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Experimental Studies on the Regulation of Pigment Dynamics in Phytoplankton and Copepods by Dissolved Inorganic NutrientsVan Nieuwerburgh, Lies January 2004 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of dissolved inorganic nutrients in generating changes in phytoplankton community and pigment composition and if such changes can affect the production of the antioxidant astaxanthin in the ecosystem via pelagic copepods. The background of my studies is the possible relationship between eutrophication and a reproductive disturbance in Baltic populations of Atlantic salmon (M74), which is associated with astaxanthin and thiamine deficiencies and oxidative stress. In the southern Baltic Sea, changes in nutrient loads correlate with observed trends of flagellates replacing diatoms in the phytoplankton. Copepods are the main producers of astaxanthin and a major link between phytoplankton and higher trophic levels. In laboratory and field experiments in the Baltic Sea proper and the Norwegian Sea, I show that astaxanthin synthesis in copepods is fast and depends on pigment composition of the phytoplankton diet. Among single-species diets, a diatom and a green algal cyst yielded the highest astaxanthin levels in copepods, and another diatom species, a green alga and a cyanobacterium the lowest. In nutrient-generated phytoplankton blooms in mesocosms, copepods grazing on diverse communities dominated by weakly silicified diatoms produced more astaxanthin compared with copepods grazing on communities dominated by strongly silicified diatoms. This suggests that diatoms invested in defence mechanisms and escaped grazing at surplus Si. A nutrient-starved diatom culture subjected to intraspecific competition exhibited decreased pigment levels, increased thiamine levels and increased oxidative stress. My results suggest that diatoms are beneficial for astaxanthin and thiamine production compared to other phytoplankton groups, but not under all circumstances. Copepod growth and development also responded to inorganic nutrient availability and affected total astaxanthin production per volume seawater, with highest production when the copepods grazed on diatoms. From an ecosystem perspective, increased N and P loads seem to promote high astaxanthin production, but not when diatoms disappear completely.
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Proteção antioxidante promovida por astaxantina sobre citocromo c, incorporado em vesículas e desafiado com SIN-1 / Antioxidant Protection Promoted by Astaxanthin over Cytochrome c Incorporated in Vesicles and Challenged with SIN-1Camila Marinho Mano 16 September 2008 (has links)
A astaxantina (AST) é um carotenóide derivado do β-caroteno produzido por algas e cianobactérias, mas que também pode ser encontrada em animais marinhos. Em animais, é reportada como interceptadora de radicais de oxigênio mais eficiente que o β-caroteno. O objetivo central dessa dissertação foi avaliar a capacidade antioxidante da AST em lipossomos enriquecidos com citocromo c (cit c) desafiados com 3-morfolinosidnonimina (SIN-1), um doador de óxido nítrico, em diferentes microambientes (pH e composição das vesículas). Diferenças na interação destas vesículas com o cit c periférico, com reflexos na atividade antioxidante da AST também foram avaliadas. O SIN-1 gera, por termólise, quantidades equimolares de radical superóxido e óxido nítrico, quando há oxigênio no meio. Vesículas unilamelares de fosfatidilcolina (PC), PC contendo 5% ou 10% de fosfatidilglicerol (PG), com ou sem AST, foram incubadas com SIN-1 e/ou cit c. Medidas do índice de lipoperoxidação pelo teste das substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) revelaram que SIN-1 não causa aumento de TBARS, enquanto o cit c foi capaz de aumentar significativamente este índice. Este fato pode ser explicado pela atividade peroxidásica do cit c. Apenas em vesículas de PCPG10%, ao realizar a incubação do cit c concomitantemente com SIN-1, o índice de TBARS foi maior ao observado em vesículas incubadas apenas com cit c. É conhecido que a interação entre cit c e membranas aniônicas pode alterar a conformação da proteína, aumentando sua atividade peroxidásica. A presença da AST fez com que os índices de lipoperoxidação chegassem a valores próximos aos do controle. A alteração no pH do meio revelou que a AST possui ação antioxidante mais pronunciada em pHs 7,4 e 8,0, em comparação com pHs levemente ácidos. A presença de PG evidenciou ainda mais esta tendência e em pH 6,2, a AST apresentou inclusive pequena atividade próoxidante. Estes resultados podem ser discutidos à luz de alterações da permeabilidade da membrana e da reatividade de espécies reativas induzidas por mudanças da fluidez e de pH. O efeito dos produtos gerados por SIN-1 sobre o cit c foi estudado em condições de normóxia e hipóxia. Resultados de EPR e de fluorescência demonstram que a presença do radical superóxido previne lesões oxidativas causada por peróxido orgânico (t-butOOH) tanto no cit c quanto nas membranas, pois é capaz de reduzir o ferro hemínico do cit c. Através de CD e espectrofotometria UV-Vis e EPR, foi observado que a incubação com SIN-1 promove alterações estruturais no cit c causando ruptura na sexta coordenação do ferro hemínico, levando à geração de uma espécie de cit c com rombicidade menor em comparação ao cit c nativo e que apresenta maior atividade peroxidásica. Este trabalho contribui com informações para entendimento do mecanismo antioxidante da AST em diferentes microambientes, além de demonstrar o efeito paradoxal do superóxido que é capaz de proteger o cit c, através da redução do ferro hemínico, mas também pode expor a proteína à oxidação promovida por peroxinitrito. / Astaxanthin (AST) is a β-carotene derived carotenoid, produced by algae and cyanobacteria, but can also be found in marine animals. In phytoplankton it has the function to absorb light radiation for photosinthesys occurence. In animals AST acts as a scavenger of oxygen free radicals, even more efficiently than β-carotene itself. The main objective of this work is to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of AST over cytochrome c (cyt c) incorporated in liposomes and challenged with 3-morpholinosidnonimine (SIN-1), a nitric oxide donor, under different experimental conditions, namely vesicles composition and pH. Distinct interactions between cyt c and vesicles affecting the AST antioxidant activity were also evaluated. SIN-1 spontaneously generates equal amount of nitric oxide and superoxide anion when oxygen is present. Unilamellar vesicles made from phosphatidylcholine (PC) or PC with 5% or 10% of phosphatidylglycerol (PG), with or without AST, were incubated with SIN-1 and/or cyt c. The extent of lipid peroxidation was evaluated by the classical method of thiobarbituric reactive substances (TBARS). Control experiments with SIN-1 alone showed no increase in TBARS content, whereas cyt c significantly increased TBARS. Concomitant addition of cyt c, SIN-1 to PCPG10% vesicles led to lipid peroxidation indices even higher than those found when cyt c was incubated with PCPG10% vesicles. A peroxidase activity of cyt c resulting from the interaction between this protein and anionic membranes can explain this result. In this system, the presence of AST inhibited formation of TBARS, whose levels were near the control values. Astaxanthin was found to exhibit a more effective antioxidant capacity under basic pH (7.4 and 8.0), in comparison with pH 6.2 and 6.8. In the presence of PG, this trend became more evident. Interestingly, at pH 6.2, AST showed a slight pro-oxidant activity. These results can be explained by differences in membrane permeability and reactivity of reactive species, caused by pH and membrane fluidity alterations. The effects of products of SIN-1 decomposition on cyt c structure and its peroxidase activity were investigated under hypoxia and normoxia. EPR and fluorescence experiments revealed that superoxide anion radical, due to its ability to reduce heme iron, prevents oxidative damage of cyt c and membrane lipids by peroxide-derived free radicals. By means of CD and UV-Visible spectroscopy, we have found that concomitant incubation of SIN-1 and cyt c promoted structural alterations in the protein which changes the irons sixth axial coordination, leading to generation of a less rhombic cyt c, which is reportedly a better peroxidase than native cyt c. This work contributes with information aiming to better understand the antioxidant mechanism of AST under different membrane microenvironments and unveil a paradoxal effect of superoxide ion, which can protect cyt c from oxidative lesions by transferring electron to ferricyt c, but can also expose cyt c to oxidation by peroxynitrite.
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Dynamics of astaxanthin, tocopherol (Vitamin E) and thiamine (Vitamin B1) in the Baltic Sea ecosystem : Bottom-up effects in an aquatic food webHäubner, Norbert January 2010 (has links)
The thesis combines laboratory experiments and field expeditions to study production, transfer and consumption of non-enzymatic antioxidants and thiamine in an aquatic food web. In particular, I (1) documented spatial and seasonal variation of tocopherols and carotenoids in the Baltic Sea pelagic food web, and (2) examined the effects of abiotic and biotic factors on tocopherol, carotenoid and thiamine concentrations in phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish. Moderate differences in temperature and salinity affected α-tocopherol, β-carotene and thiamine production in microalgae. Furthermore, the results suggest that acute stress favors the expression of non-enzymatic antioxidants rather than enzymatic antioxidants. Because production of α-tocopherol, β-carotene and thiamine differ markedly between microalgae, the availability of non-enzymatic antioxidants and thiamine is likely to be highly variable in the Baltic Sea and is difficult to predict. The transfer of non-enzymatic antioxidants from phytoplankton to zooplankton was biomass dependent. The field expeditions revealed that phytoplankton biomass was negatively associated with α-tocopherol concentration in mesozooplankton. Thus, increased eutrophication of the Baltic Sea followed by an increase in phytoplankton biomass could decrease the transfer of essential biochemicals to higher levels in the pelagic food web. This could lead to deficiency syndromes, of the kind already observed in the Baltic Sea. Astaxanthin is synthesized from precursors provided by the phytoplankton community. Thus biomass dependent transfer of astaxanthin precursors from phytoplankton to zooplankton could be responsible for astaxanthin deficiency in zooplanktivorous herring. Astaxanthin in herring consists mostly of all-Z-isomers, which are characterized by low bioavailability. Therefore, astaxanthin deficiency in salmon could be explained by the low concentration of this substance and its isomeric composition in herring.
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Životní cyklus řas z druhového komplexu Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyceae) / Life cycle of Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyceae) species complexVávrová, Karolína January 2017 (has links)
Freshwater green algae within species complex Haematococcus pluvialis are best natural producers of secondary carotenoid astaxanthin famous for its strong antioxidant activity. Despite worldwide distribution, great biotechnological potential and extensive literature dealing with different approaches to the cultivation of these organisms, there still remains surprising gaps in knowledge of their complex life cycle and behaviour. First uncertainty concerns asexual cell division of zoospores, hypothetically limited to five cell doublings (Lee & Ding 1994). No such genetic limitation was observed in this thesis, number of cell divisions is thus influenced mainly by cultivation conditions. There is still considerable uncertainty regarding to the asexual reproduction, as well. Ambiguity might be caused by scarce observation of the whole process of gametogenesis and conjugation of gametes. Published studies differed in some particular points. Unfortunately, we did not succeed in induction of gametogenesis despite broad scale of tested cultivation conditions applied to two different species within the H. pluvialis complex, namely H. pluvialis and H. rubicundus. This failure might be caused by heterothalism of the studied strains. Haematococcus pluvialis inhabits mainly ephemeral pools. Its ability to...
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Vliv stresových faktorů na tvorbu karotenoidů v izolovaných kmenech půdních řas / Effect of stress factors on carotenoid production in isolated soil algae strainsOčadlíková, Terezie January 2021 (has links)
Microscopic green algae produce a number of beneficial substances. The commercially used ones include mainly pigments, especially secondary carotenoids. While primary carotenoids are part of the photosynthetic apparatus, secondary carotenoids are produced only under certain specific conditions (e.g. high exposure to light, nitrogen deficiency). Secondary carotenoids have antioxidant properties that protect the cell from adverse effects. The strains currently in commercial use and the strains that are tested for potential use come almost exclusively from algal collections, so this thesis focuses on strains isolated from nature. Two strains of aeroterrestrial green unicellular algae, which showed potential of producing carotenoids, were found and isolated. These strains were identified as Tetracystis pulchra (clade Dunaliellinia) and Tetracystis sp., a strain related to Tetracystis tetraspora SAG 98.80, belonging to the clade Stephanosphaerinia. The culture conditions for T. pulchra were subsequently optimized and then the culture was subjected to a series of experiments, examining the effect of stress factors on carotenoid formation and accumulation. Specifically, the effect of nitrogen starvation, light intensity, temperature and UVA radiation was tested. It has been shown that especially the light...
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Využití hmotnostní spektrometrie ke stanovení markerů oxidativního stresu a mykotoxinů / Application of Mass Spectrometry for the Determination of Oxidative Stress Markers and MycotoxinsČumová, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The first topic presented in the dissertation thesis is determination of isoprostanes as markers of oxidative stress and other compounds affected by presence of oxidative stress. Isoprostanes iPF2-III, iPF2-VI, iPF2-VI, astaxanthin and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), especially arachidonic acid (AA) were monitored in Atlantic salmon eggs (Salmo salar). Methods for the determination of these compounds have been developed and optimized using chromatographic separation coupled to conventional or mass spectrometric detection. Freshly laid eggs, eyed embryos and non-viable eggs were used to test a general hypothesis that egg viability can be affected by susceptibility to oxidative stress, either through the specific fatty acid concentration and/or the antioxidant capacity of the eggs. Levels of isoprostanes and arachidonic acid (AA) were significantly higher in non-viable eggs than in control (eyed embryos) as well as relative abundance of PUFA. While no difference of isoprostanes was found between freshly laid and control those from the Atlantic stock except iPF2-VI which was observed under the LOQ in the control. Higher levels of PUFA and AA in comparison with the control were observed in the freshly laid eggs. However, the only statistically significant difference was observed in the amount of astaxanthin. Different levels of PUFA and astaxanthin may be related to their biochemical consumption during the development of eggs. This work evaluated potential effect on the viability of eggs Salmo salar due to the presence of oxidative stress. The monitoring of mycotoxins in food and feed was the subject of the second topic. Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by fungi. They are ubiquitous undesirable natural contaminants that are toxic for humans and animals. Today are known more than 500 mycotoxins. However, only few of them are regulated by the European Union. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) was asked by the European Commission to provide a scientific opinion on other mycotoxins for which statutory limits could be developed. In this study is proposed simultaneous screening allowing fast, reliable and sensitive approach, identification and quantification of 17 mycotoxins in food and feed sample. The method includes both mycotoxins regulated by the EU and selected mycotoxins required by the EFSA (aflatoxins, deoxynivalenol, nivalenol, zearalenone, fumonisin, ochratoxin A, T-2 toxin, HT-2 toxin, enniatins and beauvericin). Analytes are isolated by the modified QuEChERS method. For separation and target mycotoxins detection, ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC –MS/MS) was employed. The method also allows determination of ergot alkaloids (ergocornine, ergosine, ergocryptine, ergocristine and their respective epimers). The developed method was used either for monitoring mycotoxins and ergot alkaloids in feed and raw materials and barley and malt prepared from it.
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Optimalizace extrakce bioaktivních látek z bylin do různých druhů méně známých olejových základů / Optimalization of the extraction of bioactive compounds from herbs into different kind of oil basesChytil, Dalibor January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the optimization of processes for extraction of bioactive lipophilic compounds from fruits of sea buckthorn (Hippophae Rhamnoides) into various types of plant oil bases using simple maceration. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with the characterization of this herb, its botanical classification, traditional use, chemical composition and medicinal effects. Increased attention is also paid to the characterization of individual types of plant oils used, namely camellia, camellia organic, passionflower, kukui and kiwi oil. The experimental part of the thesis deals with application of theoretical knowledge. The profile of total and free fatty acids for individual plant oil bases was determined by GC/FID, furthet the basic fat numbers were also determined. When optimizing the extraction, emphasis was placed not only on the effect of the extraction agent used, but also on the extraction time (1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 14, 21 and 66 days). The macerates were continuously subjected to the determination of selected parameters (total amount of carotenoids, total amount of phytosterols, lutein, neoxanthin, astaxanthin, stigmasterol, -sitosterol and vitamin E) using UV-VIS spectroscopy and HPLC/PDA. Likewise, the peroxide number was monitored during maceration to assess the degree of oxidative degradation of macerates. The recovery of selected total parameters in individual oils did not differ significantly in most cases. On the contrary, the yield of individual monitored parameters differed significantly. At the same time, static maceration under our conditions was not very suitable for the extraction of vitamin E, stigmasterol and total phytosterols.
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