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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estrutura termohalina e massas d\'água na vizinhança da Península Antártica a partir de dados in situ coletados por Elefantes-Marinhos do Sul (Mirounga leonina) / Termohaline structure and water masses in the vicinity of Antartic Peninsula from in situ data collected by southern Elephant Seals (Mirounga leonina)

Santini, Marcelo Freitas 19 December 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo sobre a estrutura vertical e massas d\'água presentes na região oeste e norte da Península Antártica. Foram utilizados dados de temperatura, salinidade e pressão (profundidade) coletados por plataformas de coleta de dados (PCDs) fixadas em elefantes-marinhos do sul (EMS) pelo Projeto MEOP-BR, coordenado pela Profª Dra Mônica M. C. Muelbert, no período de fevereiro a novembro de 2008. Estes dados são transmitidos via sistema de satélites ARGOS a uma taxa de 2.91+/-0.25 vezes ao dia, distância média entre cada perfil coletado é de 14.43 +/- 12.28 km resultando em uma resolução espacial de 41.61 km/dia. Estes dados permitiram uma descrição detalhada da estrutura vertical e identificação de massas d\'água durante diferentes meses do ano de 2008. São comparados perfis verticais em diferentes estações do ano em regiões de plataformas de gelo marinho, do Estreito de Bransfield (EB) e norte da Península Antártica (PA), comparados transectos da porção oeste da PA coletados durante o verão e inverno de 2008 e são apresentados transectos através do Mar da Escócia (ME) nos meses de Setembro a Outubro de 2008. Os valores de temperatura potencial coletados estiveram na faixa entre -1.89ºC e 2.32ºC, os valores mínimos estão relacionados a áreas de formação de gelo marinho e os máximos a investidas através da Corrente Circumpolar Antártica (CCA) em mar aberto e em direção as Ilhas Georgia (IGS). Os valores de salinidade possuem variações entre 32.36 e 35.03 psu, estes valores resultam de diferentes processos, sendo os extremos relacionados a regiões de derretimento e formação de gelo marinho, respectivamente. Graças à grande área utilizada pelos EMS para forrageio durante o x período analisado, diversas massas d\'água são identificadas através de diagramas -S, são elas: Água Profunda Circumpolar (CDW), Água de Inverno (WW), Água de Plataforma de Baixa Salinidade (LSSW), Água Superficial Antártica (AASW), Água de Plataforma de Alta Salinidade (HSSW), Água Profunda Circumpolar Superior e Inferior (UCDW e LCDW), Água de Plataforma (SW), Água de Plataforma de Gelo (ISW), Água Profunda Cálida (WDW) e Água Profunda Cálida Modificada (MWDW). / To study the termohaline structure and water masses in the north and west sides of Antarctic Peninsula, 10 southern elephant seals (EMS) were equipped with highaccuracy conductivity-temperature-depth satellite-relayed data loggers (CTDSRDLs) by the MEOP-BR Project in beginning of 2008 at Elephant Island. Here, we show that measurements collected by these long-ranging, deep-diving predators allow oceanic vertical structure and water masses of the Southern Ocean to be mapped in regions and at times of year not sampled by other oceanographic instruments. These data are transmitted by the ARGOS satellite system at a rate of 2.91+/-0.25 times per day, mean distance between each profile collected is 14.43+/- 12.28 km, resulting in a spatial resolution of 41.61km/day. Vertical profiles are compared at different seasons in sea ice platforms regions, Bransfield Strait (EB) and northern tip of Antarctic Peninsula (PA). Are compared transects at the western side of the PA collected during summer and winter of 2008 and are presented transects across the Scotia Sea (ME) in the months of September and October of 2008. The collected potential temperature values were in the range from -1.89º C to 2.32ºC, the minimum values are related to areas of sea ice formation and the maximum amounts to dives through the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) in the open sea and towards the South Georgia Islands. The salinity values have variations between 32.36 and 35.03 psu, these values result from different processes, being related to melting and formation of sea ice. The large region sampled allowed us to identify during the study period several water masses from -S diagrams, they are: Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW), Winter Water (WW), Low Salinity Shelf Water xii (LSSW), Antarctic Surface Water (AASW), High Salinity Shelf Water (HSSW), Upper and Bottom Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW and LCDW), Shelf Water (SW), Ice Shelf Water (ISW), Warm Deep Water (WDW) and Modified Warm Deep Water (MWDW).

Estrutura termohalina e massas d\'água na vizinhança da Península Antártica a partir de dados in situ coletados por Elefantes-Marinhos do Sul (Mirounga leonina) / Termohaline structure and water masses in the vicinity of Antartic Peninsula from in situ data collected by southern Elephant Seals (Mirounga leonina)

Marcelo Freitas Santini 19 December 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado um estudo sobre a estrutura vertical e massas d\'água presentes na região oeste e norte da Península Antártica. Foram utilizados dados de temperatura, salinidade e pressão (profundidade) coletados por plataformas de coleta de dados (PCDs) fixadas em elefantes-marinhos do sul (EMS) pelo Projeto MEOP-BR, coordenado pela Profª Dra Mônica M. C. Muelbert, no período de fevereiro a novembro de 2008. Estes dados são transmitidos via sistema de satélites ARGOS a uma taxa de 2.91+/-0.25 vezes ao dia, distância média entre cada perfil coletado é de 14.43 +/- 12.28 km resultando em uma resolução espacial de 41.61 km/dia. Estes dados permitiram uma descrição detalhada da estrutura vertical e identificação de massas d\'água durante diferentes meses do ano de 2008. São comparados perfis verticais em diferentes estações do ano em regiões de plataformas de gelo marinho, do Estreito de Bransfield (EB) e norte da Península Antártica (PA), comparados transectos da porção oeste da PA coletados durante o verão e inverno de 2008 e são apresentados transectos através do Mar da Escócia (ME) nos meses de Setembro a Outubro de 2008. Os valores de temperatura potencial coletados estiveram na faixa entre -1.89ºC e 2.32ºC, os valores mínimos estão relacionados a áreas de formação de gelo marinho e os máximos a investidas através da Corrente Circumpolar Antártica (CCA) em mar aberto e em direção as Ilhas Georgia (IGS). Os valores de salinidade possuem variações entre 32.36 e 35.03 psu, estes valores resultam de diferentes processos, sendo os extremos relacionados a regiões de derretimento e formação de gelo marinho, respectivamente. Graças à grande área utilizada pelos EMS para forrageio durante o x período analisado, diversas massas d\'água são identificadas através de diagramas -S, são elas: Água Profunda Circumpolar (CDW), Água de Inverno (WW), Água de Plataforma de Baixa Salinidade (LSSW), Água Superficial Antártica (AASW), Água de Plataforma de Alta Salinidade (HSSW), Água Profunda Circumpolar Superior e Inferior (UCDW e LCDW), Água de Plataforma (SW), Água de Plataforma de Gelo (ISW), Água Profunda Cálida (WDW) e Água Profunda Cálida Modificada (MWDW). / To study the termohaline structure and water masses in the north and west sides of Antarctic Peninsula, 10 southern elephant seals (EMS) were equipped with highaccuracy conductivity-temperature-depth satellite-relayed data loggers (CTDSRDLs) by the MEOP-BR Project in beginning of 2008 at Elephant Island. Here, we show that measurements collected by these long-ranging, deep-diving predators allow oceanic vertical structure and water masses of the Southern Ocean to be mapped in regions and at times of year not sampled by other oceanographic instruments. These data are transmitted by the ARGOS satellite system at a rate of 2.91+/-0.25 times per day, mean distance between each profile collected is 14.43+/- 12.28 km, resulting in a spatial resolution of 41.61km/day. Vertical profiles are compared at different seasons in sea ice platforms regions, Bransfield Strait (EB) and northern tip of Antarctic Peninsula (PA). Are compared transects at the western side of the PA collected during summer and winter of 2008 and are presented transects across the Scotia Sea (ME) in the months of September and October of 2008. The collected potential temperature values were in the range from -1.89º C to 2.32ºC, the minimum values are related to areas of sea ice formation and the maximum amounts to dives through the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) in the open sea and towards the South Georgia Islands. The salinity values have variations between 32.36 and 35.03 psu, these values result from different processes, being related to melting and formation of sea ice. The large region sampled allowed us to identify during the study period several water masses from -S diagrams, they are: Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW), Winter Water (WW), Low Salinity Shelf Water xii (LSSW), Antarctic Surface Water (AASW), High Salinity Shelf Water (HSSW), Upper and Bottom Circumpolar Deep Water (UCDW and LCDW), Shelf Water (SW), Ice Shelf Water (ISW), Warm Deep Water (WDW) and Modified Warm Deep Water (MWDW).

Physical and biogeochemical controls on the DMS/P/O cycle in Antarctic sea ice / Contrôles physiques et biogéochimiques sur le cycle du DMS/P/O dans la glace de mer Antarctique

Brabant, Frédéric 14 September 2012 (has links)
Il a récemment été démontré que la glace de mer antarctique pouvait jouer un rôle significatif dans la dynamique des gaz à effet climatique (dont le dimethylsulfure ou DMS) dans les régions polaires. Ce travail s’est d’abord attaché à la mise au point d’une méthode de mesure fiable du diméthylsulfoxyde (DMSO) dans la glace de mer, supprimant les interférences générées par la production de DMS au sein de l’échantillon en réponse au choc osmotique subi lors de la fonte de l’échantillon de glace. Une procédure de détermination séquentielle du DMS, par broyage à sec, puis du dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) et du DMSO sur le même échantillon de glace a été développée et utilisée à large échelle dans ce travail. Les données du présent travail ont été acquises dans le cadre de deux programmes d’observation intégrés menés sur la glace de mer antarctique à des saisons différentes mais avec une méthodologie commune :1) choix de sites d’étude homogènes afin de minimiser l’impact de la variabilité spatiale sur l’interprétation des résultats dans une optique d’évolution temporelle et 2) priorité à la caractérisation du cadre physico-chimique (texture, température, salinité, couvert de neige, susceptibilité au drainage des saumures,….) avant toute autre analyse. L’étude menée dans le cadre du programme ISPOL (nov.–dec. 2004) a permis d’observer que la stratification des saumures a un impact positif sur la conversion du DMSP en DMS au sein de la glace mais ralentit les flux de DMS et DMSP vers l’océan. Le couvert de glace est caractérisé à cette période de l’année par une perte nette de DMSP et génère des flux combiné de DMS et DMSP du même ordre de grandeur que les flux de DMS atmosphériques mesurés dans le cadre d’autres études. L’étude menée dans le cadre du programme SIMBA (sept.–oct. 2007) a permis de mettre en évidence l’importance du forçage atmosphérique sur le régime thermique et la dynamique du DMS/P/O dans la glace. Les communautés d’algues de surface produisent de fortes concentrations de DMS/P/O en réponse au stress thermique, osmotique et potentiellement radiatif durant les périodes de refroidissement et la mise en place d’un régime soutenu de drainage des saumures contribue à évacuer périodiquement les hautes concentrations de DMS/P/O produites dans la glace vers l’océan sous-jacent. Le couvert de glace affichant une production nette de DMS/P/O à cette période de l’année génère des flux combinés de DMS et DMSP plus de dix fois supérieurs à ceux observés pour la glace estivale. L’étude menée sur de la glace artificielle a permis de mettre en évidence l’impact des processus physico-chimiques sur la signature en gaz de la glace en croissance constituant un premier pas vers la modélisation des transports de gaz dans la glace de mer et leurs échanges au travers des interfaces glace-océan et glace-atmosphère. <p><p><p>SUMMARY - It has recently been demonstrated that Antarctic sea ice recently demonstrated plays a potentially significant role in the dynamics of climatically significant gases (amongst which dimethylsulphide or DMS) in Polar Regions. This research work has initially focused on the development of a reliable method for the determination of dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) within sea ice, avoiding interferences generated by DMS production within the sample in response to the osmotic shock caused by melting. A sequential determination procedure of DMS, dimethlsulphoniopropionate (DMSP) and DMSO on the same ice sample has been developed and used on a large amount of samples in the present work. Data presented in this research project have been collected in the framework of two integrated sea ice observation programs focused on Antarctic sea ice at different seasons but following a common approach: 1) choice of homogeneous study sites to minimize the impact of spatial variability on the interpretation of the results in a time series perspective and 2) priority given to the characterization of the physicochemical framework (texture, temperature, salinity, snow cover, susceptibility to brine drainage,…) prior to any other study. The study conducted in the framework of the ISPOL experiment (Nov.–Dec. 2004) demonstrated that stratification of the brine inclusions network positively influenced the conversion of DMSP into DMS but decreased fluxes of DMS and DMSP towards the ocean. The ice cover at that time of the year is characterised by a net DMSP loss and generates combined DMS and DMSP fluxes whose values fall in the range of atmospheric DMS flux from sea ice measured in the frame of other studies. The study conducted in the framework of the SIMBA experiment (sept.–oct. 2007) emphasized the importance of atmospheric thermal forcing on the sea ice thermal regime and DMS/P/O dynamics. The surface community of algae produced elevated levels of DMS/P/O in response to thermal, osmotic and potentially radiative stress during periods of atmospheric cooling while the development of an intense brine drainage regime contributed to periodically release the elevated levels of DMS/P/O produced in the sea ice towards the underlying ocean. The ice cover exhibited at that time of the year a net production of DMS/P/O and produced combined DMS and DMSP fluxes more than ten times higher than those observed for summer sea ice. The study conducted on laboratory prepared growing sea ice emphasised the impact of physicochemical processes on the gas signature of growing sea ice and represents a first step towards modelling gas exchanges within sea ice and across its interfaces with the ocean and the atmosphere.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences agronomiques et ingénierie biologique / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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