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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Use of Isorhythm in Arnold Schoenberg's Third and Fourth String Quartets

Nedbalek, Leon 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the use of isorhythm in two of Arnold Schoenburg's chamber works, the Third and Fourth String Quartets. The study of rhythm in twelve-note music has been generally relegated to a position less prominent than that held by the study of any of the other important aspects of the style. This condition is due probably to the fact that rhythm underwent less change with the advent of the twelve-note school of composition than melody, counterpoint, or harmony experienced. However, Rufer states that "rhythm has a special formal function in Schoenberg's twelve-note music, in addition to its motivic function and to that of creating subdivisions.

Arnold van Wyk as liedkomponis : ’n ontsluiting van die liedere in die Arnold van Wyk-versameling by die Universiteit Stellenbosch

Oosthuizen, Magdalena Johanna 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study an investigation into Arnold van Wyk’s song oeuvre — including the published and unpublished (completed and incomplete) songs — is done on the basis of the available composition sketches in the Arnold van Wyk Collection at Stellenbosch University. Firstly, Van Wyk as composer of art song in South Africa was put in perspective against the broader cultural context, especially in relation to Afrikaans poets who were his contemporaries. An overall view is also provided of possible influences that other composers had on his work. This provides an holistic picture of Van Wyk as composer of the art song. In his Juvenilia a surprisingly large amount of his music language is present, though not yet mature. Four prominent periods characterise the discussion of Van Wyk’s song oeuvre. In addition to these periods the study provides a summary that clearly shows his development as an art song composer as well as the musical devices which, in the course of time, became characteristic as part of his style in song writing. Owing to the fact that the setting to music of each song’s vocal part is analysed in close relationship to the source text, the complete text have been provided, with Afrikaans verbatim translations for the Latin and Old Dutch poems. Even though the composer sometimes only sets a couple of stanzas of the text, the complete poem is provided to properly orientate the reader. This allows the complete picture of each song to be taken into account. The relationship between each text and its setting to music of the song’s vocal part is analysed. This also applies to the illustrative meaning of where in the vocal range each text lies (the range as well as tessiture of the vocal part) and the illustrative use of intervals and other melodic devices such as melismas, setting to rhythmic patterns, etc. The accompaniment is investigated, regarding the relationship to and illustrative of the text, complementary to and in support of the vocal part as well as to which extent it supports the song’s formal design. Only the most prominent characteristics of Van Wyk’s highly complex harmonic usage are pointed out. An important aspect of this study is the investigation from a vocal technical point of view into how Van Wyk merged the writing of a vocal melody with his knowledge of the human voice, for instance in Van liefde en verlatenheid as well as in the Petronius songs. Where available, the history of how a song evolved is recorded in great detail, to illustrate the inception of a specific musical idea as well as its development and finalisation, but moreover, to allow the sketches to reveal how tedious (and sometimes even laid-back) the composition process took place most of the time. Van Wyk’s method and tempo of composing can be clearly deduced from the compositional sketches. These conclusions are confirmed and illustrated by his fairly regular dating of his work, and by information such as an address and/or some diary information that he occasionally added. Particulars like these are often included in this study, to shed light on the compositional process as well as on the composer as a human being. To avoid scanning numerous examples of notes, the C1 tot c3 way of spelling the notes is used. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie word Arnold van Wyk se liedoeuvre — die gepubliseerde asook die ongepubliseerde (voltooide en onvoltooide) liedere — ondersoek aan die hand van die beskikbare komposisiesketse in die Arnold van Wyk-versameling by die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Ten aanvang word Van Wyk as komponis van die kunslied in Suid-Afrika in perspektief tot die breër kulturele konteks geplaas, veral in verband met sy Afrikaanse digter-tydgenote. Daar word ook oorsigtelik verwys na moontlike invloede van ander komponiste op sy werk. ’n Omvattende beeld van Van Wyk as liedkomponis kom sodoende na vore. Verrassend baie van die musiektaal van sy liedkuns is reeds (wel nog in die kinderskoene) in sy juvenilia aanwesig. Vier prominente tydperke kenmerk die bespreking van Van Wyk se liedoeuvre en word telkens aangevul deur ’n samevatting waaruit sy ontwikkeling as liedkomponis duidelik blyk, asook watter musikale middele mettertyd as kenmerkend van sy liedstyl gevestig het. Omdat die verloop van elke lied sover moontlik aan die hand van die verloop van die teks omskryf word, word die volledige tekste deurlopend gegee, met Afrikaanse woordelikse vertalings by die Latynse en Oudnederlandse gedigte. Al toonset die komponis soms net enkele strofes van ’n gedig, word die hele gedig of ’n gedeelte daarvan nogtans verskaf ter wille van oriëntasie. Die geheelbeeld van die liedere word sodoende in aanmerking geneem. Die toonsetting van die stemparty word ondersoek veral met betrekking tot die woord-toonverhouding. Dit geld ook vir die illustratiewe betekenis van die plasing van die teks in die stemomvang, die omvang en tessituur van die stemparty en die illustratiewe gebruik van intervalle en ander melodiese middele soos melismas, ritmiese verklanking, en so meer. Begeleiding word ondersoek rakende die verwantskap met en illustratief van die teks en as aanvulling en ondersteuning van die stemparty asook in hoeverre dit die vormskema ondersteun. Slegs die opvallendste eienskappe van Van Wyk se uiters komplekse harmoniek word uitgewys. ’n Belangrike aspek van dié studie is dat Van Wyk se vereniging van melodiegewing en sy kennis van die menslike stem, onder meer in Van liefde en verlatenheid en die Petronius-liedere, ook uit ’n sangtegniese perspektief ondersoek word. Waar die ontstaansgeskiedenis van ’n lied beskikbaar is, is dit in fyn besonderhede geboekstaaf, om te toon wanneer ’n spesifieke musikale idee ontstaan het en hoe dit ontwikkel en finale beslag gekry het, maar meer nog, om die komposisiesketse self te laat verslag doen van die meestal werklik moeisame (soms trae) komposisieproses. Van Wyk se komposisionele werkwyse en die tempo van komposisie kan duidelik afgelei word uit die komposisiesketse. Dié gevolgtrekkings word gestaaf en toegelig deur die feit dat hy redelik getrou die werk gedateer en dikwels ook ’n adres en/of ’n stukkie dagboekinligting bygeskryf het. Laasgenoemde word dan meestal bygebring aangesien dit lig werp op die komposisieproses asook die komponis van dié liedere as mens gestalte laat kry. Om inskandering van talryke notevoorbeelde te vermy, word die C1 tot c3-skryfwyse gebruik.

Die ,globale Provinz' ? Der Globalisierungsdiskurs am Beispiel von Arnold Stadlers Roman <u>Ein hinreissender Schrotth??ndler</u> (1999) und Andreas Maiers Roman <u>Klausen</u> (2002)

Stengel, Julia January 2006 (has links)
This thesis demonstrates how two literary works ? Arnold Stadler's <em>Ein hinreissender Schrotth??ndler</em> (1999) and Andreas Maier's <em>Klausen</em> (2002) ? can be read as part of the globalization discourse. As a theoretical basis for the textual analysis the thesis first develops an understanding of the concept of globalization which forms a background against which the two literary works can be read. By embedding literature into the sociological theories of globalization it is possible to examine to what extent the two novels reflect and/or generate particular aspects of globalization. <br /><br /> Both texts are set largely in provincial towns, and the regions themselves play commanding roles in the stories being told. This focus on the provincial takes on an ironic appearance in the era of globalization where one would assume that localities have lost meaning. It is therefore useful to look at theories that broach the issue of the tense relation between globality and locality. Since no universally accepted definition of globalization exists, it is necessary to establish the crucial aspects of the phenomenon to be applied in the analysis of the novels by examining the work of various theorists on the topic. <br /><br /> The prominent model of 'glocalization,' originated by the sociologist Roland Robertson to refer to 'global localization,' offers useful categories for the analysis of the provincial in the era of globalization. In this model the simultaneity of global and local processes is assumed and with it the alleged antagonism of the 'global' and the 'local' is overcome. Claiming those dynamics Robertson's model can serve as a confirmation of the arguments put forward in this thesis which looks at literature about the 'local' through the prism of globalization. Other theories relating to explicit local dynamics are presented to round out the model of 'glocalization. ' In addition, the thesis takes into account normative ideas regarding the province in the global era. <br /><br /> The textual analysis that follows the delineation of the model of 'glocalization' demonstrates how the novels illustrate the global and local processes postulated by the model. The investigation also explains how the literary texts themselves evaluate the provinces portrayed. The results of the examination show that selected aspects of the globalization discourse have found their way into two contemporary German-language novels and therefore into German literary discourse. Even though the two novels deal with different ideas from the discourse, and even reject to a certain extent some of these concepts, they each reveal a particular literary manner of echoing the processes of globalization. Finally, the thesis demonstrates that the globalization discourse is of use for the interpretation of literary texts.

Auswirkung zentraler Apnoen auf die zerebrale Oxygenierung bei Kindern mit Chiari-II-Malformation, gemessen mit der Nahinfrarot-Spektroskopie / Effect of central Apnoea on cerebral oxygenation in children with Chiari-II-Malformation using Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy

Stahl, Kerstin January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Das Ziel dieser Studie lag darin, die Auswirkung zentraler schlafbezogener Atemstörungen (zSBA) auf die zerebrale Oxygenierung bei Kindern mit Meningomyelozele (MMC) und Chiari-II-Malformation zu untersuchen. Im Schlaflabor der Universitäts-Kinderklinik Würzburg wurden Kinder mit MMC und Chiari-II-Malformation, bei denen zuvor eine zentrale Atemstörung diagnostiziert worden war, polysomnographisch untersucht. Zusätzlich zur standardisierten Polysomnographie (PSG) wurde die zerebrale Sauerstoffsättigung mittels Nahinfrarotspektroskopie (NIRS) abgeleitet. Die Nahinfrarotspektroskopie ermöglicht eine kontinuierliche, nicht-invasive Messung der zerebralen Oxygenierung. Diese Methode beruht auf der relativen Durchlässigkeit von Gewebe im Nahinfrarotbereich. Beim Durchtritt von Licht durch Gewebe kommt es zur Absorption durch die Chromophoren O2Hb und HHb. Mit Hilfe des modifizierten Lambert-Beer-Gesetzes können Veränderungen der Chromophorenkonzentration berechnet werden. Zusätzlich zu dieser Methode ist es mit dem NIRO-200-Gerät möglich, absolute Werte des Gewebeoxygenierungsindexes (TOI) zu ermitteln. Mittels Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy (SRS) wird die Änderung der Lichtabschwächung über eine Distanz gemessen und unter Verwendung einer modifizierten Diffusionsgleichung TOI berechnet. Die respiratorischen Ereignisse während der Polysomnographie wurden in Bezug auf die Dauer, den peripheren Sättigungsabfall, das Schlafstadium und die Veränderungen der zerebralen Sauerstoffsättigung ausgewertet. Die zerebralen Werte wurden mit dem NIRO-200-Gerät (Fa. Hamamatsu Phototonics) gemessen: oxygeniertes Hämoglobin (O2Hb), deoxygeniertes Hämoglobin (HHb) und der Gewebeoxygenierungsindex (TOI). Es konnte ein typisches Reaktionsmuster der zerebralen Parameter während zSBA beschrieben werden mit Abfall des O2Hb, zum Anstieg des HHb und zum Abfall des TOI. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, dass zSBA mit sehr starken zerebralen Sauerstoffabfällen assoziiert sein können. Es zeigte sich eine starke Korrelation mit der Dauer einer Atemstörung, sowie dem Ausmaß des peripheren Sättigungsabfalls. Eine signifikante Korrelation mit dem Schlafstadium konnte nicht hergestellt werden. Je länger demnach eine Apnoe ist bzw. je stärker der peripher gemessene Sauerstoffabfall, desto stärker ist auch der zerebrale Sauerstoffabfall. Es ist zu vermuten, dass wiederkehrende Episoden von Hypoxie während zentraler Apnoen und zentraler Hypopnoen über Jahre zu Schädigungen des Gehirns führen und dadurch einen negativen Einfluss auf die Entwicklung von Kindern mit Chiari-II-Malformation haben bzw. eine neurologische Verschlechterung begünstigen. Daher erscheint es wichtig, zSBA möglichst frühzeitig aufzudecken und zu behandeln. / Central Apnea are very common in Children with Meningomyelocele and Chiari-II-Malfromation. Previous studies showed, that these central Apneas often are assotiated with peripheral Deoxygenation. To show, wether these deoxygenations are just a phenomenon of peripheral circulation or if they are affecting the cerebral oxygenation we used Near-infrared-Spectroskopy (NIRS). NIRS is a method for continously, noninvasively monitoring cerebral oxygenation (NIRO-200 Fa. Hamamatsu). This study shows, that there is a typical reaction of cerebral parameters: dedrease of oxygenatet heamoglobin, increase of deoxy-heamoglobin and decrease of tissue oxygenation index. In addition it is shown that the duration and the peripheral Desaturation have an impact on cerebral Deoxygenation.

Music-text relations in the Keller songs of Wolf and Schoenberg /

Russell, Jennifer J., January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oregon, 2006. / Typescript. Includes vita and abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 162-165). Also available for download via the World Wide Web; free to University of Oregon users.

Die ,globale Provinz' ? Der Globalisierungsdiskurs am Beispiel von Arnold Stadlers Roman <u>Ein hinreissender Schrotthändler</u> (1999) und Andreas Maiers Roman <u>Klausen</u> (2002)

Stengel, Julia January 2006 (has links)
This thesis demonstrates how two literary works ? Arnold Stadler's <em>Ein hinreissender Schrotthändler</em> (1999) and Andreas Maier's <em>Klausen</em> (2002) ? can be read as part of the globalization discourse. As a theoretical basis for the textual analysis the thesis first develops an understanding of the concept of globalization which forms a background against which the two literary works can be read. By embedding literature into the sociological theories of globalization it is possible to examine to what extent the two novels reflect and/or generate particular aspects of globalization. <br /><br /> Both texts are set largely in provincial towns, and the regions themselves play commanding roles in the stories being told. This focus on the provincial takes on an ironic appearance in the era of globalization where one would assume that localities have lost meaning. It is therefore useful to look at theories that broach the issue of the tense relation between globality and locality. Since no universally accepted definition of globalization exists, it is necessary to establish the crucial aspects of the phenomenon to be applied in the analysis of the novels by examining the work of various theorists on the topic. <br /><br /> The prominent model of 'glocalization,' originated by the sociologist Roland Robertson to refer to 'global localization,' offers useful categories for the analysis of the provincial in the era of globalization. In this model the simultaneity of global and local processes is assumed and with it the alleged antagonism of the 'global' and the 'local' is overcome. Claiming those dynamics Robertson's model can serve as a confirmation of the arguments put forward in this thesis which looks at literature about the 'local' through the prism of globalization. Other theories relating to explicit local dynamics are presented to round out the model of 'glocalization. ' In addition, the thesis takes into account normative ideas regarding the province in the global era. <br /><br /> The textual analysis that follows the delineation of the model of 'glocalization' demonstrates how the novels illustrate the global and local processes postulated by the model. The investigation also explains how the literary texts themselves evaluate the provinces portrayed. The results of the examination show that selected aspects of the globalization discourse have found their way into two contemporary German-language novels and therefore into German literary discourse. Even though the two novels deal with different ideas from the discourse, and even reject to a certain extent some of these concepts, they each reveal a particular literary manner of echoing the processes of globalization. Finally, the thesis demonstrates that the globalization discourse is of use for the interpretation of literary texts.

The Expressionism in Arnold Schoenberg¡¦s Drei Klavierstucke, Opus 11

Chang, Ya-Chun 07 July 2012 (has links)
The prevalence of expressionism in the early twenty century was strongly related to the social environment at that time. Under the political situation of militarism and absolute monarchy, the society was facing a severe turbulence in Germany. And, an economic system based on capitalism also lead to extreme disparity between the rich and the poor. Additionally, the scientific study of rationality revealed the importance of caring for the inside needs, which gradually resulted in the prosperity of expressionism in different kinds of arts fields, including literature, theater, painting, music and so on. Expressionists started to express their feeling in a distorted way in order to show their true self and emotional experience. Arnold Schoenberg, who was one of the chief representatives in music of expressionism, used atonal composition skill as a reflection of his dissatisfaction against the reality. This study is divided into three main parts, excluding the part of introduction and conclusion. In the first part, the origin and style of expressionism in the early twenty century is introduced. Secondly, factors leading to the transformation of Schoenberg¡¦s composition skill, from the conventional method to the innovative atonal technique, are further discussed, which include the effect from other expressionists in other fields and his living environment. In the last part, Drei Klavierstucke, Opus 11 is taken as an example to demonstrate its historical background, music features, and composition techniques used in the work to specifically tell the content of expressionism.

Gesichte und Geschichte : Arnold Schönbergs musikalischer Expressionismus zwischen avantgardistischer Kunstprogrammatik und Historismusproblem.

Böggemann, Markus. January 2007 (has links)
Diss.--Berlin--Univ. der Künste, 2006. / Bibliogr. p. 214-237.

La main heureuse : symbole d'une époque et emblème de la rencontre entre Wassily Kandinsky et Arnold Schoenberg /

Roussel, Stéphane, January 2000 (has links)
Mémoire--Histoire de la musique--CNR-Conservatoire supérieur de Paris, 2000. / Conrient en annexe le livret de l'oeuvre d'Arnold Schoenberg, ainsi que des extraits de la partition. Bibliogr. f. 99-104.

Figures et renouveau du mélodrame au XXe siècle /

Pedrinis, Corinne. January 1900 (has links)
Th. Etat--musique--Paris 8-Vincennes-Saint-Denis, 2004. / Résumé en anglais. Bibliogr. et discogr. p. 455-471.

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