Spelling suggestions: "subject:"belarus.""
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Explaining party system development in post-communist BelarusKorosteleva-Polglase, Elena A. January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Depictives and Wh-Movement of Depictives in East SlavicMcKishnie, Andrew 09 September 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes and provides a structural analysis for depictives and wh- movement of depictives in all three East Slavic languages, Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. It gives a description of two types of depictives, those that agree in case with the argument that they modify (Case Agreement Depictives, CADs) and those that invariably show instrumental case (Instrumental Case Marked Depictives, ICMDs). This thesis proposes a structural account of these depictive structures and provides an account of the restrictions on the grammatical relations of DPs modified by ICMDs, and the absence of such restrictions on DPs modified by CADs. Moreover, it provides an account of the pied-piping requirement on wh-moved CADs in Russian and Belarusian, and the absence of such a requirement on wh-moved ICMDs. / Graduate / 0290 / amckishn@gmail.com
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Slovník chorvatsko-běloruských mezijazykových homonym / Dictionary of Croatian-Belarussian interlingual homonymsBialkovich, Veranika January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with interlingual lexical homonymy in the Croatian and Belarusian languages. The core of the thesis is a Croatian-Belarusian dictionary of homonyms. The preceding, theoretical part focuses first on the denomination of the linguistic phenomenon of interlingual homonymy and on the existing research in the sphere of homonymy among the Slavic languages. A following section of the thesis is devoted to the various types of intralingual and interlingual homonyms and to some differences in their classification. The thesis also looks at the ways in which interlingual homonyms originate, in relation to the origin of the lexical units that make pairs of homonyms. Two principal ways in which pairs of homonyms can originate are described: coincidental formal agreement and agreement as a result of common development or of the borrowing of the same foreign word. Depending on their origin, homonyms are divided into pairs representing the common Slavic lexical stock and pairs of foreign origin. The next part of the thesis presents the principles under which lexicographic material for the dictionary was collected, the lexicographic sources used in the process, and the structure of the dictionary entries. The dictionary of Croatian-Belarusian interlingual homonyms contains 1,048 entries, which represent all...
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Economic Transformation in Belarus / Ekonomická transformace v BěloruskuDudko, Volha January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate the reasons of slow path of economic transformation in Belarus. In the first part is analyzed the general pattern of transition, characteristic for most of post-soviet countries. In the second part is described the path of transition in Belarus -- one of the least transformed countries in post-soviet region. In the study is introduced the analysis of initial conditions and first market reforms implemented on the initial stage of transition. Also, the author investigates the economic model, established in Belarus after market reforms had been suspended. In the study is discussed the possibility for continuation of economic transformation in Belarus in recent future. In order to summarize the key points of the study and draw the complex picture of Belarus in the world economy the SWOT analysis of Belarusian economy is introduced.
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Mezi faktem a fikcí. K dokumentárním postupům ve vybraných dílech Alěse Adamoviče / Between Fact and Fiction: On the Documentary Devices in Selected Works by Ales AdamovichKoliášová, Jana January 2019 (has links)
The thesis focuses on mutual blending of the factual and the fictional writing in the work of a Belarusian author Ales Adamovich. Regarding the choice of the analyzed works, two of them (Out of the Fire, 1975; Leningrad Under Siege, 1981) are identified as documentaries in the paratexts. These two works consist of recorded oral testimonies. The other two analyzed works (Khatyn, 1972, The Chasteners, 1981) are fictions, incorporating, however, several authentic documents. Using these works as examples, the thesis illustrates how the (hypothetical) borders between the fact and fiction are blurred and trespassed. The first, literary-historical part will briefly summarize the main concepts of the relationship between art and reality in the Soviet area, beginning with the Formalists and their interest in genre innovations, and concluding with an accent on the individual reader reception of Lidiya Ginzburg and Pyotr Palievsky. The plural aspect is implicitly reflected also in the second part of the thesis, focusing on Adamovich's thinking about the notion of truthfulness in literature. At this point, there is also a related theme of the impact of the genre tradition on the reception of the text. Also in the author's view, the role of the reader seems to be crucial. In the description of the receptive...
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Новае слова ў беларусістыцы. Матэрыялы V Міжнароднага кангрэса беларусістаў.Kuße, Holger 15 July 2020 (has links)
Dem 15. Internationalen Slavistentag im August 2013 ging im Mai 2010 der 5. Internationale Weißrussisten-Kongress voraus, dessen Beiträge 2012 in drei Bänden in der Minsker Reihe „Беларусіка-Albaruthenica“ erschienen sind und zusammen mit einschlägigen Publikationen zum Slavistentag wie zum Beispiel dem unlängst von Gerd Hentschel herausgegebenen Beiträgen zu „Variation und Stabilität in Kontaktvarietäten. Beobachtungen zu gemischten Formen der Rede in Weißrussland, der Ukraine und Schlesien“ (Studia Slavica Oldenburgensia 21) einen guten Überblick über die aktuelle Weißrussistik geben. Der erste Band ist der Literaturwissenschaft und Folkloristik gewidmet («Літаратуразнаўства і фалькларыстыка», І. Э. Багдановіч (рэд.)), der zweite Band enthält Beiträge zur Sprachwissenschaft («Мовазнаўства», С. М. Запрудскі, Г. А. Цыхун (рэд.)), im dritten werden historische Themen und kulturologische Fragestellungen behandelt («Гісторыя і культуралогія», А.А. Суша (рэд.)).
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Přechylování slov označujících povolání. Ukrajinština ve srovnání s běloruštinou a ruštinou. / Ukrainian feminatives denoting the names of professions and positions in comparison with Belarusian and Russian languages.Morozuk, Uladzimir January 2021 (has links)
This Master thesis studies the usage of feminin forms of the nouns describing the profession in three East Slavic languages: Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian. The work places great emphasis on sociolinguistic and morphological aspects of the formation and usage of these female correlates.
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"Odbojné hry": Tvorba Běloruského Svobodného divadla od roku 2005 do roku 2015 jako alternativní artikulace běloruské národní identity / "Acts of Resistance": Productions by Belarus Free Theatre from 2005 to 2015 as an Alternative Articulation of Belarusian National IdentityVolák, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
VOLÁK, Jiří."Acts of Resistance": Productions by Belarus Free Theatre from 2005 to 2015 as an Alternative Articulation of Belarusian National Identity. Praha, 2016. 74 s. Diplomová práce (Mgr.) Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, Institut mezinárodních studií. Katedra ruských a východoevropských studií. Vedoucí diplomové práce Mgr. Daniela Kolenovská, Ph.D.. Abstract The study aims to make sense of contemporary conceptions of national identity in Belarus via their cultural manifestations. For that purpose, the case of Belarus Free Theatre (BFT) has been chosen as an example of alternative culture in 2005-2015. Five plays are analysed with respect to the employed verbatim technique, and conclusions concerning the alternative society and its relation to language and other national issues are drawn. Key questions are: What are the major competing projects regarding the (supposedly weak) Belarusian national identity? Does Belarus Free Theatre use culture to promote a certain vision within the national identity debate? What language policy does Belarus Free Theatre employ and what does it say about the national development? After setting theoretical background, the study follows attempts to characterise Belarus under the rule of president Aliaksandr Lukashenka, offering basic facts about how he came to...
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Management bilingvismu v situaci jazykového posunu: Diskurzy, problémy a krajina Běloruska / Bilingualism management in the situation of language shift: Discourses, problems and the landscape of BelarusSloboda, Marián January 2011 (has links)
Práce se věnuje managementu bilingvismu v situaci jazykového posunu, tj. tomu, jak se jednotlivci a organizace chovají vůči dvojjazyčnosti, jak s ní zacházejí, a to v situaci, kdy společnost přechází od užívání jednoho jazyka k jazyku jinému. Práce se konkrétně zaměřuje na vybrané, dosud méně zkoumané aspekty současné jazykové situace v Bělorusku. Analyzované aspekty zahrnují: 1) geosémiotiku a management jazykového posunu na nápisech ve veřejném prostoru, 2) management jazykových problémů se zaměřením na školství a 3) snahy o obrácený jazykový posun k běloruštině. Pozornost se přitom věnuje korespondencím mezi jazykovým managementem občanů a státních nebo jiných veřejných organizací. Cílem práce je přispět jak k lepšímu poznání jazykové situace v Bělorusku, tak k rozpracování některých sociolingvistických konceptů, jako je zejména jazykový posun a jazykový problém. Práce aplikuje teorii jazykového managementu jako obecný model jazykového posunu a jako instrument k diagnostikaci jazykových problémů. Při aplikaci teorie v uvedených kontextech se ukázalo jako užitečné rozšířit ji o koncept diskurzu a kolektivního jednání, které pomůžou konceptualizovat propojení mezi jednoduchým a organizovaným jazykovým managementem, respektive mezi mikrosociální a makrosociální rovinou. Klíčová slova bilingvismus,...
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La fabrique médiatique des élections biélorusses : la lecture nationale de l’événement et les représentations transnationales à l’épreuve des dynamiques coopératives / The media construction of the Belarussian elections : the national reading of the event and its transnational representations in a context of cooperative dynamicsBuduchev, Vitaly 20 February 2019 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré aux journalistes des quotidiens russes et français qui couvrent l’actualité politique depuis le terrain biélorusse. Les représentations de ceux-ci, nationales mais également transnationales, sont au cœur de nos interrogations. Leurs interactions coopératives permettant de fabriquer les élections biélorusses pour les publics russes et français est un autre aspect de ce travail. Leur discours, encadré par le projet éditorial de chacun des journaux pour lesquels ils travaillent, est le troisième point que cette thèse éclaire. Nous tâchons d’identifier les valeurs communes faisant adhérer les acteurs au monde de la production de l’information à Minsk, activé par les reporters étrangers. De plus, nous révélons des dynamiques internes aux groupes prenant part à la production mutuelle de l’information, qui font en sorte que ce monde est composé de communautés distinctes, réunies autour de leurs objectifs, leurs identités propres, ayant un discours propre. La question des frontières des communautés se pose ainsi, et permet de faire émerger l’équipe des reporters étrangers et la communauté opposante biélorusse. La structure de ces deux communautés, les rapports entre les membres de celles-ci, leurs conventions internes, leurs rapports aux coéquipiers et aux étrangers du groupe sont également des questions que ce travail se pose. Enfin, nous interrogeons les résultats de cette coopération, qui s’inscrivent dans les projets éditoriaux des journaux russes et français. Il s’agit de l’expression des logiques professionnelles à l’échelle éditoriale, visibles à travers l’énonciation des titres de presse. / This work focuses on the journalists from Russian and French daily newspapers who cover political events on the Belarussian territory. Their own national and transnational representations, are at the center of our questioning. The way their cooperative interactions elaborate the Russian and French audience's perception of the Belarusian elections is another aspect of this work. Their narrative, framed by each newspaper's editorial project for which they work is the third aspect this thesis explores.Our goal is to identify the common values that tie together the different actors of the world of information in Minsk, which is motivated by foreign reporters. Furthermore, we shed light on inner dynamics within the groups that take part in the mutual production of information, which create distinct communities that make up this world and are united around their own objectives, their own identities, and their own narrative. This is where the matter of borders between these communities lies and allows us to reveal the foreign reporters' team and the Belarusian dissident community. This work also interrogates the structures of both communities, the relationships between their respective members, their inner conventions, the relations between colleagues and individuals outside of the group. Finally, we explore the results of such cooperation, which are in line with the editorial projects of the Russian and French newspapers. Thus we analyze the expression of professional logistics on an editorial scale that transpires through the enunciation of the different press titles.
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