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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Shlukování biologických sekvencí / Clustering of Biological Sequences

Kubiš, Radim January 2015 (has links)
One of the main reasons for protein clustering is prediction of structure, function and evolution. Many of current tools have disadvantage of high computational complexity due to all-to-all sequence alignment. If any tool works faster, it does not reach accuracy as other tools. Further disadvantage is processing on higher rate of similarity but homologous proteins can be similar with less identity. The process of clustering often ends when reach the condition which does not reflect sufficient quality of clusters. Master's thesis describes the design and implementation of new tool for clustering of protein sequences. New tool should not be computationally demanding but it should preserve required accuracy and produce better clusters. The thesis also describes testing of designed tool, evaluation of results and possibilities of its further development.

Algoritmy pro detekci vazebních míst u protein-ligand interakcí / Algorithms for protein-ligand binding site discovery

Krivák, Radoslav January 2013 (has links)
Virtually all processes in living organisms are conducted by proteins. Proteins perform their function by binding to other proteins (protein-protein interactions) or small molecules - so called ligands (protein-ligand interactions). Active sites for protein-ligand interactions are pockets in protein structure where ligand can bind. Predicting of ligand binding sites is the first step to study and predict protein functions and structure based drug-design. In this thesis we reviewed current approaches for binding site prediction and proposed our own improvement. We have developed a novel pocket ranking function based on prediction model that predicts ligandability (ability to bind a ligand) of a given point inside of a pocket. Prediction is done considering only a local physicochemical and geometric properties derived from neighbourhood.

Chromatinová imunoprecipitace vybraných transkripčních faktorů / Chromatin immunoprecipitation of selected transcription factors

Smetanová, Jitka January 2018 (has links)
The family of transcription factors TEAD regulates the expression of genes that affect cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. Activity of TEAD1 is regulated via the Hippo signaling pathway. General mechanism of tumor cell suppression by the Hippo signaling pathway remains unclear. C-MYC and GLUT1, the two key regulators of glycolysis, were recently described as targets of the Hippo signaling pathway in human leukemia cells. In this diploma thesis, the interaction of TEAD1 with M-CAT binding motifs was experimentally confirmed in the first exon of C-MYC gene. In addition, a new interaction of TEAD1 with M-CAT binding motifs has been found in the enhancer of C-MYC promoter and enhancer of GLUT1 promoter by ChIP analysis. Regulation of glucose metabolism by the Hippo signaling pathway may represent a new mechanism of tumor cell suppression. Key words: Gene regulation, transcription factors, chromatin immunoprecipitation, bioinformatics

Chromatinová imunoprecipitace vybraných transkripčních faktorů / Chromatin immunoprecipitation of selected transcription factors

Smetanová, Jitka January 2019 (has links)
The TEAD family of transcription factors regulates expression of genes affecting cell proliferation, differentiation and apoptosis. The activity of a particular transcription factor called TEAD1 is regulated by the Hippo signalling pathway. The Hippo pathway has been implicated to play a role in cancer suppression, however its precise mechanism remains unclear. MYC and GLUT1, genes which are coding two key regulators of glycolysis, were recently described as potential targets of the Hippo signalling pathway in human leukemia cells. In this diploma thesis, I tried to confirm the proposed interaction of the transcription factor TEAD1 with regulatory sequences of MYC and GLUT1 genes using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) analysis in human leukemic cells. However, I failed to successfully isolate TEAD1 complexes using ChIP. So, I discuss in my diploma thesis also possible reasons for this outcome, including biological and methodological issues. (In Czech) Key words: Transcriptional regulation, TEAD transcription factors, chromatin immunoprecipitation, leukemia

Imunofenotyp maligních buněk dětských akutních leukemií a jeho vývoj v průběhu onemocnění / Leukaemia associated immunophenotype in childhood acute leukaemias and its development during the course of disease

Podolská, Tereza January 2020 (has links)
Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) is the most frequent childhood malignancy. One of the recent improvements in ALL treatment was the introduction of minimal residual disease (MRD) monitoring that enables risk stratification based treatment adaptation. The same MRD monitoring helps to choose relapse treatment, to guide indication for stem cell transplantation (SCT) and allows for a more personalized management of patients undergoing SCT. One of the main routes of MRD levels detection is characterisation of leukemic blasts using flow cytometry. However, flow cytometry is limited by its mainly manual expertise-based analysis. Such analysis is subjective and clearly insufficient for current complex data. While new computational tools are available for multidimensional flow cytometry data, there is an urgent need to test and adapt them for the use in clinical environment. The goal of this thesis is to detect immunophenotypes associated with leukaemia and their development by leveraging machine-assisted analysis of a set of diagnostic files selected based on information about more than three hundred thousand of multiparameter flow cytometry datasets. Advanced bioinformatic tools will help to detect blast and healthy haematopoietic populations, to derive their immunophenotypes and to identify individual...

Optimalizace molekulárně-biologických metod pro detekci kontaminant v koření

Došková, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
Contaminants are described in food generally, with narrower aim to spices in literary part of thesis. Bigger attention is dedicated to mycotoxins: secundary products of molds, basic survey, ways of assessment and legislation connected with their monito-ring. The main part of literary searches is focused on methods for microbial quality as-sessment of foods, then on description of classic and modern methods. Whereas samples of dried capsicum and pepper powders served as a samples for practical part, the end of theoretical part is devoted to individual steps for optimalization of new moleculary-biological method. The outputs of each steps are then parts of results and discussion, as well as other prospects and possible ways to future.

Bioinformatický nástroj pro anotaci transposonů / Bioinformatics Tool for Transposons Annotation

Jenčo, Michal January 2017 (has links)
This thesis provides theoretical resources for the design of a new bioinformatics tool for transposon annotation with focus on their additional structural elements. There is a biological description of transposons, the mobile elements in DNA, their classification and structure. It further deals with the overview and classification of available transposon identification and annotation bioinformatics tools, description of function and implementation of a select few. Next we state the scheme of a new bioinformatics tool for LTR retrotransposon identification and annotation with a focus on extra ORFs and tandem repeats. The functionality of this new tool was tested on the A. thaliana genome. We identified 95 groups of conserved extra ORFs and 10 groups of conserved tandem repeats.

Bioinformatický nástroj pro odhad abundance bakteriálních funkčních molekul v biologických vzorcích na základě metagenomických dat 16S rRNA / Bioinformatic Tool for Estimation of Abundances of Bacterial Functional Molecules in Biological Samples Based on 16S rRNA Metagenomic Data

Bieliková, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
Ľudské telo je prostredím pre život neuveriteľného množstva mikróbov. Niektoré z nich môžu spôsobovať rôzne choroby, ale ďalšie, napríklad črevný mikrobióm, sú pre život a zdravie človeka nepostrádateľné. Nanešťastie, črevný mikrobióm nie je detailne preštudovaný, pretože obsahuje tisíce rôznych druhov baktérií, z ktorých väčšina sa nedá kultivovať v laboratórnych podmienkach. Riešením tohto problému sú nové rýchle metódy sekvenovania v kombináciou s bioinformatickými nástrojmi na výpočet funkčného profilu baktérií vo vzorke. V tejto práci si predstavíme existujúce nástroje predpovedajúce funkčný profil, a následne navrhneme nový nástroj, ktorý môže implementovať konsenzus nad výsledkami existujúcich nástrojov, alebo sa môže jednať o úplne nový nástroj.

Metody pro vylepšení genomového sestavení založené na signálovém zpracování / Signal processing based methods for genome assembly refinement

Jugas, Robin January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with sequencing methods and genome assembly methods including usage of numerical representations. The theoretical part of thesis describes the history of DNA research, generations of sequencing methods, the assembly methods themselves and definiton of numerical representations. Numerical represenatations serve to convert character form of DNA to numerical form and so allow to use digital signal processing methods. There is an algorithm for genome assembly using numerical represenatation proposed in thesis, which is later tested at sequence data.

Rekonstrukce opakujících se segmentů DNA / Reconstruction of Repetitive DNA Segments

Bikár, Robert January 2016 (has links)
Hlavní motivací diplomové práce bylo najít vhodný algoritmus, který by vytvořil grafovou reprezentaci NGS sekvenačních dat v lineárním čase. Zvolenou metodou pro reprezentaci je de Bruijnův graf. V další části práce byl navrhnut nástroj, který je schopen transformovat graf do přijatelné podoby pro vykreslování, a dále je schopen odstraňovat chyby, které vznikají při konstrukci grafu. Cílem práce je vytvořit nástroj, který rekonstruuje repetitivní segmenty v DNA. Implementovaný nástroj byl otestován a je schopen identifikovat opakující se segmenty, určit jejich typy, vizualizovat je a sestavit jejich sekvenci na jednodušších genomech s velkou přesnotí. Při použití složitějších genomů, nástroj nalezne pouze fragmenty repetitivních segmentů.

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