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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An assessment of the contributions of Afrikaner, Hereford and Simmentaler in composite breed development in beef cattle

Skrypzeck, Heidi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to obtain more information regarding the characterisation of Afrikaner (A), Hereford (H) and Simmentaler (S) breeds in an initial crossbreeding programme and subsequent composite development. This involves the estimation of breed additive effects, breed maternal, individual heterotic effects and maternal heterotic effects in the initial crossbreeding phase and the estimation of genetic parameters and prediction of breeding values in later generations for birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW) and cow efficiency (CE; WW/dam weight" 75 x 100) in an intensive environment under high stocking rates. In the analysis of the initial crossbreeding phase, the S breed direct effects, expressed as deviation from the general mean, were positive (P :s; 0.01) for both BW and WW. Hereford and A breed direct effects were negative (P :s; 0.01) for both BW and WW. Afrikaner direct maternal effects were positive (P :s; 0.01) for both BW and WW. The H direct maternal effect was negative (P :s; 0.05) (- 2.8%) for WW. Simmentaler maternal effect was negative (P :s; 0.01) for BW but non-significant (P ;:::0:.05) for WW. Individual heterotic effects for BW were significant (P:S; 0.01) in H x S (3.5%) and S x A (11.0%) only. Individual heterotic effects were positive (P :s; 0.01) for WW, with that of the H x A (9.8%) and S x A (6.7%) crosses exceeding the H x S (3.1%) cross. Maternal heterotic effects were non-significant (P ;:::0:.05) for both BW and WW. Investigations of the contributions of the A, Hand S during composite development in later generations, respectively, were made to estimate direct heritabilities (h2 a) and maternal heritabilities (h2 m) for BW and WW of the calf and CE of the dam. Calves were born between 1968 and 1993 (n = 52628). Calves of this composite population had varying levels of A, Hand S genes ranging from o to 75%, 0 to 100% and 0 to 96.9%, with an average of 4.3,19.3 and 33.4%, respectively. For the A, direct heritabilities fitting unitrait models were 0.67, 0.53 and 0.19 for BW, WW and CE, respectively, with corresponding estimates of h2mbeing 0.22, 0.36 and 0.58. Genetic correlations between direct and maternal effects (ram)were negative for all three traits, varying from -0.32 to - 0.62. Direct breeding values for BW increased and reached a maximum value at 0.11 proportion of A. The maternal breeding values for BW decreased linearly between 1.6 to 37.5% A proportion and increased linearly between 37.5 to 75% A proportion. For WW, the direct breeding values decreased linearly with increasing A proportion, while the maternal breeding values were not affected by proportion of A. Cow efficiency was unaffected by an increase in proportion of A. For the H, direct heritabilities fitting unitrait models were 0.67,0.52 and 0.21 for BW, WW and CE, respectively, with corresponding estimates of h2mbeing 0.22, 0.36 and 0.60. Genetic correlations between direct and maternal effects (ram)were negative for all three traits, varying from -0.32 to - 0.64. Direct breeding values and maternal breeding values for BW and WW decreased with increasing proportion of H. Direct breeding value for CE increased, while the maternal breeding value for CE reached minimum value at 0.62 proportion ofH. For the S, direct heritabilities fitting unitrait models were 0.66, 0.53 and 0.21 for BW, WW and CE, respectively, with corresponding estimates of h2m being 0.22, 0.36 and 0.59. Genetic correlations between direct and maternal effects (ram)were negative for all three traits, varying from -0.32 to - 0.63. Direct breeding values for BW and WW decreased and maternal breeding values increased with increasing proportion of S. Cow efficiency was unaffected by an increase in proportion of S. The study suggests that in the initial crossbreeding phase, purebred S breeding seems to be the best breeding practice for this environment and that during composite development, high A and H contributions could lead to low BW and WW (except the maternal contribution of the A for BW and WW). The advantage of the S lies more in the maternal contribution than in the direct contribution suggesting that the S is a large-framed maternal line rather than a terminal sire line. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'N WAARDEBEP ALING VAN DIE BYDRAE VAN DIE AFRIKANER, SIMMENTALER EN HEREFORD TYDENS KOMPOSIETE RASONTWIKKELING BY VLEISBEESTE: Die doel van die studie was om inligting aangaande die karakterisering van die Afrikaner (A), Hereford (H) en Simmentaler (S) rasse tydens die oorspronklike aanvangsfase van kruisteling en daaropvolgende komposiet ontwikkeling te verkry. Dit het die beraming van direkte additiewe, individuele heterose, direkte materne en materne heterotiese effekte tydens die aanvangsfase van die kruisteeltprogram, die beraming van genetiese parameters en die voorspelling van die teeltwaardes in latere generasies behels. Die eienskappe wat ingesluit is, is geboortegewig (BW), speengewig (WW) en koeidoeltreffendheid (CE; WW/koeigewigo.75 ). Hierdie kudde is in 'n intensiewe maar onder 'n hoë weidingsdruk omgewing aangehou. Tydens die ontleding van die eerste kruisteeltfase is die direkte additiewe effekte vir die S, uitgedruk as afwyking van die algemene gemiddelde, vir beide BW en WW positief (P ~ 0.01). Direkte additiewe effekte vir die H en A was vir beide BW en WW negatief (P ~ 0.01). Afrikaner materne effekte was vir beide BW en WW (P ~ 0.01) positief. Die H direkte materne effekte was negatief (-2.8%) (P ~ 0.05) vir WW. Simmentaler maternal effekte was ook vir BW negatief (P ~ 0.01), maar nie-betekenisvol (P 20.05) vir WW. Individuele heterose was slegs betekenisvol (P ~ 0.01) vir kombinasies van H x S (3.5%) en S x H (11.0%) vir BW. Individuele heterose was positief (P ~ 0.01) vir WW waar H x A (9.8%) en S x A (6.7%) kruisings dié van die H x S (3.1%) kruising oortrefhet. Materne heterose was vir beide BW en WW nie-betekenisvol (P 2 0.05). Die relatiewe bydraes van die A, H en S is ook tydens komposiet-ontwikkeling bereken. Direkte additiewe oorerflikhede (h2 a) en materne oorerflikhede (h2m) is vir BW en WW van die kalf en CE van die koei beraam. Kalwers in die komposiet kudde, gebore tussen 1968 en 1993 (n = 52628), het variërende vlakke van A, H en S gene. Die samestelling het gevarieer van 0 - 75%, 0 - 100% en 0 - 96.9%, met 'n gemiddeld van 4.3, 19.3 en 33.4%. Vir die A was die direkte erfbaarhede (h2 a), soos deur die passing van 'n enkeleienskapmodel beraam, 0.67, 0.53 en 0.19 vir onderskeidelik BW, WW en CE, met ooreenstemmende beramings van 0.22, 0.36 en 0.58 vir h2 rn- Genetiese korrelasies tussen direkte en mateme effekte (ram)was almal negatief en het tussen -0.32 en -0.62 gewissel. Direkte teelwaardes vir BW het met toenemende A-bydrae gestyg en het 'n maksimum waarde by 0.11 bereik. Die mateme teelwaardes vir BW het lineêr gedaal tussen 1.6 en 37.5% A-bydrae en het weer lineêr tussen 37.5 en 75% Abydrae gestyg. Vir WW het die direkte teelwaardes lineêr met toenemende A-bydrae gestyg, terwyl die mateme teelwaardes nie deur A-bydrae beïnvloed was nie. Koeidoeltreffendheid was nie deur 'n toename in A-bydrae beïnvloed nie. Vir die H was die direkte erfbaarhede (h2 a), soos deur die passing van 'n enkeleienskapmodel beraam 0.67, 0.52 en 0.21 vir onderskeidelik BW, WW en CE, met ooreenstemmende beramings van 0.22, 0.36 en 0.60 vir h2 rn- Genetiese korrelasies tussen direkte en mateme effekte (ram)was almal negatief en het tussen -0.32 en -0.64 gewissel. Direkte teelwaardes en mateme teelwaardes vir BW en WW het met toenemende H-bydrae gedaal. Direkte teelwaarde vir CE het ook met toenemende If-bydrae gedaal, terwyl die mateme teelwaarde 'n minimum waarde by 0.62 H-bydrae bereik het. Vir die S was die direkte erfbaarhede (h2a), soos deur die passing van 'n enkeleienskapmodel beraam 0.66, 0.53 en 0.21 vir onderskeidelik BW, WW en CE, met ooreenstemmende beramings van 0.22, 0.36 en 0.59 vir h2 m- Genetiese korrelasies tussen direkte en mateme effekte (ram)was almal negatief en het tussen -0.32 en -0.63 gewissel. Direkte teelwaardes vir BW en WW het gedaal, terwyl die mateme teelwaardes met toenemende S-bydrae gestyg het. Koeidoeltreffendheid was nie deur 'n toename in S-bydrae beïnvloed nie. Die bevinding was dat tydens die ontleding van die eerste kruisteeltfase die teling van suiwer S aanbeveel word en dat tydens komposiete-ontwikkeling toenemende A- en H-bydraes neig om aanleiding te gee tot afnames in BW en WW (behalwe die mateme bydrae van die A vir BW en WW). Die S-bydrae se voordeel is meer in die mateme bydrae as in die direkte bydrae geleë en dui dus aan dat die S as 'n mateme grootraam lyn i.p.v. as 'n terminale bullyn gebruik moet word.

Multiple trait analysis for genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci for carcass and beef quality

Koshkoih, Ali Esmailizadeh January 2007 (has links)
The use of molecular markers to identify quantitative trait loci ( QTL ) affecting economically important traits has become a key approach in animal genetics, both for understanding the genetic basis of these traits and to help design novel breeding programs. The general goal of the present work was to map QTL for economically important traits in beef cattle. Because of the practical limitations of phenotypic selection for meat quality, these traits are ideal candidates for the use of marker - assisted selection. Thus, the thesis specifically focused on carcass and beef quality traits. Six half - sib families were generated by mating six Limousin x Jersey crossbred sires to purebred Jersey or Limousin cows, producing 784 backcross progeny ( 366 and 418 progeny in Australia and New Zealand, respectively ). The six crossbred sires and all the backcross progeny were genotyped for 285 microsatellite markers ( on average 189 informative loci per sire family ) spread across the 29 bovine autosomes. A large number of traits were recorded on backcross progeny. In the first phase of the research, a single - QTL model based on regression interval mapping was used to map QTL for a wide range of economically important traits in the beef industry. Chromosome - wise significant evidence for linkage was found on BTA12 ( P < 0.01 ) and BTA16 ( P < 0.05 ) for age at puberty. Thirteen QTL were found to affect calving ease related traits ( birth weight, pelvic area and gestation length ). BTA11, 14 and 22 were most significant linkage groups affecting calving ease traits. Several genomic regions were linked to the carcass and beef quality traits. The results revealed a major QTL on BTA2 close to the map position of myostatin gene, affecting yield, carcass fatness and beef quality traits. In the second phase, the pleiotropic effects of a myostatin functional SNP on beef traits were studied. There was no association between this myostatin variant and birth weight and growth traits. However, the variant decreased overall fatness, increased muscle mass and improved meat tenderness, thus providing an intermediate and more useful phenotype than the more severe double - muscling phenotype caused by a major deletion in the myostatin gene described by others. In the third phase, a multiple marker analysis approach in the framework of the mixed - effects model was developed, allowing all markers of the entire genome to be included in the analysis simultaneously. Further, exploiting a factor analytic covariance structure for modeling trait by marker or family by marker interaction terms, the approach was extended to the multi - trait and multiple family situations. The simulation study showed that modeling multiple phenotypes and multiple families in a single linkage analysis simultaneously can markedly increase the power to detect QTL, compared to modeling each phenotype or family separately. Finally, the multi - trait multiple QTL approach developed herein was applied to map QTL influencing carcass and meat quality traits. Several pleoitropic QTL and also traitspecific QTL affecting beef traits were mapped, resulting in a useful resource from which fine mapping can be launched for subsequent gene discovery and marker - assisted selection. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?DB=local&Search_Arg=koshkoih+thesis+adelaide&Search_Code=GKEY%5E*&SL=None&CNT=50 / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, 2007.

Multiple trait analysis for genetic mapping of quantitative trait loci for carcass and beef quality

Koshkoih, Ali Esmailizadeh January 2007 (has links)
The use of molecular markers to identify quantitative trait loci ( QTL ) affecting economically important traits has become a key approach in animal genetics, both for understanding the genetic basis of these traits and to help design novel breeding programs. The general goal of the present work was to map QTL for economically important traits in beef cattle. Because of the practical limitations of phenotypic selection for meat quality, these traits are ideal candidates for the use of marker - assisted selection. Thus, the thesis specifically focused on carcass and beef quality traits. Six half - sib families were generated by mating six Limousin x Jersey crossbred sires to purebred Jersey or Limousin cows, producing 784 backcross progeny ( 366 and 418 progeny in Australia and New Zealand, respectively ). The six crossbred sires and all the backcross progeny were genotyped for 285 microsatellite markers ( on average 189 informative loci per sire family ) spread across the 29 bovine autosomes. A large number of traits were recorded on backcross progeny. In the first phase of the research, a single - QTL model based on regression interval mapping was used to map QTL for a wide range of economically important traits in the beef industry. Chromosome - wise significant evidence for linkage was found on BTA12 ( P < 0.01 ) and BTA16 ( P < 0.05 ) for age at puberty. Thirteen QTL were found to affect calving ease related traits ( birth weight, pelvic area and gestation length ). BTA11, 14 and 22 were most significant linkage groups affecting calving ease traits. Several genomic regions were linked to the carcass and beef quality traits. The results revealed a major QTL on BTA2 close to the map position of myostatin gene, affecting yield, carcass fatness and beef quality traits. In the second phase, the pleiotropic effects of a myostatin functional SNP on beef traits were studied. There was no association between this myostatin variant and birth weight and growth traits. However, the variant decreased overall fatness, increased muscle mass and improved meat tenderness, thus providing an intermediate and more useful phenotype than the more severe double - muscling phenotype caused by a major deletion in the myostatin gene described by others. In the third phase, a multiple marker analysis approach in the framework of the mixed - effects model was developed, allowing all markers of the entire genome to be included in the analysis simultaneously. Further, exploiting a factor analytic covariance structure for modeling trait by marker or family by marker interaction terms, the approach was extended to the multi - trait and multiple family situations. The simulation study showed that modeling multiple phenotypes and multiple families in a single linkage analysis simultaneously can markedly increase the power to detect QTL, compared to modeling each phenotype or family separately. Finally, the multi - trait multiple QTL approach developed herein was applied to map QTL influencing carcass and meat quality traits. Several pleoitropic QTL and also traitspecific QTL affecting beef traits were mapped, resulting in a useful resource from which fine mapping can be launched for subsequent gene discovery and marker - assisted selection. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?DB=local&Search_Arg=koshkoih+thesis+adelaide&Search_Code=GKEY%5E*&SL=None&CNT=50 / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, 2007.

The use of indigenous knowledge in beef cattle husbandry in Tshebela Village, Limpopo Province

Mogale, Moneri Sanah January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M. Dev.) -- University of Limpopo, 2017 / There is a gap in the literature about the role and relevance of Indigenous Knowledge and beef cattle welfare in many parts of the Limpopo province. This gap is relevant because many marginalised cattle owners use indigenous knowledge in their day to day management of beef cattle. The aim of the study is to investigate the use of IK methods on beef cattle husbandry in Tshebela village in the Capricorn district of the Limpopo province as a contribution to filling the void identified above. The objectives of the study were as follows:  -To investigate the IK methods used in beef cattle husbandry in the area of the study;  -To assess if beef farmers use IK to identify medicinal plants to cure beef cattle;  -To investigate farmers‘ perceptions and attitudes on the use of IKS on beef cattle husbandry in the area of study. A qualitative methodology that was used was primarily phenomenological in design. A purposive sampling technique was used and twenty seven (27) traditional beef farmers, two (2) local herbalists were recruited as participants. Data was collected through focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and observations. An interpretative phenomenological-based analysis was used to surface the role and relevance of indigenous knowledge in beef cattle husbandry. The findings suggest that indigenous knowledge is used by cattle owners alongside modern knowledge and that communal farming posed some challenges to the farmers.

The Effects of Injectable Trace Mineral Supplements in Donor Cows at the Initiation of a Superovulation Protocol on Embryo Outcomes and Pregnancy Rates in Recipient Females

Silva, Felipe January 2018 (has links)
Concentrations of trace minerals within the body are known to impact reproductive processes. Thus, the current study analyzed the effects of using an injectable trace mineral supplement containing selenium, zinc, copper, and manganese during a superovulation protocol on embryo outcomes in donor beef cows and further effects on pregnancy rate in recipient females. We hypothesized that an injectable trace mineral (TM) supplement provided to cows fed to meet known nutrient requirements would increase TM status and influence superovulation, embryo characteristics, and enhance pregnancy rates. Our findings indicate that the injectable TM increased concentration of Se within the liver. However, superovulatory response, embryo production, quality grade, and developmental stage were not influenced by TM status. In addition, embryo treatment did not influence pregnancy rate, gestation length, or calf body weight.

Heritability estimates for calving date in Simmental cattle

Meacham, Nancy S. 17 November 2012 (has links)
Variation among sires in daughters' reproductive performance was analyzed using data on 4,360 cows from nine herds obtained from the American Simmental Association. Cows were required to have at least 50% Simmental breeding, to have calved first at 2 yr of age and to have been born and subsequently calved in the same herd and season. Traits analyzed included first and second calving dates, first calving interval and the percentage of cows that returned to calve in the same season as 3-yr-olds. Data were adjusted for effects of percentage Simmental and first-calf calving ease score. At second calving, purebred Simmentals calved 1.7 &#177; 1.2 d later than 75% Simmental cattle and 5.1 &#177; 1.4 d later than 50% Simmental cattle. When compared to cows that calved without assistance at first calving, cows experiencing easy pulls were 1.7 &#177; 1.4% less likely to calve as 3-yr-olds and had 4.9 &#177; 1.0 d longer calving intervals. Cows with hard pulls were 9.0 &#177; 2.1% less likely to return and had 6.5 &#177; 1.6 d longer calving intervals. Cows requiring Cesarean section were 23.1&#177; 2.5% less likely to return and had 19.6 &#177; 2.4 d longer calving intervals. Heritability estimates were .17 &#177; .04 for first calving date, .07 &#177; .06 for second calving date, .04:105 for calving interval and .11 &#177; .04 for percent return. Calving interval does not appear to be a useful selection criterion to improve reproduction. Phenotypic and genetic correlations of first calving date with calving interval were -.58 and -.83 &#177; .37, respectively. The genetic correlation between first and second calving dates was .66 &#177; .41. Given current data recording procedures, calving date appears to be the most useful potential selection criterion to improve reproductive fitness. / Master of Science

The effect of prenatal androgen exposure on sexual differentiation and postnatal growth in beef cattle

Putney, Dennis James January 1984 (has links)
Masculinization of the female fetus by administration of androgens has been studied in domestic and many laboratory species. Research concerned with cattle has been based solely on neonatal examination of the genital structures; no studies have reported on postnatal growth and development of androgenized offspring. In the present study, pregnant cows were treated with l 7α-methyl-testosterone (MET, 250 mg/d, sq) from day 40 through 60 of gestation to induce virilization of female fetuses. Control cows received no treatment. At parturition, the phenotypic characteristics of each calf were recorded, including birth weight, ano-genital distance and the appearance of the external genitalia. Calves were weighed every 28 days, and the effects of sex and age on body weight were determined. Blood serum was obtained twice weekly from female calves beginning at ≃230 days of age. Serum was analyzed for progesterone (P₄) concentration by radioimmunoassay and the P₄ profiles were used to estimate the age at puberty and estrous cycle lengths. At 4, 8 and 12 months of age blood samples were collected every 15 min for 12 h from three male, female and androgenized female calves. Serum was analyzed for growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL) and thyroxine (T₄) concentrations by radioimmunoassay. Visual examination of female calves born after MET exposure revealed that no external vulval opening was present; a penis, prepuce and scrotum had developed and gonads were not palpable in the scrotum. Mean birth weights were similar among male, untreated female and androgenized female calves, whereas weanling and yearling weights were greater (P < .07) in males and androgenized females than in untreated females. Androgen exposure did not affect the initiation or length of estrous cycles in female calves, however, puberty occurred at an earlier age (P < .05) compared with untreated heifers. Concentrations of GH in serum from androgenized female calves were generally lower than both males and untreated females, whereas concentrations of PRL and T₄ were similar to those of control female calves. / Master of Science

Simulation of genetic control of reproduction in beef cows

Hepp, Maribeth January 1982 (has links)
A stochastic computer model was constructed to simulate cow reproductive performance. Parameters for single-service conception rate and days from calving to first service (postpartum interval) were developed from the literature. Estimates of the heritability and repeatability (h², t) of each of these traits in four simulated data sets were RUN1 (.20, .20), RUN2 (.15, .20), RUN3 (.10, .10), RUN4 (.05, .10). Binomial conception rate parameters were normalized to simulate assumed normal underlying genetic and environmental distributions. Postpartum interval has a non-normal phenotypic distribution that was produced by combining an assumed normal genetic distribution with a Pearson III gamma distribution of environmental effects. The breeding season was 63 d. Simulation outputs included annual conception rate (BCR), first service conception rate (FSCR), date of first service (FS), number of services (NS), conception-calving date (CD), postpartum interval (PPI), actual weaning weight (ACTWW) and adjusted 205-d weaning weight (ADJWW). Realized heritabilities and repeatabilities for these outputs were estimated from half-sib intraclass correlations based on 5 yr of records on 100 herds of 50 cows each. Realized heritabilities (RUN1-RUN4) for BCR, FSCR, FS, NS, CD, PPI, ACTWW and ADJWW ranged from .165-.028, .187-.055, .023-.010, .227-.071, .071-.032, .158-.022, .148-.176 and .156-.203, respectively. Repeatability estimates (RUN1- RUN4) for BCR, FSCR, FS, NS, CD, PPI, ACTWW and ADJWW ranged from .178-.059, .212-.108, .125-.101, .244-.118, .187-.155, .207-.116, .266-.263 and .280-.286, respectively. / Master of Science

The use of indigenous knowledge in beef cattle husbandry in Tshebela Village, Limpopo Province

Mogale, Moneri Sanah January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M. Dev.) -- University of Limpopo, 2017 / There is a gap in the literature about the role and relevance of Indigenous Knowledge and beef cattle welfare in many parts of the Limpopo province. This gap is relevant because many marginalised cattle owners use indigenous knowledge in their day to day management of beef cattle. The aim of the study is to investigate the use of IK methods on beef cattle husbandry in Tshebela village in the Capricorn district of the Limpopo province as a contribution to filling the void identified above. The objectives of the study were as follows:  To investigate the IK methods used in beef cattle husbandry in the area of the study;  To assess if beef farmers use IK to identify medicinal plants to cure beef cattle;  To investigate farmers‘ perceptions and attitudes on the use of IKS on beef cattle husbandry in the area of study. A qualitative methodology that was used was primarily phenomenological in design. A purposive sampling technique was used and twenty seven (27) traditional beef farmers, two (2) local herbalists were recruited as participants. Data was collected through focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and observations. An interpretative phenomenological-based analysis was used to surface the role and relevance of indigenous knowledge in beef cattle husbandry. The findings suggest that indigenous knowledge is used by cattle owners alongside modern knowledge and that communal farming posed some challenges to the farmers

Effect of selection at weaning on genetic parameters of weight gain for centralized and on farm test for beef bulls

Mashiloane, Majela Lesley January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.) (Agriculture) --University of Limpopo, 2007 / The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of pre-weaning selection on estimates of genetic parameters for post-weaning average daily gain in Phases C (ADG-C) and D (ADG-D) and to estimate genetic relationships between average daily gain in the two phases. Performance records of the South African Angus cattle breed was used in the analysis. (Co)variance components and genetic parameters for weaning (WWT), AGD-C and ADG-D were estimated by REML procedures fitting three different models (Models 1, 2 and 3) that differed in how they integrated sequential selection in the analysis of post-weaning traits. Model 1 was a univariate model of WWT, ADG-C and ADG-D. Model 2 was a two trait model of WWT and either ADG-C or ADG-D. Model 3 was a three trait model of WWT, ADG-C and ADG-D. Estimates of heritability for ADG-C were 0.39±0.08, 0.42±0.06 and 0.44±0.01 from Model 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Corresponding estimates of heritability for ADG-D were 0.18±0.021, 0.19±0.021 and 0.21±0.02 respectively. An estimate of genetic correlation between ADG-C and ADG-D was 0.58± and it suggested that the two traits may not necessarily be under the same genetic control. Rank correlations for all bulls based on ADG-C estimated breeding values (EBV’s) were 0.92, 0.83 and 0.94 for Model 1 vs. Model 2, Model 1 vs. Model 3 and Model 2 vs. Model 3 respectively. Corresponding ADG-D EBV’s rank correlations were 0.88, 0.84 and 0.93. Rank correlations for top and bottom 1%, 5% and 10% were lower than those for all bulls in both ADG-C and ADG-D. Low rank correlations showed that the difference in magnitude of genetic parameters from different models was enough to alter bull rankings based on EBV’s of ADG-C and ADG-D. Hence it was concluded that inclusion of pre-weaning information in genetic analysis for post-weaning average daily gain is necessary to account for selection at weaning. / the THRIP (Technology and Human Resource for Industry Project) and NRF (National Research Foundation).

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