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BABAM1 regulation of NLRP3 inflammasome in THP-1 monocyte-like cell linesMarrah, Musa January 2020 (has links)
The nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain–like receptor family pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome is a group of multi-protein complex that mediates immune responses through the production of biologically active IL-1β and IL-18. Dysregulation of NLRP3 inflammasome has been linked to various diseases associated with infection, inflammation, and cancer. However, the molecular mechanisms of ligand binding that result in the formation of the NLRP3 inflammasome are not fully understood. Potential therapeutics for NLRP3 inflammasomes related diseases are relatively nonspecific, have low efficacy, and may cause unexpected side effects. Therefore, this study aimed to understand if BABAM1 can serve as a potential target for treating NLRP3 inflammasome related diseases. This was done by attempting to knock out BABAM1 gene in THP-1 monocyte-like cell line using the CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing technology. The cDNA prepared from THP-1 cells in which an attempt was made to knock out BABAM1 gene were amplified using qPCR. The result showed no biologically relevant difference in BABAM1 gene expression level between the target and control THP-1 cells. Additionally, this study found that the expression of the reference gene, ACTB, was not stable as the cycle threshold values for untransfected cells were lower when compared to cells transfected the plasmid DNA. In conclusion, successful attempts were made in this study to understand the role of BABAM1 in regulating the activation of NLRP3 inflammasome and that further research are needed if BABAM1 is to be considered as a potential target for treating NLRP3 inflammasome related diseases.
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Synthesis and characterization of dendritic architecturesNyström, Andreas January 2005 (has links)
The goal of this work was to synthesize different dendritic architectures and evaluate the effect from the dendrons on the material properties. The work presented in this licentiate thesis, Synthesis and Characterization of Dendritic Architectures, is divided into major parts. The first part deals with the synthesis and characterization of two sets of dendritic porphyrins based on 2,2-bis(methylol)propionic acid (bis-MPA). The second part deals with the synthesis and characterization of a series of dendronized polymers based on bis-MPA. Both free-base and zinc containing dendritic porphyrins were synthesized up to the fifth generation utilizing the acetonide protected anhydride of bis-MPA. The resulting dendrimers were characterized by SEC, NMR, and MALDI-TOF. The dendrimers were found to be well-defined, virtually monodisperse, molecules up to the fourth generation. In the case of the fifth generation dendrimers, some structural defects were observed. The hydrodynamic volume (in THF) of these molecules was calculated using the rotational correlation time, and they were found to be more compact than the corresponding Fréchet-type dendrimers of the same generation. Macromonomers of the first and second generation were also synthesized utilizing the acetonide protected anhydride of bis-MPA and subsequently polymerized by atom transfer radical polymerization, using a system of N-propyl-2-pyridylmethanamine, Cu(I)Br, and Cu(I)Br2. This system resulted in well-controlled polymerizations with low polydispersity polymers. By adopting a divergent ‘graft-to’ approach, welldefined dendronized polymers with acetonide, hydroxyl, acetate, and hexadecyl functionality respectively, were obtained. The bulk properties of the dendronized polymers were investigated by differential scanning calorimetry, dynamic-mechanical measurements, and 1H-NMR selfdiffusion. It was found that that increasing the size of the pendant dendron increased the glass transition temperature of the materials. The degree of crystallization of the hexadecyl functional materials was found to decrease with dendron size, most likely due to the reduced flexibility of the backbone prohibiting effective crystallization. The dynamic mechanical measurements revealed that the behavior of the complex viscosity as a function of frequency was independent of functionality. The second and third generation materials were found to have a Newtonian plateau up to a frequency where they become shear-thinning. The fourth generation materials were found to be shearthinning in the frequency range. 1H-NMR self-diffusion measurements revealed that the shape of the acetonide functional dendronized polymers in solution was best described by using a rod-like or prolated ellipsoid model. / QC 20101216
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Tools in biocatalysis : enzyme immobilisation on silica and synthesis of enantiopure aminesEngelmark Cassimjee, Karim January 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents two techniques in the field of biocatalysis: An enzyme immobilisation method based on the His6-tag for attachment on modified silica oxide beads, and it’s employment in aqueous and organic medium for synthesis applications. The method functions as a one step extraction and immobilisation protocol. An equilibrium displacement system which enables complete conversion in reactions with ω-transaminases where isopropylamine is the donor, a route for synthesis of pharmaceutically interesting enantiopure amines. Biocatalysis is predicted to be a paramount technology for an environmentally sustainable chemical industry, to which every newly developed method represents a small but important step. The work done here is aimed to be a part of this development. / I denna avhandling presenteras två tekniker inom ämnet biokatalys: En metod för immobilisering av His6-enzym på modifierad kiseloxid, och användning av detta konstrukt för kemiska synteser i vatten och organiska lösningsmedel. Detta system fungerar även som en snabb extraherings- och immobiliseringsmetod. Ett jämviksförskjutningssystem som möjliggör fullständig omsätt-ning i reaktioner med ω-transaminaser där isopropylamin är amino-donator, en syntesväg för tillverkning av farmakologiskt intressanta kirala aminer. Biokatalys förutspås att bli en ovärderlig teknologi i en miljömässigt hållbar kemisk industri, i vilken varje ny metod är en liten men dock viktig del. Detta arbete är menat som en del i denna utveckling. / QC 20100519
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Purification, activity assays and crystallization of GtCel45A - a small cellulase enzyme from the brown-rot fungus Gloeophyllum trabeum expressed in Aspergillus nidulansFitkin, Louise January 2021 (has links)
Cellulose is the most abundant polymer on earth. It is one of the main components in lignocellulosic biomass, which has great potential as a renewable energy source. To utilize the biomass, for instance in biofuel production, cellulose needs to be degraded. In nature there are microorganisms that are specialized on such degradation, and they produce interesting cellulose hydrolysing enzymes. Understanding the function of these enzymes can hence be one step towards a more sustainable future. The aim of this project was to find out if the enzyme GtCel45A from Gloeophyllum trabeum could hydrolyse soluble oligosaccharides and produce mono- or disaccharides as products. The study was executed by cultivating Aspergillus nidulans A773 recombinantly expressing GtCel45A followed by a purification process consisting of anion exchange chromatography and size exclusion chromatography. From 1.4 liters of culture, grown for 8 days at 30°C, 9.9 mg of purified GtCel45A was obtained. Activity measurements using p-hydroxybenzoic acid hydrazide (PHBAH) reagent for reducing sugar showed that the enzyme is active against and does hydrolyse barley beta-glucan. However, no hydrolysis of cellohexaose, cellotetraose, cellotriose or cellobiose could be detected, even after 223 minutes of incubation with GtCel45A as shown by carbohydrate analysis with high performance anion exchange chromatography with pulsed amperiometric detection (HPAE-PAD). In addition, a number of crystallization trials were performed, which resulted in formation of crystals that could subsequently be used to solve the structure of the protein.
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Determining the Reaction Mechanism of Hydrolysis of p-Nitrophenyl Butyrate Performed by a Cold-Adapted Lipase, BplA : Finding the Rate-Limiting StepSvalberg, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Lipases are one of the most important biocatalysts for biotechnological applications. They have high importance since lipases have a catalytic activity that is related to their hydrolysis and synthesis reactions to high regioselectivity and enantioselectivity. They also have an activity over a wide range of temperature, pH, and diverse substrates. The aim of this master thesis project was to apply computational calculations to understand the reaction mechanism of the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl butyrate performed by the cold-adapted lipase, Bacillus pumilus Lipase A (BplA). Cold-adapted lipases are enzymes that have evolved to perform catalysis in a colder environment. The methods used for performing the computational calculations in this thesis project can be divided into three sections. The structure preparation, molecular dynamic (MD) simulations using NAMD, and quantum mechanics combined with molecular mechanics (QM/MM) using ORCA. Through eight substeps with MD and QM/MM implementations potential energy surfaces (PES), minimum energy path (MEP) and frequency calculations for the enzymatic reaction were provided. The rate-limiting step is the formation of the tetrahedral intermediate, the nucleophilic addition during the deacylation. The largest free energy barrier provided from the results had an activation free energy of 20.3 kcal/mol. The barriers of the deacylation were larger than the one for the acylation process. By understanding the reaction mechanism, one can understand how cold-adapted enzymes could catalyze the reaction to create lower energy barriers at low temperatures.
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The Effects of ACK1 and Cell Density on ErbB3Svensson, Julia January 2021 (has links)
The ErbB family of receptors are involved in signalling relating to cell proliferation and differentiation through activation of pathways such as PI3K and MAPK. Their overexpression is often found in different cancer types and therefore, their expression is under tight regulation. The ErbB family includes, EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3, and ErbB4 where all but ErbB3 has a kinase domain, making ErbB3 a pseudokinase. Upon activation of the receptors, they are endocytosed through the formation of a clathrin-coated pit and are degraded in the lysosome. Interestingly, researchers have found that newly synthesised ErbB3 can also be degraded in the proteasome by protein Nrdp1. Suggesting that ErbB3 might work in a ligand-independent manner and needs additional regulatory mechanisms. ACK1 is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase that has a reported effect on EGFR by promoting receptor degradation in the autophagosome. However, their role in EGFR regulation is still debated. Therefore, this information alludes to the fact that ACK1 might influence other ErbB family members as well. This report aims to investigate whether ACK1 influences ErbB3 levels. Through RNAi mediated knockdown of ACK1 in MCF10A cells, a novel role of ACK1 acting as a regulator of ErbB3 is hinted at. Surprisingly, these results also show that ACK1 seems to act specifically on ErbB3 and not on its family members, EGFR and ErbB2. Moreover, this report shows that ErbB3 expression is linked to cell density.
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Proteasomens roll för ligand inducerad fragmentation av PDGF-β receptornAlabud, Arwa January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Platelet derived growth factor receptorn (PDGF receptorn) är en receptor i kroppen som tillhör typ III av Recetor tyrosine kinas (RTK) familjen. PDGF-β receptorn är en typ av dessa receptorer som enligt en studie klyvs i två delar efter ligandbindning med PDGF-BB ligand: till en extracellulär del och en intracellulär del. Hypotesen är att den extracellulära delen går till lysosomen medan den intracellulära delen går till proteasomen efter klyvningen. Syfte: Att undersöka rollen för proteasomen i ligandinducerad fragmentation av PDGF-β receptorn och se om det finns ko-lokalisation mellan receptorns extracellulära del och proteasomen. Dessutom ska det undersökas hur eventuell ko-lokalisering av PDGF receptorns extracellulära fragment med proteasomet påverkas när proteasomerna i cellerna inhiberas. Metod: Bj-hTERT celler stimulerades med PDGF-BB ligand under fyra olika stimuleringstidspunkter (0, 30, 60 och 90 min) och med hjälp av immunofluorescens undersöktes det om det fanns ko-lokalisering mellan proteasomen och PDGF-β receptorns extracellulära del. I ett annat experiment inhiberades även proteasomens aktivitet med inhibitoren MG132 och ko-lokalisationen mättes och jämfördes med kontrollceller behandlat med DMSO för de fyra stimuleringstidspunkterna. Resultat: För det första ko-lokalisationsexperimentet visades ingen större ko-lokalisering mellan proteasomen och receptorns extracellulära del för alla fyra tidspunkter. För det andra ko-lokalisationsexperimentet visades ingen skillnad i ko-lokalisationen mellan proteasomen och receptorns extracellulära fragment för cellerna vars proteasomaktivitet inhiberats och kontrollcellerna. Det visade sig däremot att proteasomen spelade roll för internaliseringen av receptorns extracellulära del in i cellen.
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Fidelity of protein synthesis using sequence reconstructed ancient Elongation Factor TuYu, Hui January 2021 (has links)
To maintain a healthy growth rate of living cells, protein synthesis must take place accurately and efficiently. Translation, the core step decoding the genetic information, governs both fidelity and efficiency. For keeping a low error level, translation mainly relies on the codon-anticodon basepairing of mRNA and tRNA, which is known as ‘initial selection’. Apart from that, nature also evolved proofreading to reduce errors in protein synthesis. The current study focuses on initial selection of the correct tRNA. EF-Tu, Elongation Factor Thermo-unstable, is an essential housekeeping GTPase factor responsible for transferring aa-tRNA to the ribosome. EF-Tu contributes to accuracy of initial selection although the exact mechanism is unknown. Here we have characterized and compared two sequence reconstructed ancestral EF-Tus, which are 1.3 and 3.3 billion years old respectively. Using dipeptide formation assay, we obtained the Michaelis-Menten parameters for Leu-tRNALeu on a near-cognate codon. Comparing the specificity parameter kcat/KM for the near-cognate vs. cognate we determine the accuracy of tRNA selection. My results show lower efficiency but higher accuracy using ancestral EF-Tus supporting the theory of trade-off between efficiency and accuracy. We envisage that during evolution EF-Tu sacrifices some accuracy to achieve higher efficiency as seen with modern EF-Tus. My results demonstrate that EF-Tu can coordinate both the fidelity and the efficiency of translation.
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Investigating the expression and function of RNA-binding protein FUBL-1 in C. elegansAgnadóttir, Védís Mist Eyju January 2023 (has links)
RNA interference (RNAi) is an important mechanism of gene silencing in Caenorhabditis elegans, in which short RNAs direct sequence-specific silencing of gene expression mediated by Argonaute proteins. RNAi in C. elegans can be sorted into exogenous RNAi, where the short RNAs originate from foreign RNA sequences, and endogenous RNAi, where the short RNAs originate from RNA sequences in the genome. One endogenous RNAi pathway is the ERGO-1 pathway, which is active in the germline and in embryos. Mutants deficient in the ERGO-1 pathway show an increased response to exogenous RNAi, which is thought to be due to competition between exogenous and endogenous silencing pathways. FUBL-1 is an RNA-binding protein found in C. elegans, which has three predicted functional isoforms: isoforms a, b and c. Prior research by the Hinas group has indicated that FUBL-1 may play a role in the ERGO-1 pathway of RNAi. FUBL-1 deletion mutants show an increased response to exogenous RNAi similar to ERGO-1 mutants, and also an upregulation of ERGO-1 target genes. They have also found that FUBL-1 is broadly expressed in somatic tissues, but germline expression has not been confirmed. The function of the three different isoforms has not yet been examined. The aim of this study was to further investigate the function of FUBL-1 by assessing the function of the different isoforms through RT-qPCR of C. elegans with mutations affecting the different isoforms, to use immunofluorescence staining to see whether FUBL-1 is expressed in the germline, and to identify FUBL-1 RNA targets through CLIP-seq. Preliminary RT-qPCR results indicated that the upregulation of ERGO-1 targets is less in isoform mutants than in FUBL-1 deletion mutants, indicating partial redundancy of the isoforms. Immunofluorescence staining showed that FUBL-1 is expressed in the germline nuclei. Growth protocols have been optimized and crosslinking has been performed on worms, but the full CLIP-seq protocol has not been performed yet.
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Quantum chemical studies of epoxide-transforming enzymesHopmann, Kathrin H. January 2007 (has links)
Density functional theory is employed to study the reaction mechanisms of different epoxide-transforming enzymes. Calculations are based on quantum chemical active site models, which are build from X-ray crystal structures. The models are used to study conversion of various epoxides into their corresponding diols or substituted alcohols. Epoxide-transforming enzymes from three different families are studied. The human soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) belongs to the α/β-hydrolase fold family. sEH employs a covalent mechanism to hydrolyze various epoxides into vicinal diols. The Rhodococcus erythrobacter limonene epoxide hydrolase (LEH) constitutes a novel epoxide hydrolase, which is considered the founding member of a new family of enzymes. LEH mediates transformation of limone-1,2-epoxide into the corresponding vicinal diol by employing a general acid/general base-mediated mechanism. The Agrobacterium radiobacter AD1 haloalcohol dehalogenase HheC is related to the short-chain dehydrogenase/reductases. HheC is able to convert epoxides using various nucleophiles such as azide, cyanide, and nitrite. Reaction mechanisms of these three enzymes are analyzed in depth and the role of different active site residues is studied through in silico mutations. Steric and electronic factors influencing the regioselectivity of epoxide opening are identified. The computed energetics help to explain preferred reaction pathways and experimentally observed regioselectivities. Our results confirm the usefulness of the employed computational methodology for investigating enzymatic reactions. / QC 20101108
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