Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bei"" "subject:"bens""
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La criminalità organizzata ha aumentato la propria presenza nell’economia legale attraverso l’infiltrazione in aziende, generando così delle conseguenze negative per il sistema economico e alterando le relazioni tra attori economici. Molti paesi europei hanno adottato dei sistemi di recupero di capitali illeciti, ma l’Italia è la sola che prevede anche il recupero di aziende come misura di contrasto efficace. La politica di recupero dei capitali illeciti dovrebbe ridurre l’infiltrazione della criminalità organizzata nelle aziende, ma ad oggi è assente una valutazione la politica di recupero delle aziende infiltrate da gruppi criminali. Questa tesi intende valutare la politica di recupero delle aziende infiltrate dalla criminalità organizzata in Italia. L’analisi riguarda la valutazione dell’efficacia, efficienza e impatto di questa politica e, attraverso lo studio di nove casi, propone un nuovo quadro di analisi che combina diversi metodi (es. analisi degli indici di bilancio) e fonti (es. casi giudiziari e bilanci). Lo studio dei casi mostra che il recupero delle aziende è efficace se l’amministratore giudiziario ha esperienze manageriali; è efficiente se i procedimenti di recupero sono brevi e l’azienda viene destinata ad uso sociale; ed ha un impatto positivo se i media e le associazioni locali si interessano alle sorti dell’azienda. / By misusing legitimate businesses, organised crime is increasingly present in legal economies, generating serious consequences for legal systems and distorting relationships among legal actors. Several European countries have adopted asset-recovery regimes, but Italy is the only one that foresees the confiscation of companies as an effective countermeasure. Taking profits out of crime should curtail its infiltration into legitimate businesses, but there are no evaluations of the recovery of companies once infiltrated by organised crime. This study aims to evaluate the recovery of confiscated companies infiltrated by organised crime in Italy. It measures the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of this policy, and, analysing nine cases to assess the achievement of the policy objectives, proposes a new analytical framework that combines different methods (e.g. financial ratio analysis) and sources (e.g. judicial files and balance sheets) to evaluate asset-recovery policies. The results from case studies show that the recovery of companies is effective if the legal administrator has managerial skills; it is efficient if the proceedings are short and the company is disposed to social reuse; and it has a positive impact if media and local associations show an interest in the company.
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Approche géochimique et physico-chimique de la différenciation des éléments du groupe du platine (pge) et de l'or dans le manteau supérieur bético-rifain et dans les xénolites de péridotites sous-continentales.Gueddari, Khalid 23 February 1996 (has links) (PDF)
L'étude de la distribution des éléments du groupe. du platine (PGE : Ir, Ru, Rh, Pt et pd) et de l'or dans les péridotites orogéniques (Ronda, Beni Bousera) permet de mettre en évidence le comportement différentiel de Cu, Pt et Pd par rapport à Ni, Ir et Ru et d'aborder les mécanismes de leur différenciation au cours de la fusion partielle. Ce comportement résulte d'une extraction de Cu, Pt et Pd par les liquides silicatés sous forme d'une phase sulfurée. A l'inverse, Ir et Ru restent piégés dans les résidus de fusion probablement sous forme de grains réfractaires interstitiels. Alors que dans les péridotites des Beni Bousera le Rh montre un comportement sùnilaire à celui de Pt et Pd (chalcophile), dans les péridotites de Ronda, il est plutôt réfractaire tout comme Ir et Ru. Les mesures de la fugacité en oxygène et les analyses du spinelle écartent l'hypothèse d'une incorporation du Rh dans ce minéral comme le supposent les résul1ats expérimentaux de certains auteurs. Le comportement ambivalent du Rh peut être attribué plutôt à des fugacités en soufre plus faibles dans les péridotites de Ronda que dans celles des Beni Bousera. Par ailleurs, la distribution des PGE dans les xénolites de péridotite à spinelle des basaltes alcalins (France, Sud de l'Espagne) est caractérisée par des spectres des teneurs normalisées au manteau relativement plats et ne semble pas être influencée par le processus de fusion. Elle refléterait une refertilisation ou une rétention d'une fraction sulfurée riche en Pt et en Pd par un manteau plus ou moins déprimé, à la suite de multiples extractions basaltiques. Les profils sensiblement plats caractéristiques du manteau sous-continental ne traduisent pas obligatoirement un matériel mantellique primitif. L'étude des pyroxénites des massifd ultrabasiques de Ronda et des Beni Bousera s'est focalisée principalement sur les pyroxénites à grenat suite à la découverte d'un faciès de clinopyroxénites à grenat ± corindon inhabituel à Ronda. Les spectres des teneurs en PGE et en Au de pente Pd/Ir positive et variable, couplés aux compositions en éléments majeurs et en traces, illustrent l'hétérogénéité géochimique des pyroxénites. Ces dernières peuvent être regroupées dans deux lignées distinctes. Une première (pyroxénites à grenat s.s. et pyroxénites à spinelle s. L) est caractérisée par un rapport AlpJFeOtot < 2.7. Les basses teneurs en Ir, Ru et Rh notées dans ces roches peuvent être reliées à une précipitation précoce de ces éléments en réponse à une augmentation de JO 2 tandis que les teneurs en Pt, Pd et Au sont gouvernées par les sulfures. Certaines similitudes entre les pyroxénites à grenat s.s et les pyroxénites à spinelle s.L suggèrent un lien génétique entre ces deux faciès. La seconde lignée, correspondant à des clinopyroxénites à grenat ± corindon très alumineuses (A1PJFeOtot> 2.7), montre des niveaux de teneurs très faibles, ou au contraire, très riches en PGE. La variation des teneurs observée ne concerne que les PPGE et l'Au et peut être attribuée à une ségrégation d'une faible fraction de sulfures. Cette ségrégation n'est pas à l'origine de l'appauvrissement en Ir et en Ru. Un tel appauvrissement est la conséquence d'un fractionnement de ces éléments antérieurement à la saturation en soufre. Les différences entre les deux lignées précédentes permettent de leur suggérer une origine et une évolution géochimique distinctes. L 'hypothèse d'une origine à partir d'un proto lite riche en plagioclase paraît plausible pour la lignée alumineuse au regard de certaines de ses caractéristiques géochimiques (AlP> anomalie en Eu, PGE). Par ailleurs, les associations de Pt, Pd et Au avec les sulfures, observées au MEB, corifirment la grande dépendance de ces éléments pour le soufre. Toutefois, les minéraux silicatés et le spinelle ne jouent aucun rôle capital dans la concentration des PGE remettant ainsi en question les hypothèses Ù1lpliquant l'affinité des IPGE pour ces phases minérales. Ainsi, l'idée que l'on peut se faire sur le manteau, à travers les divergences* entre les péridotites orogéniques et les péridotites sous,continentale. et la diversité des pyroxénites, est celle d'un domaine très hétérogène. Cette hétérogénéité est acquise suite à des évolutions pétrogénétiques, physico-chimiques et géodynamiques distinctes.
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Caratterizzazione del bacino del Mediterraneo in funzione dell'indice bioclimatico "Temperature Humidity Index" (THI) e relazioni tra THI e mortalità nella bovina da latte. / Characterization of the Mediterranean basin in terms of "Temperature Humidity Index" (THI) and relationships between THI and mortality in dairy cowsSEGNALINI, MARIA 23 February 2012 (has links)
Condizioni meteorologiche e clima influenzano fortemente il settore delle produzioni animali. Lo stress da caldo determina una significativa riduzione dell'attività metabolica, della produzione, della capacità riproduttiva e una maggiore predisposizione alle malattie. Nel contesto biologico, la temperatura dell’aria è sicuramente considerata il principale fattore di stress, tuttavia, un’elevata umidità peggiora l'effetto della temperatura riducendo le perdite di calore per evaporazione e ostacolando quindi l’eliminazione del calore in eccesso.
Scopi principali della ricerca sono stati la caratterizzazione dell’area del Mediterraneo in termini di Temperature Humidity Index (THI) e stabilire le relazioni tra stagione/THI e mortalità nella bovina da latte allevata in un’area geografica Italiana altamente vocata per questo tipo di allevamento.
I risultati suggeriscono che, allevatori e politici che operano nell’area Mediterranea, dovrebbero tenere nella dovuta considerazione variabilità e scenari del THI nella pianificazione degli investimenti nel settore delle produzioni animali. Conoscere in anticipo il verificarsi di condizioni climatiche avverse permetterebbe agli allevatori di metter in atto misure di contrasto sugli effetti negativi delle condizioni climatiche. Inoltre, dovrebbero venire sviluppate misure di adattamento appropriate per contesti specifici in termini di cultura, società, o sistemi politici, che possano contribuire alla sostenibilità ambientale, nonché allo sviluppo economico e alla lotta alla povertà. / Weather and climate strongly influence the field of animal production. Heat stress causes a significant reduction in metabolic activity, production, reproductive capacity, and increases susceptibility to diseases. In the biological context, the air temperature is definitely considered the main factor of stress, however, high humidity worsens the effect of temperature by reducing the evaporation heat loss and thus preventing the removal of excess heat.
The main purposes of the research were the characterization of the Mediterranean basin in terms of Temperature Humidity Index (THI) and to establish relationships between season/THI and mortality in dairy cattle bred in an Italian geographic area with a high concentration of dairy farms.
THI variability and scenarios should be taken into careful consideration by farmers and policy makers operating in Mediterranean countries when planning investments. Investments should at least partially be directed to implementation of adaptation measures, which may support farmers in the transition to climate-smart agriculture and help them to alleviate the impact of hot extremes on animal welfare, performance and health. In addition, measures should be developed appropriate adaptation to the specific contexts in terms of culture, society, or political systems, which can contribute to environmental sustainability and economic development and fighting poverty.
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Novel data-driven analysis methods for real-time fMRI and simultaneous EEG-fMRI neuroimagingSoldati, Nicola January 2012 (has links)
Real-time neuroscience can be described as the use of neuroimaging techniques to extract and evaluate brain activations during their ongoing development. The possibility to track these activations opens the doors to new research modalities as well as practical applications in both clinical and everyday life. Moreover, the combination of different neuroimaging techniques, i.e. multimodality, may reduce several limitations present in each single technique. Due to the intrinsic difficulties of real-time experiments, in order to fully exploit their potentialities, advanced signal processing algorithms are needed. In particular, since brain activations are free to evolve in an unpredictable way, data-driven algorithms have the potentials of being more suitable than model-driven ones. In fact, for example, in neurofeedback experiments brain activation tends to change its properties due to training or task eects thus evidencing the need for adaptive algorithms. Blind Source Separation (BSS) methods, and in particular Independent Component Analysis (ICA) algorithms, are naturally suitable to such kind of conditions. Nonetheless, their applicability in this framework needs further investigations. The goals of the present thesis are: i) to develop a working real-time set up for performing experiments; ii) to investigate different state of the art ICA algorithms with the aim of identifying the most suitable (along with their optimal parameters), to be adopted in a real-time MRI environment; iii) to investigate novel ICA-based methods for performing real-time MRI neuroimaging; iv) to investigate novel methods to perform data fusion between EEG and fMRI data acquired simultaneously. The core of this thesis is organized around four "experiments", each one addressing one of these specic aims. The main results can be summarized as follows. Experiment 1: a data analysis software has been implemented along with the hardware acquisition set-up for performing real-time fMRI. The set-up has been developed with the aim of having a framework into which it would be possible to test and run the novel methods proposed to perform real-time fMRI. Experiment 2: to select the more suitable ICA algorithm to be implemented in the system, we investigated theoretically and compared empirically the performance of 14 different ICA algorithms systematically sampling different growing window lengths, model order as well as a priori conditions (none, spatial or temporal). Performance is evaluated by computing the spatial and temporal correlation to a target component of brain activation as well as computation time. Four algorithms are identied as best performing without prior information (constrained ICA, fastICA, jade-opac and evd), with their corresponding parameter choices. Both spatial and temporal priors are found to almost double the similarity to the target at not computation costs for the constrained ICA method. Experiment 3: the results and the suggested parameters choices from experiment 2 were implemented to monitor ongoing activity in a sliding-window approach to investigate different ways in which ICA-derived a priori information could be used to monitor a target independent component: i) back-projection of constant spatial information derived from a functional localizer, ii) dynamic use of temporal , iii) spatial, or both iv) spatial-temporal ICA constrained data. The methods were evaluated based on spatial and/or temporal correlation with the target IC component monitored, computation time and intrinsic stochastic variability of the algorithms. The results show that the back-projection method offers the highest performance both in terms of time course reconstruction and speed. This method is very fast and effective as far as the monitored IC has a strong and well defined behavior, since it relies on an accurate description of the spatial behavior. The dynamic methods oer comparable performances at cost of higher computational time. In particular the spatio-temporal method performs comparably in terms of computational time to back-projection, offering more variable performances in terms of reconstruction of spatial maps and time courses. Experiment 4: finally, Higher Order Partial Least Square based method combined with ICA is proposed and investigated to integrate EEG-fMRI data acquired simultaneously. This method showed to be promising, although more experiments are needed.
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Test-retest Reliability of Intrinsic Human Brain Default-Mode fMRI Connectivity: Slice Acquisition and Physiological Noise Correction EffectsMarchitelli, Rocco January 2016 (has links)
This thesis aims at evaluating, in two separate studies, strategies for physiological noise and head motion correction in resting state brain FC-fMRI. In particular, as a general marker of noise correction performance we use the test-retest reproducibility of the DMN. The guiding hypothesis is that methods that improve reproducibility should reflect more efficient corrections and thus be preferable in longitudinal studies. The physiological denoising study evaluated longitudinal changes in a 3T harmonized multisite fMRI study of healthy elderly participants from the PharmaCog Consortium (Jovicich et al., 2016). Retrospective physiological noise correction (rPNC) methods were here implemented to investigate their influence on several DMN reliability measures within and between 13 MRI sites. Each site involved five different healthy elderly participants who were scanned twice at least a week apart (5 participants per site). fMRI data analysis was performed once without rPNC and then with WM/CSF regression, with physiological estimation by temporal ICA (PESTICA) (Beall & Lowe, 2007) and FMRIB's ICA-based Xnoiseifier (FSL-FIX) (Griffanti et al., 2014; Salimi-Khorshidi et al., 2014). These methods differ for their data-based computational approach to identify physiological noise fluctuations and need to be applied at different stages of data preprocessing. As a working hypothesis, physiological denoising was in general expected to improve DMN reliability. The head motion study evaluated longitudinal changes in the DMN connectivity from a 4T single-site study of 24 healthy young volunteers who were scanned twice within a week. Within each scanning session, RS-fMRI scans were acquired once using interleaved and then sequential slice-order acquisition methods. Furthermore, brain volumes were corrected for motion using once rigid-body volumetric and then slice-wise methods. The effects of these choices were then evaluated computing multiple DMN reliability measures and investigating single regions within the DMN to assess the existence of inter-regional effects associated with head-motion. In this case, we expected to find slice-order acquisition effects in reliability estimates under standard volumetric motion correction and no slice-order acquisition effect under 2D slice-based motion correction. Both studies used ICA to characterize the DMN using group-ICA and dual regression procedures (Beckmann et al., 2009). This methodology proved successful at defining consistent DMN connectivity metrics in longitudinal and clinical RS-fMRI studies (Zuo & Xing, 2014). Automatic DMN selection procedures and other quality assurance analyses were made to supervise ICA performance. Both studies considered several test-retest (TRT) reliability estimates (Vilagut, 2014) for some DMN connectivity measurements: absolute percent error between the sessions, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) between sessions and multiple sites, the Jaccard index to evaluate the degree of voxel-wise spatial pattern actiavtion overlap between sessions.
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Archaeological GIS Analysis of Raised Field Agriculture in the Bolivian AmazonLee, Thomas W 01 January 2017 (has links)
Modern agricultural systems have been criticized for their detrimental effects on the environment and a general emphasis on crop yield rather than long-term sustainability. Traditional forms of agriculture may provide case-specific examples of sustainable alternatives for contemporary societies. In the seasonally inundated savannas of the Llanos de Mojos, pre-Columbian Indians piled earth into ‘large raised field platforms’ elevated high enough above the floodplain to allow crops to grow. Archaeological evidence indicates that raised field agriculture supported much larger populations than those found in the Beni today. The examination of satellite imagery has revealed more than 40,000 individual fields spread across an area of approximately 7,500 square kilometers. This study created a digitized map of large raised fields to search for spatial patterns in their distribution. A GIS analysis was conducted in which fields were distributed into organizational groups based on characteristics such as proximity and orientation to cardinal direction. These groups represent potential ‘social units’ involved in the organization of labor required to construct raised fields. This study demonstrated the consistent presence of these units throughout the entirety of the agricultural system. Patterns in the distribution of these groups allowed the study area to be divided into two distinct regions representing a larger scale of organization within a seemingly uniform system. A transitional zone between these two regions was identified on the river Omi, providing a clear area of interest to target in future archaeological excavations. Further archaeological investigations of raised field agriculture have the potential of demonstrating the overall productivity of the system as well as how it was incorporated into the social systems of those who managed it.
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Remote Sensing Tools for Monitoring Grassland Plant Leaf Traits and BiodiversityImran, Hafiz Ali 03 February 2022 (has links)
Grasslands are one of the most important ecosystems on Earth, covering approximately one-third of the Earth’s surface. Grassland biodiversity is important as many services provided by such ecosystems are crucial for the human economy and well-being. Given the importance of grasslands ecosystems, in recent years research has been carried out on the potential to monitor them with novel remote sensing techniques. Improved detectors technology and novel sensors providing fine-scale hyperspectral imagery have been enabling new methods to monitor plant traits (PTs) and biodiversity.
The aims of the work were to study different approaches to monitor key grassland PTs such as Leaf Area Index (LAI) and biodiversity-related traits. The thesis consists of 3 parts: 1) Evaluating the performance of remote sensing methods to estimate LAI in grassland ecosystems, 2) Estimating plant biodiversity by using the optical diversity approach in grassland ecosystems, and 3) Investigating the relationship between PTs variability with alpha and beta diversity for the applicability of the optical diversity approach in a subalpine grassland of the Italian Alps
To evaluate the performance of remote sensing methods to estimate LAI, temporal and spatial observations of hyperspectral reflectance and LAI were analyzed at a grassland site in Monte Bondone, Italy (IT-MBo). In 2018, ground temporal observations of hyperspectral reflectance and LAI were carried out at a grassland site in Neustift, Austria (AT-NEU). To estimate biodiversity, in 2018 and 2019 a floristics survey was conducted to determine species composition and hyperspectral data were acquired at two grassland sites: IT-MBo and University of Padova’s Experimental Farm, Legnaro, Padua, Italy (IT-PD) respectively. Furthermore, in 2018, biochemistry analysis of the biomass samples collected from the grassland site IT-MBo was carried out to determine the foliar biochemical PTs variability.
The results of the thesis demonstrated that the grassland spectral response across different spectral regions (Visible: VIS, red-edge: RE, Near-infrared: NIR) showed to be both site-specific and scale-dependent. In the first part of the thesis, the performance of spectral vegetation indices (SVIs) based on visible, red-edge (RE), and NIR bands alongside SVIs solely based or NIR-shoulder bands (wavelengths 750 - 900 nm) was evaluated. A strong correlation (R2 > 0.8) was observed between grassland LAI and both RE and NIR-shoulder SVIs on a temporal basis, but not on a spatial basis. Using the PROSAIL Radiative Transfer Model (RTM), it was demonstrated that grassland structural heterogeneity strongly affects the ability to retrieve LAI, with high uncertainties due to structural and biochemical PTs co-variation.
In the second part, the applicability of the spectral variability hypothesis (SVH) was questioned and highlighted the challenges to use high-resolution hyperspectral images to estimate biodiversity in complex grassland ecosystems. It was reported that the relationship between biodiversity (Shannon, Richness, Simpson, and Evenness) and optical diversity metrics (Coefficient of variation (CV) and Standard deviation (SD)) is not consistent across plant communities. The results of the second part suggested that biodiversity in terms of species richness could be estimated by optical diversity metrics with an R2 = 0.4 at the IT-PD site where the grassland plots were artificially established and are showing a lower structure and complexity from the natural grassland plant communities. On the other hand, in the natural ecosystems at IT-MBo, it was more difficult to estimate biodiversity indices, probably due to structural and biochemical PTs co-variation. The effects of canopy non-vegetative elements (flowers and dead material), shadow pixels, and overexposed pixels on the relationship between optical diversity metrics and biodiversity indices were highlighted.
In the third part, we examined the relationship between PTs variability (at both local and community scales, measured by standard deviation and by the Euclidean distances of the biochemical and biophysical PTs respectively) and taxonomic diversity (both α-diversity and β-diversity, measured by Shannon’s index and by Jaccard dissimilarity index of the species, families, and functional groups percent cover respectively) in Monte Bondone, Trentino province, Italy. The results of the study showed that the PTs variability metrics at alpha scale were not correlated with α-diversity. However, the results at the community scale (β-diversity) showed that some of the investigated biochemical and biophysical PTs variations metrics were associated with β-diversity. The SVH approach was also tested to estimate β-diversity and we found that spectral diversity calculated by spectral angular mapper (SAM) showed to be a better proxy of biodiversity in the same ecosystem where the spectral diversity failed to estimate alpha diversity, this leading to the conclusion that the link between functional and species diversity may be an indicator of the applicability of optical sampling methods to estimate biodiversity.
The findings of the thesis highlighted that grassland structural heterogeneity strongly affects the ability to retrieve both LAI and biodiversity, with high uncertainties due to structural and biochemical PTs co-variation at complex grassland ecosystems. In this context, the uncertainties of satellite-based products (e.g., LAI) in monitoring grassland canopies characterized by either spatially or temporally varying structure need to be carefully taken into account. The results of the study highlighted that the poor performance of optical diversity proxies in estimating biodiversity in structurally heterogeneous grasslands might be due to the complex relationships between functional diversity and biodiversity, rather than the impossibility to detect functional diversity with spectral proxies.
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Hydrothermal carbonization of waste biomassBasso, Daniele January 2016 (has links)
Hydrothermal carbonization (in acronym, HTC) is a thermochemical conversion process through which it is possible to directly transform wet organic substrates into a carbonaceous material, referred as hydrochar. Hydrochar has chemical and physical characteristics that make it similar to fossil peats and lignite. Depending on the process conditions, mostly temperature and residence time, this material can be enriched in its carbon content, modifying its structure and providing it interesting characteristics that make it possible to be used for several applications, such as for energy production, as a soil conditioner and improver, for carbon dioxide sorption and sequestration, and some others reported in literature. HTC is a different process, if compared to other common thermochemical processes, such as pyrolysis, torrefaction, gasification, etc., because it works in wet conditions (humidity content higher than 60%). As a matter of fact, biomass is transformed into hydrochar because of the properties of hot pressurized water, that acts both as a reactant and as a catalyst. The HTC process has been studied from many years, although at present not all the chemical reactions that occur during the process are completely known. Moreover, the application of this quite new process to different substrates can bring to different results. Even though HTC can be applied to any kind of organic material (of both animal and vegetable derivation), the possible uses of hydrochar can strongly be influenced by the characteristics of the feedstock. This, for example, can be due to legislative constraints. In Chapter 1, an overview of the existing literature is presented. To get insights on this process, a small bench scale batch reactor has been designed and built at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical engineering of the University of Trento, Italy. This reactor has been tested, prior to be used with real substrates. In Chapter 2 the reactor and the preliminary tests done are described. In this work, the HTC process applied to three different substrates have been studied: grape marc, the EWC 19.05.03 residue and the EWC 19.12.12 residue. In Chapter 3 the three raw substrates are described. Grape marc is produced by the winery industries or by distilleries. This feedstock is composed by woody seeds and holocellulosic skins and it presents an average humidity content of about 60%. At present, it is used for the production of animal food or it is landfilled. In this case, the application of HTC can be an interesting alternative to these end uses because, through this process, grape marc can be recovered, for example, for energy production. The hydrochar produced from this feedstock could be even used as a soil conditioner. In Chapter 4 several analyses on the hydrochar, on the process water and on the gaseous phase obtained during the carbonization tests are presented. The EWC 19.05.03 residue is a by-product of the composting treatment applied to the organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW). In collaboration with Contarina S.p.A., a company that collects and treats MSW in the province of Treviso, in the North-East of Italy, this by-product was carbonized and tested both as a soil conditioner and for energy production. Results of the analyses on the solid, liquid and gaseous phases produced by the HTC process are reported in Chapter 5. The EWC 19.12.12 residue is a by-product of the refuse derived fuel (RDF) production, from the residual fraction of the MSW. This substrate was provided by Contarina S.p.A. and preliminary tests on the exploitability of the hydrochar for energy production are reported in Chapter 6, together with analyses on both the liquid and gaseous phases. A rigorous energy balance has been proposed in Chapter 8, based on the experimental data obtained for grape seeds. In this chapter, all the hypotheses and the assumptions taken to evaluate the enthalpy of the HTC reaction at different process conditions (namely, three different temperatures and three residence times) are described. In Chapter 8 a kinetic model is proposed, based on a two-step reaction mechanism. The activation energy and pre-exponential factor of the various degradation reactions were determined by means of least square optimization versus the experimental data of grape marc. A thermo fluid model is even proposed in this chapter. The model integrates mass, momentum and heat equations within the reactor domain by means of the finite volumes method (f.v.m.) approach. Convective and radiative exchange between the reactor and the fluid within the reactor have been implemented in the f.v.m. model. Under two strong assumptions (mono-component and mono-phase fluid, which fulfils the reactor), it was possible to estimate the behaviour of an equivalent fluid (eq_fluid), in terms of thermal properties of the fluid (thermal capacity, thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity). Moreover, a simplified dynamic analytic model is also presented – based on lumped capacitance method – in order to simulate the thermal behaviour of the system, using the actual temperature profile imposed by the reactor external heater. A resistance-capacitance network was used to describe the system. Finally, the Henry’s law has been applied to assess the amount of gas really produced during the HTC process. In Chapter 9, the main conclusions of this work are reported.
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