191 |
Kumari, Kavita Y
09 1900
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Mitochondrial dysfunctions induced by the anticancer drugs
192 |
Lakshmi, Udaya Y
02 1900
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Studies on mannose 6-phosphate
193 |
Reddy, Bindu Madhava A
04 1900
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Molecular genetic analysis of primary
194 |
Gopal, Vashisht Y N
02 1900
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Anticancer activity and targeted delivery
195 |
Kunapuli, Padmaja
06 1900
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Role of alkaline phosphatase
196 |
Geeta, Sai N
05 1900
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In vitro immunization using immobilized
197 |
Dheekollu, Jayaraju
07 1900
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Molecular mechanism of Action on Topoisomerase II
198 |
Raju, Vegiraju Suryanarayana
04 1900
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Molecular cloning
199 |
Choudhary, Rakesh Kumar
03 1900
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Antigen of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
200 |
Qamra, Rohini
04 1900
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Mycobacterium tuberculosis chaperonin60s