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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Direct search for dark matter with the DarkSide experiment / Détection directe de matière sombre avec l'expérience DarkSide

Agnes, Paolo 30 September 2016 (has links)
L’Univers est principalement constitué d’un ensemble d’éléments non baryoniques et non lumineux appelé la matière noire. L’un des candidats actuellement favorisés est une particule massive interagissant faiblement avec la matière ordinaire (WIMP) issue du Big Bang. Le programme DarkSide vise à la détection directe de WIMPs à l’aide d’une chambre à projection temporelle utilisant de l’argon liquide en double phase. La première étape de l’expérience, DarkSide-50 ( (46 ± 0,7) kg de masse active) est en cours d’exécution. Une première campagne, avec un remplissage d’argon atmosphérique(AAr), a produit la meilleure limite sur la section efficace WIMP-nucleon jamais obtenue par une expérience à base d’argon. La deuxième phase, avec un remplissage d’argon souterrain (UAr, appauvri en Ar-39), représente une étape importante vers la construction de DarkSide-20k, une expérience à bas bruit de fond avec une masse fiducielle de 20 t. Ce travail est principalement consacré à la description de la simulation Monte Carlo de DarkSide (G4DS), et à ses applications. G4DS, basé sur GEANT4, fournit la description géométrique de chaque détecteur du programme DarkSide ; il a été calibré afin de reproduire la réponse de DarkSide-50 avec une précision de l’ordre de 1 % et intègre un modèle spécifiquement développé pour la description des mécanismes d’ionisation et de scintillation dans l’argon liquide, étalonné sur des données expérimentales. Les principales applications de la simulation comprennent l’estimation du bruit de fond dû aux neutrons et gammas pour DarkSide-50, la mesure du facteur d’appauvrissement de l’Ar-39 en UAr par rapport à l’AAr et les études de conception pour DarkSide-20k. / A wide range of observational evidence suggests that the matter content of the Universe is dominated by a non-baryonic and non-luminous component: dark matter. One of the most favored candidate for dark matter is a big-bang relic population of Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs). The DarkSide program aims to the direct detection of WIMPs with a dual-phase liquid argon TPC and a background free exposure. The first phase of the experiment, DarkSide-50, is running since Oct 2013 and has (46 ± 0.7) kg active mass. A first run, with an atmospheric argon fill (AAr), provided the most sensitive limit ever obtained by an argon-based experiment. The current run, with an underground argon fill (UAr, depleted in Ar-39), represents a milestone towards the construction of DarkSide-20k, a low-background dual-phase TPC with a fiducial mass of 20 t. This work is been mainly devoted to the description of G4DS, the DarkSide Monte Carlo simulation, and to its applications. G4DS is a GEANT4-based simulation, it provides the geometry description of each detector of the DarkSide program, it is tuned to reproduce the DarkSide-50 response at the percent level and incorporates a custom model for ionization and scintillation mechanisms in liquid argon, tuned on real data. The principal applications of the simulation include the estimate of the neutron and gamma backgrounds for DarkSide-50, the measurement of the Ar-39 depletion factor in UAr with respect to AAr and the design studies for DarkSide-20k.

Development of a Doppler Global Velocimetry system in view of turbomachinery applications

Bagnera, Carlo 28 March 2008 (has links)
The development of a Doppler Global Veocimetry (DGV) system is described. An argon ion laser has been modified to suit the requirements of DGV. An etalon with high precision tilting control has been mounted in the laser cavity. The backward mirror of the laser cavity has been mounted on a piezotranslator for controlling the laser cavity length. Two iodine cells have been designed and manufactured: one with a bead of iodine in the cell volume, the other with a limited amount of iodine. The iodine absorption line of both cells has been calibrated with good repeatibility. The laser has been stabilized in frequency, so that operations during a measurement session in the lab are simplified. The capabilities of DGV measurements have been tested in two jets, at low and at high speeds. Velocity fluctuations of the jet could be followed, in spite of the highly noisy signals. The first steps towards three velocity component measurements with a single camera in a difficult environment such as the geometry of a turbomchinery cascade have been made. Imaging two views of a target on the same camera sensor is discussed, along with the spatial and luminosity calibration required. / Doctorat en Sciences de l'ingénieur / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Electrical properties of RF magnetron-sputtered insulating silicon nitride thin films

Awan, Shamshad Akhtar January 2000 (has links)
Si3N4 thin films were prepared by RF magnetron sputtering using N2 or Ar as the sputtering gas. The films were amorphous, with the deposition rate for Ar-sputtered films increasing with RF power and Ar pressure. Sandwich samples having both Al and Au electrodes were prepared. Capacitancevoltage measurements indicated that the contacts for Nj-sputtcred samples were ohmic, while Ar-sputtered samples with Al electrodes exhibited depletion regions. Values of the relative permittivity of 6.3 (AI electrodes) and 6.8 (Au electrodes) were determined from geometric capacitance variations in Ny-sputrered films. Current density-voltage characteristics normally showed ohmic and space charge limited conductivity with trap levels distributed exponentially within the insulator band gap, but exceptionally in N2-sputtered films with Au electrodes electroforming behaviour was observed, with Poole-Frenkel conductivity in the preformed region. Hopping was dominant at low temperatures. AC conductivity was higher for Ar-sputtering, and with Au electrodes. These effects were related to the possible structure of the films, and the diffusion of Au. AC conductivity increased with increasing frequency and temperature, appearing to be via a free band process at high temperatures and hopping at low temperatures. Plausible values of the density of localised states were deri ved using Elliott's model, but this could not be considered uni versally applicable. Loss tangent was also frequency and temperature dependent in Ny-sputtered films, showing a minimum value which shifted towards higher frequencies with increasing temperature. In Ar-sputtered samples minima were not observed in the frequency range covered. The model of Goswami and Goswami appears consistent with these results, particularly in the former case. Variations in the loss tangent values with the sputtering gas and electrode species were consistent with the observed conducti vity variations. Optical properties were also investigated. In Ar-sputtered films, the optical band-gap appeared narrower and the optical absorption higher than for Ny-sputtered films, and a direct transition was also identified. Values of the electrical properties determined for such sputtered films are comparable to those prepared using more sophisticated methods, particularly in the case of Nj-sputtered films. Sputtering may therefore prove useful in semiconductor processing, where a relatively inexpensive method of deposition is required.

Development of a Doppler Global Velocimetry system in view of turbomachinery applications

Bagnera, Carlo 28 March 2008 (has links)
The development of a Doppler Global Veocimetry (DGV) system is described. An argon ion laser has been modified to suit the requirements of DGV. An etalon with high precision tilting control has been mounted in the laser cavity. The backward mirror of the laser cavity has been mounted on a piezotranslator for controlling the laser cavity length. Two iodine cells have been designed and manufactured: one with a bead of iodine in the cell volume, the other with a limited amount of iodine. The iodine absorption line of both cells has been calibrated with good repeatibility. The laser has been stabilized in frequency, so that operations during a measurement session in the lab are simplified. The capabilities of DGV measurements have been tested in two jets, at low and at high speeds. Velocity fluctuations of the jet could be followed, in spite of the highly noisy signals. The first steps towards three velocity component measurements with a single camera in a difficult environment such as the geometry of a turbomchinery cascade have been made. Imaging two views of a target on the same camera sensor is discussed, along with the spatial and luminosity calibration required.

Multiple coincidence studies of cluster photofragmentation

Buxey, A. L. M. January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Design of Experiment for Laser cutting in Superalloy Haynes 282

Rådberg, Malin January 2016 (has links)
This project aims to investigate the effect of varying different laser cutting parameters on the laser cut surface. The parameters that were varied were cutting speed, beam effect, gas pressure and focal point. The statistical method Design of Experiment was used to plan the experiments and two full factorial test plans were set up, one with argon as cooling and protective gas and one with nitrogen. Sheet metal consisting of the superalloy HAYNES ® 282 with a thickness of 2,54 mm was investigated. Samples from the material were cut with different laser cutting parameters according to the test plans. The samples were evaluated by measuring cracks, recast layer thickness, surface irregularity, burr height and distance to beam deflection point on the cut surface. The resulting data was inserted as responses into the statistical program Modde 10.1 for analysis. Modde 10.1 provided models of high significance for the responses of Recast layer, Tav; Recast layer, Tmax; Burrheight, max and Distance to deflection point for the argon series and Recast layer, Tav and Recast layer, Tmax for the nitrogen series. The results showed that both recast layer thickness and burr height decreases with increased values of cutting speed, gas pressure and focal point as well as decreased values of beam effect within the parameter window investigated. They also showed that distance to deflection point increased with increasing values of gas pressure and focal point and with decreased values of cutting speed and beam effect within the parameter window. The results also showed that for the samples cut with argon as cooling and assistant gas the parameters that affects the recast layer thickness the most are focal point and gas pressure, whereas for the nitrogen series it is gas pressure and beam effect. The parameter with greatest effect on burr height is the cutting speed and for the distance to deflection point it is focal point and gas pressure that have the greatest effect. When comparing the argon and the nitrogen series to each other it can be seen that the argon series generate less recast layer from the entry of the cut until between 60 – 80 % into the cut, after which the argon series bypasses the nitrogen series in amount of recast layer produced in the cutting process in the majority of the places measured. / Projektet syftar till att undersöka effekten på den laserskurna ytan då laserskärningsparametrar varieras. Parametrarna som varierades var skärhastighet, lasereffekt, gastryck och fokalpunkt. Den statistiska metoden Design of Experiments användes för att planera experimenten. Två stycken fullskaligt faktoriella försöksplaner skapades, en med argon som skärgas och en med kväve som skärgas. Undersökningen gjordes på plåt bestående av superlegeringen HAYNES ® 282 med en tjocklek på 2,54 mm. Provbitar från materialet skars ut utifrån försöksplanerna med olika laserinställningar under skärprocessen. Provbitarna utvärderades genom att mäta sprickor, tjockleken på det omsmälta materialet, ytojämnheten, gradhöjden och avståndet till laserstrålens avböjningspunkt på den laserskurna ytan. Resultaten användes för analys i det statistiska programmet Modde 10.1. Modde 10.1 bidrog med modeller av hög signifikans för responserna Recast layer, Tav; Recast layer, Tmax; Burrheight, max and Distance to deflection point för argonserien och Recast layer, Tav och Recast layer, Tmax för kväveserien. Resultaten visar att både tjockleken på omsmält material och gradhöjden avtar med ökande värden på skärhastighet, gastryck och fokalpunkt samt minskande värden på lasereffekt inom det undersökta parameterfönstret. De visade också att till laserstrålens avböjningspunkt på den laserskurna ytan ökade med ökande värden på gastryck och fokalpunkt och med minskande värden på skärhastighet och lasereffekt inom parameterfönstret. Resultaten visade också att de parametrar som i störst utsträckning påverkar tjockleken på det omsmälta materialet för provbitarna i argonserien är fokalpunkt och gastryck, medan det för kväveserien är gastryck och lasereffekt. Parametern som har högst inverkar på gradhöjden är skärhastigheten, medan fokalpunkt och gastryck har störst effekt på avståndet till laserstrålens avböjningspunkt på den laserskurna ytan. Om kväveserien och argonserien jämförs med varandra kan det observeras att argonserien generellt genererar mindre omsmält material än kväveserien från det att laserstrålen träder in i materialet till dess att den är mellan 60 och 80 % in i snittet, vartefter argonserien går förbi kväveserien i mängd omsmält material på majoriteten av mätställen.

Desenvolvimento de um sistema de irradiação para produção de radioisótopos gasosos aplicados em processos industriais / Development of a irradiation system for production of gaseous radioisotopes applied in industrial processes

Cardozo, Nelson Xavier 21 September 2016 (has links)
Dentre as diversas aplicações dos radioisótopos, a utilização dos radiotraçadores é considerada uma das mais importantes, no diagnóstico de funcionamento dos equipamentos de processos, em plantas de indústrias químicas e petroquímicas. Os radiotraçadores são utilizados em procedimentos analíticos para obtenção de dados qualitativos e quantitativos de sistemas, em estudos de transferências físicas e físico-químicas. Na produção de radioisótopos gasosos utilizados como traçadores em processos industriais, destacam-se o 41Ar e 79Kr, gases nobres (inertes) que possuem baixa reatividade com os demais elementos químicos. O 41Ar é um emissor gama de alta energia (1,29 MeV) e apresenta elevada porcentagem de transformações com essa energia, o que resulta em quantidades relativamente pequenas necessárias em relação a outras para uma detecção eficaz, mesmo em componentes com grandes espessuras. Atualmente, a produção de radioisótopos gasosos em reatores nucleares de pesquisa é realizada em pequenas quantidades (bateladas), por meio de ampolas de quartzo contendo o gás natural 40Ar ou 78Kr. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desse estudo é desenvolver um sistema de irradiação capaz de produzir em escala contínua, o radioisótopo gasoso 41Ar, dentre outros, com atividade de 7,4x1011 Bq (20 Ci) por ciclo de irradiação, por meio do Reator IEA-R1 de 4,5 MW, fluxo de nêutrons térmicos médio de 4,71 x 1013 ncm-2s-1, para suprir uma demanda existente em empresas de END e inspeções, e pelo próprio Centro de Tecnologia das Radiações, no IPEN/CNEN-SP. O sistema de irradiação (SI) é constituído por uma cápsula de irradiação em alumínio, linhas de transferência, válvulas agulhas, conexões anilhadas, conectores rápidos, manovacuômetro, sistema de vácuo, dewar de liquefação, blindagem em chumbo, cilindros de armazenamento e transporte (CAT), dentre outros. O SI foi aprovado nos testes de estanqueidade e estabilidade (testes de formação de bolhas, pressurização, evacuação e com equipamento leak detector SPECTRON 600 T). Na produção experimental para obtenção de 1,07x1011 Bq (2,9 Ci) de 41Ar, distribuíram-se dosímetros de alanina em diversos componentes e dispositivos do SI. Além disso, determinaram-se as taxas de exposição na parede da blindagem em chumbo, ao concentrar o gás radioativo liquefeito e no CAT, após a transferência do 41Ar, pelo medidor de radiação portátil Teletector ® Probe 6150 AD-t/H. / Among the various applications of radioisotopes, the use of radiotracers is considered the most important in diagnosing operation and troubleshooting of industrial process plants in chemical and petrochemical companies. The radiotracers are used in analytical procedures to obtain qualitative and quantitative data systems, in physical and physicochemical studies transfers. In the production of gaseous radioisotopes used as tracers in industrial process measurements, argon-41 (41Ar) and krypton-79 (79Kr) have low reactivity with other chemical elements. 41Ar is a transmitter range with high-energy (1.29MeV) and a high percentage of this energy transformation (99.1%), resulting in relatively small quantities required in relation to the other, for an efficient detection, even in large thicknesses components. Nowadays, the production of gaseous radioisotopes in nuclear research reactors is performed in small quantities (batches), through quartz ampoules containing natural gas 40Ar or 78Kr. In this sense, the aim of this study is to develop an irradiation system for gaseous radioisotope production in continuous scale, applied in industrial applications of emission tomography and flow measurement. The irradiation system may produce 41Ar with activity of 7.4x1011Bq (20Ci) per irradiation cycle, through the Reactor IEA-R1 with 4.5MW and average thermal neutron flux of 4.71x1013 ncm-2s-1 to meet an existing demand in NDT and inspections companies, and even needed by the Radiation Technology Centre, at IPEN/CNEN-SP. The irradiation system consists of an aluminium irradiation capsule, transfer lines, needle valves, stripy connections, quick connectors, manometer, vacuum system, dewar, lead shielding, storage and transport cylinders, among other components. The irradiation system was approved in the leakage and stability tests (bubble test, pressurization, evacuation and with leak detector equipment SPECTRON 600 T). In the experimental production, alanine dosimeters were distributed into various components of the irradiation system, obtaining 1.07x1011Bq (2.9Ci) of 41Ar. In addition, exposure rates were determined in the lead shielding wall, in which the liquefied radioactive gas was concentrated, and in the storage and transport cylinders after 41Ar was transferred, by the portable radiation meter Teletector ® Probe 6150 AD-t/H.

Negative fluorescence : an optical flow cytometric technique for cell volume determination

Gray, Martha Lane January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1981. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Bibliography: leaves 150-153. / by Martha Lane Gray. / M.S.

Flux Trapping in Superconducting Pellets

Straub, Andreas 10 July 1992 (has links)
This research concerns the effects on samples of nominal composition Bil.8Pb0.2Sr2Ca2cu30y which were exposed to hot, dense argon in a ballistic compressor. The investigations were concentrated on two specimens which were exposed to hot, dense argon at about 1800 K (peak pressure 330 atm) and 1500 K (peak pressure 230 atm), respectively. Sample Bi #1 showed a completely melted surface structure after triple exposure in the ballistic compressor at 1800 K while the surface of sample Bi #7 was just partly melted after double exposure at 1500 K. Changes in flux trapping capability and qualitative Meissner effect were investigated in addition to the properties described by Duan, et al. ( 17, 18, 3 2] , who reported changes in critical temperature, crystal structure, surface morphology and composition after exposure of samples to hot, dense argon. After triple exposure in the ballistic compressor at a temperature of approximately 1800 K, sample Bi #1 showed an enhanced Meissner effect on the exposed side compared to the unexposed side of the pellet, while no difference in Meissner effect was found between the exposed and the unexposed side of sample Bi #7. EDS analysis showed that both samples are inhomogeneous in chemical surface composition. Oxygen loss due to exposure to hot, dense argon could not be demonstrated. X-ray analysis indicated that the melted surface layer of sample Bi # 1 after triple exposure to hot, dense argon contains smaller crystals than before exposure in the ballistic compressor. Tc measurements gave varying results which are explainable by the chemical inhomogeneity of the specimens. An increase in the amount of trapped flux due to exposure of the samples to hot, dense argon could not be demonstrated

Alternatives to carbon dioxide euthanasia for laboratory rats

Makowska, Inez Joanna 05 1900 (has links)
The most commonly used method of euthanasia of laboratory rodents is exposure to carbon dioxide (CO₂), but recent studies have shown that rodents find this gas aversive. The aim of my thesis was to evaluate rat aversion to inhalant agents that could be used as humane alternatives to CO₂. The first study used approach-avoidance testing to examine rat responses to argon-induced hypoxia when argon was introduced at flow rates of 40-239% of the test cage volume per min. Rats never remained in the test cage long enough to lose consciousness when tested with argon. They consumed fewer reward items, stopped eating sooner, and left the test cage more quickly than when tested with air. Rats stopped eating and left the test cage when the oxygen (O₂) concentration had dropped to about 7.7 and 6.8%, respectively, but these O₂ concentrations are too high to cause unconsciousness. Although humans exposed to hypoxia report only subtle symptoms that include cognitive impairments and light headedness, rats are burrowing rodents and could therefore be more sensitive to these effects. I conclude that argon is not a humane alternative to CO₂. The second study used approach-avoidance testing to evaluate rat responses to different concentrations of the inhalant anaesthetics halothane and isoflurane introduced with vaporizers or from soaked cotton balls. On the first day of exposure to anaesthetics, most rats remained in the test cage until they were ataxic and showing difficulty returning to the home cage. On subsequent days of testing most rats left the test cage within seconds, but if given the option, all promptly returned and stayed until they were ataxic, indicating that the learned aversion is transient. Rats were likely sedated by the time they chose to leave, suggesting that forced exposure from the onset of aversion until loss of consciousness is less of a welfare concern than forced exposure to non-sedating agents. I suggest that the use of inhalant anaesthetics for inducing unconsciousness prior to euthanasia is a more humane method than the commonly used CO₂.

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