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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinação de radionuclídeos naturais (Ra-226, Pb-210, Ra-228, K-40) e artificial (Cs-137) em sedimentos de superfície do Complexo Estaurino-Lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape / Determination of natural (Ra-226, Pb-210, Ra-228, K-40) and artificial (Cs-137) radionuclides in surface sediments of the Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagunar Complex

Jesus, Gleyka Jullymary Damasceno de 18 February 2019 (has links)
O Complexo Estuarino-Lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape, localizado no sul do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, é uma área protegida reconhecida pela UNESCO como parte da Reserva da Biosfera, devido à sua importância como um ecossistema natural. Esta região sofreu mudanças importantes devido à abertura do Canal Valo Grande, ligando o rio Ribeira de Iguape ao Complexo, ocasionando a entrada de contaminantes no ecossistema. Para aprofundar os estudos deste ecossistema foi aprovado um Projeto de Pesquisa \"Estudo ambiental de sistemas costeiros expostos a importantes ações antrópicas na região sudeste por meio de ferramentas biogeoquímicas\". Este projeto teve como objetivo utilizar ferramentas biogeoquímicas no estudo de sistemas costeiros sujeitos a importantes influências antrópicas provenientes de ocupação do solo para fins de urbanização, agricultura, atividades industriais, reforma/instalação de estruturas portuárias e de exploração da plataforma costeira, sem deixar distante, as recomendações das ações de preservação e manejo que se fazem necessárias nas áreas costeiras. Dentro do escopo deste Projeto, o presente trabalho objetivou determinar a concentração dos radionuclídeos naturais Ra-226, Pb-210, Ra-228, K-40 e artificial Cs-137 em 34 amostras de sedimentos de superfície coletadas no Complexo Estuarino-Lagunar de Cananéia-Iguape. As amostras foram medidas por espectrometria gama, utilizando um detector Germanio Hiperpuro-HPGe. Os valores de concentração média obtidos nos sedimentos de superfície para o Ra-226 foi de 14,2 &plusmn; 8,7 Bq kg-1; para o Pb-210 foi de 31,1 &plusmn; 30,4 Bq kg-1; para Ra-228 de 19,2 &plusmn; 14,9 Bq kg-1 e para o K-40 318 &plusmn; 119 Bq kg-1. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que não há contaminação antropogênica e que esses valores podem ser considerados como níveis basais da região. Entretanto, os resultados obtidos para o desvio padrão relativo apresentaram valores altos, indicando grande dispersão dos resultados em torno do valor médio. Essa grande dispersão decorre principalmente das características físicas e químicas dos vários ecossistemas aonde foram amostrados os sedimentos. A Análise de Componentes Principais obtidos através da matriz de correlação de Pearson mostrou que em grande parte dos pontos amostrais, os radionuclídeos estudados estão presentes predominantemente na porção argila + silte e agregados à matéria orgânica. Dentro deste conjunto de pontos amostrais, foi possível evidenciar três pontos outliers, o ponto amostral MY3 que apresenta correlação mais positiva com as variáveis concentração de Ra-226 e Ra-228 e os pontos amostrais Pedra do Tombo e R6 que apresentaram maior correlação com a fração argila + silte e matéria orgânica. Já os demais pontos amostrais apresentaram correlação positiva com a variável areia, o que indica um padrão hidrodinâmico fortemente influenciado pelas correntes geradas pelas oscilações das marés e pela salinidade da água nesses locais. As maiores concentrações dos radionuclídeos no ponto amostral Pedra do Tombo, são devidas ao fato desse ponto apresentar altos teores de sedimentos pelíticos, alternância no fluxo de energia, ocorrendo alterações no sentido e intensidade do fluxo de água, permitindo a deposição dos sedimentos finos. Além do mais, esse local apresenta um afunilamento, que dificulta a passagem das frações finas que acabam se acumulando, facilitando a deposição dos radionuclídeos. Os resultados obtidos para o Cs-137 variaram entre <0,5 e 3,2 Bq kg-1. Dos resultados obtidos para a concentração do Cs-137 nas 34 amostras analisadas, 93% se encontram abaixo da concentração mínima detectável. A análise estatística dos resultados obtidos para o Cs-137, por meio do software ProUCL, permitiu avaliar a concentração média do conjunto de dados amostrados. O valor obtido para o terceiro quartil (0,8 Bq kg-1) pode ser utilizado como o valor recomendado mais representativo da radiação de fundo da região. / The Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagunar Complex, located in the south of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, is a protected area recognized by UNESCO as part of the Biosphere Reserve, due to its importance as a natural ecosystem. This region underwent important changes due to the opening of the Valo Grande Channel, connecting the Ribeira de Iguape river to the Complex, causing contaminants to enter the ecosystem. In order to deepen the studies of this ecosystem, a Research Project entitled \"Environmental study of coastal systems exposed to important anthropogenic actions in the southeast region by means of biogeochemical tools\" was approved. This project aimed to use biogeochemical tools in the study of coastal systems stressed by anthropic influences such as land use for urbanization purposes, agriculture, industrial activities, renovation/installation of port structures and coastal shelf exploitation, keeping in mind, the recommendations given for the preservation and management necessary in the coastal areas. Within the scope of this project, the present work aimed to determine the concentration of the natural radionuclides Ra-226, Pb-210, Ra-228, K-40 and artificial Cs-137 in 34 samples of surface sediments collected in the Cananéia-Iguape Estuarine-Lagunar Complex. The samples were measured by gamma spectrometry using a Germanium Hyperpure - HPGe detector. The mean concentration values obtained in the surface sediments for Ra-226 were 14.2 &plusmn; 8.7 Bq kg-1; for Pb-210 was 31.1 &plusmn; 30.4 Bq kg-1; for Ra-228 of 19.2 &plusmn; 14.9 Bq kg-1 and for the K-40 318 &plusmn; 119 Bq kg-1. The results indicated that there is no anthropogenic contamination and that these values can be considered as the base line of the region. However, the results obtained for the relative standard deviation presented high values, indicating a large dispersion of the results around the mean value. This large dispersion is mainly due to the physical and chemical characteristics of the ecosystems where the sediments were sampled. The Principal Component Analysis obtained from the Pearson correlation matrix showed that in most of the sampling points, the radionuclides are predominantly present in the clay + silt portion and aggregated to the organic matter. Within this set of sampling points, it was possible to visualize three outliers, the sampling point MY3 that presented a more positive correlation with the Ra-226 and Ra-228 concentrations and the Pedra do Tombo and R6 sampling points that presented the highest correlation with the clay + silt and organic matter fraction. The other set of sampling points presented a positive correlation with sand, which indicates a hydrodynamic pattern strongly influenced by the currents generated by the tidal oscillations and by the salinity of the water in these locations. The highest concentration of radionuclides found in the Pedra do Tombo sampling point is due to the fact that this location presents high levels of pelitic sediments, alternation of energy flow, with changes in the direction and intensity of the water flow, allowing the deposition of fine sediments. Moreover, is this location the channel presents a narrowing, which hinders the flow of the fine fraction that ends up accumulating, facilitating the deposition of radionuclides. The results for Cs-137 ranged from <0.5 to 3.2 Bq kg-1. From the results obtained for the concentration of Cs-137 in the 34 samples analyzed, 93% are below the minimum detectable concentration. The statistical analysis of the results obtained for the Cs-137, using the software ProUCL, allowed to evaluate the average concentration of the sampled data set. The value obtained for the third quartile (0.8 Bq kg-1) can be used as the recommended value most representative of the background radiation of the region for Cs.

Analyse rapide des actinides par couplage chromatographie liquide/ICP-MS et de 90Sr par compteur proportionnel à gaz, dans les échantillons de l'environnement, en situation post-accidentelle. / Rapid Analysis of actinides by liquid chromatography coupled on line to the ICP-MS and of 90Sr by a gas proportional counter, in environmental samples, in post-accidental situation

Habibi, Azza 07 December 2015 (has links)
La présente étude s’inscrit dans le contexte post-Fukushima et avait pour objectif la mise en place d’une méthode d’analyse pour identifier et quantifier, rapidement, des radionucléides émetteurs alpha et bêta, en situation post-accidentelle, dans les échantillons de l’environnement. La première étape de l’étude a permis de dresser la liste des radio-isotopes émetteurs alpha et bêta susceptibles d’être rejetés dans l’environnement suite à un accident nucléaire. Dans une deuxième étape, un protocole d’analyse rapide a été développé pour 17 radio-isotopes de U, Th, Pu, Am, Np et Sr. L’objectif était d’automatiser l’étape de séparation radiochimique et de la coupler à la mesure. La séparation est réalisée en employant des colonnes contenant les résines d’extraction, TEVA®, TRU et Sr. La mesure est effectuée par ICP-MS (spectrométrie de masse à plasma induit) et dans certains cas par compteur proportionnel à gaz pour quantifier le radiostrontium (89Sr et 90Sr). D’excellentes performances analytiques ont été obtenues, lors de la mesure hors-ligne, pour des échantillons d’eaux (robinet, rivière et mer) et solides (sols et filtres d’aérosols), après une minéralisation par four à micro-ondes ou par fusion alcaline suivie d’une co-précipitation avec Ca3(PO4)2. Ces performances sont caractérisées par des rendements de récupération compris entre 70 % et 100 % et des écarts types entre 5 % et 10 %. Le protocole de séparation a été ensuite automatisé et transposé en mode couplage en ligne avec l’ICP-MS. Les paramètres opératoires ont été optimisés avec un plan d’expériences, défini et exploité avec le logiciel Minitab®. Après optimisation du protocole, l’automatisation et le couplage de la séparation permettent de quantifier rapidement, en 1,5 h par échantillon, U, Th, Pu, Am, Np et Sr et de gagner un facteur 20 sur les limites de détection des radio-isotopes artificiels. / The present study follows the Fukushima power plant accident and aimed to develop an analytical method to achieve, during an emergency situation, a rapid identification and quantification of alpha and beta emitters in environmental samples. The first step of this study allowed us to list the alpha and beta emitters which can be released in the environment in case of a nuclear accident. The second step aimed towards the development of a rapid analysis method to quantify 17 radionuclides of U, Th, Pu, Am, Np and Sr. The main objective was the automation of the radiochemical separation step and its coupling for the measurement. The separation is performed using columns containing extraction resins, namely TEVA®, TRU and Sr. The measurement is performed using an ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) and in some cases a gas proportional counter to quantify radiostrontium (89Sr and 90Sr). Excellent figures of merit were obtained, off line, with water (tap, river and sea water) and solid matrices (soil and aerosol filters), after a micro-wave digestion or an alkaline fusion dissolution followed by a Ca3(PO4)2 coprecipitation. The proposed analytical strategy showed yields between 70 % and 100 % and standard deviations between 5 % and 10 %. The newly developed separation method was then automated and coupled on-line to ICP-MS. The operating parameters were optimized using a design of experiments and the results were processed with Minitab®. The optimized automated separation coupled on-line to the ICP-MS allows the rapid quantification, in 1.5 h per sample, of U, Th, Pu, Am, Np and Sr with detection limits gain as high as 20 times for artificial radionuclides.

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