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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lázeňství v České republice

Kalfusová, Terezie January 2006 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá lázeňstvím v České republice. Popisuje vznik lázeňství na území Evropy i na našem území. Vysvětluje hlavní zákony vztahující ? se lázeňství, vysvětluje zaměření lázeňství na spíše zdravotnickou funkci a její úlohu v systému zdravotnictví v České republice. Uvádí hlavní svazy a sdružení působící v lázeňství a jejich význam. V další části práce je analýza současného stavu lázeňství s přihlédnutím k vývoji zvláště v posledních pěti letech. Tato část také sleduje vývoj systémů měření kvality v lázeňství a dále se zaměřuje na Anenské slatinné lázně, jako vzor v hodnocení kvality. Kvůli možnému drastickému omezení rozsahu hrazení lázeňské péče zdravotními pojišťovnami uvádí dále možné způsoby financování lázní, jednak dotacemi z EU, jednak uvádí komerční trendy v tomto sektoru

Prameny radioaktivních minerálních vod v oblasti Chrastava - Bogatynia / The springs of the radioactive medicinal groundwaters in the Chrastava - Bogatynia area

Černík, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
A radiogeochemical exploration in the area of Chrastava - Bogatynia belonging into lugic region was conducted in the years 2012 - 2013. This exploration's objective was to search for and investigate radioactive water manifestations with radioactivity concentration reaching minimal value of 1500 Bq/l 222Rn. This boundary is set in the spa law no. 164/2001 Sb. as a minimal radioactivity concentration for radioactive mineral water. In this area, 30 water manifestations were discovered meeting the boudary of >1500 Bq/l 222Rn. The most significant cluster is located in Albrechtice by Frýdlant. Close to Kančí vrch (Boar Hill) 12 radioactive water springs were discovered. In the town of Albrechtice, a discovery of dissolved salts- rich radioactive mineral water was made, concerning springs Soumar and Matka. The most mineralized spring Soumar contains more than 1 g/l of dissolved salts (hydrochemical type Na-Ca-Cl water with total mineralization up to 1,5 g/l) combined with it's 222Rn activity surpassing 1500 Bq/l. Another significant cluster is located near the town of Nová Ves by Chrastava, where the most active source of the whole area, Mikulášský pramen (Mikulash Spring), with activity up to 2821 Bq/l 222Rn, was found. Another three radioactive water springs were found in this area. Also, probable dry...

Porovnání oxyhumolitu sokolovské pánve s materiály používanými v lázeňství a alternativní medicíně a jeho možné využití v těchto oborech / Comparison of oxyhumolite of the Sokolov basin with materials which are using in spa and alternative medicin and its possible usage in these spheres

Dúcka, Barbora January 2010 (has links)
This work deal with a brief characterization of three materials, namely oxyhumolite and sapropelite from Sokolov basin that are compared with peat from Františkovy Lázně. The sampling localities are briefly geographically and geologically described including the genesis of the deposits. All materials are specifically characterized by analysis. The materials are compared based on the results of the analysis. Greater attentinon is paid to the comparison of sulfur content, humic acides and warmth retention. A part of the work is devoted to description of peloids and their influence on the human organism. The history of using peloids is briefly discussed. The possibility of using oxyhumolite and sapropelite for production of natural cosmetics or for balneological use is examined as a replacement for native and especially for regenerated peat.

Využití floatingu v regeneraci / The use of floating in regeneration

Mišinec, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Name of thesis: Usage of floating for regeneration Goals of thesis: Assess which aspects have influence on final enjoyment of the Floating procedure by comparison of survey results of two client's groups. Determine what impact has the facility environment, staff approach and the manner and form of providing the services on client's mental condition, inducing pleasant relaxation atmosphere and the overall enjoyment from the procedure. Discover insufficiencies and try to eliminate them, to help to create optimal environmental conditions for the Floating procedure. Mothod: This thesis has the character of qualitative empiric research. For the reseach has been used the exploring method with the technic of non-standardized questionnaires with closed as well as open qeustions. Examined population is a group of twenty people, 10 persons as a first time visitors and 10 persons regularly visiting the facility. Results: The research has verfied various aspects which have the impact on mental condition and enjoyment of the people. It has been determined that on the enjoyment of this procedure have a great impact personnel and professional approach of the staff, manner and form of providing the services and the overall environment where is the procedure located. We have ascertained difference between...

Využití floatingu v regeneraci / Usage of floating for regeneration

Mišinec, Martin January 2011 (has links)
- 1 - Abstract: Name of thesis: Usage of floating for regeneration Goals of thesis: Assess which aspects have influence on final enjoyment of the floating procedure by comparison of survey results of two client's groups. Determine what impact has the facility environment, staff approach and the manner and form of providing the services on client's mental condition, inducing pleasant relaxation atmosphere and the overall enjoyment from the procedure. Discover insufficiencies and try to eliminate them, to help to create optimal environmental conditions for the floating procedure. Method: This thesis has the character of qualitative empiric research. For the reseach has been used the exploring method with the technic of non-standardized questionnaires with closed as well as open qeustions. Examined population is a group of twenty people, 10 persons as a first time visitors and 10 persons regularly visiting the facility. Results: The research has verfied various aspects which have the impact on mental condition and enjoyment of the people. It has been determined that on the enjoyment of this procedure have a great impact personnel and professional approach of the staff, manner and form of providing the services and the overall environment where is the procedure located. We have ascertained difference between...

Prameny radioaktivních minerálních vod v oblasti Lázně Libverda - Świeradów-Zdrój / Springs of the radioactive medicinal water in the Lázně Libverda - Świeradów-Zdrój area

Hrušková, Lenka January 2013 (has links)
The main radionuclide causing high water radiation is 222 Rn with half-life 3.82 days. Concentrations of radon in radioactive mineral water in the Krkonoše-Jizera Crystalline Complex are very high and do not correspond with the concentration of uranium in the source rocks. These springs probably well up near the uranium mineralisation. Search for radioactive mineral water started in 2005 in Orlice- Sněžník Dome built by orthogneisses, which was the first promising area for such research. The research continued to the areas of Jánské Lázně and Horní Malá Úpa built by the Krkonoše orthogneisses in the next few years. In the last two years research was conducted in Lázně Libverda. Until then there were only a few known springs with radioactive mineral water. Lázně Libverda-Świeradów-Zdrój area is located in the Krkonoše-Jizera Crystalline Complex built by Cambrian/Ordovician orthogneisses and Variscan granite pluton. Jizera orthogneisses and the contact of these two objects were considered to be very promising in terms of finding springs of the radioactive medicinal water. Another criterion for a successful exploration is also an abnormal tectonic deformation of the zone. Uranium exploration was also conducted in 1950s, so we could use data available from the emanatory survey on a scale of 1:5000 and...

Die Geschichte der Thermen Portugals: Von den Caldas da Rainha (1485) bis zu den Thermen in Vizela (1785) / The history of portuguese thermal baths: from Caldas da Rainha (1485) to the thermal bath of Vizela (1785)

Mauser, Ricardo Maximilian January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Diese Arbeit erweitert die Grundzüge der Medizingeschichte Portugals und des Thermalwesens des Landes. Der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit – nämlich die Betrachtung verschiedener portugiesischer Kurorte – belegt Unterschiede in der Entwicklung, Nutzung und Bewirtschaftung der verschiedenen Bäder. Diese Differenzen haben verschiedene Gründe, wobei die historische und regionale Entwicklung, politische Interessen und der persönliche Wille einflussreicher Menschen eine bedeutende Rolle spielen. Wie es diese Arbeit mehrfach verdeutlicht, hatte die Vorliebe der Römer zu den Heilbädern, was die Besiedlung und den Ausbau der portugiesischen Orte mit Mineralwasserquellen anbelangt, eine ausschlaggebende Bedeutung. Nach dem Fall des römischen Imperiums folgte eine Zeit der Vernachlässigung vieler Thermen bzw. Thermalquellen Portugals. Manche Kurorte wurden auch ohne angemessene Infrastrukturen weiter vom Volk benutzt, andere auch von religiösen Orden. Mit dem Beginn des portugiesischen Königreiches begann der Aufschwung einiger Thermalbäder, wobei São Pedro do Sul der erste Kurort war, der von der Anwesenheit eines Königs, nämlich Afonso Henriques, profitierte. Im Vergleich zum Rest Europas war die Entwicklung der portugiesischen Kurorte jedoch verzögert. In Mitteleuropa fanden ab dem XIV. Jahrhundert Mineralbäder beträchtliche Aufmerksamkeit, sowohl was den Gebrauch der Thermen betraf, als auch, was die literarischen Aufzeichnungen anbelangte. Einen Höhepunkt der Thermalgeschichte Portugals bildet die Gründung der Caldas da Rainha, wofür das Königspaar Leonor und João II wichtige Grundsteine legten, die die medizinische Versorgung Portugals ändern sollten. Auf Anordnung Leonors wurde im Jahre 1485 das erste Thermalkrankenhaus der Welt in Caldas da Rainha gegründet, was auch Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist. Die Gründung einer solch komplexen und anspruchsvollen Einrichtung machte ein entsprechendes wirtschaftliches und gesellschaftliches Umfeld erforderlich. Leonor und João II, sowie wenig später auch Manuel I, bestimmten eine Reihe von Maßnahmen, um Menschen dort anzusiedeln und das Dorf zu entwickeln. Sie sorgten ebenfalls für die Finanzierung des Krankenhauses. Der “Compromisso da Rainha” war ein entscheidendes Dokument, welches nicht nur die Verwaltung des Hauses regelte, sondern auch die medizinische Versorgung. Hier wurden alle Patienten von Anfang an von einem Arzt untersucht und betreut. Patienten mit Lepra, Syphilis, Krätze, mit Fleischwunden, oder jene, von denen man glaubte, sie seien unheilbar krank, wurden vom Arzt im Krankenhaus nicht aufgenommen. Der Thermalbesuch in Caldas war standardisiert und strikten Regeln unterworfen. Mit seinen sieben Stationen und hundertzehn Betten war das Krankenhaus von Caldas eines der größten seiner Zeit und wurde in Portugal nur durch das Krankenhaus in Lissabon übertroffen. Mit João V erfolgte im XVIII. Jahrhundert eine wichtige Renovierung des Krankenhauses in Caldas da Rainha. Im XIX. Jahrhundert fand ein Aufschwung durch den wachsenden Tourismus statt, was dazu führte, dass viele Infrastrukturen entweder verbessert oder völlig neu erschaffen wurden. Ein weiterer wesentlicher Schritt war die Gründung des Krankenhauses von “Todos-Os-Santos” in Lissabon, wodurch eine Zentralisierung der medizinischen Infrastrukturen in der Hauptstadt stattfand. Nebenbei wurde versucht, die Institutionen – mit ihren entsprechenden Einkünften – der Verwaltung der Kirche zu entreißen. Zeitgleich wurden im ganzen Land neue Krankenhäuser gegründet, wobei die Versorgung der Armen von zahlreich gegründeten “Misericórdias” unterstützt wurde. Neben Caldas da Rainha werden noch sechs weitere Thermalbäder Portugals betrachtet: Curia, Chaves, Geres, Sao Pedro do Sul, Taipas und vizela. Die wissenschaftlichen Fortschritte in Europa ab dem XVII. und XVIII. Jahrhundert hinterlieβen auch in Portugal ihre Spuren. Sie bewirkten, dass die Bäder, die als “Heilmittel” betrachtet wurden, in einem anderen Licht erschienen. In der damaligen Literatur multiplizierten sich Berichte und Analysen über die verschiedenen Thermalquellen. / This thesis concerns the history of the portuguese baths, known as “Caldas”, especially the hot springs in Caldas da Rainha, Curia, Chaves, Gerês, Sao Pedro do Sul, Taipas and Vizela. All of these hot springs show a different development and medical use along their history, although all of them have a roman influence in common. The oldest thermal hospital of the world was founded 1485 by Queen Leonor in Caldas da Rainha. This hospital will influence the portuguese medical system of the time. For the first time (and before the hospital of “Todos os Santos” is founded in Lisbon) there is a systematic approach to the patient, whose stay in the hospital is now supervised by a physician. This and other aspects of the daily life in the hospital of Caldas da Rainha (e.g. the administration of the hospital, financial issues and the duties of the physician, surgeon and pharmacist) were settled in a document known as “O Compromisso da Rainha”. The hospital and the town of Caldas da Rainha will be renewed by King João V in the XVIII. century and will be positively influenced by a strong touristic interest in the XIX. century. Significant improvements of the infrastructures of the baths of Gerês, Chaves (also known as “Aquae Flaviae”), Curia, Taipas and Vizela will not happen before the XVIII. century. The baths of São Pedro do Sul will benefit from the influence of King Afonso I and King Manuel I (who will found the “Hospital Real das Caldas de Lafões”). Later, in the year 1895, due to the presence of Queen Amélia I, these baths will carry her name for the following fifteen years. The scientific research regarding portuguese hot springs begins in the XVII.and XVIII. centuries, especially with the book “Aquilégio Medicinal” (1726) written by Francisco da Fonseca Henriques and the work of the physician Francisco Tavares.

Lázně / Spa

Feňo, Radomír January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the subsequent bed care with the help of physiotherapy, which is a deplorable deficit in the Czech Republic. The location on the Red Hill is convenient from the point of view of availability, it is situated between the two largest hospitals in Brno next to a road that will be connected in the future. At the same time, it is located in a quiet environment with attractive views of the Yellow Hill and Špilberk Castle.

Gesellschaft im Bad : die Entwicklung der Badefahrten und der "Naturbäder" im Gebiet der Schweiz und im angrenzenden südwestdeutschen Raum (1300-1610) /

Kaufmann, Pius. January 2009 (has links)
Diss. Univ. Zürich, 2008. / Im Buchh.: Zürich : Chronos-Verlag. Register. Literaturverz.

Percepce lázeňských služeb klienty Lázní Aurora s.r.o. / Clients´ Perception of Spa Services in Aurora Spa

KROČÁK, Ladislav January 2012 (has links)
An importance of spa services is especially in the medical treatment, but their economic significance is also very substantial. It significantly affects investment activities and an employment and it contributes to a regional development. Aurora Spa in Třeboň specializes in treating of musculoskeletal disorders, rheumatic diseases, post-traumatic and post-operative conditions and overall recondition of the body. Spa services in Třeboň have been, since a long time ago, associated with a natural healing source, which is abundant in this locality ? a boggy soil. Aurora Spa is not determined only for ill clients, but it is frequently visited by healthy people who undergo reconditioning and relaxation stays. The current trend heads toward to the fact that in the future the spa care covered from the public health insurance, will be in some way limited and clients will have to pay either a part or the entire treatment from their own financial funds. For this reason it is necessary to concentrate with spa service operators on a great clients´ satisfaction with their spa stay, so that they would return to the spa facility. Since I have worked for five years in the area of providing of the treatment services, I followed my bachelor thesis ?Clients´ satisfaction with spa services? by this diploma thesis, in order to re-map the clients´ satisfaction with services provided in above mentioned spa. I wanted to find out whether clients´ attitudes to the provided services had significantly changed from the research in 2009 year in my bachelor thesis. I used for the research the same questionnaire as in the research in 2009 year. 220 respondents were chosen for the research in the period of September 2011; 110 respondents had their stay covered by some of health insurance companies, either in a form of a complex or a contributory spa care and 110 respondents paid their treatment stay from their own funds as private payers. I supposed that men would be more satisfied than women and clients to whom some of the health insurance companies paid the stay, would be more satisfied than clients paying the stay from their own funds. After processing the data, there were not found out any significant differences in the satisfaction between these groups of respondents and in comparison with the research in the bachelor thesis from 2009 year there were not apparent any significant variations in the clients´ satisfaction with the services provided, which confirms, that the spa services in Aurora Spa are still on a very high level. Results of this diploma thesis can be used by employees of Aurora Spa to enhance the quality of provided spa service in all areas and to improve staff access to their clients.

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