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Pasitikėjimo elementų elektroninio balsavimo sistemose tyrimas / Research of trust elements in e-voting systemsŠolytė, Ginta 25 November 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to find out trust elements in e-voting systems and possible ways of implementation of them in IS. The objects of research are theoretical Lithuanian e-voting system’s concept and Geneva’s e-Voting, Estonian I-Voting systems. The main tasks were performed in order to solve this research problem: theoretical trust in e-government models were analysed, the research of trust elements in Lithuanian e-voting system’s concept and Geneva’s e-Voting, Estonian I-Voting systems were done, complex trust model in e-voting were described and finally the experiment was done. Methods used in research – analysis of scientifical literature, the complex trust in e-voting model is created in order to find out it‘s validity, experiment consisting of questionaire is made. The results and conclusions of research – after analysis of trust models in e-government we concluded that these factors can be divided into two groups - pre-interactional factors: individual citizen, institutional attributes, technology and interactional factors: product/service attributes, transactional delivery and fulfilment of services and information content attributes. After analysis of Lithuanian e-voting system’s concept and Geneva’s e-Voting, Estonian I-Voting systems trust elements were defined. The experiment – a questionaire gave results that the most important factors while creating e-voting systems in order to stimulate citizens trust are citizens confidenciality, trust in governemnt... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The purpose of this research is to find out trust elements in e-voting systems and possible ways of implementation of them in IS. The objects of research are theoretical Lithuanian e-voting system’s concept and Geneva’s e-Voting, Estonian I-Voting systems. The main tasks were performed in order to solve this research problem: theoretical trust in e-government models were analysed, the research of trust elements in Lithuanian e-voting system’s concept and Geneva’s e-Voting, Estonian I-Voting systems were done, complex trust model in e-voting were described and finally the experiment was done. Methods used in research – analysis of scientifical literature, the complex trust in e-voting model is created in order to find out it‘s validity, experiment consisting of questionaire is made. The results and conclusions of research – after analysis of trust models in e-government we concluded that these factors can be divided into two groups - pre-interactional factors: individual citizen, institutional attributes, technology and interactional factors: product/service attributes, transactional delivery and fulfilment of services and information content attributes. After analysis of Lithuanian e-voting system’s concept and Geneva’s e-Voting, Estonian I-Voting systems trust elements were defined. The experiment – a questionaire gave results that the most important factors while creating e-voting systems in order to stimulate citizens trust are citizens confidenciality, trust in governemnt... [to full text]
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LRS Seimo narių grupavimas pagal balsavimą ir balsavimo kitimo aptikimas / Lithuanian Parliament members grouping by their voting behavior and it’s change detectionBytautas, Kęstutis 20 June 2012 (has links)
Politikai įvairiai deklaruoja savo elgesį, todėl vienintelis būdas juos kontroliuoti –
stebėjimas. Šiame darbe yra analizuojamas LRS darbas, susijęs su balsavimais. Stengiamasi atsakyti
į klausimą: ar informacinių technologijų įrankiai gali leisti nustatyti ar Seimo narių priklausomybė
partijai (frakcijai) ar pozicijai (opozicijai) lemia jų balsavimą? Pagrindiniai darbo tikslai – Seimo
narių grupavimas ir balsavimo kitimo aptikimas. Apžvelgiama 2008-2012 metų Seimo kadencijos
veikla, atlikta balsavimų statistinė analizė, taip pat apžvelgti kiti tyrimai, susiję su parlamentinėmis
veiklomis. Seimo narių grupavimui taikome klasterizavimo metodus. Klasterizavimas gali būti
apibrėžiamas kaip objektų suskirstymas į grupes (klasterius), kuriose objektų skirtumai yra kuo
mažesni, o tarp grupių skirtumai - kuo didesni. Darbe apžvelgiami įvairūs klasterizavimo metodai,
jų veikimo principai, aprašomi atstumų tarp objektų skaičiavimo metodai, kokybės įvertinimo
kriterijai. Balsavimų duomenys saugomi MySQL duomenų bazėje, todėl sukurtas įrankis duomenų
apdorojimui. Aprašomi visi darbo etapai: naudoti įrankiai, balsavimo kodavimas, balsavimų
skaidymas į periodus.
Tyrimams atlikti pasirinkti k-Means, hierarchiniai tolimiausio kaimyno, vidutinių atstumų,
artimiausio kaimyno klasterizavimo metodai. Objektų panašumams įvertinti naudojami Euklido
(ang. Euclidean) ir Manheteno (angl. Manhattan) atstumų skaičiavimo metodai. Klasterizavimo
kokybės įvertinimui naudojame PURITY, RAND, NMI metodus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Politicians declare their behavior in different ways, so the only way to control it -
monitoring. In this thesis tools for Lithuanian Parliament Members voting behavior are analyzed.
The question is following: can Information technologies tool help to determine how membership in
a faction or the position (opposition) is related with voting behavior? The main objectives of this
work are Lithuanian Parliament members grouping by their voting behavior and its' change
In the thesis the 2008-2012 of the Parliament activities are analysed using statistical voting
analysis. We use clustering for grouping members of the Parliament. A loose definition of
clustering could be the process of organizing objects into groups whose members are similar in
some way.
A cluster (group) is a collection of objects which are similar between them and are dissimilar
to the objects belonging to other clusters. We overviewed different clustering methods and their
principles of operation, described the distance between the objects of calculation methods, quality
evaluation criteria in this work. Voting data is stored in MySQL database, hence a tool was created
for data processing. We describe all the stages of the work: the use of tools, coding of the votes,
division of the votes into the periods. The following techniques were chosen: K-Means,
Hierarchical Clustering with Complete (furthest neighbor), Average, Single (nearest neighbor)
linkage. We use Euclidean and Manhattan methods for... [to full text]
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Rinkimų sistemų poveikis balsavimo rezultatams: 2004 m. ir 2008 m. Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo rinkimų atvejų analizė / Electoral systems impact on voting results: 2004 and 2008 Lithuanian parliament elections‘ case studyDručkus, Tadas 16 June 2010 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe „Rinkimų sistemų poveikis balsavimo rezultatams: 2004 m. ir 2008 m. Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo rinkimų atvejų analizė“ nagrinėjama kaip būtų susiklostę abiejų paskutinių LR Seimo rinkimų rezultatai, jei rinkimai vyktų ne pagal dabar taikomą paralelinę mišrią rinkimų sistemą.
Šio darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti ir eksperimentiškai patikrinti kaip skirtingos rinkimų sistemos įtakoja LR Seimo rinkimų rezultatus ir kaip nuo to keičiasi parlamentinių partijų svoris bei įtaka.
1. Apžvelgti šiuo metu pasaulyje naudojamas rinkimų sistemas;
2. Pateikti pagrindinių rinkimų sistemų detalią analizę išskiriant jų privalumus bei trūkumus;
3. Atlikti 2004 m. ir 2008 m. LR Seimo rinkimų atvejų analizę pritaikant skirtingas rinkimų sistemas;
4. Palyginti galimus 2004 m. ir 2008 m. LR Seimo rinkimų rezultatus taikant skirtingas rinkimų sistemas bei apibendrinti gautus rezultatus.
1. Sąrašinė proporcinė rinkimų sistema parankesnė naujai susikūrusioms partijoms ir savo ruožtu neparanki tradicinėms;
2. Mažoritarinės rinkimų sistemos neparankios naujai susikūrusioms partijoms;
3. Tautinių mažumų partijoms ir nepartiniams kandidatams parankiausia “pirmas-prie-finišo” rinkimų sistema;
Atliktoje analizėje su 5 skirtingomis rinkimų sistemomis, patvirtinamos keltos hipotezės, kad proporcinio atstovavimo rinkimų sistemos palankios naujai besikuriančioms partijoms ir leistų joms turėti iki 80% daugiau atstovų įstatymų leidžiamojoje institucijoje, kai tuo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master‘s Degree final paper work „Electoral systems impact on voting results: 2004 and 2008 Lithuanian parliament elections‘ case study“ pays main attention to what the results would be of the two last elections to Lithuanian parliament if other than parallel electoral system was used.
Main goal is to analize and experimentaly check how do different electoral systems impact Lithuanian parliament results and how depending on results do the party position, weight and influence change.
1. To review electoral systems currently used in the world;
2. To make detailed analysis of main electoral systems stressing their advantages and disadvantages;
3. To analyse 2004 and 2008 Lithuanian parliament elections using five different electoral systems (party list, two round, first-past-the-post, MMP and limited voting);
4. To compare possible results of 20004 and 2008 Lithuanian parliament elections using different electoral systems and conclude the results
1. Party list system provides new parties with additional seats in the parliament;
2. Plurality / majority systems provides new parties with less seats comparing to parallel system;
3. First-past-the-post provides additional seats (comparing to parallel system) to minority parties and non-partisan candidates.
Detailed analysis results confirm, that party list system provides new parties with additional seasts in the parliament. At the same time, two biggest traditional parties would lose up to 28,89% seats comparing... [to full text]
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