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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Variability Of Sediment Nutrients And Benthic Macro-Invertebrates In Recreational Fishing Ponds

Stubbs, Tyler James 09 December 2011 (has links)
The overall objective of this study was to identify trends of sediment nutrients and benthic macro-invertebrates in recreational fishing ponds. The Ekman dredge and the Yabby pump, also were compared for benthic macro-invertebrate sampling effectiveness. Large ranges in the coefficient of variation for Pw (52 – 123.9), C:N (13.4 – 124), density (61.5 – 98.5), and diversity (67 – 142) indicated significant spatial variability within and among ponds. Invertebrate familial diversity was the only variable that did not show any significant temporal variation (H = 4.31, P = 0.230). Results from the gear comparison indicated no differences between the Ekman dredge and Yabby pump (3 pulls); however, showed the Ekman dredge was more effective than the Yabby pump (12 pulls) (Z = -1.796, P = 0.073) indicating potential gear saturation. Although these data supported no discernable patterns between sediment nutrients and macro-invertebrates, it provided an opportunity to detail an operational framework for future studies.

Dynamique des masses d'eaux côtières libanaises soumises à l'impact d'un fleuve. / Dynamics of Lebanese coastal waters subjected to the impact of a river

Ghsoub, Myriam 27 September 2019 (has links)
Le but principal de cette étude est de comprendre le fonctionnement de la zone interface, continuum terre-mer au Liban. Suite à l’anthropisation spécifiquement la construction des barrages, les apports du fleuve vers la mer en termes de quantité et qualité, sont modifiés de nos jours. Le fleuve Ibrahim, ayant le débit le plus important parmi les fleuves libanais, interrompu par trois barrages, a été choisi comme étude de cas représentant les fleuves côtiers libanais. Les différents paramètres retenus ont permis de dégager des résultats intéressants. Au niveau de l’eau de surface marine le panache fluvial est décelé par l’étude des paramètres hydrologiques des masses d’eaux superficielles. Les résultats montrent aussi que l’apport fluviatile est le contributeur principal en nutriments au niveau de la région côtière durant la saison humide, élucidé par les teneurs en nitrates et silice dissoute. D’autre part, le transfert des particules de la zone côtière vers le large, à travers la pente continentale, se fait par l’intermédiaire de couches néphéloïdes.L’origine des sédiments et de leurs constituants est mise en relief en analysant plusieurs paramètres sédimentaires. La combinaison des paramètres granulométriques et géochimiques organiques et inorganiques et l’application des tests statistiques a permis de distinguer entre deux environnements de dépôt. (1) Les environnements littoraux (≤ 30 m) ou zone de « bypass » où le sable fin et la matière organique autochtone dominent. (2) Les environnements profonds (≥ 60 m) ou zones de dépôts où la fraction fine et la matière organique allochtone dominent.Sur l’ensemble du suivi l’état chimique de l’eau du fleuve au niveau des deux stations échantillonnées, déduit des teneurs en nutriments et macrofaune benthique, est considéré comme bon à très bon d’après les normes internationales Finalement, l’analyse des éléments traces métalliques confirme la faible contribution anthropique dans les stations marines et fluviatiles échantillonnées malgré la densité de population croissante au niveau de la région côtière Libanaise. / The main purpose of this study is to understand the functioning of the coastal zone, land-sea continuum in Lebanon. Following the construction of dams, the contributions of the river towards the sea in terms of quantity and quality, are modified nowadays. The Ibrahim river, having the highest flow among the Lebanese rivers, interrupted by three dams, was chosen as a case study representing the Lebanese coastal rivers. The various parameters retained made it possible to obtain interesting results. At sea surface water level, the river plume is detected by studying the hydrological parameters of surface water.The results also show that the river is the main nutrient contributor in the coastal region during the wet season, elucidated by the nitrate and dissolved silica contents. On the other hand, the transfer of particles from the coastal zone to the open sea, across the continental slope, takes place through the nepheloid layers.The origin of sediments and their constituents is highlighted by analyzing several sediment parameters. The combination of organic and inorganic particle size and geochemical parameters and the application of statistical tests made it possible to distinguish between two deposition environments. (1) Coastal environments (≤ 30 m) or “bypass” area where fine sand and autochtonous organic matter dominate. (2) Deep environments (≥ 60 m) or deposit areas where the fine fraction and allochthonous organic matter dominate.The ecological state of the river water at the two sampled stations, deduced from the contents of nutrients and benthic macrofauna, is considered good to very good according to international standards. Finally, the analysis of metallic trace elements confirms the low anthropogenic contribution in the marine and river stations despite the increasing density of the population in the Lebanese coastal region.

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