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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Destruction of phytate in a wet mixture of soybean meal, ground corn and bran

Zhu, Xinsheng. January 1985 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1985 Z48 / Master of Science

Extraction and recovery of precursor chemicals from sugarcane bagasse, bamboo and triticale bran using conventional, advanced and fractionation pretreatment technologies

Diedericks, Danie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Conventional, advanced and fractionation pretreatment technologies were employed to recover and/or enhance the efficacy of the main constituents present in lignocellulosic biomass. Bamboo and triticale bran are novel feedstocks and hence their response towards treatment is unknown. Thus, to assist with the characterisation of these feedstock, in terms of the amount of sugar released during acid and enzymatic hydrolysis, use were made of conventional pretreatment technologies. Pretreatment involved the use of either the conventional single-stage dilute-acid or the conventional acid-catalysed steam-explosion process at times, temperatures and acid concentration ranging between 5 to 40 min, 120 to 214°C, and 0.002 to 0.055 (H3O+) gmol/L, respectively. For additional comparison, results were also obtained from an established feedstock namely sugarcane bagasse, by subjecting it to the single-stage dilute-acid process, at similar pretreatment conditions employed during the treatment of the other feedstocks. Sugarcane bagasse and bamboo, upon pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis, both yielded a similar combined sugar recovery yield of 78.0% and 81.2%, respectively. Alternatively, only 55.3% (w/w) of the total sugar content in triticale bran could be recovered. Triticale bran consists predominantly of hemicellulose which, compared to cellulose, the main constituent in sugarcane bagasse and bamboo, is more susceptible to degradation. Thus, to enhance the combined sugar recovery yield, it is recommended that triticale bran be treated at less severe pretreatment conditions, in order to preserve the hemicellulose. To further enhance the amount of sugar (i.e. cellulose and hemicellulose) that can be recovered from sugarcane bagasse, the use of a two- rather than one-stage dilute acid process was proposed. The single-stage dilute acid process, despite being the subject of many research efforts, failed to recover more than 83% (w/w) of the total sugar content in sugarcane bagasse. Following an extensive literature study, it was concluded that sugarcane bagasse comprises a hemicellulose and cellulose fraction which dictates the use of different pretreatment conditions in order to ensure their effective recovery. The use of a more advance two-step dilute acid process was therefore proposed as it allows for multiple-sets of pretreatment conditions which accommodate the requirements set forth by each of the polysaccharides present in sugarcane bagasse. With the assistance of response surface methodology, a 4.8% (w/w) improvement over the single-stage method was calculated for the two-stage process, by assuming both pretreatment technologies operated at optimum pretreatment conditions. This improvement, which is similar to the 7.7% (w/w) obtained with substrates other than sugarcane bagasse, was accredited to the use of multiple-sets of pretreatment conditions. Both low and high severity pretreatment conditions were applied to maximise the recovery of hemicellulose and cellulose, respectively. In the case of bamboo however, little can be gained by using the two- in lieu of the one-stage method, as similar pretreatment conditions are required to maximise both hemicellulose and cellulose recovery. Alternatively, a three- rather than a two-stage process needs to be applied, when treating triticale bran, to accommodate for an additional set of pretreatment conditions required to recover arabinan, a third polysaccharide. In order to realise the full potential of sugarcane bagasse, use was made of a fractionation method, which in addition to the recovery of polysaccharide (i.e. cellulose and hemicellulose), also allowed for the recovery of the polyphenolic content (i.e. lignin) thereof. Limited by the complexity of the fractionation process, sugarcane bagasse was selected as the preferred substrate to be subjected to fractionation, mainly because of its availability in the South African (established sugar milling industry), and ease of treatment using both conventional (e.g. single-stage) and advanced (e.g. two-stage) pretreatment technologies. A novel fractionation technology, involving the use of the ionic liquid 1-butyl-3- mehylimidazolium methyl sulphate ([BMiM]MeSO4), was devised to separate the main constituents of sugarcane bagasse. Although other ionic liquid fractionation examples also exist in literature, processes used caused production of multi-component product streams with 34% (w/w) of the original lignin and hemicellulose being recovered in the same product stream. Tests conducted during the present study confirmed these results and further indicated that the production of multi-constituent product streams could not be avoided by using acetone, an acetone-water mixture or a sodium hydroxide solution as the solvent in a subsequent solvent extraction step. Hence, to avoid the production of multi-component product streams, a hemicellulose pre-extraction step, comprising the single-stage dilute acid process, was introduced to extract and recover 75% (w/w) of the hemicellulose content. The remaining solid was subjected to ionic liquid treatment whereafter it was effectively separated into cellulose and lignin enriched product streams through solvent extraction. Up to 73% (w/w) of the original lignin and cellulose content was recovered using optimum operating conditions (120 min; 125°C). Comparison of the novel ionic liquid ([BMiM]MeSO4) with 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate, an established ionic liquid, identified the former to be the superior delignification solvent whereas the latter contributed more towards the digestibility of the residual solids. In conclusion, methods for the effective recovery of polysaccharides and polyphenol units from established (i.e. sugarcane bagasse) and novel (i.e. bamboo, triticale bran) lignocellulosic feedstocks have been demonstrated through the application of conventional (single-stage), advanced (two-stage) and fractionation pretreatment technologies. Economic improvement is promised through the application of these constituents as they may serve as precursor chemicals for the production of value-added products that may replace the fuel and chemicals currently derived from fossil carbon resources. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Konvensionele, gevorderde en fraksionering voorafbehandeling tegnologieë is gebruik om die herwinning en gebruiksaamheid van die hoofbestanddele wat in lignosellulose biomassa aanwesig is, te verbeter. Bamboes en tritikale semels is nuwe rou materiale en dus is hul reaksie op behandeling onbekend. Ten einde die karaktereienskappe van hierdie rou materiale, in terme van die hoeveelheid suiker wat gedurende die suur- en suiker ensimatiese-hidrolise vrygestel word, te bepaal, is gebruik gemaak van konvensionele voorbehandeling tegnologieë. Voorbehandeling behels die gebruik van óf die konvensionele enkelstadium vedunde-suur óf die konvensionele suur-gekataliseerde stoomontploffingsproses; by tye, temperature en suurladings wat wissel tusen 5 en 40 minute, 120 tot 214°C, en 0.002 tot 0.055 (H3O+)gmol/L, onderskeidelik. Vir verdere vergelykings is resultate vanaf ’n gevestigde rou materiaal, naamlik suikerriet reste, verkry, deur dit te onderwerp aan ’n enkelstadium verdunde suur proses met dieselfde voorbehandeling toestande wat gegeld het gedurende die behandeling van die ander roumateriale. Tydens voorbehandeling en ensimaties-hidrolise het suikerriet reste en bamboes ’n gelyke gekombineerde terugwinnings opbrengs van 78.0% en 81.2% suiker, onderskeidelik, gelewer. Daar kon egter net 55.3% (w/w) van die totale suikerinhoud van tritikale semels herwin word. Tritikale semels bestaan hoofsaaklik uit hemisellulose, wat meer vatbaar is vir degradasie ten opsigte van sellulose, die hoof bestanddeel van suikerriet reste en bamboes. Om dus die gekombineerde suikerherwinnings-opbrengs te verbeter, word daar voorgestel dat tritikale semels aan minder strawwe toestande onderwerp word, om sodoende die hemisellulose te bewaar. Om verder die hoeveelheid suiker (d.w.s glukose en xilose) wat vanuit suikerriet reste herwin kan word, te verbeter, is die gebruik van ’n twee- in plaas van ’n eenstadium verdunde suur proses, voorgestel. Die enkelstadium verdunde suur proses het, ten spyte daarvan dat dit al die onderwerp van verskillende navorsing projekte was, nie daarin geslaag om meer as 83% (w/w) van die totale suikerinhoud vanuit die suikerriet reste te herwin nie. Na ’n uitgebreide literatuurstudie is daar tot die slotsom gekom dat suikerriet reste bestaan uit ’n hemisellulose deel en ’n sellulose deel wat die gebruik van verskillende voorbehandeling toestande noodsaak, om sodoende effektiewe herwinning daarvan te verseker. Die aanwending van ’n meer gevorderde twee-stap verdunde suur proses is dus voorgestel, aangesien dit van veelvoudige-stelle voorbehandelings toestande, soos vereis deur die polisakkariedes in suikerriet reste, gebruik maak. Deur die toepassing van reaksie oppervlakte metodologie, is ’n 4.2% verbetering op die enkel-stadium metode vir die twee-stadium proses behaal deur aan te neem dat beide van hierdie prosesse, by optimum kondisies vir maksimale suiker herwinning, uitgevoer is. Hierdie verbetering is soortgelyk aan die 7.7% (w/w) verbetering wat voorheen met andersoortige substrate (uitgesonder suikerriet reste) verkry is. Sodanige verhoging word toegeskryf aan die gebruik van veelvoudige stelle van voorbehandeling toestande, wat beide meer en minder strawwe toestande insluit, om sodoende die herwinning van xilose en glukose onderskeidelik te maksimeer. In die geval van bamboes, is die twee-stadium metode nie superieur tot die een-stadium metode nie, aangesien soortgelyke voorbehandeling-toestande benodig word om beide die herwinning van xilose en glukose te maksimeer. Alternatiewelik moet ’n drie-stadium in plaas van ’n twee-stadium proses gebruik word wanneer tritikale semels behandel word aangesien ’n bykomende stel voorbehandeling toestande benodig word om arabinan, ’n derde polisakkaried, te herwin. Om sodoende die volle potensiaal van suikerriet reste te ontgin, is gebruik gemaak van ʼn fraksioneringstegnologie. Waar konvensionele voorbehandeling metodes slegs fokus op die herwinning van polisakkariedes (naamlik sellulose en hemisellulose), kan die fraksioneringsproses ook die poli-fenoliese inhoud (naamlik lignien) in lignosellulose, herwin. Weens die ingewikkeldheid van die fraksioneringsproses, is suikerriet reste gekies as die mees geskikte substraat vir fraksionering, hoofsaaklik omdat dit veral in die Suid- Afrikaanse konteks, maklik beskikbaar is en omdat dit ook maklik is om met beide die konvensionele (bv. die enkel-stadium) en die gevorderde (bv. die twee-stadium) voorbehandeling proses behandel te word. ʼn Nuut ontwikkelde fraksionering tegnologie wat gebruik maak van die ioniese vloeistof 1-butiel-3-metielimidazolium metielsulfaat ([BMiM]MeSO4) is ontwikkel, om die hoofbestanddele in suikerriet reste van mekaar te skei. Literatuur bevat verskeie voorbeelde waar ioniese vloeistowe gebruik word vir fraksionering. Die doeltreffendheid van hierdie prosesse is egter deur die produksie van multi-komponent produkstrome, waartydens tot en met ekwivalente hoeveelhede hemisellulose en lignien in dieselfde produkstrome herwin is, beperk. Hierdie resultate is tydens die studie deur middel van toetse bevestig. Sodanige toetse het ook aangedui dat die produksie van multi-komponent produkstrome nie deur die gebruikmaking van asetoon, ʼn asetoon-water mengsel of ʼn natrium hidroksied oplosmiddel, wat deel maak van ʼn opvolgende oplossing-ekstraksie-stap, vermy kon word nie. Om gevolglik die vervaardiging van multi-komponent produkstrome te vermy, is ʼn hemisellulose vooraf-ekstraksie stap, bestaande uit die enkel-stap verdunde suur proses, gebruik, om sodoende 75% (w/w) van die hemisellulose inhoud in suikerriet reste, te herwin. Die oorblywende vastestof was onderwerp aan ioniese vloeistof behandeling waarna dit effektiewelik geskei is in onderskeidelik, sellulose en lignien verrykte produkstrome, verkry deur gebruikmaking van ʼn oplossing-ekstraksie-stap. Tot en met 73% (w/w) van die oorspronklike lignien en sellulose inhoud was herwin deur gebruik te maak van optimale behandelingskondisies (120 min, 125°C). ʼn Vergelyking tussen die nuut-geïdentifiseerde ioniese vloeistof ([BMiM]MeSO4) en 1-etiel-3-metielimidazolium asetaat, ʼn gevestigde ioniese vloeistof, het aangetoon dat eersgenoemde ʼn superieure delignifikasie oplosmiddel is terwyl laasgenoemde ʼn groter bydra tot die verteerbarheid van die oorblywende reste lewer. Ten slotte het hierdie studie, metodes vir die effektiewe herwinning van polisakkariedes en poli-fenoliese eenhede, vanaf gevestigde (bv. Suikerriet reste) en nuwe (bv. bamboes en tritikale semels) lignosellulose rou materiale, gedemonstreer, deur telkens van konvensionele (enkel-stadium), gevorderde (twee-stadium) en fraksionerings voorbehandeling tegnologieë gebruik te maak. Ekonomiese verbetering kan dus verwag word indien hierdie bestanddele as voorloper chemikalieë vir die produksie van waarde toegevoegde produkte aangewend word, aangesien sodanige produkte die plek kan inneem van brandstof en chemikalieë wat tans vanuit fossielbronne vervaardig word.

The Effects of Oat Fiber and Corn Bran on Blood Serum Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels

Broeder, Craig E. (Craig Elliot) 08 1900 (has links)
Forty Sprague Dawley rats were randomly placed in five groups with eight rats per group. Each group varied in dietary composition for fiber type and carbohydrate source. Groups one and two received oat fiber and either sucrose or corn starch as the carbohydrate source. Groups three and four received corn bran as the fiber source and either sucrose or corn starch as the carbohydrate source. Group five (considered the control group), received Purina standard rat chow. Analysis of variance showed only significant differences for food intake, and the control group had a significantly higher food intake. Weight gain, serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels showed no significant differences.

Linking cereal chemistry to nutrition: studies of wheat bran and resistant starch

Brewer, Lauren Renee January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Grain Science and Industry / Yong-Cheng Shi / Wheat bran is high in dietary fiber. Resistant starch (RS) is considered a source of dietary fiber. Wheat bran and RS have different functional properties and may not have the same nutritional properties. This dissertation covers two areas of importance in cereal chemistry and human nutrition: wheat bran and RS. Wheat bran chemical and physical influence of nutritional components Wheat bran has become a hot topic due to positive nutritional correlations, and industrial /humanitarian needs for healthy ingredients. Evolving wheat bran into a demanded product would impact the industry in a positive way. The overall aim of this research was to understand chemical and structural composition, to provide avenues for wheat bran development as a healthy food ingredient. To achieve this goal, antioxidant properties in dry wheat milling fractions were examined, effects of wheat bran particle size on phytochemical extractability and properties were measured, and substrate fermentation was investigated. It was noted that mixed mill streams, such as mill feed, have antioxidant properties (0.78 mg FAE/g; 1.28 mg/g total antioxidant capacity; 75.21% DPPH inhibition; 278.97 [mu]mol FeSO[subscript]4/g) originating from the bran and germ fractions. Additionally, extraction of reduced particle size whole wheat bran increased measured values for several assays (185.96 [mu]g catechin/g; 36.6 [mu]g/g; 425 [mu]M TE), but did not increase volatile fatty acid production during in vitro rumen fermentation over unmilled bran. RS digestion, glycemic response and human fermentation In vitro action of enzymes on digestion of maize starches differing in amylose contents were studied. The objectives of this study were to investigate the exact role of [alpha]-amylase and amyloglucosidase in determining the digestibility of starch and to understand the mechanism of enzymatic actions on starch granules. Starch digestibility differed (30-60%) without combination of enzymes during in vitro assay. Further investigations utilized human glycemic response and fermentation with consumption of a type 3 RS without dietary fiber (AOAC method 991.43). Blood glucose response provided lower postprandial curves (glycemic index value of 21) and breath hydrogen curves displayed low incidences fermentation (40%) with consumption of the type 3 RS, due to the structure of starch and digestion by enzymatic action.

Distribuição de desoxinivalenol nas frações de trigo obtidas no processo de moagem / Fate of deoxynivalenol in milled streams of wheat

Belluco, Bruna 20 October 2014 (has links)
A presença de desoxinivalenol (DON) em produtos da moagem de trigo tem sido estudada, evidenciando que a contaminação ocorre em todas as frações. No Brasil, os limites máximos toleráveis (LMT) para DON em cereais e produtos de cereais são regulamentados pela Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária - ANVISA. O entendimento da distribuição de DON nas frações da moagem do trigo é importante, pois pode fornecer base técnica para o gerenciamento desta contaminação e subsídios para as agências regulamentadoras no estabelecimento e ou revisão dos LMT. Este estudo teve como objetivo principal avaliar a distribuição de DON entre as frações obtidas da moagem experimental de grãos de trigo naturalmente contaminados. Trinta amostras de grãos de trigo (3-4 kg), naturalmente contaminadas com DON em concentrações que variaram de 350 a 4.150 ?g.kg-1, passaram por processo de limpeza (Labofix Brabender), seguido de condicionamento e moagem experimental (Brabender Quadrumat Senior). Quatro frações foram obtidas, de acordo com o tamanho das partículas: farelo (>=530 ?m), farelinho (>=195 e <=529 ?m), farinha de quebra (<=154 ?m) e farinha de redução (>=155 e <=194 ?m). As frações e o resíduo de limpeza foram avaliados quanto ao percentual obtido e concentração de DON. O DON foi extraído com H2O destilada, seguido de purificação em coluna de imunoafinidade e detecção/quantificação empregando cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência e detector de arranjo de diodos (UV-DAD). O percentual médio de resíduo de limpeza foi de 15,9% (6,9 a 23,2%). A redução média de DON nos grãos limpos foi 22,5% de (5,5 a 37,3%). A moagem experimental do trigo produziu em média 28,5% de farelo, 5,8% de farelinho, 27,9% de farinha de quebra, 37,8% de farinha de redução, totalizando 65,7% de farinha. As concentrações de DON verificadas no farelo e farelinho foram significativamente maiores quando comparadas com as farinhas (p<=0,05), as quais não diferiram entre si. A concentração relativa (CRel) de DON (relação entre a concentração da fração e do grão) indicou que a concentração de DON foi, em média, 73% maior no farelo e 35% maior no farelinho, comparada à concentração inicial nos grãos limpos. Na farinha de quebra, farinha de redução e farinha total a CRel foi em média 24%, 38% e 33% menor que nos grãos limpos, respectivamente. De acordo com os LMT para DON em farelo (2.000 ?g.kg-1) e farinha de trigo (1.750 ?g.kg-1), em vigência no Brasil, das 30 amostras avaliadas, 15 amostras de farelo (50%) e 1 amostra de farinha (3%) encontravam-se acima dos LMT. Considerando os LMT previstos pela legislação para 2017 (1.000 ?g.kg-1 para farelo e 750 ?g.kg-1 para farinha), 22 amostras de farelo (73%) e 16 amostras de farinha (53%) estariam acima dos LMT. Os resultados observados neste estudo demonstraram que a moagem experimental de grãos de trigo com contaminação igual a 3.000 ?g.kg-1, que será o LMT para grãos para posterior processamento em 2017, poderá acarretar a produção de farelos e farinhas com contaminação acima dos LMT previstos nesta mesma legislação. / The presence of deoxynivalenol (DON) in wheat milling products has been studied, showing that the contamination occurs in all streams. In Brazil, the maximum tolerable limits (MLT) for DON in cereals and cereal products are regulated by Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária - ANVISA. The knowledge of DON distribution in wheat milling streams is important to provide the technical basis for the management of this contamination and could assist regulatory agencies to establish or review MTL. The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the fate of DON among experimental milling streams of naturally DON contaminated wheat kernels. Thirty wheat samples (3-4 kg), naturally DON contaminated (350-4.150 ?g.kg-1) were cleaned (Labofix Brabender), conditioned and milled (Brabender Senior Quadrumat mill). Four milled streams were obtained, according to the particle size: bran (>=530 ?m), shorts (>=195 e <=529 ?m), break flour (<=154 ?m) and reduction flour (>=155 e <=194 ?m). The streams and the screenings were evaluated for percentage and DON contents. DON analysis was performed with distilled H2O as extraction solvent, immunoaffinity column for cleanup and HPLC/diode array detector. The mean screening percentage obtained was 15,9% (6,9 to 23,2%). The mean reduction of DON in the cleaned wheat was 22,5% (5,5 to 37,3%). In the experimental milling of wheat it was obtained 28,5% of bran, 5,8% of shorts, 27,9% of break flour, and 37,8% of reduction flour, totaling 65,7% of flour. DON concentration obtained in bran and shorts were significantly higher when compared with the flours (p<=0,05), which did not differ from each other. The Relative Concentration (RConc) of DON (ratio between stream and cleaned wheat concentration) indicated that DON concentration was, on average, 73% higher in bran and 35% higher in shorts, compared to the initial concentration of the cleaned wheat, whereas in the break flour, reduction flour and total flour it was 24%, 38% and 33%, respectively, lower than the cleaned wheat. According to MTL for DON in bran (2.000 ?g.kg-1) and wheat flour (1.750 ?g.kg-1), in force in Brazil, the 30 samples evaluated, 15 samples of bran (50%) and 1 sample of flour (3%) were above the MLT. Considering the MTL provided in the legislation for 2017 (1.000 ?g.kg-1 for bran and 750 ?g.kg-1 for flour), 22 samples of bran (73%) and 16 samples of flour (53%) were above the MTL. The results of this study demonstrate that the experimental milling of wheat kernel contaminated at level of 3.000 ?g.kg-1 of DON, which will be the MTL for wheat kernels for further processing in 2017, may result in bran and flour contamination above the MTL provided in the same legislation.

Understanding and predicting alcohol yield from wheat

Misailidis, Nikiforos January 2010 (has links)
Bioethanol is a promising renewable biofuel and wheat is currently the main candidate asthe feedstock for its production in the UK context. The quality of the numerous varieties ofwheat developed in the past by plant breeders has been well examined in terms of bread, biscuitand pasta producing industries. In general, the end-use quality determination of wheat in termsof alcohol yield is less investigated. This work focused on understanding and predicting thealcohol yield from wheat according to its physical, physicochemical and chemicalcharacteristics. The research ran alongside the GREEN Grain project and utilised its wheatsamples, which consist of a range of wheat varieties, agronomic regimes and growing sitesfrom four harvests years 2005-2008. The combined dataset consists of a diverse range ofchemical, physicochemical and physical characteristics of the GREEN Grain wheats. An initial multivariate analysis (PCA) indicated that the first principal component, whichexplains most of the variability of the wheat characteristics, is related with the classification ofwheat as hard or soft. High alcohol yielding wheats typically have high starch, mealiness andalbumin+globulin fraction, and also low protein, gliadin fraction and hardness. They also havelarger and more spherical kernels. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was applied in order to identify differences between thevarieties, the sites and the application or not of N fertiliser. The ANOVA showed that theapplication of N fertiliser increases all the protein components, although it increases the Gliadinand the LMW glutenins more. N fertiliser also yields smaller (TGW, width, depth) and moreelongated kernels. High alcohol yielding varieties tend to be softer with lower protein andlarger and more spherical kernels. This consistent variability allowed prediction of the alcoholyield based on easily measured parameters. The following model, based on the SKCS reportedvalues plus protein, could predict the alcohol yield with an R2 of about 78%:Alcohol yield = 466.62 - 5.07 × Protein - 0.21 × hardness + 11.6 × diameter ±6.94 l/dry tonIt is frequently hypothesised that larger and more rounded kernels produce more alcoholbecause they have a smaller relative amount of the unfermentable outer layers. In an effort totest this hypothesis, the pericarp thicknesses and the crease characteristics of the wheat sampleswere measured. It was found that pericarp thickness and crease dimensions vary with kernelsize, with significant differences between varieties. A physical model was developed thatconsiders these differences and calculates the endosperm to non-endosperm ratio. None of thevariables obtained by the physical model could be related to alcohol yield. The SKCS fundamental data were further analysed in an effort to improve the alcoholyield predictability. It was found that the averaged Crush Response Profiles are morereproducible than the hardness index itself. It was shown that the initial peak does not occurbecause of the "shell" (i.e. the bran layers) as suggested in the literature, but because of thecrease. Examination of the effects of moisture content on the aCRPs showed that their 1stquarter is equivalent to the stress-strain plots of dedicated rheological tests. The remaining partsof the curve relate to the post-failure behaviour of the kernels and with hardness as used incereal science. The aCRP parameters could improve the alcohol yield predictability of theGREEN Grain wheats to an R2 of about 82.3% and a standard error of the regression of6.3 l/dry ton. Further standardisation and calibration with respect to the moisture content and tothe size of the kernels could improve the predictions even further. Textural testing of cereals is constrained by the complexity of the wheat kernel structureand exacerbated by the between-kernel variation. The current work has demonstrated howSKCS data can be interpreted more insightfully in order to improve end-use quality predictions. The aCRP parameters clearly contain rheological information about wheats. Further research toestablish their examination by more standardised methodologies will allow effectiveinvestigation of connections between the rheological properties, chemical characteristics,processing behaviour and end-use quality prediction of wheat.

Avaliação de coprodutos da alimentação humana como fonte alternativa de fibras para cães: parâmetros digestivos e metabólicos / Evaluation of co-products human food as an alternative source of fiber for dogs: digestive and metabolic

Folconi, Livia Rosa 08 September 2015 (has links)
As fibras de coprodutos da produção de sucos, néctar e refrescos possuem propriedade funcional, envolvidas no metabolismo fermentativo da microbiota intestinal, com benefícios potenciais á saúde dos cães. O emprego de coprodutos alimentícios humano no desenvolvimento de petfood apresentam vantagens de sustentabilidade ambiental e econômica. O estudo objetivou avaliar os efeitos de dietas extrusadas com inclusão fixa de 3,5% de celulose (CEL), farelo de arroz desengordurado (FAR), polpa cítrica (PCT) e polpa de maçã (PMA) como fontes de fibras dietéticas solúveis e insolúveis nos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente dos nutrientes (CDA), respostas glicêmicas e insulinêmicas pós- prandiais e produtos de fermentação nas fezes. O experimento foi realizado com oito cães adultos hígidos, peso médio de 15,0&#177;5,0kg e idade média de 5,0&#177;2,0 anos, distribuídos em delineamento em dois quadrados latino 4x4. Após 7 dias de adaptação dos animais, realizou-se coleta de fezes nos dias 5&ordm;-10&ordm; para determinar CDA das dietas, entre 12&ordm; ao 15&ordm; dia mensurados pH, produção de ácido lático, AGCC, AGCR e aminas biogênicas (AB) das fezes, seguidos pelas coletas de sangue para determinação das respostas glicêmicas e insulinêmicas pós-prandiais nos 16&ordm; e 17&ordm; dias. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos (p>0,05) no CDA da matéria orgânica (MO) e matéria mineral (MM), entretanto, houve efeito (p<0,05) nos CDAs da proteína bruta (PB), extrato etéreo em hidrólise ácida (EEHA), fibra bruta (FB) e extrativos não nitrogenados (ENN). O tratamento CEL apresentou maior CDA da PB e menor CDA da FB. O CDA dos ENN não apresentou diferença entre PMA e CEL. Em relação às características fecais, observou-se maior MS no tratamento CEL. Os tratamentos PCT e PMA resultaram em pH das fezes inferior aos tratamentos CEL e FAR e sem diferenças entre si. O tratamento PMA resultou em maior escore fecal e menor produção de fezes por cão/dia na MS, contrário ao tratamento PCT, que resultou em maior produção de fezes cão/dia, na MO e MS. Não foi observado efeito dos tratamentos (p>0,05) nas concentrações fecais de lactato e AB. O tratamento PCT resultou em maior produção de acetato, propionato e butirato que o tratamento CEL (p<0,05), enquanto que os tratamentos PCT e PMA resultaram em produção de AGCR mais elevados que FAR (p<0,05). Não houve efeito das fontes de fibras estudadas nas respostas glicêmicas e insulinêmicas pós- prandiais (p<0,05). / The coproducts of fiber production of juice, nectar and soft drinks have functional property, involved in fermentative metabolism of intestinal microbiota, with potential benefits to health of dogs. The use of co-products of human food industry in the development of petfood has advantages of environmental and economic sustainability. The study aimed to evaluate the effects of extruded diets with fixed inclusion of 3.5% cellulose (CEL), defatted rice bran (FAR), citrus pulp (PCT) and apple pulp (PMA) as sources of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers on dog total tract apparent digestibility coefficient of nutrients (ADC), glycemic and insulin postprandial responses, and fermentation products in the stool. The experiment was carried out on eight healthy adult dogs of mean weight of 15.0 &#177; 5,0kg and a mean age of 5,0 &#177; 2,0 years allotted to a 4 x 4 Latin square two. After 7 days of adjustment of the animals to the diets, there was feces collection in the days 5th-10th to determine CDA diets, between 12th to 15th measured pH, lactic acid production, AGCC, AGCR and biogenic amines (BA) of the stool, followed by blood samples for determination of glucose and insulin responses postprandial in 16 and 17 days. There was no effect of the treatments (p> 0.05) in the ADC of organic matter (OM) and mineral matter (MM), however, was no effect (p <0.05) in CDAs of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ether extract acid hydrolysis (EEHA), crude fiber (CF) and nitrogen free extract (NFE). The CEL treatment obtained higher ADC of CP and lower ADC of FB. The ACD of NFE no difference between PMA and CEL. For fecal characteristics, there was a higher DM in CEL treatment. PCT treatments and PMA resulted in fecal pH lower than the CEL and FAR treatments and without differences. The PMA treatment resulted in greater fecal score and lower production of faeces per dog / day in DM, contrary to the PCT treatment, which resulted in increased production of dog feces / day in MO and DM. There was no effect of the treatments (p> 0.05) in fecal concentrations of lactate and AB. The PCT treatment resulted in increased production of acetate, propionate and butyrate that CEL treatment (p <0.05), while the PCT and PMA treatments resulted in higher production AGCR that FAR (p <0.05). There was no effect (p <0.05) of sources of fiber studied for glycemic and insulin curves, area under the curve (AUC) of glucose and insulin, increasing blood glucose and insulin.

Investigation on the processing of wheat bran and condensed distillers solubles as animal feed

2012 July 1900 (has links)
Owing to the increasing demand for alternative fuel additives, the Canadian ethanol industry has grown tremendously. In Western Canada, wheat has been the dominant feedstock for ethanol production because of steadily increasing domestic production and higher ethanol yields. Low protein and high starch wheat varieties have further increased the potential of grain-based ethanol production. As a consequence, the increased ethanol production has demonstrated an exponential increase in the availability of its co-products. Depending on the processes used, several co-products are produced, such as bran, condensed distillers solubles (CDS), and distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). Wheat bran is obtained as the co-product when debranning is incorporated in ethanol production. Debranning of wheat feedstock may be integrated into the ethanol production process to improve ethanol quality and yield. Debranning follows the principles of abrasion and friction. It improves the starch content of the feedstock and the fermentation efficiency of the ethanol plants. Several abrasive equipment that generate products having good quality and desirable ethanol yield are being used commercially. Among these, the Satake mill and the tangential abrasive dehulling device (TADD) are prominent, having high debranning efficiency, levels of sanitation, and improved production rates. In this thesis, the laboratory debranning process using these two equipment was optimized by varying the process variables in order to improve the ethanol production process. In the Satake mill, the sample size (30 and 200 g), rotational speed (1215, 1412, and 1515 rpm), grit size (30, 36, and 40), and retention time (30, 60, and 90 s) were varied. In the TADD mill, the sample size (30 and 200 g), grit size (30, 36, 50, and 80), and retention time (120, 180, 240, and 300 s) were varied while maintaining a constant rotational speed of 900 rpm. The experimental results indicated that in the Satake mill, 200 g sample size, 1515 rpm rotational speed, 30 grit size, and 60 s retention time provided optimal debranning and starch separation efficiency. For the TADD mill, 200 g sample size, 900 rpm rotational speed, 50 grit size, and 240 s retention time provided optimal results. Increased availability of ethanol co-products from the pretreatments and other processes brings forth the need for broadening the areas of application of these co-products. Among the various applications, the usage of the co-products as animal feed is predominant. Ethanol co-products have been traditionally incorporated as ingredients for animal feed. This thesis is aimed at combining the wheat bran and CDS in varying proportions (70:30, 80:20, and 90:10) and producing high quality animal feed pellets. Laboratory-scale pelleting was done at varying pelleting temperatures, 60, 75, and 90°C, to optimize the pelleting process. The results of laboratory-scale single pelleting indicated that 90:10 bran-CDS ratio and 90°C pelleting temperature produced pellets having good physical properties. Pilot-scale pelleting was done to verify the optimized variables, and to produce dimensionally stable and highly durable feed pellets. The results showed that 70:30 bran-CDS mixture produced pellets with high nutrient content and physical properties (760.88±2.04 kg/m3 bulk density and 97.79±0.76% durability). Similar to the single pelleting results, high pelleting temperatures (75°C) produced pellets with desirable physical properties. However, on cooling, the bulk density and durability change was the highest for 70:30 bran-CDS pellets, indicating an improvement in the physical characteristics. In conclusion, the bran and CDS, the two co-products of the ethanol industry, could be combined to produce feed pellets having good physical and nutritional properties.

Producing Micro And Nano Fibers Having High Water Holding Capacity From Tomato And Wheat Waste Products And Using Them In Model Foods

Kocak, Gonul 01 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The main objective of this study was to investigate the fibers and their effects and availability in ketchup (tomato fiber) and cake (wheat bran fiber) production. In order to this, rheological properties of ketchups with tomato fiber, and cake (100, 80, 60 g flour formulations) with wheat bran fiber in different concentrations were investigated. Tomato powder in ketchup and wheat bran in cake was used for comparison. The samples studied had pseudoplastic behavior having a definite yield stress with a good fit for the Herschel-Bulkley model. The viscosity and yield stress values increased as the percentage of fiber increased. Moreover the samples were found to be more elastic than viscous (G&rsquo / &gt / G&rsquo / &rsquo / ). Both G&rsquo / and G&rsquo / &rsquo / values increased with oscillatory frequency, percentage of fiber, and in cake samples decreased as the amount of flour decreased. Stability measurements of ketchups studied were done by using Lumisizer. The microstructure of tomato powder, wheat bran and fibers were investigated under SEM. It was seen that the fibers had branched, long and thin structure while the other two had lumy and thick structure. The pressure used, resulted in this structure with increased surface area and finally increased water holding capacity in fibers. Moreover, texture of cakes prepared was all investigated in terms of volume, outer surface, hardness, cohesiveness and gumminess. Finally it was found to be possible to produce healthier ketchups and cakes with fiber in a good quality by decreasing the other undesired ingredients.

Utilization Of Wheat Bran Fiber In Crackers

Sahin, Ezgi 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Dietary fiber is a component in the structure of plants which is an important aspect of diet and nutrition. The demand of fiber has increased significantly, as consumers recognize its health benefits such as reduction of risk of colon cancer, cholesterol lowering affect, regulating blood glucose levels and low calorie intake. Therefore food manufacturers pay more attention to develop new products containing high fiber content. Of all the categories of food products, bakery products are the most common fiber-enriched products. In this research two different wheat bran fibers (coarse and fine fibers) that are produced by microfluidization method are utilized in one of the highly consumed bakery product &ldquo / cracker&rdquo / . In this thesis study coarse and fine wheat bran fibers were utilized in different amounts with replace to wheat bran (0,15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75 g). The effects of wheat bran fiber on crackers were determined by rheological measurements of dough samples and it was found that as the amount of wheat bran fiber increases / elasticity increases as well. Textural analysis were conducted for both dough and cracker samples and these analysis demonstrated that wheat bran fiber containing dough had higher hardness values than non/less containing ones. In addition to the above analysis, HPLC analyses were done for ferulic acid determination which is a significant nutritive compound in wheat bran. It was concluded that ferulic acid amount in fiber was much higher than wheat bran. This research demonstrated that more nutritive and much fiber containing crackers could be made by using wheat bran fiber instead of wheat bran.

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