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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Drowsiness detection based On Gegenbauer features

Zhang, Xiaoliang January 2008 (has links)
According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) official reports, many traffic accidents have been caused due to drivers’ drowsiness. Previous work based on computer vision techniques achieved drowsiness detection, usually with special hardware that depended on laboratory environments. To overcome limitations of these approaches, a natural light based surveillance system is proposed. The system achieves drowsiness detection in three stages: face segmentation, drowsiness feature extraction and classification. To segment faces, a simplified skin colour model is developed to compute colour distance maps from original facial images. Candidate faces are located using colour distance maps in conjunction with centres of gravity of individual faces. Gegenbauer features are then applied to capture shape information that is related to drowsiness. The computation of these features is based on moments derived from coefficients of Gegenbauer polynomials. To detect the behaviour of a subject, image sequences of his/her face are classified into drowsy and nondrowsy states by a Hidden Markov Model using Gegenbauer features. A sequence is classified as drowsy if the number of drowsy states in the Hidden Markov Model reaches a pre-defined threshold. To evaluate the proposed system, experiments are conducted using 65 video clips that contained a mixture of 54 drowsy and 11 non-drowsy behaviours. The proposed system detected 47 drowsy behaviours from these video clips successfully, and thus resulting in a detection rate of 87%. This proposed system is independent of infrared illuminators that were found to be unreliable in previous systems. Furthermore, the new system deploys multiple facial features and presents a more accurate description of drowsiness rather than a single facial feature proposed by previous authors.

Searching the space of representations : reasoning through transformations for mathematical problem solving

Raggi, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
The role of representation in reasoning has been long and widely regarded as crucial. It has remained one of the fundamental considerations in the design of information-processing systems and, in particular, for computer systems that reason. However, the process of change and choice of representation has struggled to achieve a status as a task for the systems themselves. Instead, it has mostly remained a responsibility for the human designers and programmers. Many mathematical problems have the characteristic of being easy to solve only after a unique choice of representation has been made. In this thesis we examine two classes of problems in discrete mathematics which follow this pattern, in the light of automated and interactive mechanical theorem provers. We present a general notion of structural transformation, which accounts for the changes of representation seen in such problems, and link this notion to the existing Transfer mechanism in the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. We present our mechanisation in Isabelle/HOL of some specific transformations identified as key in the solutions of the aforementioned mathematical problems. Furthermore, we present some tools that we developed to extend the functionalities of the Transfer mechanism, designed with the specific purpose of searching efficiently the space of representations using our set of transformations. We describe some experiments that we carried out using these tools, and analyse these results in terms of how close the tools lead us to a solution, and how desirable these solutions are. The thorough qualitative analysis we present in this thesis reveals some promise as well as some challenges for the far-reaching problem of representation in reasoning, and the automation of the processes of change and choice of representation.

Automated reasoning in quantified modal and temporal logics

Castellini, Claudio January 2005 (has links)
This thesis is about automated reasoning in quantified modal and temporal logics, with an application to formal methods. Quantified modal and temporal logics are extensions of classical first-order logic in which the notion of truth is extended to take into account its necessity or equivalently, in the temporal setting, its persistence through time. Due to their high complexity, these logics are less widely known and studied than their propositional counterparts. Moreover, little so far is known about their mechanisability and usefulness for formal methods. The relevant contributions of this thesis are threefold: firstly, we devise a sound and complete set of sequent calculi for quantified modal logics; secondly, we extend the approach to the quantified temporal logic of linear, discrete time and develop a framework for doing automated reasoning via Proof Planning in it; thirdly, we show a set of experimental results obtained by applying the framework to the problem of Feature Interactions in telecommunication systems. These results indicate that (a) the problem can be concisely and effectively modeled in the aforementioned logic, (b) proof planning actually captures common structures in the related proofs, and (c) the approach is viable also from the point of view of efficiency.

Lifting Transformations

McAllester, David, Siskind, Jeffrey 01 December 1991 (has links)
Lifting is a well known technique in resolution theorem proving, logic programming, and term rewriting. In this paper we formulate lifting as an efficiency-motivated program transformation applicable to a wide variety of nondeterministic procedures. This formulation allows the immediate lifting of complex procedures, such as the Davis-Putnam algorithm, which are otherwise difficult to lift. We treat both classical lifting, which is based on unification, and various closely related program transformations which we also call lifting transformations. These nonclassical lifting transformations are closely related to constraint techniques in logic programming, resolution, and term rewriting.

The Programmer's Apprentice Project: A Research Overview

Rich, Charles, Waters, Richard C. 01 November 1987 (has links)
The goal of the Programmer's Apprentice project is to develop a theory of how expert programmers analyze, synthesize, modify, explain, specify, verify, and document programs. This research goal overlaps both artificial intelligence and software engineering. From the viewpoint of artificial intelligence, we have chosen programming as a domain in which to study fundamental issues of knowledge representation and reasoning. From the viewpoint of software engineering, we seek to automate the programming process by applying techniques from artificial intelligence.

Practical reasoning in probabilistic description logic

Klinov, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
Description Logics (DLs) form a family of languages which correspond to decidable fragments of First-Order Logic (FOL). They have been overwhelmingly successful for constructing ontologies - conceptual structures describing domain knowledge. Ontologies proved to be valuable in a range of areas, most notably, bioinformatics, chemistry, Health Care and Life Sciences, and the Semantic Web.One limitation of DLs, as fragments of FOL, is their restricted ability to cope with various forms of uncertainty. For example, medical knowledge often includes statistical relationships, e.g., findings or results of clinical trials. Currently it is maintained separately, e.g., in Bayesian networks or statistical models. This often hinders knowledge integration and reuse, leads to duplication and, consequently, inconsistencies.One answer to this issue is probabilistic logics which allow for smooth integration of classical, i.e., expressible in standard FOL or its sub-languages, and uncertain knowledge. However, probabilistic logics have long been considered impractical because of discouraging computational properties. Those are mostly due to the lack of simplifying assumptions, e.g., independence assumptions which are central to Bayesian networks.In this thesis we demonstrate that deductive reasoning in a particular probabilistic DL, called P-SROIQ, can be computationally practical. We present a range of novel algorithms, in particular, the probabilistic satisfiability procedure (PSAT) which is, to our knowledge, the first scalable PSAT algorithm for a non-propositional probabilistic logic. We perform an extensive performance and scalability evaluation on different synthetic and natural data sets to justify practicality.In addition, we study theoretical properties of P-SROIQ by formally translating it into a fragment of first-order logic of probability. That allows us to gain a better insight into certain important limitations of P-SROIQ. Finally, we investigate its applicability from the practical perspective, for instance, use it to extract all inconsistencies from a real rule-based medical expert system.We believe the thesis will be of interest to developers of probabilistic reasoners. Some of the algorithms, e.g., PSAT, could also be valuable to the Operations Research community since they are heavily based on mathematical programming. Finally, the theoretical analysis could be helpful for designers of future probabilistic logics.

Exploration of variations of unrestricted blocking for description logics

Khodadadi, Mohammad January 2015 (has links)
Description logics are a family of logics that provide formalisms for representing and reasoning about knowledge, based on describing concepts, in a structured and formally well-understood way. They provide the logical foundation for the web ontology language (OWL), which increased awareness of them recently. The most popular techniques for decision procedures for description logics are tableau reasoning methods, which have a long tradition and are well established in automated reasoning. This thesis investigates the possibility of finding a general and optimised blocking mechanism for description logics with the finite model property. It suggests that, while the high branching factor for unrestricted blocking reduces its performance, suitable control of the application of the blocking rule can make the performance acceptable while preserving termination. This claim is supported by experiments that compare the performance of two sample controlled versions of unrestricted blocking. In order to show the generality and power of controlled versions of unrestricted blocking, it is shown how some of the mainstream and most successful standard blocking mechanisms can be approximated as restricted forms of unrestricted blocking. These approximations have the advantage of always being sound compared to their standard versions, which are known to be sound only for some logics. Here, a variation of unrestricted blocking which can ensure strong termination is also introduced. This is done through introducing a new rule that uses the inequality expressions introduced by the blocking rule. The weak termination property of unrestricted blocking is one of its weak points which by this variant of blocking can be addressed. The work presented in this thesis should be of value to people who are working on generalising different aspects of reasoning methods. As blocking plays a critical role in termination of tableau provers, exploration of different variations of unrestricted blocking introduced here may be also of interest for the artificial intelligence researcher.

Learning and Reasoning in Hybrid Structured Spaces

Morettin, Paolo 29 May 2020 (has links)
Many real world AI applications involve reasoning on both continuous and discrete variables, while requiring some level of symbolic reasoning that can provide guarantees on the system's behaviour. Unfortunately, most of the existing probabilistic models do not efficiently support hard constraints or they are limited to purely discrete or continuous scenarios. Weighted Model Integration (WMI) is a recent and general formalism that enables probabilistic modeling and inference in hybrid structured domains. A difference of WMI-based inference algorithms with respect to most alternatives is that probabilities are computed inside a structured support involving both logical and algebraic relationships between variables. While some progress has been made in the last years and the topic is increasingly gaining interest from the community, research in this area is at an early stage. These aspects motivate the study of hybrid and symbolic probabilistic models and the development of scalable inference procedures and effective learning algorithms in these domains. This PhD Thesis embodies my effort in studying scalable reasoning and learning techniques in the context of WMI.

Proof-theoretical observations of BI and BBI base-logic interactions, and development of phased sequence calculus to define logic combinations

Arisaka, Ryuta January 2013 (has links)
I study sequent calculus of combined logics in this thesis. Two specific logics are looked at-Logic BI that combines intuitionistic logic and multiplicative intuitionistic linear logic and Logic BBI that combines classical logic and multiplicative linear logic. A proof-theoretical study into logical combinations themsel ves then follows. To consolidate intuition about what this thesis is all about, let us suppose that we know about two different logics, Logic A developed for reasoning about Purpose A and Logic B developed for reasoning about Purpose B. Logic A serves Purpose A very well, but not Purpose B. Logic B serves Purpose B very well but not Purpose A. We wish to fulfill both Purpose A and Purpose B, but presently we can only afford to let one logic guide through our reasoning. What shall we do? One option is to be content with having Logic A with which we handle Purpose A efficiently and Purpose B rather inefficiently. Another option is to choose Logic B instead. But there is yet another option: we combine Logic A and Logic B to derive a new logic Logic C which is still one logic but which serves both Purpose A and Purpose B efficiently. The combined logic is synthetic of the strengths in more basic logics (Logic A and Logic B). As it nicely takes care of our requirements, it may be the best choice among all that have been so far considered. Yet this is not the end of the story. Depending on the manner Logic A and Logic B combine, Logic C may have extensions serving more purposes than just Purpose A and Purpose B. Ensuing is the following problem: we know about Logic A and Logic B, but we may not know about combined logics of the base logics. To understand the combined logics, we need to understand the extensions in which base logics interact each other. Analysis on the interesting parts tends to be non-trivial, however. The mentioned two specific combined logics BI and BBI do not make an exception, for which proof-theoretical development has been particularly slow. It has remained in obscurity how to properly handle base-logic interactions of the combined logics as appearing syntactically. As one objective of this thesis, I provide analysis on the syntactic phenomena of the BI and BBI base-logic interactions within sequent calculus, to augment the knowledge. For BI, I deliver, through appropriate methodologies to reason about the syntactic phenomena of the base-logic interactions, the first BI sequent calculus free of any structural rules. Given its positive consequence to efficient proof searches, this is a significant step forward in further maturity of BI proof theory. Based on the calculus, I prove decidability of a fragment of BI purely syntactically. For BBI which is closely connected to application via separation logic, I develop adequate sequent calculus conventions and consider the implication of the underlying semantics onto syntax. Sound BBI sequent calculi result with a closer syntax-semantics correspondence than previously envisaged. From them, adaptation to separation logic is also considered. To promote the knowledge of combined logics in general within computer science, it is also important that we be able to study logical combinations themselves. Towards this direction of generalisation, I present the concept of phased sequent calculus - sequent calculus which physically separates base logics, and in which a specific manner of logical combination to take place between them can be actually developed and analysed. For a demonstration, the said decidable BI fragment is formulated in phased sequent calculus, and the sense of logical combination in effect is analysed. A decision procedure is presented for the fragment.

Scalable reasoning for description logics

Shearer, Robert D. C. January 2011 (has links)
Description logics (DLs) are knowledge representation formalisms with well-understood model-theoretic semantics and computational properties. The DL SROIQ provides the logical underpinning for the semantic web language OWL 2, which is quickly becoming the standard for knowledge representation on the web. A central component of most DL applications is an efficient and scalable reasoner, which provides services such as consistency testing and classification. Despite major advances in DL reasoning algorithms over the last decade, however, ontologies are still encountered in practice that cannot be handled by existing DL reasoners. We present a novel reasoning calculus for the description logic SROIQ which addresses two of the major sources of inefficiency present in the tableau-based reasoning calculi used in state-of-the-art reasoners: unnecessary nondeterminism and unnecessarily large model sizes. Further, we describe a new approach to classification which exploits partial information about the subsumption relation between concept names to reduce both the number of individual subsumption tests performed and the cost of working with large ontologies; our algorithm is applicable to the general problem of deducing a quasi-ordering from a sequence of binary comparisons. We also present techniques for extracting partial information about the subsumption relation from the models generated by constructive DL reasoning methods, such as our hypertableau calculus. Empirical results from a prototypical implementation demonstrate substantial performance improvements compared to existing algorithms and implementations.

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