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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multiple resonant multiconductor transmission line resonator design using circulant block matrix algebra

Tadanki, Sasidhar 02 May 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to provide a theoretical model to design RF coils using multiconductor transmission line (MTL) structures for MRI applications. In this research, an MTL structure is represented as a multiport network using its port admittance matrix. Resonant conditions and closed-form solutions for different port resonant modes are calculated by solving the eigenvalue problem of port admittance matrix using block matrix algebra. A mathematical proof to show that the solution of the characteristic equation of the port admittance matrix is equivalent to solving the source side input impedance is presented. The proof is derived by writing the transmission chain parameter matrix of an MTL structure, and mathematically manipulating the chain parameter matrix to produce a solution to the characteristic equation of the port admittance matrix. A port admittance matrix can be formulated to take one of the forms depending on the type of MTL structure: a circulant matrix, or a circulant block matrix (CB), or a block circulant circulant block matrix (BCCB). A circulant matrix can be diagonalized by a simple Fourier matrix, and a BCCB matrix can be diagonalized by using matrices formed from Kronecker products of Fourier matrices. For a CB matrix, instead of diagonalizing to compute the eigenvalues, a powerful technique called “reduced dimension method� can be used. In the reduced dimension method, the eigenvalues of a circulant block matrix are computed as a set of the eigenvalues of matrices of reduced dimension. The required reduced dimension matrices are created using a combination of the polynomial representor of a circulant matrix and a permutation matrix. A detailed mathematical formulation of the reduced dimension method is presented in this thesis. With the application of the reduced dimension method for a 2n+1 MTL structure, the computation of eigenvalues for a 4n X 4n port admittance matrix is simplified to the computation of eigenvalues of 2n matrices of size 2 X 2. In addition to reduced computations, the model also facilitates analytical formulations for coil resonant conditions. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods (2n port model and reduced dimension method), a two-step approach was adopted. First, a standard published RF coil was analyzed using the proposed models. The obtained resonant conditions are then compared with the published values and are verified by full-wave numerical simulations. Second, two new dual tuned coils, a surface coil design using the 2n port model, and a volume coil design using the reduced dimensions method are proposed, constructed, and bench tested. Their validation was carried out by employing 3D EM simulations as well as undertaking MR imaging on clinical scanners. Imaging experiments were conducted on phantoms, and the investigations indicate that the RF coils achieve good performance characteristics and a high signal-to-noise ratio in the regions of interest.

Structure of Toeplitz-composition operators

Syu, Meng-Syun 14 February 2011 (has links)
Let $vp$ be a $L^infty$ function on the unit circle $Bbb T$ and $ au$ be an elliptic automorphism on the unit disc $Bbb D$. In this paper, we will show that $T_vp C_ au$, i.e., the product of the Toeplitz operator $T_vp$ and the composition operator $C_ au$ on $H^2$, is similar to a block Toeplitz matrix if $ au$ has finite order.

On the Generalizations of Gershgorin's Theorem

Lee, Sang-Gu 01 May 1986 (has links)
This paper deals with generalization fo Gershgorin's theorem. This theorem is investigated and generalized in terms of contour integrals, directed graphs, convex analysis, and clock matrices. These results are shown to apply to some specified matrices such as stable and stochastic matrices and some examples will show the relationship of eigenvalue inclusion regions among them.

Diophantine perspectives to the exponential function and Euler’s factorial series

Seppälä, L. (Louna) 30 April 2019 (has links)
Abstract The focus of this thesis is on two functions: the exponential function and Euler’s factorial series. By constructing explicit Padé approximations, we are able to improve lower bounds for linear forms in the values of these functions. In particular, the dependence on the height of the coefficients of the linear form will be sharpened in the lower bound. The first chapter contains some necessary definitions and auxiliary results needed in later chapters.We give precise definitions for a transcendence measure and Padé approximations of the second type. Siegel’s lemma will be introduced as a fundamental tool in Diophantine approximation. A brief excursion to exterior algebras shows how they can be used to prove determinant expansion formulas. The reader will also be familiarised with valuations of number fields. In Chapter 2, a new transcendence measure for e is proved using type II Hermite-Padé approximations to the exponential function. An improvement to the previous transcendence measures is achieved by estimating the common factors of the coefficients of the auxiliary polynomials. The exponential function is the underlying topic of the third chapter as well. Now we study the common factors of the maximal minors of some large block matrices that appear when constructing Padé-type approximations to the exponential function. The factorisation of these minors is of interest both because of Bombieri and Vaaler’s improved version of Siegel’s lemma and because they are connected to finding explicit expressions for the approximation polynomials. In the beginning of Chapter 3, two general theorems concerning factors of Vandermonde-type block determinants are proved. In the final chapter, we concentrate on Euler’s factorial series which has a positive radius of convergence in p-adic fields. We establish some non-vanishing results for a linear form in the values of Euler’s series at algebraic integer points. A lower bound for this linear form is derived as well.

Akcelerace operací nad řídkými maticemi v nelineární metodě nejmenších čtverců / Accelerated Sparse Matrix Operations in Nonlinear Least Squares Solvers

Polok, Lukáš January 2017 (has links)
Tato práce se zaměřuje na datové struktury pro reprezentaci řídkých blokových matic a s nimi spojených výpočetních algoritmů, jež jsem navrhl. Řídké blokové matice se vyskytují při řešení mnoha dílčích problémů jako například při řešení metody nejmenších čtverců. Nelineární metoda nejmenších čtverců (NLS) je často aplikována v robotice pro řešení problému lokalizace robota (SLAM) nebo v příbuzných úlohách 3D rekonstrukce v počítačovém vidění (BA), (SfM). Problémy konečných elementů (FEM) a parciálních diferenciálních rovnic (PDE) v oboru fyzikálních simulací můžou také mít blokovou strukturu. Většina existujících implementací řídké lineární algebry používají řídké matice s granularitou jednotlivých elementů a jen několik málo podporuje řídké blokové matice. To může být způsobeno složitostí blokových formátů, jež snižuje rychlost výpočtů, pokud bloky nejsou dost velké. Některé ze specializovaných NLS optimalizátorů v robotice a počítačovém vidění používají blokové matice jako interní reprezentaci, aby snížily cenu sestavování řídkých matic, ale nakonec tuto reprezentaci převedou na elementovou řídkou matici pro implementaci k řešení systémů rovnic. Existující implementace pro řídké blokové matice se většinou soustředí na jedinou operaci, často násobení matice vektorem. Řešení navržené v této disertaci pokrývá širší spektrum funkcí: implementovány jsou funkce pro efektivní sestavení řídké blokové matice, násobení matice vektorem nebo jinou maticí a nechybí ani řešení trojúhelníkových systémů nebo Choleského faktorizace. Tyto funkce mohou být snadno použity ke řešení systémů lineárních rovnic pomocí analytických nebo iterativních metod nebo k výpočtu vlastních čísel. Jsou zde popsány rychlé algoritmy pro hlavní procesor (CPU) i pro grafické akcelerátory (GPU). Navrhované algoritmy jsou integrovány v knihovně SLAM++ , jež řeší problém nelineárních nejmenších čtverců se zaměřením na problémy v robotice a počítačovém vidění. Je provedeno vyhodnocení na standardních datasetech kde navrhované metody dosahují výrazně lepších výsledků než dosavadní metody popsané v literatuře -- a to bez kompromisů v přesnosti či obecnosti řešení.

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