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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Star and Planet Formation through Cosmic Time

Lee, Aaron Thomas 09 February 2018 (has links)
<p> The computational advances of the past several decades have allowed theoretical astrophysics to proceed at a dramatic pace. Numerical simulations can now simulate the formation of individual molecules all the way up to the evolution of the entire universe. Observational astrophysics is producing data at a prodigious rate, and sophisticated analysis techniques of large data sets continue to be developed. It is now possible for terabytes of data to be effectively turned into stunning astrophysical results. This is especially true for the field of star and planet formation. Theorists are now simulating the formation of individual planets and stars, and observing facilities are finally capturing snapshots of these processes within the Milky Way galaxy and other galaxies. While a coherent theory remains incomplete, great strides have been made toward this goal. </p><p> This dissertation discusses several projects that develop models of star and planet forma- tion. This work spans large spatial and temporal scales: from the AU-scale of protoplanetary disks all the way up to the parsec-scale of star-forming clouds, and taking place in both contemporary environments like the Milky Way galaxy and primordial environments at redshifts of <i> z</i> ~ 20. </p><p> Particularly, I show that planet formation need not proceed in incremental stages, where planets grow from millimeter-sized dust grains all the way up to planets, but instead can proceed directly from small dust grains to large kilometer-sized boulders. The requirements for this model to operate effectively are supported by observations. Additionally, I draw suspicion toward one model for how you form high mass stars (stars with masses exceeding ~ 8 <i> M</i><sub>sun</sub>), which postulates that high-mass stars are built up from the gradual accretion of mass from the cloud onto low-mass stars. I show that magnetic fields in star forming clouds thwart this transfer of mass, and instead it is likely that high mass stars are created from the gravitational collapse of large clouds. This work also provides a sub-grid model for computational codes that employ sink particles accreting from magnetized gas. Finally, I analyze the role that radiation plays in determining the final masses of the first stars to ever form in the universe. These stars formed in starkly different environments than stars form in today, and the role of the direct radiation from these stars turns out to be a crucial component of primordial star formation theory. </p><p> These projects use a variety of computational tools, including the use of spectral hydrodynamics codes, magneto-hydrodynamics grid codes that employ adaptive mesh refinement techniques, and long characteristic ray tracing methods. I develop and describe a long characteristic ray tracing method for modeling hydrogen-ionizing radiation from stars. Additionally, I have developed Monte Carlo routines that convert hydrodynamic data used in smoothed particle hydrodynamics codes for use in grid-based codes. Both of these advances will find use beyond simulations of star and planet formation and benefit the astronomical community at large.</p><p>

Lights All Askew| Systematics in Galaxy Images from Megaparsecs to Microns

Bradshaw, Andrew Kenneth 18 April 2018 (has links)
<p> The stars and galaxies are not where they seem. In the process of imaging and measurement, the light from distant objects is distorted, blurred, and skewed by several physical effects on scales from megaparsecs to microns. Charge-coupled devices (CCDs) provide sensitive detection of this light, but introduce their own problems in the form of systematic biases. Images of these stars and galaxies are formed in CCDs when incoming light generates photoelectrons which are then collected in a pixel&rsquo;s potential well and measured as signal. However, these signal electrons can be diverted from purely parallel paths toward the pixel wells by transverse fields sourced by structural elements of the CCD, accidental imperfections in fabrication, or dynamic electric fields induced by other collected charges. These charge transport anomalies lead to measurable systematic errors in the images which bias cosmological inferences based on them. The physics of imaging therefore deserves thorough investigation, which is performed in the laboratory using a unique optical beam simulator and in computer simulations of charge transport. </p><p> On top of detector systematics, there are often biases in the mathematical analysis of pixelized images; in particular, the location, shape, and orientation of stars and galaxies. Using elliptical Gaussians as a toy model for galaxies, it is demonstrated how small biases in the computed image moments lead to observable orientation patterns in modern survey data. Also presented are examples of the reduction of data and fitting of optical aberrations of images in the lab and on the sky which are modeled by physically or mathematically-motivated methods. </p><p> Finally, end-to-end analysis of the weak gravitational lensing signal is presented using deep sky data as well as in N-body simulations. It is demonstrated how measured weak lens shear can be transformed by signal matched filters which aid in the detection of mass overdensities and separate signal from noise. A commonly-used decomposition of shear into two components, E- and B-modes, is thoroughly tested and both modes are shown to be useful in the detection of large scale structure. We find several astrophysical sources of B-mode and explain their apparent origin. The methods presented therefore offer an optimal way to filter weak gravitational shear into maps of large scale structure through the process of cosmic mass cartography.</p><p>

The Destructive Birth of Massive Stars & Massive Star Clusters

Rosen, Anna L. 19 September 2017 (has links)
<p> The injection of energy and momentum into the interstellar medium by young massive stars&rsquo; intense radiation fields and their fast, radiatively driven winds can have a profound influence on their formation and environment. Massive star forming regions are rare and highly obscured, making the early moments of their formation difficult to observe. Instead, we must turn to theory to elucidate the physics involved in the formation of massive stars and massive star clusters (MSCs), which can host thousands of massive stars. In my thesis, I developed analytical and numerical techniques to study the formation of massive stars and how stellar wind feedback affects the dynamics of gas that surrounds MSCs. To estimate the initial rotation rates of massive stars at birth, I developed a protostellar angular momentum evolution model for accreting protostars to determine if magnetic torques can spin down massive stars during their formation. I found that magnetic torques are insufficient to spin down massive stars due to their short formation times and high accretion rates. Radiation pressure is likely the dominate feedback mechanism regulating massive star formation. Therefore detailed simulation of the formation of massive stars requires an accurate treatment of radiation. For this purpose, I developed a new, highly accurate radiation algorithm that properly treats the absorption of the direct radiation field from stars and the re-emission and processing by interstellar dust. With this new tool, I performed a suite of three-dimensional adaptive mesh refinement radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of the formation of massive stars from collapsing massive pre-stellar cores. I found that mass is channeled to the massive star via dense infalling filaments that are uninhibited by radiation pressure and gravitational and Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities. To determine the importance of stellar wind feedback in young MSCs, I used observations to constrain a range of kinetic energy loss channels for the hot gas produced by the shock-heating of stellar winds to explain the low X-ray luminosities observed in Hii regions. I demonstrated that the energy injected by stellar winds is not a significant contributor to stellar feedback in young MSCs.</p><p>

Coupling Semi-Analytic Models and N-Body Simulations| A New Way of Making Galaxies and Stellar Halos

McCord, Krista 13 July 2017 (has links)
<p> Stellar halos give insight into the initial conditions that existed when a host galaxy first formed and provide details on disrupted satellites via their different stellar populations. An algorithm that is computationally inexpensive compared to hydrodynamic simulations is necessary in order to theoretically study the structure and formation of galactic stellar halos in sufficient detail to probe substructure. CoSANG (Coupling Semi-Analytic/N-body Galaxies) is a new computational method that we are developing which couples pure dark matter N-body simulations with a semi-analytic galaxy formation model. At each timestep, results from the N-body simulation feed into the semi-analytic code, whose results feed back into the N-body code making the evolution of the dark matter and baryonic matter dependent on one another. CoSANG will enable a variety of galaxy formation science, including analysis of stellar populations, halo merging, satellite accretion, supermassive black holes, and indirect and direct dark matter detection. </p><p> In this dissertation, I will describe the new simulation code CoSANG. The results from the extensive testing phase on CoSANG will be presented which indicate CoSANG is properly simulating feedback from galaxies within a dark matter halo. I used this validated code to analyze a CoSANG zoom simulation of a 10<sup>12</sup>M solar masses dark matter halo. Results showed a flatter inner halo near the disk and a more spherical outer halo which is expected when a galaxy exists at the center of a dark matter halo. A comparison is made with a simulation run with the same initial conditions, but with the baryonic component simulated using a hydrodynamic algorithm. The semi-analytic model predicted galaxy types better than the hydrodynamic simulation leading to the conclusion that the CoSANG halo is more accurate. I also present a dark matter direct detection analysis on the CoSANG zoom halo to measure the dark matter velocity distributions and modulation amplitudes. The CoSANG results show that the dark matter velocity distribution does not fit well to a Maxwell Boltzmann distribution and the modulation amplitudes derived indicate an anisotropic dark matter velocity distribution. Future work will include tagging dark matter particles with stellar properties to build and evolve a stellar halo.</p>

Rotational Study of Ambiguous Taxonomic Type Asteroids

Linder, Tyler R. 28 November 2017 (has links)
<p> Researchers have been categorizing asteroids by color for decades in an attempt to better understand asteroid composition and potential links to the meteorite population. However, only recently through large data collection surveys like the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) has the asteroid population as a whole been studied. This research will look at a subset of asteroids with the highest reflectivity differences as reported by Carvano et al. (2010) in order to answer the question: Can visible wavelength ambiguous taxonomic asteroid types be an indicator of a non-homogeneous surface? </p><p> This research studied asteroid 2453 (Wabash) in great detailed with visible spectrophotometry and near-infrared spectra. The results show that although a minor non-homogeneous surface was identified the non-homogenous surface is the not the primary source of the SDSS detected taxonomic variation. </p><p>

Exploring the scaling laws of star formation

Liu, Guilin 01 January 2011 (has links)
Despite the well-established global Schmidt-Kennicutt (S-K) law which already serves as an essential prescription for large scale star formation in modeling and simulating galaxy formation and evolution, its local, spatially resolved version remains a frontier and more fundamental research topic. In this dissertation, the local S-K law has been explored both within individual nearby galaxies and amongst different galaxies. We have investigated the shape and universality of the S-K law, studied the dependence of its properties on the sampling scale, and tested it in the high density regime. In addition to its relation with the molecular gas, we have also studied the statistical properties of H II regions in terms of their luminosity function, size distribution, dust extinction and dust geometry.

Constraining stellar feedback: Ionized gas structures in local starburst galaxies

Hong, Sungryong 01 January 2011 (has links)
Stellar feedback, i.e., the return of mechanical energy from supernova explosions, and massive star and AGN winds to the interstellar medium, is one of the fundamental processes that shape galaxy evolution. Yet, some of its fundamental parameters, such as the efficiency of feedback, have not been solidly constrained from an observational point of view. In this thesis, we aim at addressing this issue. First, we investigate the kinematics of Damped Ly-alpha Absorbers (DLAs) at z = 3 using high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Our simulations include a heuristic model for galactic outflows driven by stellar feedback to test how these components affect the kinematics of neutral gas in high redshift systems. We determine that, without outflows, our simulations fail to yield a sufficient number of DLAs with broad velocity dispersion (‘wide DLAs’), as in previous studies. With outflows, our predicted DLA kinematics are in much better agreement with observations. In the second part of the thesis, I investigate stellar feedback within 8 nearby star-forming galaxies, selected to fill the 2-dimensional parameter space of host galaxy stellar mass and star formation rate density. Here, I employ forbidden-line diagnostic diagrams, [O III](5007Å)/Hβ versus [S II](6716Å+6731Å)/Hα (or [N II](6584Å)/Hα) to separate shock–ionized from photo–ionized gas within and outside the central star forming regions in these galaxies. I find that the Hα luminosity from the shock–ionized gas correlates with the SFR density, in the sense of more luminous shocks for higher SFR density. The ratio of Hα luminosity from shocks to the total Há luminosity is related to the galaxy’s stellar mass; increasing ratios are observed for decreasing stellar mass. The accepted HST proposal (GO-12497; P.I.: Hong) will expand on the observed correlations by adding two more starbursts to our sample.

The assembly of galaxies over cosmic time

Guo, Yicheng 01 January 2012 (has links)
To understand how galaxies were assembled across the cosmic time remains one of the most outstanding questions in astronomy. The core of this question is how today's Hubble Sequence, namely the differentiation of galaxy morphology and its correlation to galaxy physical properties, is formed. In this thesis, we investigate the origin of the Hubble Sequence through galaxies at z~2, an epoch when the cosmic star formation activity reaches its peak and the properties of galaxies undergo dramatic transitions. Galaxies at z~2 have two important features that are distinct from nearby galaxies: much higher frequency of clumpy morphology in star-forming systems, and much compacter size. To understand the nature of the two features requires investigations on the sub-structure of galaxies in a multi-wavelength way. In this thesis, we study samples of galaxies that are selected from GOODS and HUDF, where ultra-deep and high-resolution optical and near-infrared images allow us to study the stellar populations of the sub-structures of galaxies at the rest-frame optical bands for the first time, to answer two questions: (1) the nature of kiloparsec-scale clumps in star-forming galaxies at z~2 and (2) the existence of color gradient and stellar population gradient in passively evolving galaxies at z~2, which may provide clues to the mechanisms of dramatic size evolution of this type of galaxies. We further design a set of color selection criteria to search for dusty star-forming galaxies and passively evolving galaxies at z~3 to explore the question: when today's Hubble Sequence has begun to appear.

Characterizing distant galaxies: Spectral energy distribution analysis of X-ray selected star forming galaxies

Johnson, Seth P 01 January 2013 (has links)
Comprehensive and robust analysis of galaxies found throughout cosmic time provides the means to probe the underlying characteristics of our Universe. Coupling observations and theory, spectral energy distribution (SED) fitting provides a method to derive the intrinsic properties of distant galaxies which then aid in defining galaxy populations and constraining current galaxy formation and evolution scenarios. One such population are the sub-millimeter galaxies (SMGs) whose high infrared luminosities -- typically associated with dust-obscured star formation -- and redshift distribution places them as likely key components in galaxy evolution. To fully analyze these systems, however, requires a near complete sampling of the full SED, detailed models that encapsulate the variety of physical processes and sophisticated methods for comparing the data and models. In this dissertation, we present the general propose, Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) based SED fitting routine SED Analysis Through Markov Chains (SATMC) and the insight we have gained in modeling a sample of AzTEC 1.1mm-detected SMGs. The MCMC engine and Bayesian formalism used in the construction of SATMC offers a unique view at the constraints on model parameter space that are often grossly simplified in traditional SED fitting methods. We first present the motivation behind SATMC and its MCMC algorithm. We also highlight a series of test cases that verify not only its reliability but its versatility to various astrophysical applications, including the field of photometric redshift estimation. We then present the AzTEC SMG sample and preliminary results obtained through counterpart identification, X-ray spectral modeling and SED fitting with SATMC. Finally, we present the latest work in detailed SED analysis of SMGs and how these results influence our understanding of the SMG population.

Transit Photometry of Recently Discovered Hot Jupiters

McCloat, Sean Peter 09 January 2018 (has links)
<p> The University of North Dakota Space Studies Internet Observatory was used to observe the transits of hot Jupiter exoplanets. Targets for this research were selected from the list of currently confirmed exoplanets using the following criteria: radius > 0.5 Rjup, discovered since 2011, orbiting stars with apparent magnitude > 13. Eleven transits were observed distributed across nine targets with the goal of performing differential photometry for parameter refinement and transit timing variation analysis if data quality allowed. Data quality was ultimately insufficient for robust parameter refinement, but tentative calculations of mid-transit times were made of three of the observed transits. Mid-transit times for WASP-103b and WASP-48b were consistent with predictions and the existing database.</p><p>

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