Government of the Republic of Bophuthatswana, commissioned in 1983 the building of a dry system coal-fired power station. The lack of local surface water to cool the power station resulted in a decision to investigate the potential of the ground water resources. The resources will be required to supply an anticipated 30 year water demand. Because of the high capital investment and the importance of establishing an accurate assessement of the ground water potential there was a need for a comprehensive and detailed hydrogeological study. The specific aim of the investigation is to assess and quantify the long term reliability of the ground water resources. The very limited data for the area necessitated a particularly thorough and detailed investigation. This thesis describes the hydrogeological investigation carried out to define the ground water resource potential of this area. The main objectives of the study are to identify, recognize and evaluate the hydrogeological processes operating on this previously ill-defined Karoo aquifer. To achieve the research objectives the hydrogeological investigation was formulated to make use of various traditional geological, hydrogeological, geophysical and hydrochemical techniques in a logical framework. More specifically, the work involved a hydrocensus, a geophysical survey, the drilling of exploratory boreholes, aquifer tests to determine the intrinsic hydraulic parameters, water level measurements and the collection and analysis of water samples. The combined results of these various techniques provided data to quantify, evaluate and then propose management strategies for the identified resources. The study provided an understanding of the local hydrogeological conditions and has allowed for a conceptual model of the aquifer system to be derived

Delineation of buried stream channels using geophysical techniques

Biedler, Murray W January 1994 (has links)
This study sets out to evaluate the use of geophysical methods for delineating buried stream channels, which can act as zones of preferential flow within a less hydraulically conductive aquifer. This information is important for gaining an understanding of flow dynamics of alluvial systems. The most reliable method of delineating the dimensions of aquifers is by drilling, which is an expensive proposition and is best preceded by a preliminary geophysical study to help define target zones for a drilling program. The study area is located adjacent to the Coerney River in the Sundays River Valley. Geologically it consists of approximately 5 metres of alluvial fines, covering 3 metres of coarse cobbles and boulders, all underlain by alternating siltstone and sandstone beds of indeterminate thickness. Throughout the area the water is very shallow at approximately 2 metres depth and the groundwater tends to be very saline. An air photo study revealed an old oxbow channel that had been covered over by subsequent agricultural land use. The geophysical methods available for the study were portable seismic refraction, electrical resistivity and electromagnetics. Preliminary field tests clearly showed that seismics did not produce valid results. The methods of electrical resistivity and electromagnetics produced good data and were subjected to further assessment. A grid was surveyed over the study area and both geophysical methods were applied at regularly spaced stations. Soil samples were taken over the same survey grid and analyzed for electrical conductivity in a soils laboratory. The results were compared to the geophysical data in an attempt to quantify the relationship between geophysical response and soil salinity. The data from the electromagnetic survey showed areas of low electrical conductivity which was a possible indication of zones of preferential groundwater flow. A transect of boreholes was drilled over selected electrical conductivity lows and successfully intersected the buried stream channel. A comparison of the borehole logs with the layered earth models from the Vertical Electrical Soundings indicated that the electrical resistivity method was not responding to the features of the buried stream channel and the cobblestone layer. This proved the electromagnetic method to be more valuable for this particular study

The exploration and evaluation of groundwater units south and west of Graaf-Reinet, Cape Province, South Africa

Parsons, Roger Paul 18 April 2013 (has links)
The investigation reported in the thesis concerns an area south and west of Graaff-Reinet, in the Cape Province. The research projec t identified the existence of four groundwater units. The aquifers predominantly occur in Beaufort Group sediments and the boundary of each unit is formed by dolerite intrusives or with topographical highs. The objective of the study was to quantitatively assess these units in terms of both quantity and quality for possible future development as a municipal supply for Graaff-Reinet. In order to achieve the objective, fieldwork was carried out involving a hydrocensus, geological mapping, drilling, aquifer testing and hydrochemical sampling. The analysis of these data revealed that the Sundays and Kamdeboo aquifer units are unsuitable for further development. The Moordenaars and Swart units, both of which produce good quality water, have a combined exploitation potential in the order of 30 000 m³ /d. / KMBT_363 / Adobe Acrobat 9.53 Paper Capture Plug-in

Salinisation source(s) and mechanism(s) in shallow alluvial aquifers along the Buffels River, Northern Cape Province, South Africa

Nakwafila, Albertina Nuusiku 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Several areas in Namaqualand are affected by elevated levels of salinity; including the shallow alluvial aquifers along the Buffels River catchment. The chemistry of rainwater that recharges these aquifers has low salt-loads, but the groundwater system is very saline. The shallow alluvial aquifers are an important source of water for several communal areas along the river both for domestic and agricultural purposes. Groundwater is also used for the copper and diamond mining activities along the river. Prior to this study, the sources of salinity to the alluvial aquifers and whether salinity can be remediated has not been determined. Possible salinity sources included seawater intrusion, evaporitic salts dissolution, concentrations by evaporation, deep aquifer brines, dissolution of minerals from the aquifer geology as well as salts from anthropogenic activities (i.e. mining). The source(s) of salinity to the groundwater has been determined using the geochemical as well as the isotopic tracers. The ratios of major ions (i.e. Na/Cl) as well the oxygen (18O), hydrogen (2H), 36Cl/Cl, and 87Sr/86Sr isotopes were used in determining the possible solute sources. In addition to these, the chloride mass balance (CMB) method was used to determine the recharge rates to the alluvial aquifers. Furthermore, the groundwater age of the alluvial aquifers was determined using the tritium (3H) isotope. The groundwater samples have high 87Sr/86Sr ratios, which are in the same ranges as the 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the surrounding granitic rocks indicating water-rock interactions. The 36Cl/Cl ratios are low and indicate the dissolution of old salts. The 18O and 2H stable isotopes of groundwater show an evaporative trend with respect to the LMWL, which indicate that groundwater has been evaporated before or during infiltration. Salinity to the shallow alluvial aquifers was found to be mainly derived from the dissolution of rock mass and concentration by evaporation process. The groundwater is relatively young, but there is mixing between old water recharged prior to bomb testing and recently recharged groundwater in some boreholes. The Chloride mass balance (CMB) method assumes atmospheric chloride is the only source of chloride to the aquifers. However, there is additional chloride to these alluvial aquifers from rock mass dissolution. The estimated recharge rates by CMB method (0.1-3.4mm/a) are therefore underestimated. A simulation model was used to determine the recharge rates based on the annual precipitation that will yield the current measured chloride concentrations in the groundwater. Recharge was found to range from 1-5% of the annual precipitation, which is also low. The CMB method therefore gives significant recharge rate estimates, but they are not accurate and need to be supported by another method. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen opsomming beskikbaar.

A geographic information systems approach to the identification of Table Mountain group aquifer "type areas" of ecological importance.

Fortuin, Mildred January 2004 (has links)
The Table Mountain group aquifer system has the potential to be an important supply of water. Although the aquifer system is used to some extent, a number of aspects relating to the aquifer system are poorly understood and unquantified. This study aimed to take into consideration the importance of differenct ecosytems, which is essential in predicting the effects of groundwater abstruction. However, the ecological requirements of systems that depend on groundwater are poorly understood. This project identified &quot / type areas&quot / for further detailed research into the impacts of large-scale groundwater abstraction from the Table Mountain group aquifer system based on the nature and functioning of ecosystems across groundwater dependent ecosystem boundaries of a regional scale.

A geographic information systems approach to the identification of Table Mountain group aquifer "type areas" of ecological importance.

Fortuin, Mildred January 2004 (has links)
The Table Mountain group aquifer system has the potential to be an important supply of water. Although the aquifer system is used to some extent, a number of aspects relating to the aquifer system are poorly understood and unquantified. This study aimed to take into consideration the importance of differenct ecosytems, which is essential in predicting the effects of groundwater abstruction. However, the ecological requirements of systems that depend on groundwater are poorly understood. This project identified &quot / type areas&quot / for further detailed research into the impacts of large-scale groundwater abstraction from the Table Mountain group aquifer system based on the nature and functioning of ecosystems across groundwater dependent ecosystem boundaries of a regional scale.

Neotectonics and its applications for the exploration of groundwater in the fractured Karoo aquifers in the Eastern Cape,South Africa

Madi, Kakaba January 2010 (has links)
This study is part of an NRF sponsored research project entitled “Neotectonics and its applications for the exploration of groundwater in the fractured Karoo aquifers in the Eastern Cape” under the NRF Niche area of Water Resources Management and Sustainable Development in the Eastern Cape Province. The identification of relatively highly productive wells in the Karoo fractured aquifers is extremely difficult. This study aims to identify neotectonic zones and lower stress fields, and apply the results to groundwater exploration in the Eastern Cape Province. The methodologies adopted in this study include: a comprehensive literature review, extensive field mapping and investigation such as road cuts, sampling for laboratory studies, examination of seismic data, study of hot and ordinary springs, and interpretation of aerial photography and satellite images. Three main neotectonic belts were identified in the Eastern Cape (southern neotectonic belt, northern neotectonic belt and eastern neotectonic belt) based on literature review and field interpretations. The southern neotectonic belt (from the Cape Fold Belt to the lower Beaufort Group boundary) is characterized by the reactivation of the Coega-Bavianskloof and Sauer faults, the presence of a hot spring near Fort Beaufort, the slickenlines and discrete slickenlines and specifically the seismic events that were recorded in the Eastern Cape from 1850 to 2007. In this southern neotectonic belt the remote sensing has also revealed the presence of the Fort Beaufort fracture, the quartz veins seen in some dolerites and the different vegetation types along it may indicate that this fracture is possibly a fault; moreover the Quaternary sediments and weathered dolerites indicate that the Fort iii Beaufort fracture is characterized by groundwater circulation and accordingly is a good target for groundwater exploration, this fracture is a post-Karoo structure and possibly a neotectonic feature. In addition, the kaolin deposit, chiefly developed in the Dwyka tillite near Grahamstown is clearly controlled by neotectonic fracture zones. The northern neotectonic belt near the country of Lesotho is marked by the presence of the Senqu seismotectonic regime and hot springs. The Quaternary Amatole-Swaziland (formerly Ciskei-Swaziland) axis of uplift makes the eastern part of the province the third neotectonic zone, the asymmetric meanders of the Mbashe river in the vicinity of Qunu near Mthatha derived possibly from this Quaternary uplift; this asymmetric feature of meanders implies that the river has tried to maintain stability of its valley where tilting occurred. Within these neotectonic belts the central part of the Eastern Cape may be considered a static and inactive belt. A northwesterly trend for the maximum principal compresssional stress predominates in the Eastern Cape and is correlated with the present major structural control of the province. The current stress regime determination was derived from faults, joints and quartz veins only on kaolin deposits. Systematic joints reflect regional tectonic stress trajectories at the time of fracturing. Discharge rates of groundwater from boreholes as provided by the Department of Water and Forestry were used to confirm and predict water exploration targets. The region of Tabankulu (near Kwazulu Natal) in the northern neotectonic belt has remarkable discharge rates of groundwater (11.1 l/s, 4.65 l/s, 6.49 l/s, 42 l/s). The region of Mthatha, nearly surrounding the Amatole-Swaziland axis (former Ciskei-Swaziland iv axis) of uplift which might have generated some new faults, has a number of springs. These two regions should serve as case studies for future research. Apart from these two regions, two others regions can be considered as case studies for future groundwater exploration targets: the Bath Farm hot spring near the Fort Beaufort neotectonic fault and the vicinity of what is known as the Fort Beaufort fracture near Teba and Cimezile villages 20km north west of Fort Beaufort. It is concluded that the study of neotectonics and stress fields may be a useful tool for groundwater exploration in the Karoo fractured aquifers in the Eastern Cape, and in similar regions elsewhere in South Africa and in Africa.

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