Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bay box""
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Anonymní odkládání dětí v České republice / Anonymous child abandonment in the Czech RepublicKletečková, Darina January 2014 (has links)
KLETEČKOVÁ, D. Anonymous child abandonment in the Czech Republic. Prague: Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague, 2014. 131 s. Diploma thesis. In the theoretical part the student aims to map the situation of leaving children anonymously in the Czech Republic in comparison with selected countries in Europe, the history of this phenomenon, the current situation and possible insights into the future. Anonymous leaving of children is studied from several perspectives, in terms of legal, psychological, medical and mainly social point of view. In the empirical part the method of inquiry, namely the interview technique is used. For this purpose experts on the specific areas were interviewed - lawyers, psychologists, doctors and social workers. In the conclusion part the research data are evaluated and possible measures suggested. Key words Anonymous abandoment, secret delivery, babybox, family, child
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The "Baby box", an issue or solution to child abandonment in South KoreaSjöstrand, Isabella January 2018 (has links)
A few years ago South Korea got a lot of attention from abroad. The phenomenon called “Baby box” emerged in modern society and gave mothers a place to abandon their baby in a safe environment. The purpose of this study is to trace how the phenomenon “Baby box” appeared and to understand what the situation of unmarried mothers in Korea are. By studying the Korean history of adoption practice, women’s limited status, the welfare system and law the author tries to find an answer to why so many unmarried mothers chose not to bring up their own children and instead give them up for adoption or even abandon them. The “Baby box” has become a place that saves lives of children as they are abandoned in a safe environment, however legalizing the “Baby Box” puts other issues on the table. The thesis raises the question whether the “Baby box” can be a solution to child abandonment in Korea or if the issues remain until legal action is taken.
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Právo dítěte znát svůj genetický původ / The right of a child to know his/her genetical originZýchová, Jana January 2011 (has links)
My thesis deals with the child's right to know his or her genetic origin. It is a universal human right guaranteed by the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The Article 7, paragraph 1 states that every child has a right to know his or her parents, if possible. European Court of Human Rights repeatedly postulated that the right to know one's origin is an integral part of the right to respect for private and family life provided by the Article 8 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The purpose of my work is to explain on particular problems, to what extent is this right respected in the Czech Republic, in conformity with its international obligations. The text is based on valid legal status to June 21, 2011, with regard to proposed changes in the upcoming adoption of the new Civil Code. The text is systematically divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is focused in general on the right to know one's own origin in the human rights dimension. The following chapters examine particular relevant sections of family law and its imperfections. Firstly, I discuss the issue of determination and denial of parenting with an emphasis on emerging deliberate disharmony between biological and legal parenthood. Furthermore, I focus on the issue of adoption,...
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Baby boxy - etická dilemata plošného zavádění schránek na odkládání dětí v ČR / Ethical dilemmas of babyboxes for abandoned children in the Czech republicChvílová Weberová, Magdalena January 2014 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE KATOLICKÁ TEOLOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra Teologické etiky a spirituální teologie Magdalena Chvílová Weberová Baby boxy - etická dilemata plošného zavádění schránek na odkládání dětí v ČR Diplomová práce Vedoucí práce: MUDr. ThLic. Jaromír Matějek, PhD., Th.D. Konzultant: MUDr. František Schneiberg Praha 2014 Prohlášení 1. Prohlašuji, že jsem předkládanou práci zpracovala samostatně a použila jen uvedené prameny a literaturu. 2. Prohlašuji, že práce nebyla využita k získání jiného titulu. 3. Souhlasím s tím, aby práce byla zpřístupněna pro studijní a výzkumné účely. V Havlíčkově Brodě, dne 3. 12. 2013 Magdalena Chvílová Weberová Bibliografická citace Babyboxy - etická dilemata plošného zavádění schránek na odkládání dětí v ČR [rukopis]: Diplomová práce /Magdalena Chvílová Weberová vedoucí práce: MUDr. ThLic. Jaromír Matějek, Ph.D., Th.D. Praha, 2014 --184 s. -- Abstract Baby box is a box for anonymous postponement of unwanted newborns. The existence of baby boxes is being justified by it is declared purpose - saving human lives. Newborn's life is highest good and even just delivered newborn is a bearer of human rights. The work discusses the claim of saving the life of the newborn within the context of the best interests of the child and within the context of the incidence of...
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Určování rodičovství / Determination of ParenthoodŠilarová, Věra January 2013 (has links)
Determination of Parenthood (Abstract) The determination of parenthood is undoubtedly a very topical issue. There are significant changes which are consequences of modern society approach to the family life as well as of massive progress in the field of medical science and genetics. The development in these areas has brought new concepts such as baby-boxes, assisted reproduction and surrogacy. Now it is up to the legislation to provide rules within the legal framework for these new institutions to steady parental relationships and to secure their protection as well. The aim of this thesis is to familiarize the reader with Czech legal regulation of determination of parenthood by means of its description and analysis. Another aim of the work is to compare this legal regulation with regulation in other countries, in particular in Germany and to find similarities and differences between them. Finally the thesis highlights new institutions within determination of parenthood. This thesis consists of nine chapters which deal with particular parts of its subject-matter. The opening chapter discusses the relationship between a parent and a child both theoretically and historically. Apart from that it also describes legal regulations applicable in the Czech Republic and Germany in the course of time. The second...
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Určování rodičovství / Determination of parenthoodKostěncová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
Determination of Parenthood (Abstract) The topic determination of parenthood today is very actual nowadays and it is not possible to neglect its importance. Changes taking place both in the social life of modern times, and in the field of medicine is necessary to constantly reflect and to adapt them to the legal order. Concepts such as assisted reproduction, surrogacy, concealed birth and baby-boxes are a common part of human society and it is not possible to avoid dealing with the situation around them. The aim of this thesis is to summarize the Czech legislation of determination of parenthood, to mention problematic situations that may arise in connection with it and describe possible solutions to these situations. The another aim then is to acquaint the reader with the newly developing institutions, such as assisted reproduction, surrogacy, concealed birth, baby boxes, etc., and analysis of their current legal status supplemented by comparison of legislation in other European and non-European countries, which could serve as inspiration for future development in the Czech legal order. The first chapter deals with family law, family and relationships between parents and children both from a theoretical and historical point of view. The second chapter is devoted to an overview of the most important changes...
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Určování rodičovství / Determination of parenthoodHrušáková, Alexandra January 2012 (has links)
Determination of Parenthood - Alexandra Hrušáková Abstract In my thesis "Determination of Parenthood", I focused on the largest area of family law. Everyone's life is influenced by his family the whole life. And there are many consequences connected to the relation between a child and his parents. My topic responds lively to the changes brought by current scientific and technical progress and dynamic development and metamorphoses in our society. I tried to describe it in a complex way, but in order to put accent on the most important segments of this problem. From the times of ancient Rome there exists the principle "mater semper certa est, pater incertus", which means that the identity of the mother is always certain, but the father isn't. However there exist some situations in which the principle could not be so clear. These situations created objective of this thesis. This thesis is divided into ten chapters. In every single chapter I wasn't only working with Czech law, but I also attempted to compare it to legislation of another countries The first chapter called Parenthood and Child is dealing with the theoretical definition of the components of a relation among parents and children and the rights and obligations rising from this relation. The next chapter presents The Right of the child to know his or...
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Promítnutí práva znát svůj původ do českého právního řádu (kritická studie) / Reflection of the right to know one's own origin in the Czech legal order (critical study)Bednářová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
(Abstract) The diploma thesis deals with the reflection of the right to know one's own origin in the Czech legal order. Knowledge of one's own origin and the right to know one's own origin constitute not only a legal but also a moral and ethical question. The right to know one's own origin (i.e. the right to know one's parents, one's biological family and one's ancestors) is one of the subjective human rights, which belongs to every natural person. This right is more or less reflected in majority of institutes of family law. The thesis analyses the most important of them and indicates how the right to know one's own origin is reflected in these institutes or it is not, although it should be. The work seeks to highlight possible shortcomings of the legislation and tries to propose possible solutions de lege ferenda. There are also stated (for the purposes of comparison) some examples of foreign legislation in cases of some legal institutes. The diploma thesis is based on the legislation effective on the 26th March 2016. It is composed of an introduction, five chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter deals with the right to know one's own origin and its legal regulation in the Czech Republic. It mainly discusses the international conventions that are (in compliance with the Art. 10 of the...
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