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CMOS kompatibilní piezoelektrický rezonátor s FET strukturou pro řízení vlastností grafenové monovrstvy / CMOS compatible piezoelectric resonator with FET structure for graphene monolayer properties modulationGablech, Imrich January 2018 (has links)
Práce je zaměřena na výzkum nové struktury umožňující charakterizaci fyzikálních vlastností grafenu při přesně řízených podmínkách. Návrh spojuje MEMS piezoelektrický rezonátor spolu s Hall Bar/FET strukturou. Tento přístup umožňuje měnit vlastnosti grafenu odděleně nebo společně dvěma metodami. Mechanický způsob je založen na relativní deformaci způsobené rezonátorem, na kterém je umístěna grafenová monovrstva. Navrhovaná struktura umožňuje měřit vlastnosti grafenu vyvolané pouze změnou mechanického pnutí a frekvencí nucených kmitů bez vlivu vnějšího elektrického pole. Druhý přístup přidává možnost ovládat fyzikální vlastnosti grafenu pomocí elektrického pole FET struktury. Tato technika využívá grafenovou monovrstvu jako laditelný sensor pro molekulární detekci. Měření koncentrace v jednotkách ppb není konstrukčně ničím limitováno. Realizované frekvenčně laditelné piezoelektrické MEMS rezonátory s monovrstvou grafenu budou využitelné v mnoha oblastech pro detekci na molekulové úrovni. Výsledné struktury budou vyrobeny v souladu s požadavky na bio- a CMOS kompatibilitu.
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Užití biologických materiálů k náhradě tkání v plastické chirurgii / Use of biological materials for tissue substitution in plastic surgeryMěšťák, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
Užití biologických materiálů k náhradě tkání v plastické chirurgii ! Abstrakt v angličtině Background: Biological meshes are biomaterials consisted of extracellular matrix and used in surgery particularly for hernia treatment or thoracic wall reconstruction. They are capable of vascularization, that decreases risk of infection, expecially when used in contaminated fields. This study compared the strength of incorporation and biocompatibility of two porcine-derived grafts (cross-linked and non-cross-linked) in a rat hernia model. In addition, we hypothesized that combination of extracellular matrices with autologous mesenchymal stem cells used for hernia repair would result in increased vascularization and increased strength of incorporation. Methods: Standardized 2 x 4 cm fascial defect was created in 42 Wistar rats and repaired with a cross-linked or a non-cross-linked graft either enriched or non-enriched with stem cells. The rats were sacrificed 3, 6 and 12 months later. The strength of incorporation, vascularization, cellular invasion, foreign body reaction and capsule formation were evaluated. Results: Comparison of stem cell enriched and non-enriched groups showed no significant differences in the capsule thickness, foreign body reaction, cellularization or vascularization. In the non-cross-linked...
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Biodegradabilní kostní implantáty na bázi železa / Biodegradable bone implants based on ironMüller, Petr January 2014 (has links)
The present work deals with the comparison of the properties of metallic biomaterials in terms of their suitability for use as a temporary metal implant. In the work is judged biocompatibility of materials, they are comparing the corrosion rates and the influence of additives in the iron alloy to change biocompatibility and corrosion rate. In a part of this work is suggesting a method of preparing biodegradable metallic samples with different alloying elements and determine the methods, processes and measuring the corrosion rates. Part of this work is the chapter dealing with the function and effect of iron in the human body and any complications that may occur when a surplus caused by the release of part of the implant during its degradation or corrosion products. The outcome of this work is sort of created an iron-based samples in terms of their electrochemical corrosion potential, corrosion rate of samples exposed in various corrosive solutions, spectroscopic elemental analysis and outputs from the microscopic observation of the structures.
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Kostní implantáty na bázi železa / Bones implants based on FeHávová, Mariana January 2016 (has links)
This thesis refers to Fe-based biodegradable materials and their potencial aplications in medicine, especially as temporary bone implants. This work generaly summaries aplications of biomaterial in medicine with more interest kept on biodegradable materials and their in-vivo corrosion. The experimental part refers to conduction of porous Fe-based materials with silica addition. The structure of prepared specimens is identified by EDX and XRD analysis. The imersion test and electrochemical studies were conducted to observe corrosion behaviour with respect to different concentration of silica. Potenciodynamic curves were obtained to determine corrosion potencial and corrosion current density of prepared samples.
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Biokompatibilita a imunokompatibilita polymerů určených pro genovou terapii / Biocompatibility and immunocompatibility of polymers for gene therapyMatyášová, Veronika January 2010 (has links)
Gene therapy is a potential strategy for treatment of diseases caused by a gene defect. Recent studies are involved particulary in the cure of diseases caused by single gene defect (cystic fibrosis, haemophilia, muscular dystrophy etc.). Our work is part of a project aiming at developing ex vivo non-viral gene delivery systems that could be used for the treatment of ocular and cardiovascular diseases. The gene vectors are biodegradable polymeric carriers based on poly-α-amino acids. These polyplexes should transfect target cells which are supposed to be seeded on polyimide membranes. The biodegradable polymer membrane will be implanted into the retina or used as a coating for cardiovascular prosthesis. As a cover of the implantable membranes we used polymerized methacrylamide-modified gelatin forming hydrogels and mediating a growth support for transfected cells. We focus on material bio- and immunocompatibility/immunoacceptability. The results indicated a very good bio- and immunocompatibility of the gelatin B hydrogel both in vitro and in vivo. The gelatin B hydrogel did not cause erythrocytes lysis, stimulation of proliferation (spontaneous or mitogen-induced) of mouse or human lymphoid cells, neither production of cytokines or NO in vitro. Histological examination following subcutaneous...
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Adheze, růst a diferenciace osteoblastů a kmenových stromálních buněk na povrchu biokompatibilních nanomateriálů / Adhesion, growth and differentiation of osteoblasts and mesenchymal stromal cells on biocompatible nanomaterial surfacesBrož, Antonín January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is based on articles describing the fundamental research of carbon based nanomaterials for their possible utilization in biomedicine. The aim of this thesis was to describe the way how human osteoblasts (SAOS-2 cell line) and primary human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) adhere, grow and behave on surfaces made of several carbon allotropes - nanocrystalline diamond (NCD), single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) films and graphene. The utilization of carbon as the basic material promised good biocompatibility and possibility of useful surface modifications. The NCD had modified surface nanotopography (nanoroughness and nanostructuring prepared by dry ion etching). All the materials had modified surface atomic termination with oxygen and hydrogen which changes the surface electrical conductivity, surface charge and wettability. It was hypothesized that the surface termination can also influence the cell adhesion and growth. It turned out that all the studied materials were suitable as substrates for cultivation of mentioned cell types. Various nanoroughnesses of NCD surface had different effect on the cell adhesion and cell metabolic activity. Nanostructuring of the NCD influenced the formation of focal adhesions. The surface terminations of NCD and the other studied nanomaterials in...
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Užití biologických materiálů k náhradě tkání v plastické chirurgii / Use of biological materials for tissue substitution in plastic surgeryMěšťák, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
Užití biologických materiálů k náhradě tkání v plastické chirurgii ! Abstrakt v angličtině Background: Biological meshes are biomaterials consisted of extracellular matrix and used in surgery particularly for hernia treatment or thoracic wall reconstruction. They are capable of vascularization, that decreases risk of infection, expecially when used in contaminated fields. This study compared the strength of incorporation and biocompatibility of two porcine-derived grafts (cross-linked and non-cross-linked) in a rat hernia model. In addition, we hypothesized that combination of extracellular matrices with autologous mesenchymal stem cells used for hernia repair would result in increased vascularization and increased strength of incorporation. Methods: Standardized 2 x 4 cm fascial defect was created in 42 Wistar rats and repaired with a cross-linked or a non-cross-linked graft either enriched or non-enriched with stem cells. The rats were sacrificed 3, 6 and 12 months later. The strength of incorporation, vascularization, cellular invasion, foreign body reaction and capsule formation were evaluated. Results: Comparison of stem cell enriched and non-enriched groups showed no significant differences in the capsule thickness, foreign body reaction, cellularization or vascularization. In the non-cross-linked...
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Kompozitní stomatologické biomateriály - struktura, analýza a vlastnosti / Composite Dental Biomaterials - Structure, Analysis and PropertiesMatoušek, Aleš January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this work is to define relations between grain size and bioaktivity of oxide ceramics, specifically ZrO2, Al2O3 and HA. Ceramic materials with grain size from 100 nm up to 10 m, with various surface roughness, were tested for its bioactivity. Ceramography analysis was performed for all tested materials to precisely describe microstructures. Biological properties of the ceramic materials were tested via dilation tests directly in-vitro and by in-vitro extraction. Three cell culturing lines: osteoblast MG63, fibroblast L929, and epithelioid HeLa, were used for our testing. An influence of the grain size on the biological response was only found for the ceramic materials which had been thermally etched. The thermally etched nanocrystalline samples had larger areas covered by cells than ceramics with coarse grain microstructure. Biological tests on layered composites Al2O3×ZrO2 showed the cell selection determined by the type of material, where ZrO2 surfaces were preferably covered. Improved biological response of nanocrystalline ZrO2 was demonstrated on ceramic ZrO2, Al2O3 and SiO2 substrates with nanocrystalline coating of ZrO2. In this work a novel technological process for the formation of defect-free coatings was developed. Sintered coatings were tested using in-vitro technique with cell line HeLa, L929 and MG63 for up to 72 hours. The results of the biological tests of nanocrystalline coatings were consistent with results from the bulk nanocrystalline thermally etched ZrO2 ceramics.
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