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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Clonagem, expressão e caracterização do gene da oxidase alternativa mitocrondial de Aspergilus fumigatus / Cloning, functional expression, and biochemical characterization of an alternative oxidase mitochondrial gene from A. fumigatus

Dinamarco, Taísa Magnani 26 September 2008 (has links)
O Aspergillus fumigatus é um fungo filamentoso e saprofítico, encontrado em todas as regiões do mundo, desempenhando um importante papel na reciclagem de carbono e nitrogênio do solo. A principal forma de infecção ocorre através da inalação dos conídios com predominância de infecções no trato respiratório, principalmente em pacientes imunocomprometidos. A mitocôndria de A. fumigatus foi caracterizada em nosso laboratório, que revelou a presença de uma respiração resistente a cianeto mediada pela oxidase alternativa. A clonagem e sequenciamento deste gene foram realizadas através de screening de uma biblioteca de DNA genômico. O alinhamento das sequências genômica e de cDNA mostrou a presença de dois introns, que após splicing codifica uma proteína contendo 352 aminoácidos, possuindo uma massa molecular estimada de 40,84 kDa e um pI teórico de 9,51. Além disso, foram identificados domínios altamente conservados (LET, NERMHL, LEEA e RADEH) que interagem com átomos de ferro e estão contidos em -hélices propostas como responsáveis pela organização estrutural da enzima. A fim de caracterizar bioquimicamente esta proteína, a sequência de cDNA do gene foi clonada em plasmídeo pYES2 e expressa em S. cerevisiae INVSc1 como um modelo eucarioto. Após expressão, a proteína encontrou-se de forma ativa, conferindo à levedura uma respiração resistente a cianeto. Esta característica herdada provocou uma discreta diminuição na taxa de crescimento em meio não-fermentativo e uma capacidade de sobrevivência na presença de KCN. Acredita-se que a atividade das AOXs esteja diretamente relacionada com a presença de diferentes espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO). Neste contexto, a avaliação do efeito de diferentes agentes pró-oxidantes provocou um aumento na atividade e na expressão da enzima. Paralelamente, a caracterização funcional do gene foi realizada através da técnica de interferência por RNA, utilizando o vetor de expressão pALB1. Em meio contendo maltose, as cepas pALB1/aoxAf apresentaram coloração branca devido ao silenciamento do gene alb1. Os níveis de mRNA do gene aoxAf foram determinados por Real time RT-PCR, mostrando o eficiente silenciamento do gene alvo com a construção utilizada. Devido à relação já descrita entre ERO e a atividade das AOXs, avaliou-se a produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio nas cepas silenciadas utilizando-se a sonda CM-H2DCFDA, observando maior produção na cepa pALB1/aoxAf. Além disso, a viabilidade destas cepas foi determinada por citometria de fluxo após a exposição com agentes pró-oxidantes, a qual indicou maior letalidade na cepa pALB1/aoxAf, quando comparada com CEA e pALB1. Da mesma forma, após a incubação dos conídios das cepas silenciadas com macrófagos de camundongos foi verificada uma maior atividade microbicida dos macrófagos na cepa duplamente silenciada pALB1/aoxAf, quando comparada com as outras cepas. Com estes resultados podemos concluir que a oxidase alternativa apresenta uma importante atividade antioxidante, além de contribuir nos mecanismos de defesa durante o processo de infecção de A. fumigatus. / The saprophytic species Aspergillus fumigatus is a deuteromycete fungus found worldwide, which has an essential role in recycling carbon and nitrogen. Following inhalation of conidia by the immunocompetent host, the innate cellular immune system is responsible for killing the conidia, exposing them to reactive oxygen. However, A. fumigatus is capable of surviving and replicating within the phagolysosomal compartment of immunocompromised macrophages. It was previously demonstrated that A. fumigatus mitochondria possess an alternative oxidase (aoxAf) wich is a cyanide-resistant protein. A partial genomic DNA library was screened to cloning an aoxAf gene. The alignment between the cDNA and genomic DNA sequences revealed the existence of two introns which after splicing encodes a 352 amino acid sequence with a calculated molecular mass of 40 kDa and a theoretical pI of 9.51. The deduced amino acid sequence revealed four regions completely conserved among the AOXs sequences (LET, NERMHL, LEEA and RADE-H), where six conserved amino acids residues are proposed to be a metal ligand site. To characterize the AOX protein, a cDNA of aoxAf gene was cloned into pYES2 plasmid and transformed in S. cerevisiae INVSc1. After the incubation of the cells in a nonfermentable medium in the presence of KCN, S. cerevisiae expressing AOX was able to grow, while it was lethal for the control yeast. These results suggest that the recombinant AOXAf is properly targeted to the S. cerevisiae mitochondria where it has functional activity. Studies with different species demonstrated that AOX is induced by a variety of treatments usually labeled as stresses. To verify the function of AOX in A. fumigatus under oxidative stress conditions, conidia were treated with different donors of ROS. These treatments caused an increase in aoxAf activity and transcription levels. To identify genetically attributes of virulence and oxidative defense in A. fumigatus, we construct a RNA interference plasmid. Two inverted repeated sequences of conserved region of an interest gene were amplified and cloned in pALB1 plasmid. In maltose medium pALB1 and pALB1/aoxAf transformants demonstrated white colonies, attributable to the reduction of alb1 gene expression. The aoxAf mRNA levels were analyzed by Real time RT-PCR, showing an efficient alternative oxidase gene silencing in pALB1 plasmid construction. It was previously demonstrated that ROS can stimulate the AOXs activity, so, we used the dye CM-H2DCFDA to measure ROS production in RNAi transformants, showing that the decrease in aoxAf gene expression caused an increase in ROS production. After incubation with ROS donors the viability of these strains was determined by flow cytometry analysis. The pALB1/aoxAf strain showed higher lethality, when compared with CEA and pALB1, suggesting the involvement of AOX in antioxidant defense in A. fumigatus. Besides, ROS produced by alveolar macrophages play an essential role in the killing of A. fumigatus conidia. In the same way, phagocytosis assay revealed that pALB1/aoxAf strain was more lethal than CEA and pALB1. With these results, we concluded that alternative oxidase is an efficient antioxidant system and might contribute with defense mechanism of A. fumigatus.

Vias alternativas mitocondriais: clonagem e caracterização bioquímica do gene NADH desidrogenase alternativa de \'A. fumigatus\' / Alternative mitochondrial pathways: cloning and biochemical characterization of the A. fumigatus alternative NADH dehydrogenase gene

Anna Carolina de Freitas Policarpo 08 May 2008 (has links)
Aspergillus fumigatus é um fungo filamentoso e saprofítico encontrado em todas as regiões do mundo. A principal forma de infecção ocorre através da inalação de conídios do fungo com predominância de infecções no trato respiratório, principalmente em pacientes imunocomprometidos. Foi caracterizada a função mitocondrial de A. fumigatus e sugeriu-se a presença de vias alternativas, dentre elas, a presença da NADH desidrogenase alternativa. A fim de colaborar com estudos para elucidação do papel desta enzima, foi realizada a clonagem dos genes das NADH desidrogenase alternativa interna e externa de A. fumigatus. A análise da seqüência de aminoácidos revelou um perfil de hidropaticidade com a presença de quatro regiões hidrofóbicas, semelhante às outras seqüências já descritas. Além disso, foram identificados dois motivos (GXGXXG) altamente conservados para ligações a nucleotídeos, dentro de um domínio os quais estão relacionados com a estrutura e atividade da enzima. A seqüência de cDNA do gene ndhiAf foi clonada em plasmídeo pYES2 e expressa em S. cerevisiae cepa CEN.PK873-2B; a expressão da NDHIAf foi verificada por técnica de Western-blot. A proteína foi expressa de forma ativa, conferindo à levedura uma respiração e a formação de um potencial de membrana resultantes da oxidação de substratos clássicos do complexo I, sugerindo sua localização na membrana mitocondrial interna. Além disso, as cepas expressando essa proteína foram capazes de crescer em meio contendo apenas lactato como fonte de carbono, uma característica atribuída à presença da NADH desidrogenase alternativa interna (NDHi). Considerando que a atividade das NDHIAf e NDHEAf estão sob controle metabólico, nos avaliamos o efeito de diferentes concentrações de glucose como única fonte de carbono no meio de cultura. Durante a germinação conidial, não foi observada expressão da NDHIAf e NDHEAf na presença de baixas concentrações de glucose. Entretanto, durante a fase de hifas foi observado um aumento na expressão de NDHIAf e NDHEAf. Por outro lado, em alta concentrações de glucose, durante a germinação conidial, foi observado expressão da NDHIAf mas nenhuma expressão da NDHEAf. Na fase de hifas observou-se um aumento da expressão da NDHIAf e uma diminuição da NDHEAf. / Aspergillus fumigatus is a filamentous and saprophytic fungus found in all regions of the world. The main form of infection occurs through inhalation of fungi conidial, with predominance of infections in the respiratory treat, mainly in immunocompromised host. It was characterized the mitochondrial function of A. fumigatus and suggested the presence of alternative pathways, including the alternative NADH dehydrogenase. In order to elucidate its role, genes of the external and internal enzymes were cloned. Analysis of the amino acid sequence and hydropathy plot revealed a profile with four hydrophobic regions, similar to other already described sequences. Moreover, two highly conserved motifs (GXGXXG) for the nucleotides interaction, related with the structure and activity of the enzyme, were identified inside the a domain. The sequence of DNA of the ndhiAf gene was cloned in an expression plasmid pYES2 and expressed in CEN.PK873-2B S. cerevisiae strain; the expression was confirmed by Western-blot analysis. The protein was expressed in an active form, providing to the yeast an oxygen consumption and a potential membrane formation due to oxidation of the complex I substract, suggesting its localization in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Moreover, strains expressing this protein were capable of growing in medium with only lactate as a carbon source, a characteristic associated with the presence of internal alternative NADH dehydrogenase (NDHI). Considering that NDHI and NDHE activities are under metabolic control, we evaluated the effect of different concentrations of glucose as the only carbon source in the medium of culture. During conidia germination, it was not observed neither an expression of NDHI nor NDHE in the presence of low concentrations of glucose. However, in hyphae phase was observed an increase an expression of NDHI and NDHE. On the other hand, in high concentration of glucose, during conidia germination was observed an expression of NDHI and not expression of NDHE. In hyphae phase was observed a decrease an expression of NDHI and an increase of NDHE.

Caractérisation biochimique et structurale de lectines d'Aspergillus fumigatus / biochemical and structural studies of lectines from opportunistic filamentous fungi

Hündling, Dörte 15 June 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse a été de contribuer à la compréhension des stratégies d'infection du pathogène opportuniste Aspergillus fumigatus. Ce pathogène est une cause émergente de morbidité et de mortalité chez les patients dont l'immunité est compromise et dans les milieux hospitaliers. Une infection avec Aspergillus est en général appelée une Aspergillose et ellepeut se développer dans un certain nombre d'organes, le plus fréquemment dansl'appareil respiratoire (poumons et sinus). Outre les infections (Aspergillosis invasive), la colonisation par ce champignon peut causer des réactions allergiques (Aspergilloses broncho pulmonaire allergique) et de l'asthme. Le nombre de patients immunodéprimés augmente régulièrement à cause des avancées des traitements du SIDA, du cancer, de la mucoviscidose ainsi que par le nombre grandissant de transplantation d'organes. De nouveaux médicaments antifongiques et des médicaments préventifs sont nécessaires pour venir en soutienaux soins médicaux des patients. Bien que plusieurs fongicides existent déjà sur le marché, l'Aspergillosisinvasive reste souvent fatale. Ceci est lié d'une part à la difficulté d'établir le diagnostic, et d'autre part au fait que des résistances émergent rapidement. La motivation de cette thèse est de comprendre les mécanismes impliqués dans le premier contact entre les conidies et le tissu de l'hôte. Ces mécanismes d'adhésion initiaux sont souvent réalisés par des liaisons entre les lectines et les carbohydrates. Le tissu épithélial et la surface muqueuse du système respiratoire sont couverts de structures possédants des carbohydratestels que les glycoprotéines, les glycolipides et les glycosaminoglycanes. L'identification des lectines d'A. fumigatus et leurs caractérisations devraient dorénavant contribuer à la compréhension de la glycostratégie de ce pathogène opportuniste ainsi que des mécanismes impliqués dans l'adhésion et l'infection. L'analyse détaillée de la structure des lectines permettra d'établir le rôle de cesprotéinesdans la virulence et de guider la conception de glycomimétiques, afin d'inhiber le phénomène d'adhésion. Cettenouvelle approche consistant à bloquer l'adhésion de l'agent pathogène plutôt que sa prolifération, vise à diminuer les résistances par une réduction de la pression évolutive. Deuxstratégies différentes ont été utilisées pouridentifier de nouvelleslectines. Tout d'abord une purification des lectinesà partir d'extraits fongiques brutsa été tentée et d'autre part un criblage pour trouver des séquences similaires avec les protéines codées par A. fumigatusa été réalisé parmi une banque de lectines fongiques connues. / The aim of this thesis was to contribute to the understanding of infection strategies of the opportunistic pathogen Aspergillusfumigatus. This pathogenic mould is an emerging cause of morbidity and mortality in immuno-compromised patients and hospital environments. An infection with Aspergillus is generally referred to as Aspergillosis; it can develop in a variety of organs but the most common sites are the respiratory apparatus i.e. lungs and sinuses. Besides infections (invasive aspergillosis), colonization with the fungus can cause allergic reactions (allergic broncho pulmonary aspergillosis) and asthma. The number of immuno-suppressed patients is steadily increasing due to advancement in the HIV, cancer and cystic fibrosis medical care, as well as an increasing number of organ transplantations. Needless to say that new antifungal drugs and preventive medication is desperately needed to support medical care for those patients. Even though several fungicides already exist on the market, invasive aspergillosis remains to be often fatal. On one hand, this is due to difficulties in diagnosis and on the other hand, resistances are emerging rapidly. The motivation behind this thesis is to understand the underlying mechanisms that are involved in the first contact between conidial spores and host tissues. Initial adhesion steps often involve carbohydrate binding proteins, called lectins. They recognize glycoconjugates such as glycoproteins, glycolipids and glycosaminoglycans which cover the epithelial tissue and mucosal surface of the respiratory tract.. Identification and characterization of the lectins from A. fumigatus will therefore contribute to the understanding of the glycostrategy of this opportunistic pathogen and of the mechanisms involved in adhesion and infection. Detailed structural analysis of the carbohydrate-protein interactions will allow ascertaining the lectins role in virulence and guide the design of glycomimetics, as adhesion inhibitors. With this novel approach of targeting the pathogen adhesion rather than its proliferation, resistances are believed to be less frequent due to the lack of evolutionary pressure. In this work, two different strategies were employed to obtain novel lectins. Firstly, lectins were purified from crude fungal extracts and secondly the A. fumigatus genome was screened for encoded proteins showing sequence similarity with known fungal lectins. While lectin purification from the crude extracts was inconclusive due to low lectin activity in the starting material, genome screening showed that several putative lectins were present. One of these lectins, named AFL6, belonged to the cyanovirin-N homolog (CVNH) family and it was recombinantly expressed and purified. Glycan array and micro calorimetry techniques were carried out to investigate its carbohydrate binding specificityand the three dimensional structure was determined using X-ray crystallography. The structure showed an overall similarity with other CVNHs with slight differences in the presumed carbohydrate binding sites. Unlike other family members, it shows a low affinity for mannosides and an apparent affinity for lactosamine containing glycan structures.

Sistema de aquisição de fosfato inorgânico no fungo patogênico humano Aspergillus fumigatus / System of inorganic phosphate acquisition in the human pathogen fungi Aspergillus fumigatus

Paula Fagundes de Gouvêa 27 March 2009 (has links)
A percepção e aquisição de nutrientes essenciais do meio ambiente estão associadas com o desenvolvimento do fungo saprófita A. fumigatus em um ambiente hostil. O fosfato inorgânico é um dos nutrientes essenciais para o desenvolvimento deste fungo. Os sistemas para aquisição de fosfato em células eucarióticas têm sido caracterizados como sistema de alta afinidade, o qual é ativado em resposta a ausência externa de fosfato e sistema de baixa afinidade, o qual assegura um suprimento de fosfato em concentrações normais ou altas de fosfato extracelular. Como um passo inicial para o entendimento da via PHO em A. fumigatus, caracterizou-se o homólogo PHO80, PHO84 e PHO85 aqui denominados phoBPHO80, phoDPHO84 e phoAPHO85, respectivamente. Resultados mostraram que o mutante phoBPHO80 apresenta um defeito no crescimento polarizado e que existe uma interação entre o metabolismo de PhoBPHO80, da calcineurina e do cálcio. As hibridações de microarray realizadas com RNA obtido das cepas mutante phoBPHO80 e selvagem mostraram que os genes Afu4g03610 (phoDPHO84), Afu7g06350 (phoEPHO89), Afu4g06020 (phoCPHO81) e Afu2g09040 (transportador vacuolar Vtc4) estão mais expressos no background do mutante phoBPHO80 ou em concentração de 0.1 mmol/L de fosfato. Nossos resultados indicam que a mutação phoBPHO80 pode afetar o acúmulo de polifosfato em vacúolos em alta ou baixa concentração de fosfato extracelular. Não obteve-se êxito na deleção da quinase phoAPHO85 desta forma pode-se levar em consideração que o gene phoAPHO85 parece ser essencial em A. fumigatus. Surpreendentemente, a cepa com a deleção de phoDPHO84 não apresentou nenhum fenótipo diferente da sua cepa selvagem. Além do mais, as cepas mutantes phoBPHO80 e phoDPHO84 não apresentaram redução na virulência em um modelo murino de aspergilose invasiva. Nossos resultados sugerem também, que a deleção da proteína quinase A está contribuindo para um decréscimo na expressão de genes PHO em A. fumigatus. / Environmental sensing and retrieval of nutrients from the environment are associated with growth of A. fumigatus in inhospitable environments. Phosphate is an ion that is essential for fungal growth. The systems for inorganic phosphate (Pi) acquisition in eukaryotic cells (PHO) have been characterized as a low-affinity (that assures a supply of Pi at normal or high external Pi concentrations) and a high-affinity (activated in response to Pi starvation). Here, as an initial step to understand the PHO pathway in Aspergillus fumigatus, we characterized the PHO80, PHO84 and PHO85 homologues, here denominaded phoBPHO80, phoDPHO84 and phoAPHO85, respectively. We show that the phoBPHO80 mutant has a polar growth defect (i.e., a delayed germ tube emergence) and, by phenotypic and phosphate uptake analyses, establish a link between PhoBPHO80, calcineurin and calcium metabolism. Microarray hybridizations carried out with RNA obtained from wild-type and phoBPHO80 mutant cells identify Afu4g03610 (phoDPHO84), Afu7g06350 (phoEPHO89), Afu4g06020 (phoCPHO81), and Afu2g09040 (vacuolar transporter Vtc4) as more expressed both in the phoBPHO80 mutant background and under phosphate-limiting conditions of 0.1 mM Pi. Epi-fluorescence microscopy revealed accumulation of poly-phosphate in phoBPHO80 vacuoles, which was independent of extracellular phosphate concentration. We also tried to isolate the phoAPHO85 deletion strain without succes after several times what raises the interesting possibility that the phoAPHO85 null mutant might be essential in Aspergillus fumigatus. Surprisingly, phoDPHO84 deletion mutant is indistinguishable phenotypically from the corresponding wild-type strain. mRNA analyses suggest that protein kinase A absence supports the expression of PHO genes in A. fumigatus. Furthermore, phoBPHO80 and phoDPHO84 mutant are fully virulent in a murine low dose model for invasive aspergillosis.

Influence of Cholesterol Import on Aspergillus fumigatus Growth and Antifungal Suscepibility

Hassan, Saad A. 12 1900 (has links)
Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis is a life-threatening fungal infection commonly observed in immunocompromised patients and has a mortality rate approaching 100% once the disease is disseminated. Aspergillus fumigatus is the most common pathogen. Early diagnosis improves the prognosis but is very difficult since most signs and symptoms are nonspecific. Antifungal therapy, usually based on sterol biosynthesis inhibitors, is also of limited efficacy. In my attempts to discover a diagnostic sterol marker for aspergillosis, I observed that A. fumigatus incorporates large amounts of cholesterol from serum-containing medium. This observation suggested the hypothesis that exogenous cholesterol from the host can be imported by A. fumigatus and used as a substitute for ergosterol in the cell membrane. This proposed mechanism would reduce the efficacy of antifungal drugs that act as sterol biosynthesis inhibitors. Experiments to test this hypothesis were designed to determine the effects of serum-free and serum-containing medium on growth of A. fumigatus in the presence and absence of azole antifungal agents. The results showed a marked increase in growth in the presence of human serum. Cultures in media containing cholesterol but no serum also showed enhanced growth, a result indicating that a non-cholesterol component of serum is not primarily responsible for the increased growth. However, sterol analysis of A. fumigatus cultured in the absence of inhibitors showed little or no change in ergosterol levels. This result suggested that the imported cholesterol was not being used as membrane sterol. However, in parallel experiments using Itraconazole™, an antifungal agent that attenuates sterol biosynthesis by inhibiting the sterol 14a-demethylase (ERG11), ergosterol levels decreased with increasing doses of inhibitor. Moreover, serum-containing medium partially rescued A. fumigatus from the effects of Itraconazole™, and a similar rescue effect was observed with serum-free media containing cholesterol. From the preceding results, it can be concluded that human serum enhances A. fumigatus growth, that cholesterol import rescues Aspergillus from the effects of antifungal agents, that the potency of some azole antifungals is decreased by cholesterol, and that imported cholesterol may substitute for membrane ergosterol in the presence of sterol biosynthesis inhibitors.

A importância da proteína fosfatase sitA na adesão, integridade da parede celular, biofilme e virulência de Aspergillus fumigatus / The Aspergillus fumigatus sitA phosphatase homologue is important for adhesion, cell wall integrity, biofilm formation, and virulence

Vinícius Leite Pedro Bom 12 February 2016 (has links)
Aspergillus fumigatus é um fungo patogênico oportunista capaz de infectar pacientes imunocomprometidos causando eventualmente infecções disseminadas difíceis de serem controladas e com alta taxa de mortalidade dos indivíduos infectados.. Para um melhor entendimento de como esse fungo age no hospedeiro é importante saber como as vias de sinalização que regulam esses fatores de virulência são orquestradas. Proteínas fosfatases são centrais em uma grande variedade de vias de transdução de sinal. Neste trabalho, nós caracterizamos a proteína fosfatase 2A SitA, a proteína homóloga de Sit4 em Saccharomyces serevisiae. O gene sitA não é essencial e por isso fomos capazes de construir um mutante nulo em A. fumigatus. A cepa ?sitA apresenta aumento na fosforilação da MpkA, é mais sensível à agentes que causam dano na parede celular, tem um aumento na quantidade de ?-1,3 glicano e quitina, e também tem problemas na adesão e formação de biofilme. O mutante ?sitA é mais sensível a vários metais e íons, como MnCl2, CaCl2, LiCl, entretanto é mais resistente à ZnSO4. O mutante ?sitA é avirulento em modelo de aspergilose pulmonar invasiva em camundongos. Esses resultados revelam que a fosfatase SitA está envolvida na via de integridade da parede celular de A. fumigatus possivelmente modulando a atividade de PkcA/MpkA / Aspergillus fumigatus is an opportunistic pathogenic fungus able to infect immunocompromised patients causing eventually disseminated infections that are difficult to be controlled, and lead to high mortality rates. It is important to understand how are orchestrated the signalling pathways that regulate these factors involved in virulence. Protein phosphatases are central to numerous signal transduction pathways. Here we characterize A. fumigatus protein phosphatase 2A SitA, the S. cerevisiae Sit4p homologue. The sitA gene is not an essential gene and we were able to construct an A. fumigatus null mutant. The ?sitA strain had increased MpkA phosphorylation, was more sensitive to cell wall damaging agents, had increased ??1,3?glican and chitin, and was impaired in biofilm formation. The ?sitA strain is more sensitive to several metals and ions such as MnCl2, CaCl2, and LiCl, however, it is more resistant to ZnSO4. The ?sitA strain was avirulent in a murine model of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. These results stress the importance of A. fumigatus SitA as a possible modulator of PkcA/MpkA activity and its involvement in the cell wall integrity pathway

Clonagem, expressão e caracterização do gene da oxidase alternativa mitocrondial de Aspergilus fumigatus / Cloning, functional expression, and biochemical characterization of an alternative oxidase mitochondrial gene from A. fumigatus

Taísa Magnani Dinamarco 26 September 2008 (has links)
O Aspergillus fumigatus é um fungo filamentoso e saprofítico, encontrado em todas as regiões do mundo, desempenhando um importante papel na reciclagem de carbono e nitrogênio do solo. A principal forma de infecção ocorre através da inalação dos conídios com predominância de infecções no trato respiratório, principalmente em pacientes imunocomprometidos. A mitocôndria de A. fumigatus foi caracterizada em nosso laboratório, que revelou a presença de uma respiração resistente a cianeto mediada pela oxidase alternativa. A clonagem e sequenciamento deste gene foram realizadas através de screening de uma biblioteca de DNA genômico. O alinhamento das sequências genômica e de cDNA mostrou a presença de dois introns, que após splicing codifica uma proteína contendo 352 aminoácidos, possuindo uma massa molecular estimada de 40,84 kDa e um pI teórico de 9,51. Além disso, foram identificados domínios altamente conservados (LET, NERMHL, LEEA e RADEH) que interagem com átomos de ferro e estão contidos em -hélices propostas como responsáveis pela organização estrutural da enzima. A fim de caracterizar bioquimicamente esta proteína, a sequência de cDNA do gene foi clonada em plasmídeo pYES2 e expressa em S. cerevisiae INVSc1 como um modelo eucarioto. Após expressão, a proteína encontrou-se de forma ativa, conferindo à levedura uma respiração resistente a cianeto. Esta característica herdada provocou uma discreta diminuição na taxa de crescimento em meio não-fermentativo e uma capacidade de sobrevivência na presença de KCN. Acredita-se que a atividade das AOXs esteja diretamente relacionada com a presença de diferentes espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO). Neste contexto, a avaliação do efeito de diferentes agentes pró-oxidantes provocou um aumento na atividade e na expressão da enzima. Paralelamente, a caracterização funcional do gene foi realizada através da técnica de interferência por RNA, utilizando o vetor de expressão pALB1. Em meio contendo maltose, as cepas pALB1/aoxAf apresentaram coloração branca devido ao silenciamento do gene alb1. Os níveis de mRNA do gene aoxAf foram determinados por Real time RT-PCR, mostrando o eficiente silenciamento do gene alvo com a construção utilizada. Devido à relação já descrita entre ERO e a atividade das AOXs, avaliou-se a produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio nas cepas silenciadas utilizando-se a sonda CM-H2DCFDA, observando maior produção na cepa pALB1/aoxAf. Além disso, a viabilidade destas cepas foi determinada por citometria de fluxo após a exposição com agentes pró-oxidantes, a qual indicou maior letalidade na cepa pALB1/aoxAf, quando comparada com CEA e pALB1. Da mesma forma, após a incubação dos conídios das cepas silenciadas com macrófagos de camundongos foi verificada uma maior atividade microbicida dos macrófagos na cepa duplamente silenciada pALB1/aoxAf, quando comparada com as outras cepas. Com estes resultados podemos concluir que a oxidase alternativa apresenta uma importante atividade antioxidante, além de contribuir nos mecanismos de defesa durante o processo de infecção de A. fumigatus. / The saprophytic species Aspergillus fumigatus is a deuteromycete fungus found worldwide, which has an essential role in recycling carbon and nitrogen. Following inhalation of conidia by the immunocompetent host, the innate cellular immune system is responsible for killing the conidia, exposing them to reactive oxygen. However, A. fumigatus is capable of surviving and replicating within the phagolysosomal compartment of immunocompromised macrophages. It was previously demonstrated that A. fumigatus mitochondria possess an alternative oxidase (aoxAf) wich is a cyanide-resistant protein. A partial genomic DNA library was screened to cloning an aoxAf gene. The alignment between the cDNA and genomic DNA sequences revealed the existence of two introns which after splicing encodes a 352 amino acid sequence with a calculated molecular mass of 40 kDa and a theoretical pI of 9.51. The deduced amino acid sequence revealed four regions completely conserved among the AOXs sequences (LET, NERMHL, LEEA and RADE-H), where six conserved amino acids residues are proposed to be a metal ligand site. To characterize the AOX protein, a cDNA of aoxAf gene was cloned into pYES2 plasmid and transformed in S. cerevisiae INVSc1. After the incubation of the cells in a nonfermentable medium in the presence of KCN, S. cerevisiae expressing AOX was able to grow, while it was lethal for the control yeast. These results suggest that the recombinant AOXAf is properly targeted to the S. cerevisiae mitochondria where it has functional activity. Studies with different species demonstrated that AOX is induced by a variety of treatments usually labeled as stresses. To verify the function of AOX in A. fumigatus under oxidative stress conditions, conidia were treated with different donors of ROS. These treatments caused an increase in aoxAf activity and transcription levels. To identify genetically attributes of virulence and oxidative defense in A. fumigatus, we construct a RNA interference plasmid. Two inverted repeated sequences of conserved region of an interest gene were amplified and cloned in pALB1 plasmid. In maltose medium pALB1 and pALB1/aoxAf transformants demonstrated white colonies, attributable to the reduction of alb1 gene expression. The aoxAf mRNA levels were analyzed by Real time RT-PCR, showing an efficient alternative oxidase gene silencing in pALB1 plasmid construction. It was previously demonstrated that ROS can stimulate the AOXs activity, so, we used the dye CM-H2DCFDA to measure ROS production in RNAi transformants, showing that the decrease in aoxAf gene expression caused an increase in ROS production. After incubation with ROS donors the viability of these strains was determined by flow cytometry analysis. The pALB1/aoxAf strain showed higher lethality, when compared with CEA and pALB1, suggesting the involvement of AOX in antioxidant defense in A. fumigatus. Besides, ROS produced by alveolar macrophages play an essential role in the killing of A. fumigatus conidia. In the same way, phagocytosis assay revealed that pALB1/aoxAf strain was more lethal than CEA and pALB1. With these results, we concluded that alternative oxidase is an efficient antioxidant system and might contribute with defense mechanism of A. fumigatus.

Cloning and functional expression of three xylanase genes from Aspergillus fumigatus in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Borchardt, Jane 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Lignocellulose, which is composed of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, is the main structural component of plant cell walls. Xylan is the main structural component of hemicellulose. Xylan is a complex heteropolysaccharide and, therefore, requires numerous synergistically acting enzymes for its complete hydrolysis. The focus of this study was on xylanases, which is a main chain cleaving enzyme required for xylan hydrolysis. Xylanases have numerous industrial applications and are commonly used in the biofuels, pulp and paper, food, animal feed and textile industries. Of particular interest is the use of xylanases in the biofuels industry due to the depletion of fossil fuels. A major bottleneck is, however, the low yield and high cost of the enzymatic hydrolysis process. In this study, three different xylanase genes from Aspergillus fumigatus, isolated from a triticale compost heap, were cloned and expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This yeast is an attractive host for the expression of these heterologous proteins, since A. fumigatus is considered a human pathogen and would not be suited for large-scale enzyme production. The recombinant xylanases obtained in this study were functional after expression in the yeast host and yielded high levels of enzyme activity, ranging from 100 to 300 nkat/mg dry cell weight (DCW). Higher enzyme yields will reduce the overall cost of the enzymatic hydrolysis process, making these enzymes attractive to the biofuels industry. The recombinant xylanases obtained in this study were also free of other cellulases. This characteristic makes these enzymes attractive to the pulp and paper industry as cellulose fibres are required to remain intact. Two of the recombinant xylanases, F10 and F11, were relatively stable at a temperature of 50°C with pH optima at pH 6, while the recombinant xylanase G1 only maintained half of its activity at this temperature and displayed pH optimum at pH 5. No synergistic effect was observed between the recombinant xylanases in this study. Future studies could investigate the synergistic interaction between these recombinant xylanases and other accessory enzymes used for the degradation of xylan, such as the esterases. Xylan hydrolysis levels could increase significantly due to a synergistic effect, which would further reduce the overall cost of the lignocellulose enzyme hydrolysis process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Lignosellulose, saamgestel uit sellulose, hemisellulose en lignien, vorm die hoof strukturele bestanddeel van plantselwande. Xilaan is die hoof strukturele komponent van hemisellulose. Xilaan is ʼn komplekse hetero-polisakkaried en verskeie saamwerkende ensieme vir volledige hidroliese hiervan word benodig. Die fokus van hierdie studie is op xilinases, die hoof kettingbrekende-ensiem vir xilaan hidroliese. Xilinases het verskeie industriële toepassings onder meer in die biobrandstof-, papier en pulp-, voedsel-, dierevoeding- en tekstielindustrieë. Weens die uitputting van fossielbrandstofreserwes word xilinases in die biobrandstof industrie van groot waarde geag. Lae opbrengste en hoë kostes van die ensiemhidroliese proses bly egter ʼn knelpunt. In hierdie studie is drie verskillende xilinase gene vanuit ʼn tritikale komposhoop Aspergillus fumigatus isolaat gekloneer en in Saccharomyces cerevisiae uitgedruk. Gis is ʼn aanloklike gasheer vir die uitdrukking van hierdie heteroloë proteïne aangesien A. fumigatus as menspatogeen nie vir grootskaalse ensiemproduksie geskik is nie. Die rekombinante xilinases verkry in hierdie studie is funksioneel in die gis gasheer uitgedruk en hoë vlakke ensiemaktiwiteit is verkry, van 100 tot 300 nkat/mg droë sel massa (DSM). In die lig van hoër ensiemopbrengste wat die totale koste van die ensiem hidroliese proses verlaag, word die ensieme in hierdie studie aanloklik vir die biobrandstof industrie. Die rekombinante ensieme in hierdie studie verkry is ook vry van ander sellulases, ʼn eienskap wat van waarde is vir die papier en pulp industrie waar die sellulose vesels intak moet bly. Twee van die rekombinante xilinases, F10 en F11, was relatief stabiel by ʼn temperatuur van 50°C met ‘n pH optimum van pH 6, terwyl die rekombinante xilinase G1 slegs die helfte van sy aktiwitieit by hierdie temperatuur kon behou met ʼn pH optimum van pH 5. Geen samewerkende effek kon tussen die drie rekombinante xilinases waargeneem word nie. Toekomstige studies kan die samewerkende effek tussen hierdie rekombinante xilinases en bykomstige ensieme betrokke by xilaanafbraak, soos byvoorbeeld die esterases, ondersoek. Xilaanhidroliese vlakke kan aansienlik as gevolg van hierdie samewerkende effek verhoog, wat die koste van ensiem hidroliese van lignosellulose verder kan verlaag. / Stellenbosch University and the Technology Innovation Agency for financial support

AfuSomA transcriptional network in human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus / Control of asexual development, adhesion and virulence

Lin, Chi-Jan 04 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Strategies to prevent graft-versus-host disease and augment anti-fungal immunity in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients / Strategien zur Prävention von Graft-versus-Host-Disease und zur Verbesserung der anti-fungalen Immunität nach allogener hämatopoietischer Stammzell-Transplantation

Stühler, Claudia January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is often the only effective treatment for patients with hematological malignancies, but its curative potential is often limited by the development of acute or chronic graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). Although extensive immunosuppressive therapy is highly efficient in the prevention or treatment of GvHD, it greatly increases the risk for life-threatening opportunistic fungal or viral infections and the recurrence of malignant disease. The possibility to selectively deplete alloreactive T cells from donor grafts prior or after transplantation would greatly diminish the need for immunosuppressive therapy in the transplant recipient and thereby greatly improve its clinical outcome. The molecular chaperone heat shock protein of 90 kDa (Hsp90) has been previously shown to stabilize many signal transduction proteins involved in T lymphocyte activation and proliferation and is furthermore able to exert anti-apoptotic effects in different cell types. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate the possibility to selectively target activated, proliferating T cells in lymphocyte populations by inhibition of Hsp90, without compromising viability and function of non-reactive T cell populations including pathogen-specific T lymphocytes. It could be shown in this work, that activated T cells are indeed more prone to apoptotic cell death in the presence of Hsp90 inhibitors than resting cells and that treatment of mixed lymphocyte cultures with such inhibitors eliminates the proliferation of alloreactive cells. In contrast, T cells remaining in a resting state during inhibitor treatment remain viable and also display functional virus-specific responses after inhibitor removal. These data suggest, that Hsp90 could represent a novel target for selective depletion of alloreactive T cells and that application of Hsp90 inhibitors could be a potential approach to prevent or treat GvHD without impairing pathogen-specific T cell immunity. In the second part of this work, the immune responses to strictly defined antigens of the opportunistic pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus were characterized. Opportunistic fungal infections are highly prevalent in immunocompromized and immunosuppressed individuals, especially in HSCT recipients suffering from GvDH. Although antifungal treatment is permanently improved, invasive fungal infections are still often fatal. In healthy individuals clinical disease is rare, because innate and adaptive immunity act in conjunction to protect the host. Therefore one possible strategy to prevent and treat life-threatening fungal infections in immunocompromized patients is to improve host resistance by augmenting the antifungal functions of the immune system, for example by vaccination or adoptive transfer of antigen-specific T cells. Based on previous findings, the objective of this dissertation was to identify and characterize distinct immunogenic A. fumigatus antigens that could be used for clinical application like vaccination or ex vivo generation of antigen-specific T cells and to characterize the interaction of this antigen-specific lymphocytes with cells of the innate immune system. First, memory T cell responses to different recombinant A. fumigatus proteins in healthy individuals were evaluated. The majority of tested donors displayed stable CD4+ TH1 responses to the Crf1 protein, whereas responses to the other antigens tested could only be detected in a limited number of donors, qualifying Crf1 as potential candidate antigen for clinical use. It was also possible to identify an immunodominant MHC class II DRB1*04-restricted epitope of Crf1 and to generate T cell clones specific for this epitope. This Crf1-specific T cell clones could be specifically activated by dendritic cells fed with synthetic peptide, recombinant protein or germinating A. fumigatus conidia or outgrown hyphae. Interestingly, these A. fumigatus-specific T cell clones also responded to stimulation with Candida albicans, which likewise causes opportunistic infections in immunocompromized patients and encodes for a glucosyltransferase similar to A. fumigatus Crf1. It was also possible to show that supernatant harvested from activated Crf1-specific T cell cultures was able to significantly increase fungal killing by monocytes. These data indicate that the specified FHT epitope of the A. fumigatus protein Crf1 could be potentially used as antigen for vaccination protocols or for the generation of Aspergillus-specific effector T cells for adoptive transfer. / Allogene, hämatopoietische Stammzelltransplantation ist häufig die einzige, effektive Behandlungsmethode für Patienten mit hämatologischen Erkrankungen, aber deren Erfolg ist häufig durch das Auftreten einer „Graft-versus-Host“-Erkrankung (GvHD) gefährdet. Obwohl durch eine weitreichende, immunsuppressive Therapie eine GvHD erfolgreich verhindert oder behandelt werden kann, erhöht diese jedoch beträchtlich das Risiko für das Auftreten lebensbedrohender opportunistischer Virus- und Pilz- Infektionen und das Wiederauftreten der malignen Erkrankung. Die Möglichkeit der selektiven Depletion alloreaktiver T-Zellen eines Transplantates bevor oder nach der Transplantation würde die Notwendigkeit immunsuppressiver Therapien des Empfängers deutlich reduzieren und dadurch den Behandlungserfolg enorm verbessern. Für das molekulare Chaperon-Protein „Hitzeschock-Protein von 90 kDa“ (Hsp90) konnte bereits zuvor gezeigt werden, dass es viele Signal-Transduktions-Proteine, die an der Aktivierung von T-Lymphozyten beteiligt sind stabilisiert und außerdem in verschiedenen Zelltypen einen anti-apoptotischen Effekt auszuüben scheint. Deshalb war es das Ziel dieser Untersuchung festzustellen, ob es möglich ist, durch Inhibition von Hsp90 spezifisch nur die aktivierten, proliferierenden T-Zellen in einer Lymphozyten-Population zu erreichen, ohne dabei die Viabilität und Funktionalität der nicht-reaktiven T-Zell-Population, einschließlich Pathogen-spezifischen TLymphozyten, zu beeinträchtigen. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass unter dem Einfluss von Hsp90-Inhibitoren in aktivierten T-Zellen tatsächlich eher Apoptose induziert wird, als in ruhenden Zellen und dass die Behandlung von gemischten Lymphozyten-Kulturen mit diesen Inhibitoren die Proliferation von alloreaktiven Zellen verhindert. Im Gegensatz dazu bleiben TZellen, die zum Zeitpunkt der Inhibitor-Behandlung in einem ruhenden Zustand waren überlebensfähig und zeigen zudem nach Entfernung des Inhibitors immer noch Virusspezifische Immunantworten. Wie diese Daten zeigen, könnte Hsp90 ein neues Angriffsziel für die selektive Depletion von alloreaktiven T-Zellen sein und Hsp90- Inhibitoren deshalb möglicherweise für die Vorbeugung oder Behandlung von GvHD eingesetzt werden, ohne dabei die pathogen-spezifische Immunität zu beeinträchtigen. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurden die Immunantworten auf definierte Antigene das opportunistisch pathogenen Pilzes Aspergillus fumigatus charakterisiert. Opportunistische Pilzinfektionen sind eine häufige Begleiterscheinung bei Personen mit beeinträchtigtem Immunsystem und immunsupprimierten Patienten, vor allem bei Patienten die sich einer allogenen Stammzell-Transplantation unterziehen müssen und unter einer GvHD leiden. Trotz ständiger Verbesserung der Behandlungsmöglichkeiten, verlaufen invasive Pilzinfektionen häufig immer noch tödlich. Gesunde Menschen erkranken nur äußerst selten symptomatisch, da sowohl die angeborene als auch die erworbene Immunabwehr dazu beitragen, eine akute Infektion effektiv zu verhindern. Eine Möglichkeit, lebensbedrohliche Pilzinfektionen bei immunsupprimierten Patienten zu verhindern könnte deshalb die Stärkung der Immunabwehr durch Verbesserung der Funktionen des Immunsystems sein, beispielsweise durch Vakzinierung oder den adoptiven Transfer antigenspezifischer TZellen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war, aufbauend auf früheren Forschungsergebnissen, die Identifikation und Charakterisierung definierter immunogener A. fumigatus Antigene, die für die klinische Anwendung als Impfstoff oder für die ex vivo Generierung antigenspezifischer T-Zellen Verwendung finden könnten. Außerdem sollte die Interaktion dieser antigenspezifischen T-Lymphozyten mit den Zellen des angeborenen Immunsystems untersucht werden. Zunächst wurden hierfür die T-Zell-Antworten gesunder Spender auf verschiedene rekombinante A. fumigatus-Proteine untersucht. Die große Mehrheit der getesteten Spender reagierte auf das Protein Crf1 mit einer stabilen TH1 Antwort, während die übrigen getesteten Proteine nur in vereinzelten Spendern eine signifikante T-Zell- Antwort auslösten. Die offensichtlich weite Verbreitung von Crf1-spezifischen Gedächtnis-Zellen in der Bevölkerung lässt dieses Antigen als gut geeignet für potenzielle klinische Anwendungen erscheinen. Des weiteren wurde ein immundominantes Epitop von Crf1 identifiziert, das durch das relativ weit verbreite MHC Klasse II DRB1*04-Allel präsentiert wird. T-Zell-Klone, die spezifisch dieses Antigen erkennen, konnten mit dendritischen Zellen, die zuvor mit synthetischem Peptid, rekombinantem Protein oder ausgekeimten A. fumigatus Conidien oder Hyphen inkubiert worden waren aktiviert werden. Interessanterweise reagierten diese A. fumigatus-spezifischen T-Zell-Klone auch auf Stimulation mit Candida albicans, das ebenfalls opportunistische Infektionen in immunsupprimierten Patienten auslöst und für eine ähnliche Glucosyl-Transferase wie Crf1 in A. fumigatus codiert. Die Kultur-Überstände von aktivierten Crf1-spezifischen TZell- Klonen waren außerdem in der Lage, das Abtöten des Pilzes durch Monozyten deutlich zu verbessern. Diese Daten deuten darauf hin, dass das hier beschriebene FHT-Epitop des A. fumigatus Proteins Crf1 potenziell als Antigen für die Vakzinierung oder die Generierung von Aspergillus-spezifischen Effektor-T-Zellen für den adoptiven Transfer geeignet sein könnte.

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