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Využití bazální stimulace na JIP / Application Basal Stimulation in Intensive Care UnitHornychová, Petra January 2011 (has links)
Precis This graduation theses discusses about application of the concept of Basal stimulation in the work of nurses in intensive care. A theoretical part explains the concept of basal stimulation, briefly outlining the history of this concept and describes the different elements. Elements' name are include somatic, vestibular, visual, olfactory, auditory, oral and tactile - haptic stimulation. The work also highlights the importace of biographical history of the client. Research part determines the level of knowledges about basal stimulation between nurses in the ICU (intensit care units) and its use in the ICU at University Hospital in Hradec Králové. Research method is a survey. The questionnaire established author. Keywords: basal stimulation, nest location, location mummy, biographical history, communication.
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Využívání konceptu Bazální stimulace v České republice / Use of the concept of basal stimulation in the Czech RepublicKodetová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
The goal of the diploma thesis "Use of the concept of Basal stimulation in the Czech republic" is mapping using of the concept of Basal stimulation in sedlčanský region in the areas of the health, social services and education. Due to the demonstrability benefit of this method of working, diploma thesis finds reasons for her non-use and suggestions, how it would be possible encourage the use of this method. Sub-goal is to find of the reasons non- using of the concept of Basal stimulation in the surveyed facilities or untrained employees, who are working with the clients, patients or pupils in the direct care. Thesis component is a questionnaire inquiry with the staff of the above cited types of the organizations on Basal stimulation. Keywords: concept of Basal stimulation, disability, quality of life, education, Institute of Basal stimulation, questionnaire inquiry
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Význam bazální stimulace u pacientů ve vigilním kómatu na intenzivní péči / The importance of basal stimulation in patients in vigilant coma on intensive care.KUČEROVÁ, Soňa January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of this work is, to explore how basal stimulation affects the process of coma vigil in patients, when carried out only by trained practitioners. And also, to explore how basal stimulation affects the process of coma vigil in patients, when carried out by family members with the assistance of practitioners. To achieve the aim, a qualitative research will be used in the form of case studies and interviews. The research team involves patients in coma vigil, family members and practitioners performing basal stimulation to affected patients. The purpose of this assignment is to prove that the involvement of family members in the process of basal stimulation significantly improves the effectiveness of the treatment. In our profession, we can often see patients with impairments of perception, movement or other disorders. While a human body is in a coma, it can still perceive emotions and other surrounding influences that affect the body. To improve the quality of care that these patients receive, the concept of basal stimulation serves as one of the alternatives of treatment. The implementation of this concept shows positive effects on the overall health of the client when in cooperation with family members. The results of this assignment may be used as a foundation when producing seminars and procedures that serve to educate the healthcare staff and families, in order to achieve the best results in a given issue.
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Využití bazální stimulace v předškolním vzdělávání / Use of basal stimulation in pre-school educationBechová, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
A dissertation "Use of basal stimulation in preschool education" has the aim to confirm a positive influence of the basal stimulation concept on upbringing and education of children with multiple disabilities in a special kindergarten. A theoretical part gives you a brief characteristic on the topic of multiple disabilities and cerebral palsy (CP). It brings you a view of the development of children with disabilities in the preschool period. A crucial part is dedicated to the basal stimulation concept as well as its basic and superstructural elements and biographical anamnesis. A research project presents the case studies and shows the use of the concept at particular work. It evaluates and confirms the positive influence of stimulation on children and presents a recommendation for pedagogical practice. Keywords: multiple disabilities, a child in the preschool education, basal stimulation
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Efektivita spolupráce rodiny a zdravotnických pracovníků v péči o apalického pacienta. / Effectiveness of cooperation family and health workers in care of apalic coma.LIŠKOVÁ, Kristina January 2011 (has links)
People can differ in their attitudes toward apalic syndrome patients. Health care staff, however, would always be professional. They deal with a human being, a person who can sense. This fact should form a framework for both health care professionals and patients´ families. Especially nurses should be very sensitive, calm and good-tempered so that they could take adequate care of apalic patients. The empiric part of the thesis was elaborated through qualitative and quantitative research survey. The qualitative method, an interview, was used in the first phase of the survey. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews with the family members of apalic patients and the nurses of health care facilities. Although the interviews for the family members and the nurses differed in some parts, they contained common identification questions and specific information. The interviews were anonymous and consisted of 16 questions for the family members and 10 questions for the nurses.
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Koncept bazální stimulace z pohledu sester pracujících na anesteziologicko-resuscitačním oddělení / The concept of basal stimulation from the point of view of nurses working on Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation FacilityKycltová, Pavlína January 2016 (has links)
Introduction: The dissertation of "The concept of basal stimulation from the point view of nurses working on Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation facility", discusses the matters of specifics and issues when it comes to providing a basal stimulation process within patient's hospitalization in a resuscitation unit. Patients in very complicated health conditions are hospitalized in a resuscitation unit, very often with symptoms of impaired consciousness. The concept of basal stimulation could very likely help patients' communication with other environment, with accepting and perceiving the actual situation as well as with recovering itself. The point of this dissertation is to chart the real and actual problematics of the basal stimulation used within resuscitation units, and also how nurses working in these units are bringing the concept to bear within their practice. Research methods and results: There are qualitative results posted within the empiric part of the research, as well as interviews with ten general educated nurses working in a resuscitation unit. All the results are collated and analysed in the final discussion after literal transcription of all the interviews. The result of which is, that the general educated nurses see the biggest issue when it comes to providing a basal stimulation...
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Stimulace tělesně postiženého jedince s využitím tance a jeho technik / Stimulation of physically disabled individuals using dance and its techniquesHrubcová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with individuals with physical disabilities and limitations resulting therefrom, characteristics of selected types of physical disability and dance as a therapeutic method. The practical part consists of the possibility of applying dance techniques for clients with physical disabilities and the possibility of conducting a dance lesson. The following is part of the research that deals with dance as a means of stimulation and its effects on people with physical disabilities. Keywords: physical disability, stimulation, basal stimulation, dance, scenic dance, movement
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Zavádění konceptu Bazální stimulace na chirurgické oddělení / Introducing the concept of basal stimulation in the surgical departmentFRÜHAUFOVÁ, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The concept of basal stimulation is currently one of the most popular concepts in nursing care. Basal stimulation is intended for people with changes in perception and communication. The aim of this thesis was to map the use of basal stimulation in the surgical department of the district hospital of South Bohemia. Furthermore, I investigated the possibilities of using this concept for restless patients hospitalized in a standard surgical ward. The last goal was to determine whether basal stimulation effects medical treatment. The topic of the thesis was researched using expert sources. The research part uses methods of qualitative research. The research was conducted in four phases. The research showed that respondents have little knowledge of the concept of basal stimulation, but showed interest in it during the implementation its elements. The surgical ward, where the research has been conducted, currently does not use any elements of basal stimulation, nor is it being used in the hospital itself. During the research in the surgical ward, only two elements of the basal stimulation were implemented, the application of which is summarized in the tables showing the results of stimulation in the individual case reports. Patients showed both verbally and nonverbally increased levels of well-being, peacefulness, relief and comfort during stimulation. Nurses who participated in the research and monitored the patients also held this view. The third focus of the research did not provide unambiguous data. I focused only on the treatment of pain, the area in which the data obtained proved to be insufficient. It would be appropriate to expand the scope of the study in this respect, using both qualitative and quantitative methods.
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Komparace ošetřovatelské péče o apalicky nemocné v domácí a ústavní péči z pohledu pečujícího / Comparison of nursing care about apallic patients in domestic and institutional care from carer?s viewpointSOUSEDÍKOVÁ, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
As a result of urgent medicine acceleration and neurosurgery care improvement individuals that had minimum chance of life saving in the past survive brain insults. Increasing occurrence of people with apallic syndrome is a consequence of this progress. This thesis compares domestic and institutional care of apallic people. It examines whether the care quality and complexity are comparable. As the domestic care is more economical for the government it has to be supported in the times of insufficient funds for health care. Quantitative research technique of non-standardized interview was used for data collection. The research sample consisted of six healthcare workers and six family members caring for apallic patients. One respondent had a son in institutional care, however she took him temporarily to domestic care. Questions for healthcare staff and for caring family members were prepared separately. The results show that apallic patients in domestic care achieve substantially better results. The physical load is comparable, mental load is higher for family members. The basal stimulation, which is extremely important for apallic patients, is purposefully applied in institutional care only, as it is provided by trained staff there. The results of this work were presented at the 4th National Student Conference organized by the Faculty of Healthcare Studies of the Pardubice University. The data are published in the proceedings: SOUSEDÍKOVÁ, Zuzana. Comparison of nursing care about apallic patients in domestic and institutional care. In VI. National Student Scientific Conference of Bachelor and Master Programmes General Nurse, Midwife, Healthcare Rescuer, Nursing. Pardubice: Pardubice University, 2011. p. 18. ISBN 978-80-7395-391-1. The thesis will also be provided to the Cerebrum Association, which is going to publish it on its website and provide it to its clients, who are in touch with patients after brain injury. Distribution of this work among people having individuals with insulted brain around is the best way how to highlight the urgency of the problem.
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Bazální stiumulace v edukačním procesu rehabilitační třídy / Basal stimulation concept in the educational process of rehabilitation classesKovandová, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
My theses deals with the use of basal stimulation concept in the treatment of students with combined disabilities in special elementary schools in Czech Republic. The theoretical part includes literary research concerning basal stimulation concept - its origins, development and theoretical foundations and it describes its specific elements and their use in educational programmes for specialized elementary schools. The practical part concentrates on the quantitative survey research with the goal to map the use of the basal stimulation concept in the specialized elementary schools in Czech Republic to find out which specific elements are in the educational process used the most. Survey research discovered that in the educational process with students with serious combined disabilities the concept of basal stimulation is used by 80% of schools. The somatic, vibrational, auditory and tactile-haptic stimulation are used the most. The specific elements used are - somatic massage, adjustment of the position, use of music and use of tactile perception in motor stimulation of the hand.
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