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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vom Phenol zum Naturstoff : Entwicklung nachhaltiger Mikrowellen-vermittelter SUZUKI-MIYAURA-Kupplungen und Tandem-Reaktionen / From phenol to natural products : development of sustainable microwave-mediated Suzuki-Miyaura couplings and tandem reactions

Riemer, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung von Methoden zur Synthese von auf Phenol basierenden Naturstoffen. Insbesondere wurde bei der Methodenentwicklung die Nachhaltigkeit in den Vordergrund gerückt. Dies bedeutet, dass durch die Zusammenfassung mehrerer Syntheseschritte zu einem (Tandem-Reaktion) beispielsweise unnötige Reaktionsschritte vermieden werden sollten. Ferner sollten im Sinne der Nachhaltigkeit möglichst ungiftige Reagenzien und Lösungmittel verwendet werden, ebenso wie mehrfach wiederverwertbare Katalysatoren zum Einsatz kommen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Methoden zum Aufbau von Biphenolen mittels Pd/C-katalysierten Suzuki-Miyaura-Kupplungen entwickelt. Diese Methoden sind insofern äuÿerst ezient, da der ansonsten gebräuchliche Syntheseweg über drei Reaktionsschritte somit auf lediglich eine Reaktionsstufe reduziert wurde. Weiterhin wurden die Reaktionsbedingungen so gestaltet, dass einfaches Wasser als vollkommen ungiftiges Lösungsmittel verwendet werden konnte. Des Weiteren wurde für diese Reaktionen ein Katalysator gewählt, der einfach durch Filtration vom Reaktionsgemisch abgetrennt und für weitere Reaktionen mehrfach wiederverwendet werden konnte. Darüber hinaus konnte durch die Synthese von mehr als 100 Verbindungen die breite Anwendbarkeit der Methoden aufgezeigt werden. Mit den entwickelten Methoden konnten 14 Naturstoffe - z. T. erstmals - synthetisiert werden. Derartige Stoffe werden u. a. von den ökonomisch bedeutenden Kernobstgewächsen (Äpfeln, Birnen) als Abwehrmittel gegenüber Schädlingen erzeugt. Folglich konnte mit Hilfe dieser Methoden ein Syntheseweg für potentielle Pflanzenschutzmittel entwickelt werden. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde ein Zugang zu den sich ebenfalls vom Phenol ableitenden Chromanonen, Chromonen und Cumarinen untersucht. Bei diesen Untersuchungen konnte durch die Entwicklung zweier neuer Tandem-Reaktionen ein nachhaltiger und stufenökonomischer Syntheseweg zur Darstellung substituierter Benzo(dihydro)pyrone aufgezeigt werden. Durch die erstmalige Kombination der Claisen-Umlagerung mit einer Oxa-Michael-Addition bzw. konjugierten-Addition wurden zwei vollkommen atomökonomische Reaktionen miteinander verknüpft und somit eine überaus effiente Synthese von allyl- bzw. prenylsubstituierten Chromanonen und Chromonen ermöglicht. Ferner konnten durch die Anwendung einer Claisen-Umlagerung-Wittig-Laktonisierungs-Reaktion allyl- bzw. prenylsubstituierte Cumarine erhalten werden. Herausragendes Merkmal dieser Methoden war, dass in nur einem Schritt der jeweilige Naturstoffgrundkörper aufgebaut und eine lipophile Seitenkette generiert werden konnte. Die Entwicklung dieser Methoden ist von hohem pharmazeutischem Stellenwert, da auf diesen Wegen Verbindungen synthetisiert werden können, die zum einem über das notwendige pharmakologische Grundgerüst verfügen und zum anderen über eine Seitenkette, welche die Aufnahmefähigkeit und damit die Wirksamkeit im Organismus beträchtlich erhöht. Insgesamt konnten mittels der entwickelten Methoden 15 Chromanon-, Chromon- und Cumarin-Naturstoffe z. T. erstmals synthetisiert werden. / The aim of this work was the development of methods for the synthesis of natural products based on phenol. In particular, in developing methods, sustainability has been brought to the fore. This means that, for example, unnecessary reaction steps should be avoided by the combination of several synthetic steps to a (tandem reaction). Furthermore, non-toxic as possible in terms of sustainability reagents and solvents should be used, as well as multiple reusable catalysts are used. In this work, methods have been developed for the synthesis of bisphenols using Pd / C-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura coupling reactions. These methods are so far äuÿerst e? Cient, since the otherwise common synthetic route was thus reduced to merely a reaction stage, three reaction steps. Furthermore, the reaction conditions were designed to plain water could be used as a completely non-toxic solvent. It was also elected a catalyst for these reactions, which could be easily separated by filtration from the reaction mixture and reused several times for further reactions. In addition, it could be demonstrated through the synthesis of more than 100 compounds, the broad applicability of the methods. ., For the first time T. - - Using the methods developed 14 natural compounds could be synthesized. Such substances are among others generated by the economically important pome fruit crops (apples, pears) as a defense against pests. Consequently, it could be developed using these methods, a synthetic route for potential plant protection products. In the second part of this work, access to the likewise derived from phenol chromanones, chromones and coumarins was investigated. In these studies, a sustainable and economical route in stages to represent substituted benzo (dihydro) pyrones could be demonstrated by the development of two new tandem reactions. The initial combination of the Claisen rearrangement with an oxa-Michael addition or conjugated addition of two perfectly atom-economical reactions were interlinked and thus allows a very effiente synthesis of allyl or prenylsubstituierten chromanones and chromones. Furthermore or prenylsubstituierte coumarins could be obtained by the application of a Claisen rearrangement Wittig lactonization reaction allyl. The outstanding feature of these methods was that built up in only one step of the respective natural product base and a lipophilic side chain could be generated. The development of these methods is of great pharmaceutical importance, since these paths compounds can be synthesized on a the necessary pharmacological Backbone and on the other hand have a side chain, which increases the absorption and thus the effectiveness in the body considerably. Overall, z. T. were synthesized using the methods developed Chromanon- 15, chromone and coumarin-natural products for the first time.

Efeitos citotóxicos, genotóxicos e epigenéticos do Bisfenol A em células HL-60, MCF-7 e em ratos / Cytotoxic, genotoxic and epigenetics effects of Bisphenol A on HL-60, MCF-7 cells and rats

Ribeiro, André Luiz Teroso 07 December 2015 (has links)
Bisfenol A (BPA) é um insumo largamente utilizado na produção de plástico policarbonato e amplamente difundido no meio ambiente, levando o ser humano à exposição crônica desde o período intrauterino. A literatura aponta a possibilidade de BPA aumentar o risco de diversos tipos de câncer, mas são necessários estudos que possibilitem o entendimento de mecanismos pelos quais isso pode ocorrer. Neste trabalho foram investigados os efeitos do BPA ou nitro-BPA em células HL-60, MCF-7 e tecidos de ratos. Células HL-60 foram expostas ao BPA ou nitro-BPA nas concentrações de 25, 100 e 250 µM (0,1 % DMSO v/v) por 2, 24 ou 48 horas na presença ou ausência de H2O2 (40 nmol/5 x 104 células). Células MCF-7 foram expostas da mesma forma, sem o uso de H2O2, mas na presença e ausência de agonista (PCB) de receptor Ah. Ratos Sprague-Dawley machos receberam BPA diariamente ao longo de 4 semanas (50 mg/kg de peso corpóreo) por gavagem, na vigência e ausência de diabetes, com subsequente coleta de urina, fígado, rins, medula óssea e sangue. Nos experimentos com as células, a viabilidade, ciclo celular, fragmentação do DNA e a produção intracelular de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROs) foram avaliadas por citometria de fluxo, a atividade da cadeia respiratória mitocondrial pelo ensaio do XTT, e a atividade de MPO de células HL-60 por ensaio de fluorescência, bem como a produção de •NO. A metilação e hidroximetilação global do DNA e os adutos 8-oxodG, CEdG, 1,N6-εdA, 1,N2-εdG e BPA-Gua no DNA das células, tecidos, meio de cultura e urina foram analisados por HPLC-ESI-MS/MS. O hemograma e mielograma dos animais foram obtidos no Laboratório de Hematologia Experimental da FCF USP. Observou-se que tanto BPA quanto nitro-BPA induziram a geração de ROS em células HL-60 logo após 2h de incubação. BPA levou subsequentemente à perda de atividade da cadeia respiratória mitocondrial, aumento da permeabilidade da membrana plasmática, fragmentação do DNA, parada na fase G2/M do ciclo celular e hipermetilação acompanhada de hipohidroximetilação global do DNA. A citotoxicidade induzida pelas mesmas concentrações de nitro-BPA em células HL-60 foi menos pronunciada, sem perda de atividade da cadeia respiratória mitocondrial, com pouca fragmentação do DNA, mas com parada na fase G0/G1 do ciclo celular e indução de hipohidroximetilação global do DNA na presença de H2O2. Não foi observada a indução de adutos de DNA nas células HL-60 incubadas com BPA, mas sim de CEdG nas células incubadas com nitro-BPA. Os dados obtidos a partir da exposição das células HL-60 a BPA e nitro-BPA nos indicam que as duas moléculas provocam alterações metabólicas distintas nesse tipo celular, independentes da via estrogênica, que levam a alterações predominantemente epigenéticas (BPA) ou genéticas e epigenéticas (nitro-BPA), que podem ter consequências fenotípicas, como progressão maligna, que precisam ser investigadas. Foi observado que as células MCF-7 são mais resistentes que as células HL-60 à citotoxicidade induzida por BPA e nitro-BPA. Como resultado da exposição das células MCF-7 a BPA, houve pequeno aumento da permeabilidade da membrana plasmática (250 µM), indução dos níveis de ROS após 24 h (25 µM) e aumento da população de células em sub G1, ou seja, com DNA fragmentado (100 µM e 250 µM), mas sem alteração do ciclo celular. No caso de nitro-BPA, foi observada parada do ciclo celular em G2/M (25 µM, 100 µM e 250 µM), assim como aumento de permeabilidade da membrana plasmática após 24 h de incubação (25 µM, 250 µM), sem indução de ROS ou aumento de células em sub G1. Entretanto, observou-se aumento dos níveis de CEdG e 8-oxodG no DNA das células incubadas com BPA (100 µM, 250 µM) sem a ativação prévia de receptores Ah. A ativação dos receptores Ah com PCB levou a menor aumento do nível das lesões após as incubações com BPA. A maior resistência das células MCF-7 aos efeitos citotóxicos do BPA está provavelmente relacionada à ação estrogênica desse xenobiótico. A sinalização estrogênica juntamente com o aumento dos níveis de lesões no DNA aumenta a chance de mutações e de transformação maligna. Nas células com ativação do receptor Ah, BPA levou ainda ao aumento da hidroximetilação global, sem alteração da metilação global do DNA. Os animais não diabéticos expostos ao BPA apresentaram quantidades diminuídas de promielócitos, blastos e bastonetes na medula óssea (aplasia medular), sem alteração no hemograma. Houve aumento dos níveis de CEdG no fígado, da metilação e hidroximetilação global do DNA hepático, e não foi observada alteração das marcas epigenéticas e adutos de DNA no rim ou na urina. Os animais diabéticos expostos ao BPA apresentaram aumento do número de eosinófilos e linfócitos na medula óssea, podendo-se sugerir a indução de um estado inflamatório alérgico, e aumento do número total de hemácias circulantes e do hematócrito. Houve aumento dos níveis de CEdG, da metilação e hidroximetilação global do DNA hepático, aumento dos níveis de 8-oxodG no DNA renal, sem alteração das marcas epigenéticas no rim, e não foi observada alteração dos adutos de DNA na urina. Os dados obtidos apontam para a geração de ROS como uma importante via de cito- e genotoxicidade induzidas por BPA. Sua biotransformação para BPA-3,4- quinona nos modelos utilizados parece ter menor importância para os efeitos, uma vez que não foi detectada a lesão BPA-Gua em nenhuma amostra de DNA, meio de cultura das células ou urina dos animais. Alterações metabólicas induzidas por BPA e ROS podem favorecer as alterações das marcas epigenéticas observadas no DNA das células HL-60, MCF-7 e fígado dos animais. Todas essas alterações podem contribuir para a transformação maligna de células expostas ao BPA. / Bisphenol A (BPA) is a compound widely used in polycarbonate plastic production and widespread in the environment, humans are chronic exposed to BPA in intrauterine period and entire life. The literature suggests the possibility of BPA increase the risk of developing cancers, but studies are required to enable the understanding of mechanisms by which this can occur. HL -60 cells were exposed to BPA or nitro-BPA at concentrations of 25, 100 and 250 uM (0.1% DMSO v/v) for 2, 24 or 48 hours in presence or absence of H2O2 (40 nmol/5x104 cells), MCF-7 cells followed a similar profile of exposure without the use of H2O2, but in presence or absence of Ah agonist receptor (PCB126). Male Sprague-Dawley rats received BPA daily over 4 weeks (50 mg/kg body weight) by gavage in presence and absence of diabetes, with subsequent collection of urine, liver, kidney, bone marrow and circulating blood. The viability, cell cycle, DNA fragmentation and the intracellular production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was evaluated by flow cytometry, MPO activity and NO production was evaluated by fluorescence assay for HL- 60 cells, mitochondrial activity by XTT assay, and the global DNA methylation was checked by HPLC-PDA. DNA adducts 8-oxodG, CEdG, 1,N6-εdA, 1,N6-εdG and BPA-Gua were quantified by HPLC- ESI-MS/MS in DNA of cells, culture medium, urine and tissue collected from Sprague-Dawley rats. Blood count and bone marrow examination were obtained in collaboration with Experimental Hematology Laboratory of University of Sao Paulo We observed that both BPA and BPANO2 induced ROS generation in HL- 60 cells after 2 hours of incubation. BPA subsequently led to failure of mitochondrial respiratory chain activity, increased permeability of the plasma membrane, DNA fragmentation, arrest in G2/M phase of cell cycle, DNA hypermethylation with global hipohydroxymethylation. We saw low cytotoxicity in HL-60 cells induced by nitro-bpa n the same concentration, without loss of mitochondrial respiratory chain activity, discrete DNA fragmentation, but leading cell cycle to stopping at G0/G1 phase, and induction of DNA global hypermethylation. No lesions were observed in the DNA of HL-60 cells.The results obtained from the exposure of HL-60 cells to BPA and nitro-BPA indicate that these two molecules induce different metabolic abnormalities in this cell line, independent of estrogen pathway, leading to changes in epigenetic (BPA) or genetic and epigenetic (nitro-BPA) profile, that can induce phenotypic consequences such as malignant progression. It was observed along the study that MCF-7 cells are more resistant than HL-60 cells to cell damage induced by BPA and nitro-BPA. As a result of MCF-7 cells exposure to BPA, we saw a slight increase in membrane permeability (250 mM), ROS generation after 24h (25 mM) and increase in cell population in sub G1, so we had DNA fragmentation (100 uM and 250 uM), but with no effect on cell cycle. However, we observed increased levels of CEdG and 8-oxodG on DNA of cells incubated with BPA (100 uM, 250 mM) without prior activation of Ah receptors. The activation of Ah receptors with PCB took a small increase in the level of DNA lesions after incubations with BPA. MCF-7 cells resistance to the cytotoxic effects of BPA is probably related to estrogen action of this compound. Estrogen signaling in addition with the increased levels of DNA damage increases the chance of mutations and malignant transformation. In cells with Ah receptor activation, BPA also led to increased DNA global hydroxymethylation, without changing the global DNA methylation. Nondiabetic animals exposed to BPA had decreased amounts of promyelocytes, blasts and rods in the bone marrow, with any change in blood count. There were an increase of CEdG levels in liver, methylation and global hydroxymethylation on hepatic DNA, and was observed any alteration on epigenetic markers and DNA adducts in kidney or urine. On the other hand diabetic animals exposed to BPA showed increased numbers of eosinophils and lymphocytes in bone marrow, suggesting the induction of an allergic inflammatory state. There were increased levels of CEdG, methylation and global hydroxymethylation on hepatic DNA, increased 8-oxodG levels on kidney DNA without changing epigenetic markers, was not observed DNA adducts in urine. The data obtained indicate that the generation of ROS could be the major route of cytotoxic and genotoxic induced by BPA exposure. BPA biotransformation to BPA-3,4-quinone used in the models seem to have poor effects, since we was not detected BPA-Gua lesion in any DNA sample, culture medium of cells or urine of the animals. Metabolic changes induced by BPA and ROS can enable changes in epigenetic markers observed in the DNA of HL-60 cells, MCF-7 and liver tissue. All these changes may contribute to malignant transformation of cells that were exposed to BPA.

Efeitos citotóxicos, genotóxicos e epigenéticos do Bisfenol A em células HL-60, MCF-7 e em ratos / Cytotoxic, genotoxic and epigenetics effects of Bisphenol A on HL-60, MCF-7 cells and rats

André Luiz Teroso Ribeiro 07 December 2015 (has links)
Bisfenol A (BPA) é um insumo largamente utilizado na produção de plástico policarbonato e amplamente difundido no meio ambiente, levando o ser humano à exposição crônica desde o período intrauterino. A literatura aponta a possibilidade de BPA aumentar o risco de diversos tipos de câncer, mas são necessários estudos que possibilitem o entendimento de mecanismos pelos quais isso pode ocorrer. Neste trabalho foram investigados os efeitos do BPA ou nitro-BPA em células HL-60, MCF-7 e tecidos de ratos. Células HL-60 foram expostas ao BPA ou nitro-BPA nas concentrações de 25, 100 e 250 µM (0,1 % DMSO v/v) por 2, 24 ou 48 horas na presença ou ausência de H2O2 (40 nmol/5 x 104 células). Células MCF-7 foram expostas da mesma forma, sem o uso de H2O2, mas na presença e ausência de agonista (PCB) de receptor Ah. Ratos Sprague-Dawley machos receberam BPA diariamente ao longo de 4 semanas (50 mg/kg de peso corpóreo) por gavagem, na vigência e ausência de diabetes, com subsequente coleta de urina, fígado, rins, medula óssea e sangue. Nos experimentos com as células, a viabilidade, ciclo celular, fragmentação do DNA e a produção intracelular de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROs) foram avaliadas por citometria de fluxo, a atividade da cadeia respiratória mitocondrial pelo ensaio do XTT, e a atividade de MPO de células HL-60 por ensaio de fluorescência, bem como a produção de •NO. A metilação e hidroximetilação global do DNA e os adutos 8-oxodG, CEdG, 1,N6-εdA, 1,N2-εdG e BPA-Gua no DNA das células, tecidos, meio de cultura e urina foram analisados por HPLC-ESI-MS/MS. O hemograma e mielograma dos animais foram obtidos no Laboratório de Hematologia Experimental da FCF USP. Observou-se que tanto BPA quanto nitro-BPA induziram a geração de ROS em células HL-60 logo após 2h de incubação. BPA levou subsequentemente à perda de atividade da cadeia respiratória mitocondrial, aumento da permeabilidade da membrana plasmática, fragmentação do DNA, parada na fase G2/M do ciclo celular e hipermetilação acompanhada de hipohidroximetilação global do DNA. A citotoxicidade induzida pelas mesmas concentrações de nitro-BPA em células HL-60 foi menos pronunciada, sem perda de atividade da cadeia respiratória mitocondrial, com pouca fragmentação do DNA, mas com parada na fase G0/G1 do ciclo celular e indução de hipohidroximetilação global do DNA na presença de H2O2. Não foi observada a indução de adutos de DNA nas células HL-60 incubadas com BPA, mas sim de CEdG nas células incubadas com nitro-BPA. Os dados obtidos a partir da exposição das células HL-60 a BPA e nitro-BPA nos indicam que as duas moléculas provocam alterações metabólicas distintas nesse tipo celular, independentes da via estrogênica, que levam a alterações predominantemente epigenéticas (BPA) ou genéticas e epigenéticas (nitro-BPA), que podem ter consequências fenotípicas, como progressão maligna, que precisam ser investigadas. Foi observado que as células MCF-7 são mais resistentes que as células HL-60 à citotoxicidade induzida por BPA e nitro-BPA. Como resultado da exposição das células MCF-7 a BPA, houve pequeno aumento da permeabilidade da membrana plasmática (250 µM), indução dos níveis de ROS após 24 h (25 µM) e aumento da população de células em sub G1, ou seja, com DNA fragmentado (100 µM e 250 µM), mas sem alteração do ciclo celular. No caso de nitro-BPA, foi observada parada do ciclo celular em G2/M (25 µM, 100 µM e 250 µM), assim como aumento de permeabilidade da membrana plasmática após 24 h de incubação (25 µM, 250 µM), sem indução de ROS ou aumento de células em sub G1. Entretanto, observou-se aumento dos níveis de CEdG e 8-oxodG no DNA das células incubadas com BPA (100 µM, 250 µM) sem a ativação prévia de receptores Ah. A ativação dos receptores Ah com PCB levou a menor aumento do nível das lesões após as incubações com BPA. A maior resistência das células MCF-7 aos efeitos citotóxicos do BPA está provavelmente relacionada à ação estrogênica desse xenobiótico. A sinalização estrogênica juntamente com o aumento dos níveis de lesões no DNA aumenta a chance de mutações e de transformação maligna. Nas células com ativação do receptor Ah, BPA levou ainda ao aumento da hidroximetilação global, sem alteração da metilação global do DNA. Os animais não diabéticos expostos ao BPA apresentaram quantidades diminuídas de promielócitos, blastos e bastonetes na medula óssea (aplasia medular), sem alteração no hemograma. Houve aumento dos níveis de CEdG no fígado, da metilação e hidroximetilação global do DNA hepático, e não foi observada alteração das marcas epigenéticas e adutos de DNA no rim ou na urina. Os animais diabéticos expostos ao BPA apresentaram aumento do número de eosinófilos e linfócitos na medula óssea, podendo-se sugerir a indução de um estado inflamatório alérgico, e aumento do número total de hemácias circulantes e do hematócrito. Houve aumento dos níveis de CEdG, da metilação e hidroximetilação global do DNA hepático, aumento dos níveis de 8-oxodG no DNA renal, sem alteração das marcas epigenéticas no rim, e não foi observada alteração dos adutos de DNA na urina. Os dados obtidos apontam para a geração de ROS como uma importante via de cito- e genotoxicidade induzidas por BPA. Sua biotransformação para BPA-3,4- quinona nos modelos utilizados parece ter menor importância para os efeitos, uma vez que não foi detectada a lesão BPA-Gua em nenhuma amostra de DNA, meio de cultura das células ou urina dos animais. Alterações metabólicas induzidas por BPA e ROS podem favorecer as alterações das marcas epigenéticas observadas no DNA das células HL-60, MCF-7 e fígado dos animais. Todas essas alterações podem contribuir para a transformação maligna de células expostas ao BPA. / Bisphenol A (BPA) is a compound widely used in polycarbonate plastic production and widespread in the environment, humans are chronic exposed to BPA in intrauterine period and entire life. The literature suggests the possibility of BPA increase the risk of developing cancers, but studies are required to enable the understanding of mechanisms by which this can occur. HL -60 cells were exposed to BPA or nitro-BPA at concentrations of 25, 100 and 250 uM (0.1% DMSO v/v) for 2, 24 or 48 hours in presence or absence of H2O2 (40 nmol/5x104 cells), MCF-7 cells followed a similar profile of exposure without the use of H2O2, but in presence or absence of Ah agonist receptor (PCB126). Male Sprague-Dawley rats received BPA daily over 4 weeks (50 mg/kg body weight) by gavage in presence and absence of diabetes, with subsequent collection of urine, liver, kidney, bone marrow and circulating blood. The viability, cell cycle, DNA fragmentation and the intracellular production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was evaluated by flow cytometry, MPO activity and NO production was evaluated by fluorescence assay for HL- 60 cells, mitochondrial activity by XTT assay, and the global DNA methylation was checked by HPLC-PDA. DNA adducts 8-oxodG, CEdG, 1,N6-εdA, 1,N6-εdG and BPA-Gua were quantified by HPLC- ESI-MS/MS in DNA of cells, culture medium, urine and tissue collected from Sprague-Dawley rats. Blood count and bone marrow examination were obtained in collaboration with Experimental Hematology Laboratory of University of Sao Paulo We observed that both BPA and BPANO2 induced ROS generation in HL- 60 cells after 2 hours of incubation. BPA subsequently led to failure of mitochondrial respiratory chain activity, increased permeability of the plasma membrane, DNA fragmentation, arrest in G2/M phase of cell cycle, DNA hypermethylation with global hipohydroxymethylation. We saw low cytotoxicity in HL-60 cells induced by nitro-bpa n the same concentration, without loss of mitochondrial respiratory chain activity, discrete DNA fragmentation, but leading cell cycle to stopping at G0/G1 phase, and induction of DNA global hypermethylation. No lesions were observed in the DNA of HL-60 cells.The results obtained from the exposure of HL-60 cells to BPA and nitro-BPA indicate that these two molecules induce different metabolic abnormalities in this cell line, independent of estrogen pathway, leading to changes in epigenetic (BPA) or genetic and epigenetic (nitro-BPA) profile, that can induce phenotypic consequences such as malignant progression. It was observed along the study that MCF-7 cells are more resistant than HL-60 cells to cell damage induced by BPA and nitro-BPA. As a result of MCF-7 cells exposure to BPA, we saw a slight increase in membrane permeability (250 mM), ROS generation after 24h (25 mM) and increase in cell population in sub G1, so we had DNA fragmentation (100 uM and 250 uM), but with no effect on cell cycle. However, we observed increased levels of CEdG and 8-oxodG on DNA of cells incubated with BPA (100 uM, 250 mM) without prior activation of Ah receptors. The activation of Ah receptors with PCB took a small increase in the level of DNA lesions after incubations with BPA. MCF-7 cells resistance to the cytotoxic effects of BPA is probably related to estrogen action of this compound. Estrogen signaling in addition with the increased levels of DNA damage increases the chance of mutations and malignant transformation. In cells with Ah receptor activation, BPA also led to increased DNA global hydroxymethylation, without changing the global DNA methylation. Nondiabetic animals exposed to BPA had decreased amounts of promyelocytes, blasts and rods in the bone marrow, with any change in blood count. There were an increase of CEdG levels in liver, methylation and global hydroxymethylation on hepatic DNA, and was observed any alteration on epigenetic markers and DNA adducts in kidney or urine. On the other hand diabetic animals exposed to BPA showed increased numbers of eosinophils and lymphocytes in bone marrow, suggesting the induction of an allergic inflammatory state. There were increased levels of CEdG, methylation and global hydroxymethylation on hepatic DNA, increased 8-oxodG levels on kidney DNA without changing epigenetic markers, was not observed DNA adducts in urine. The data obtained indicate that the generation of ROS could be the major route of cytotoxic and genotoxic induced by BPA exposure. BPA biotransformation to BPA-3,4-quinone used in the models seem to have poor effects, since we was not detected BPA-Gua lesion in any DNA sample, culture medium of cells or urine of the animals. Metabolic changes induced by BPA and ROS can enable changes in epigenetic markers observed in the DNA of HL-60 cells, MCF-7 and liver tissue. All these changes may contribute to malignant transformation of cells that were exposed to BPA.

Développement d'une approche intégrative pour évaluer l'exposition interne foetale au Bisphénol S / Development of an experimental approach to evaluate the human fetal internal exposure to Bisphenol S

Grandin, Flore 11 October 2018 (has links)
Le bisphénol S (BPS) est largement utilisé comme substitut du Bisphénol A (BPA) et l’exposition humaine au BPS est désormais ubiquitaire. Or, le BPS, à l’instar du BPA, présente un potentiel perturbateur endocrinien, ce qui soulève la question du risque liée à une exposition fœtale au BPS pour la santé humaine. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer l’exposition fœtale au BPS et de caractériser des biomarqueurs phénotypiques d’exposition fœtale et/ou d’effet du BPS à partir d’une signature stéroïdomique. Une étude toxicocinétique réalisée sur le modèle du fœtus ovin a montré que le transfert materno-fœtal du BPS est faible. Cependant, le BPS et son principal métabolite, le BPS glucuronide, sont lentement éliminés du compartiment fœtal en raison d’un passage placentaire fœto-maternel du BPS limité et de la faible vitesse de réactivation du BPSG en BPS. Il en résulte une exposition fœtale au BPS similaire à celle au BPA, lors d’exposition maternelle répétée. L’étude du transfert placentaire du BPS et du BPSG sur le modèle de placenta humain perfusé a conforté les résultats observés chez le mouton, avec des faibles transferts materno-fœtal et fœto-maternel du BPS, respectivement 10 et 3 fois inférieurs à ceux du BPA. L’exposition maternelle quotidienne au BPS au cours de la gestation chez la brebis n’a pas eu d’impact sur les voies de biosynthèse des androgènes dans l’unité materno-fœtoplacentaire pour les fœtus mâles. Bien que le potentiel d’exposition fœtale du BPS est similaire à celui du BPA, nous n’avons pas mis en évidence d’effets associés à cette exposition / Bisphenol S (BPS) is widely used as a substitute for Bisphenol A (BPA) and human exposure to BPS is now ubiquitous. However, BPS, like BPA, displays an endocrine disrupting potential, raising the issue of the risk of fetal exposure to BPS for human health. In this context, the objective of this thesis is to evaluate the fetal exposure to BPS and to characterize phenotypic biomarkers of fetal exposure and / or effect of BPS from a steroidal signature. A toxicokinetic study carried out on the model of the ovine fetus has shown that materno-fetal transfer of BPS is weak. However, BPS and its major metabolite, BPS glucuronide, are slowly eliminated from the fetal compartment due to the limited feto-maternal placental transfer of BPS and the low rate of reactivation of BPSG to BPS. This results in fetal exposure to BPS similar to BPA at repeated maternal exposure. The study of placental transfer of BPS and BPSG on the model of human perfused placenta reinforced the results observed in sheep, with low materno-fetal and feto-maternal transfers of BPS, respectively 10 and 3 times lower than those of BPA. Daily maternal exposure to BPS during pregnancy in ewes did not impact the androgen biosynthetic pathways in the materno-fetoplacental unit for male fetuses. Although the potential for fetal exposure of BPS is similar to that of BPA, we have not found any effects associated with this exposure.

探討雙酚化合物對神經毒素誘發神經毒害及行為異常的預防與治療效用 / Investigation of the protective and therapeutic effects of biphenols on neuronal damage and abnormal behavior induced by neurotoxins

劉郁潔, Liu, Yu Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
雙酚化合物在文獻報導中發現具有抗發炎和抗氧化的能力,因為其親脂性的特性,雙酚化合物可以輕易穿透血腦屏障到中樞神經系統發揮其藥理活性。因此,雙酚化合物被評估可做為潛在預防及治療神經退化性疾病如帕金森氏症的神經保護藥物。本研究目的為探討新合成的雙酚化合物MH101及MH102是否具有神經保護和治療效用,而對抗神經毒素(包含巴拉圭、過氧化氫及MPTP)引起的神經毒害及其誘發的動物行為異常(如: 學習、記憶及運動協調)。研究中應用Oregon-R的果蠅(年齡: 1-2, 7, 20 和 30天)做為檢測模式,果蠅暴露在巴拉圭 (5-20 mM)或過氧化氫(0.3 %-3 %)環境下,並且給予MH101 (0.1-3 μM)。結果顯示MH101未能有效地減緩巴拉圭及過氧化氫所引起果蠅壽命的下降。此外,給予雄性ICR小鼠 (25-30 g) 腹腔注射MPTP (25mg/kg)每天一次連續五天,觀察神經毒素誘發的行為異常和神經毒害。在觀察保護效果的研究中,雄性小鼠在給予MPTP前一小時腹腔注射MH101 (1-3 mg/kg) 或MH102 (0.1-3 mg/kg) 每天一次連續五天,之後單獨給予MH101或MH102治療連續九天。後處理的組別,雄性小鼠在給予MPTP每天一次連續五天後,每天腹腔注射MH101 (1-3 mg/kg) 或MH102 (0.1-3 mg/kg)連續九天。控制組組別,小鼠則給予生理食鹽水(0.9%)及玉米油的混合液。結果顯示,MH101、MH102及MPTP皆不影響小鼠橫桿行走試驗的運動平衡和協調能力。然而,在前處理和後處理MH101或MH102後用新位置辨識能力測試和新物體辨識能力測試觀察MPTP引起的認知缺失,實驗結果顯示MH101及MH102皆恢復短期記憶和長期記憶的認知辨識指標。另外,前處理和後處理MH101或MH102雖有些微恢復紋狀體內MPTP引起多巴胺神經損傷及多巴胺轉運子減少的趨勢,但不顯著。由此推論,雙酚化合物MH101及MH102具有預防及改善神經毒素所引發的認知與學習缺陷,未來可能發展成為神經退化性疾病如帕金森氏症之潛力治療藥物,另針對MH101及MH102在神經損傷及動物行為障礙的恢復和保護藥理機制則需進一步實驗探討。 / Biphenols which are the main constituents of the traditional herbs have been found to possess the antiinflammatory and antioxidative properties. Due to the lipophilic activity, biphenols can readily cross the blood brain barrier to exert their pharmacological effects in the central nervous system. Thus, biphenols are proposed to act as the novel neuroprotective agents for treatment of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). The aim of the present study was to examine whether the new synthetic biphenolic compounds MH101 and MH102 have the neuroprotective and therapeutic actions against the neurotoxicity and the behavioral impairments (e.g. learning, memory, and motor coordination) induced by neurotoxins including paraquat, hydrogen peroxide, and MPTP in PD-like animal models. The following experiments examined the lifespan of flies from Oregon-R strain of Drosophoila melanogaster (age: 1-2, 7, 20 and 30 days) chronically exposed to paraquat (5-20 mM) or hydrogen peroxide (0.3 %-3 %) under MH101 (0.1-3 μM) treatment. Our results showed that MH101 could not effectively influence the reduced lifespan of the flies induced by paraquat and hydrogen peroxide. Furthermore, male ICR mice (25-30 g) were administrated with MPTP (25 mg/kg, i.p.) once daily for 5 consecutive days to induce neuronal damage and cognitive deficits. For the protective study, male mice were administrated with MH101 (1-3 mg/kg, i.p.) or MH102 (0.1-3 mg/kg, i.p.) 1 hour prior to MPTP injection once daily for 5 days, and followed daily treatment with MH101 or MH102 alone for consecutive 9 days after the final injection of MPTP. For the post-treatment study, male mice were administrated with MPTP (25 mg/kg, i.p.) once daily for 5 consecutive days, and followed by daily treatment of MH101 or MH102 for 9 days. Mice in control group were injected with vehicle (0.9% saline + corn oil). The results showed that MH101, MH102, and MPTP alone did not alter the motor functions of coordination and balance in beam walking test. On the other hand, both pre-treatment and post-treatment of MH101 and MH102 reversed the cognitive dysfunction induced by MPTP detected by novel location recognition test (NLRT) and novel object recognition test (NORT). Data demonstrated that MH101 and MH102 reversed the reduction in recognition index (RI) of short term memory and long term memory in MPTP-induced PD model. However, pre-treatment and post-treatment of MH101 or MH102 slightly recovered MPTP-induced loss of dopamine neurons and dopamine transporter in striatum. Therefore, the results suggest that biphenols including MH101 and MH102 may be the candidates for treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as PD. In the future, it will need further study to determine the pharmacological mechanism of MH101 and MH102 in protection and restoration of neuronal injury and cognitive impairment.

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