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Source Localization and Speech Enhancement for Speech Recognition for Real time EnvironmentMuhammad, Asim, Ali, Akbar January 2012 (has links)
Popularity of speech communication is rapidly increasing in various contexts such as conferencing systems, mobile/fixed electronic devices and laptops thus leading to a heightened demand for new services and improved speech quality. Dictaphones used for dictations usually have one microphone. Single microphone does not give enough degree of freedom to allow estimation of location of the source. Microphone array makes use of multiple microphones for spatial filtering suppressing the background noise. This report aims for speech enhancement utilizing the benefits inherited with microphone arrays to find direction of desired speaker and focus the listening beam in that direction. A comparison is made between Generalized Cross Correlation (GCC) methods for locating the source in real office environment. Beamforming is implemented to make the microphone array listen in the desired direction thus reducing the interference from other sources. Minimum Variance Distortion-less Response (MVDR) approach is shown to give better results compared to more simplistic techniques. Perceptual based Eigen filter incorporating human hearing models in subspace incorporated in the suppressor eliminates the residual noise. Objective system performance is evaluated by estimating Signal-to-Noise-Ratio improvement (SNRI), segmental SNR, signal degradation and noise suppression. Perpetual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ) gives Mean Opinion Score for subjective evaluation. / asim_zolo@yahoo.com, akbarali45@gmail.com
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Massive MIMO, une approche angulaire pour les futurs systèmes multi-utilisateurs aux longueurs d’onde millimétriques / Massive MIMO, an angular approach for future multi-user systems at millimetric wavelenghtsRozé, Antoine 17 October 2016 (has links)
La densification des réseaux allant de pair avec le déploiement de petites cellules, les systèmes Massive MIMO disposent de caractéristiques prometteuses pour accroître la capacité des réseaux au travers des techniques de formation de faisceau, appelées beamforming. Les transmissions aux longueurs d’onde millimétriques (mmWave) sont, quant à elle, très convoitées car, non seulement les bandes passantes exploitables sont extrêmement larges, mais le canal de propagation est principalement Line-of-Sight (LOS), ce qui correspond à la visibilité directe entre le terminal et la station de base. L’attrait que peut avoir un système multi-utilisateurs Massive MIMO à de telles fréquences provient, en partie, du faible encombrement du réseau d’antennes, mais aussi du fort gain de beamforming dont il permet de bénéficier afin de contrecarrer les fortes pertes en espace libre que subissent les signaux à de telles longueurs d’onde. Dans un premier temps nous montrons comment l’augmentation de la fréquence porteuse impacte les performances de deux précodeurs connus. Au travers d’une modélisation déterministe et géométrique du canal, on simule un scénario Outdoor à faible mobilité et à forte densité de population en mettant en avant l’influence du trajet direct et des trajets réfléchis sur les performances. Plus précisément on prouve qu’en configuration purement LOS, le précodeur Zero-Forcing est beaucoup plus sensible à la structure du réseau d’antennes, et à la position des utilisateurs, que le Conjugate Beamforming (aussi connu sous le nom de retournement temporel). On introduit alors un précodeur basé uniquement sur la position angulaire des utilisateurs dans la cellule en référence à la station de base, puis l’on compare ses performances à celles des deux autres. La robustesse d’une telle implémentation à une erreur d’estimation d’angles est illustrée pour un scénario spécifique afin de souligner la pertinence des solutions angulaires, une direction étant plus facile à estimer et son évolution dans le temps plus prévisible.On décrit dans un second temps comment la connaissance des positions angulaires des utilisateurs permet d’accroître la capacité de la cellule par le biais d’un procédé d’allocation de puissance reposant sur une évaluation de l’interférence que chaque faisceau génère sur les autres. On prouve à l’aide de simulations que l’obtention de cette interférence, même exprimée sous une forme très simplifiée, permet d’améliorer très nettement la capacité totale de la cellule. Enfin, nous introduisons les systèmes Hybrides Numériques et Analogiques ayant récemment été proposés afin de permettre à une station de base de conserver un large nombre d’antennes, nécessaire à l’obtention d’un fort gain de beamforming, tout en réduisant le nombre de chaînes Radiofréquences (RF). On commence par décrire une solution permettant à un terminal de former un faisceau dont la direction s’adapte à sa propre inclinaison, en temps réel, pour toujours viser la station de base. On compare ensuite les performances de tels récepteurs, associés à des stations de base Massive MIMO, avec celles d’une solution hybride connue, le nombre de chaînes RF des deux systèmes étant identiques. Principalement, la flexibilité et la capacité d’évolution de ces systèmes est mise en avant, ces deux atouts étant particulièrement pertinents pour de nombreux environnements à forte densité de population. / As wireless communication networks are driven toward densification with small cell deployments, massive MIMO technology shows great promises to boost capacity through beamforming techniques. It is also well known that millimeter-Wave systems are going to be an important part of future dense network solutions because, not only do they offer high bandwidth, but channel is mostly Line-of-Sight (LOS). The attractiveness of using a multi-user Massive MIMO system at these frequencies comes partly from the reduced size of a many antenna base station, but also from the high beamforming gains they provide, which is highly suited to combat the high path losses experienced at such small wavelengths. First we show how raising the carrier frequency impacts the performance of some linear precoders widely used in Massive MIMO systems. By means of a geometrical deterministic channel model, we simulate a dense outdoor scenario and highlight the influence of the direct and multi-paths components. More importantly we prove that, in a Line-of-Sight (LOS) configuration, the discriminating skill of the well-known Zero Forcing precoder is much more sensitive to the antenna array structure and the user location than the Conjugate Beamforming precoder, also known as Time-Reversal. A precoder based on the knowledge of the angular position of all users is then introduced and compared to the other precoders based on channel response knowledge. Its robustness against angle estimation error is illustrated for a specific scenario and serves to back up the importance such a solution represents for future dense 5G networks, angular information being easier to estimate, and more so to keep track of.After that, we show how the knowledge of Directions of Arrival can be used to increase the sum capacity of a multi-user transmission through leakage based power allocation. This allocation uses an estimation of inter-user interference, referred to as Leakage, and we show through simulations how this factor, even under its most simplified form, improves realistic transmissions. Moreover this solution is not iterative and is extremely easy to implement which makes it particularly well suited for high deployment scenarios.Finally we introduce the Hybrid Analog and Digital Beamforming systems that have recently emerged to retain a high number of antennas without as many Radio Frequency (RF) chains, in order to keep high beamforming gains while lowering the complexity of conceiving many antenna base stations. We first describe a user equipment solution allowing the system to form a beam that adapts to its own movement so that it always focuses its energy toward the base station, using an on-board analog array and an Inertial Measurement Unit. Then we compare the performance of a known Hybrid solution with a fully digital Massive MIMO system, having as many RF chains as the Hybrid system, but serving user equipments with beamforming abilities. Mostly we emphasize how such a system allows for great flexibility and evolution, both traits being invaluable features in many future networks.
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Intérêt des algorithmes de réduction de bruit dans l’implant cochléaire : Application à la binauralité / Interest of algorithms for noise reduction in cochlear implants : binaural applicationJeanvoine, Arnaud 17 December 2012 (has links)
Les implants cochléaires sont des appareils destinés à la réhabilitationdes surdités profondes et totales. Ils assurent la stimulation du nerf auditif en plaçant des électrodes dans la cochlée. Différentes études ont été établis afin d’améliorer l’intelligibilité de la parole dans le bruit chez le patientporteur de cet appareil. Les techniques bilatérales et binaurales permettent dereproduire une audition binaurale, car les deux oreilles sont simulées (commepour les personnes normo-entendantes). Ainsi la localisation et la perceptiondes sons environnants sont améliorées par rapport à une implantationmonaurale. Toutefois, les capacit´es de reconnaissances des mots sont trèsvite limitées en pr´esence de bruits. Nous avons d´evelopp´es des techniquesde r´eduction de bruit afin d’augmenter les performances de reconnaissance.Des améliorations de 10% à 15% suivant les conditions ont été observées. Néanmoins, si la perception est améliorée par les algorithmes, ils focalisent sur une direction, et ainsi, la localisation est alors réduite à l’angle delocalisation. Une seconde étude a alors été effectuée pour mesurer l’effetdes algorithmes sur la localisation. Ainsi, le beamformer donne les meilleurs résultats de compréhension mais la moins bonne localisation. La ré-injectiond’un pourcentage du signal d’entrée sur la sortie a permis de compenser laperte de la localisation sans détériorer l’intelligibilité. Le résultat de ces deux expériences montre qu’il faut un compromis entre laperception et la localisation des sons pour obtenir les meilleures performances. / Cochlear implants are to sail for the rehabilitation of deep and totaldeafness. They provide stimulation of the auditory nerve by placing electrodesin the cochlea. Various studies have been established to improve thespeech intelligibility in noise in the patient of this device. Bilateral andbinaural techniques allow reproducing a binaural hearing, since both earsare simulated (as for normal hearing people). Thus localization and theperception of the surrounding sounds are improved from a monauralimplantation. However, the recognition of the words capabilities are limitedvery quickly in the presence of noise.We developed noise reduction techniquesto increase the performance of recognition. Improvements of 10% to 15%depending on the conditions were observed. Nevertheless, if the perception isenhanced by algorithms, they focus on a direction, and thus the location isthen reduced at the corner of localization. Then, a second study was madeto measure the effect of localization algorithms. Thus, the beamformer givesthe best results of understanding but the less good location. The re-injectionof a percentage of the input to the output signal helped offset the loss of thelocation without damaging the intelligibility.The result of these two experiments shows that it takes a compromisebetween perception and sound localization for best performance.
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Implementace tvarování anténních příjmových svazků radaru v FPGA / Radar receiver beamforming implementation in FPGABárta, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
At the begining of this thesis radar theory and classification of radar systems is explained. Next part introduces antenna arrays with it’s parameters and possibilities. Main part contains design of digital beamformer on FPGA Cyclone V and it’s validation.
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Anténa s řiditelným svazkem / Beam steering antennaKrejčíř, Dominik January 2021 (has links)
The master s thesis deals with the design of the beamsteering antenna. Methods of the beamsteering and the final antenna design are described. This antenna operates in the ISM band with the central frequency of 5,8 GHz. The antenna is designed in the CST Studio Suite 2020. Butler matrix was designed as a feed network implemented as substrate integrated waveguide. An array of patch antennas was used for radiation.
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Identifikace zdrojů hluku pomocí beamformingu / Noise Source Identification Using BeamformingKurc, David January 2011 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on the noise source identification using microphone arrays and beamforming as the signal processing method. It describes parts of such a system and provides a comparison with other systems that serve a similar purpose (eg. NAH). Various types of microphone arrays are mentioned with their influence on the resulting ability to identify the noise source. We are further focusing on Delay-And-Sum technology, on which we are explaining the basic principles and constraints of beamforming. The practical part describes the implementation of the DAS method in MATLAB and C language, the specific structures of built microphone arrays and assembly of complete systems capable of identifying sources of noise. These systems were tested by performing a practical experiment. Achievements in the form of distribution maps of acoustic energy in the focused space are interpreted in the last chapter.
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Systém pro lokalizaci vzdáleného zdroje zvuku s hradlovým polem / Beamforming system with FPGAVadinský, Václav January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with processing signals from the microphone arrays for sound source localization. Compares different types of fields, such as cross-field and circular array. It is shown here how to implement Beamforming on FPGA and design of signal processing with a microphone array.
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The availability of feedback from the receiver to the transmitter in a communication system can play a significant role. In this dissertation, our focus is specifically on binary or one-bit feedback. First, we study the problem of successive beam alignment for millimeter-wave channels where the receiver sends back only one-bit of information per beam sounding. The sparse nature of the channel allows us to interpret channel sounding as a form of questioning. By posing the alignment problem as a questioning strategy, we describe adaptive (closed-loop) and non-adaptive (open-loop) channel sounding techniques which are robust to erroneous feedback signals caused by noisy quantization. In the second part, we tightly characterize the capacity for two binary stochastic-adversarial mixed noise channels. Specifically, the transmitter (Alice) intends to convey a message to the receiver (Bob) over a binary symmetric channel (BSC) or a binary erasure channel (BEC) in the presence of an adversary (Calvin) who injects additional noise at the channel's input subject to a budget constraint. Calvin is online or causal in that at any point during the transmission, he can infer the bits being sent by Alice and those being received by Bob via a feedback link. Finally in the third part, we study the applicability of binary feedback for encoding and propose the framework of linearly adapting block feedback codes. We also prove a new result for Reed-Muller (RM) codes to demonstrate how an uncoded system can mimic a RM code under this framework, against remarkably large feedback delays.
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High Speed Wireless Networking for 60GHzYiu, Candy 01 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines the problem of providing high data-rate wireless connectivity to users in indoor environments. The goal is to be able to reach Gbps/user rates even when there are multiple users present. The technology that we study is to use the 60 GHz spectrum whose special propagation properties make it ideally suited to this task. The approaches developed include using multiple spatially distributed smart antennas in a room or multiple co-located antennas to provide coverage where needed and when needed. All the antennas are connected to a single access point which allows us to dynamically change spectrum and link allocation among the users (as they move or as their needs change). The innovations in this work include the exploitation of the special properties of 60 GHz and the corresponding design of algorithms for efficient spectrum allocation. We use detailed simulations to demonstrate that very high data rates are indeed achievable.
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Smart Antenna - MIMO, OFDM and Single Carrier FDMA for LTE.Majeed, Haris, Umar, Rahim, Basit, Arslan Ali January 2011 (has links)
With the evolution in the telecommunication generations, more and more research is going on in the field of wireless communications. The purpose of these researches has always been to provide good network coverage across the region with higher data rates, accuracy and better performance. Control on coverage and performance has always been in focus and is achieved using better and better antennas. Research has brought us with a sophisticated approach on the control of the properties of the antennas – introduction to Smart Antennas. Smart antennas can be used to support any radio based telecommunication system in any band, with the same level of performance. Several techniques are used to get good performance out of the antennas’ system. One impressive way is the usage of multiple antennas techniques. The approach is to transmit and receive 2 or more unique data on a single radio channel. To increase the diversity gain with the use of multiple input multiple output (MIMO), OFDM is a good technology used at the physical layer. It provides robustness to frequency selective fading, high spectral efficiency and low computational complexity. So MIMO-OFDM generates a good basis for 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) and 4G telecommunication technologies as well as other wireless communications systems. With MIMO-OFDM as basis, different standards like WiMAX (Wireless Interoperability for Microwave Access) and LTE (Long Term Evolution) have been implemented now. The use of OFDM has some limitations when it is considered for uplink like high peak to average power ratio (PAPR), for which a new technique of using Single Carrier is considered for uplink. Single Carrier FDMA has same advantages as of OFDM with low PAPR. In this thesis, we investigate the smart antennas with its application as LTE with the study of MIMO-OFDM and Single Carrier FDMA Systems. Performance of MIMO OFDM and SC-FDMA is evaluated by using simulations on MATLAB.
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