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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mapování mimoprodukčních biotopů v rekultivované posttěžební krajině mostecké a chabařovické oblasti / Mapping of non-productive habitats in reclaimed post-mining landscape in Most and Chabařovice area

Ledvina, Vilém January 2016 (has links)
The objective of thesis is to identify and map a non-productive habitats on areas after coal mining. The first part describes the reasons and ways of reclamation in areas after surface mining. Current knowledge and requirements for landscape protection during reclamation are presented in a literature review, and it shows the importance of these habitats. The monitored location are mines, dumps and areas affected by mining in the area of the Most and Chabařovice in the Ústecký Region in Czech Republic. Mapping has been done using the orthophoto map and field survey. Based on information from mapping the current status and composition of non-productive habitats on the monitored locations have been evaluated. The results are presented in the summary tables for each type of reclamation in monitored location. Following percentage representation of non-productive habitats in four locations has been found: location A (2.39%); location B (12.64%); location C (6.27%); location D (4.78%). The results show that the representation of these habitats is on low level compare to recommended representation resulting from current knowledge about nature conservation. Based on the results of the mapping measures have been proposed for optimal percentage representation of these habitats. The main measures include the building of landscape vegetation on large fields and increasing area of forest arising spontaneously in forestry reclamations. It is also appropriate to create non-productive forest habitats in large forest areas with absence of treeless or small forest meadow. The map outputs and thesis findings can serve as data for the protection of nature and landscape in the monitored location. Work can also serve as information source about the issue of reclamation and priorities to protect the environment during their realization.

Hydrologický a protierozní význam mimoprodukčních biotopů v obnově hnědouhelné posttěžební krajiny / Hydrological and soil erosion control importance of non-productive habitats in coal post-mining landscape restoration

Korol, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The present thesis deals with the issue of a literature review of surface mining in Most and its surroundings. It focuses on changes in the area due to surface mining, and describes their remedy in several ways. Emphasis is on water treatment and other affected constituents in nature. It also deals with describing a detailed definition of the area and non-productive habitat. The following section contains a methodology for field measurement - infiltration attempt made by a single-cylinder, during which found the average hydraulic conductivity of forests, meadows, successions and ruderals. The experiment was conducted at the lignite quarry dumps Czechoslovak army, Ležáky and Vršany.

Diverzita a bioindikační využití střevlíkovitých a drabčíkovitých (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Staphylinidae) na antropogenně různě ovlivněných travnatých biotopech Moravského krasu

Klašková, Jana January 2005 (has links)
Angl. resumé

Fytogeografická analýza rozšíření vybraných xero-termofilních taxonů bylin podél kaňonu Sázavy ve středních Čechách / Phytogeographical analysis of distribution of selected xero-thermophilous herbaceous taxa along the Sázava River valley in Central Bohemia

Vlasák, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This study is focused on a phytogeographic analysis of the distribution of selected xero thermophilous herb taxa along the Sázava Canyon in Central Bohemia. The research was done in 62 localities scattered along the major river stretch from Ledeč nad Sázavou to the confluence of Sázava with the Vltava Riever. The Sázava River was divided according to the river mileage into 8 even sections where there were 6 or 7 larger representative localities further selected. In each locality there was obtained the semi quantitative floristic inventory of species according to a pre prepared check in list with 57 taxa, further a detailed exploration of the locality was performed including the measurement of the area (in ha), direct perpendicular distance to the Sázava riverbed (in km), distance of the locality related to the river mileage, proportion of slopes of southern expositions, by means of conservative method using paper maps, calculation of the coefficient of variation of local altitudes (i.e. the assessment of vertical complexity), reading of geographical coordinates by tourist GPS receiver and finally a detailed determination of bedrock types at individual localities. The results were processed and then statistically evaluated in the program CANOCO software for multivariate analyses. The CANOCO program calculated that the influence of species composition in the given areas describes approximately 8.6 % of the total variability of individual species. This influence is proven to be statistically significant on the alpha level = 5%. The analysis, using observed data, calculated that 28.9 % of total variability of the vegetation composition in the studied floristic areas is influenced by the chosen variables. This work may serve as a comprehensive resource of the sites for future research, also it brings a valuable floristic data for the nature conservation purposes.

Střevlíci (Coleoptera: Carabidae) jako bioindikátor přirozených a antropogenních stanovišť / Ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) as bioindicator of natural and anthropogenic habitats

SPITZER, Lukáš January 2013 (has links)
The ground beetles are one of the most worthwhile model groups of organisms for the indication of quality of environment due to their advantages such as simple identification, well known ecology of most species and described distribution. In this thesis I present the suitability of assemblages of ground beetles to evaluate the conservation value in two types of environment: (1) open forest in medium and lower altitudes, (2) post-mining biotopes as quarries and black coal dumps. I also discuss possible limitation of ground beetles as valid bioindicators and I recommend multi-taxonomical approach in ecological studies.

Sytnéza povrchových dat pro digitální modely terénu / Synthesis of digital landscape surface data

Šebesta, Michal January 2016 (has links)
A procedural generation of landscapes often meets a need for real spatial data at finer resolution that data available at the moment. We introduce a method that refines the spatial data at the coarse resolution into the finer resolution utilizing other data sources which are already at the better resolution. We construct weighted local linear statistical models from both the coarse and utility data and use the by- models-learned dependencies between the data sources to predict the needed data at better resolution. To achieve higher computational speed and evade utility data imperfection, we utilize truncated singular value decomposition which reduce a dimensionality of the data space we work with. The~method is highly modifiable and its application shows plausible real-like results. Thanks to this, the method can be of practical use for simulation software development. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Ochrana lokalit druhotného bezlesí v NP a CHKO Šumava. Ochranářský monitoring změn přírodních biotopů. / Protection of secondary grasslands in the Šumava NP and PLA. Conservation monitoring of habitat changes.

Šimáčková, Pavlína January 2018 (has links)
Aj Many different methods are used to protect nature. Recently, however, the Earth Remote Sensing (RS) methods have come to the fore. An indisputable advantage is the ability to apply acquired data from RS in the GIS environment and to combine them easily with other important data about studied areas. To evaluate the change in the status of grassland Natura 2000 habitats, a manual assessment of the change of vegetation cover from orthophoto maps was chosen. In the GIS tools were used to analyses the changes in cover of target habitats in selected administrative areas of four municipalities in the Šumava NP between years 2004 and 2015. Differences in the enlargement of the built-up areas of four studied municipalities as a whole and the losses of target habitats due to development activities were studied. The results are compared with the results of similar monitoring conducted in the Krkonoše NP. Key words: Management of protected areas, secondary grasslands, rare habitats, succession, biodiversity

Soustava geobiocenologických pokladů péče o krajinu

Hamanová, Monika January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Vliv managementu na biodiverzitu lesních ekosystémů - epigeičtí brouci na vybraných biotopech Písecka / The effect of management on biodiversity of forest ecosystems - epigeic beetles on selected habitats of Písecko

STLUKA, Petr January 2013 (has links)
Communities of epigeic beetles were studied on three forest habitats with the different forms of management in South Bohemia area, Písek district, close from Zátaví village. Selected areas were located in territory of Zátavský forest. There were these habitats: clearing, young spruce forest stands (age 6 years) and spruce forest (age 50-70 years). The method of pitfall trapping was used for biological material capture. There were 1813 specimens and 63 species of epigeic beetles trapped and determined. The highest number of species and individuals was found in spruce young forest habitat (43 species, 786 specimens), than followed spruce mature forest habitat (26 species, 550 specimens) and glade habitat (35 species, 477 specimens). Most species of epigeic beetles from 63 aggregate number of species was classed like eurytops. There were also 15 adaptable species determinated and it was found 1 genus of relict from I. degree too. It was found that spruce forest, which seems like more mature in terms of succession than young forest or glade, had no highest number of species and individuals. Conversely the largest number of species and individuals was found in spruce young forest. Index of antropogenic influence proved relatively strong antropogenic effect all studied habitats in terms of epigeic beetles. Communities of beetles were least affected in spruce forest, than followed young spruce forest and glade. From this point of view, intensity of management had the most effect on glade´s communities of beetles. Mature spruce forest had the least antropogenic influence on communities of beetles.

Chladová odolnost horských a nížinných motýlů / Cold tolerance of mountain and lowland butterflies

VRBA, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
The thesis deals with ecophysiology of overwintering larvae of two butterfly genera, Colias and Erebia. It focuses on identification of supercooling point, survival of various low temperature regimes and composition of cryoprotective substances. Results are presented in the context of distributional limits of individual species, their habitat requirements and their potential endangerment due to environmental and habitat changes.

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