Spelling suggestions: "subject:"banks "" "subject:"lanka ""
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Komparace měnových politik vybraných centrálních bank / Comparison of monetary policies of selected central banksZlatý, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This thesis compares monetary policies, institutional status and different approaches to the selection of monetary policy and setting goals of central banks in the case of Czech National Bank, the European Central Bank and the Federal Reserve System. The first chapter deals with the characteristics of the central bank, legislative regulation of the Czech National Bank is analysed there and it mentions the Czech peculiarities in the adjustment of the central bank. In addition, this chapter deals with the possibilities for the name of the central bank and there are examples of different solutions from the world. The second chapter focuses on the analysis of the central bank's position in the state. It emphasise independence as it is the core value for the central bank. This chapter also describes the regulatory and supervisory powers of the central bank and briefly discuss the composition of assets and financing of the central bank and its basic financial statements. The third chapter deals with the theory of monetary policy. Particular attention is paid to the monetary policy of inflation targeting. Furthermore, this chapter provides an overview of transmission mechanisms and describes various monetary policy instruments which central banks have. At the end of this part of the thesis there is a...
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Regulace komerčního bankovnictví centrální bankou / Regulation of commercial banking by the central bankArnstein, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Regulation of commercial banking by the central bank The aim of my thesis is to clarify the issue of banking regulation of commercial banks in the Czech Republic and to analyze their functioning. Due to the extent of the topic of this thesis I focused mainly on prudential rules for banks, which are one of the main instruments of banking regulation. The introduction defines the Czech banking sector. There are described both of its general characteristics, as well as the particular entities that are present, including the Czech National Bank and its competence in the area of banking regulation and supervision. The second chapter deals with the banking regulation itself. As an introduction it is generally analyzed in theoretical level especially with regard to the reasons for its existence. Further there is also described the current legislation in the Czech Republic in detail, including its link with the rules of international and European law. Then there are presented all its essential parts and its influence to banks is analyzed. The third chapter deals with prudential rules in detail. As an introduction the concept of prudential business is analyzed and the risks of the banking business are described which represents the main aspect of this part of regulation. Further there are analyzed the...
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Kapitálová přiměřenost bank / Capital adequacy of banksMüller, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This work concentrates on the issue of capital adequacy of banks. Inadequate capital base of the banking sector is often referred to as one of the causes of the latest financial crisis. Such topic is currently very actual. Even banking regulators pay high attention to this topic. In my thesis I focus on legal and economic aspects of this topic. It is typical for the banking sector that banks operate with much more leverage effect than enterprises belonging to other sectors. Therefore, I focus on the root cause of this phenomenon in the third chapter. I assess the bank indebtedness using the theory of optimal capital structure and I also address the relations between economic and regulatory capital. In the fourth chapter I focus on the concept of capital adequacy and its comparison with leverage indicator. The next chapter concentrates on the development of regulatory minimum capital adequacy standards developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, known as Basel I and Basel II. The last but one chapter focuses on the latest regulatory rules Basel III governing the capital adequacy of banks and their legal implementation. Final chapter analyzes the impact of Basel III rules on the capital structure of banks in the European Union and the Czech Republic. A separate part of the chapter is...
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Evropská centrální banka a bankovní unie / European Central Bank and Banking UnionBezděková, Jana January 2017 (has links)
Das Ziel der gewählten Diplomarbeit zum Thema,,Die Europäische Zentralbank und die Bankenunion" ist es die historischen Entwicklungen, die der Schaffung der Europäischen Zentralbank vorausgegangen sind, sowie die Tätigkeit, den Status, die Funktionsgrundsätze und die Organisation dieses unabhängigen Unionsorgans aufzuzeigen, und schließlich die Entstehung und die Säulen eines neuen Phänomens der Bankenunion, darzustellen. Die Arbeit ist thematisch in vier Kapitel unterteilt. Das erste Kapitel stellt in seinen neun Abschnitten den historischen Hintergrund zu den Ereignissen des letzten Jahrhunderts dar, die die Fachwelt als signifikant für die chaffung der Europäischen Zentralbank angesehen hat. Es handelt sich daher um das Kapitel, das den Leser ermöglichen soll, den historischen Kontext dieser EU-Einrichtung zu verstehen und damit ihre Bedeutung und ihre Rolle nicht nur im Zusammenhang mit der europäischen Integration wahrzunehmen. Das zweite Kapitel legt die grundlegende Unterscheidung zwischen ESZB und der Eurozone dar. Aber vor allem widmet es sich der Europäischen Zentralbank als der EU-Einrichtung und der juristischen Person, wobei die Fragen hinsichtlich ihres Sitzes, ihrer Rechtspersönlichkeit, ihres Kapitals, ihrer Unabhängigkeit, ihrer Verantwortlichkeit und Transparenz, Organisation und...
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Cílování inflace v ČR / Inflation Targeting in the Czech RepublicKlukavý, Petr January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the description of Inflation Targeting regime in the Czech Republic. The paper is divided into three parts. The first part deals with inflation and its targeting and with the economical circumstances that led to the launch of this monetary policy regime in the Czech Republic. The next part concerns the central bank reaction function, transmission channels, evaluation of the inflation target sets and the description of prognostic models that the central bank uses for forecasting. Then main stress is laid on the new structural dynamic model "g3". The last part describes my own inflation prognosis, which is based on the time series analysis.
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Cílování inflace v podmínkách nízkých úrokových sazeb / Inflation targeting in circumstances of low interest ratesVránková, Martina January 2010 (has links)
The thesis "Inflation targeting in circumstances of low interest rates" describes the monetary policy of the Czech National Bank with main aim on its current problems. The target of the thesis is to analytically prove the disruption of a section of the transmission mechanism when the repo rate should determine the interest rates on the czech interbank market. This disruption should have been caused by the recent financial crisis.
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MAKRO-FINANČNÍ MODELOVÁNÍ VÝNOSOVÉ KŘIVKY - APLIKACE NA ČESKÁ DATA / Macro-finance modeling of yield curve - Czech analysisŠkop, Jiří January 2005 (has links)
This doctoral thesis devotes itself to macro-finance models of the Czech yield curve that enable the modeling of the yield curve as a whole and belong to the group of multi-factors models. These factors are unobservable or latent variables, and are intuitively called level, slope and curvature. Macro-finance models not only fit the yield curve through the use of latent factors, but they also try to provide a macroeconomic interpretation. The macro part of the model uses a type of VAR model, where the macroeconomic variables are endogenous or exogenous, or some macroeconomic model based on e.g. a New Keynesian economy. Such a type of models can answer (1) how the macroeconomic variables affect the yield curve, and, on the other hand, (2) how these macroeconomic variables are affected by the yield curve. The EUR/CZK exchange rate and the external environment play an important role in the Czech small open economy (in particular, developments in the eurozone and the impact of global investors' sentiment toward risky assets). Thus, we should take this into consideration when applying to Czech data. It has been shown that temporary macroeconomic and financial shocks (to inflation, output gap, EUR/CZK exchange rate, external demand, etc.) strongly affect the short end of the yield curve; however, longer spot rates react only marginally. The longer end of the curve may move more significantly in the case of a longer duration of the above-mentioned shocks (thus affecting inflationary expectations) or in the case of shocks to the inflation target and real equilibrium interest rates.
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Podpora exportu v ČR / Promotion of Export in the Czech RepublicRejmanová, Marie January 2006 (has links)
Práce se zabývá problematikou podpory exportu v ČR se zaměřením na financování a pojišťování vývozu se státní podporou. První část charakterizuje současnou koncepci proexportní politiky ČR, kterou je Exportní strategie ČR na období 2006 - 2010. Druhá kapitola se zaměřuje na dvě proexportní instituce zajišťující financování a pojišťování vývozu se státní podporou. Jedná se o Českou exportní banku a Exportní a garanční pojišťovací společnost. Je zde rozebrána nabídka produktů a služeb těchto institucí a historie jejich vzniku. Závěrečná kapitola analyzuje činnost EGAP a ČEB od roku 2000 do roku 2005.
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Menová politika Národnej banky Slovenska a perspektívy prijatia euraBartóková, Judita January 2007 (has links)
Tématem diplomové práce je analýza měnové politiky slovenské centrální banky - Národní banky Slovenska od jejího vzniku až po současnost a hodnocení aktuální progrese Slovenska v procesu přípravy na přijetí společné evropské měny. Práci lze členit na dvě základní části. První část pojednává o instituci Národní banky Slovenska, jejího založení a vývinu postavení v rámci mladé transformující se země. Zvláštní pozornost je kladena na hodnocení úspěšnosti prováděné měnové politiky za daných hospodářských podmínek a také komparaci charakteru měnové politiky slovenské centrální banky před a po měnové krizi na Slovensku. Druhá část práce je zaměřena na současnou realitu v slovenské ekonomice, analyzuje a hodnotí připravenost země na přijetí eura.
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Analýza projektu Detekce podezřelých bankovních operacíBeránková, Kateřina January 2007 (has links)
Diplomová práce analyzuje a hodnotí interní projekt bankovní společnosti, v rámci něhož byl implementován softwarový balík na podporu detekce podezřelých bankovních operací. Povinnost bránit legalizaci výnosů z trestné činnosti je dána zákonem a finanční instituce mohou tuto povinnost realizovat různým způsobem. Práce též hodnotí projektové řízení v bance a úroveň jeho vyspělosti. Zjištěné nedostatky jsou podkladem pro doporučení bance a návrhy na budoucí opatření.
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