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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação das diversas fontes e tipos de biomassa do estado de Alagoas: estudo de suas características físico-químicas e seu potencial energético / Evaluation of various types of sources and biomass the state of Alagoas: study of its chemical and physical characteristics of its potential energy

Souza, José Edmundo Accioly de 26 September 2011 (has links)
In this study the use of available agro-industrial and forest residues, in Alagoas, were evaluated for use in ceramic furnaces to energy generation. At first, a survey of various types of biomass in Brazil and in Alagoas was made, followed by a investigation of the main permanent and temporary crops that could generate agro-industrial residues. Later, studies of the forms of use of agro-industrial residues as well as a quantitative assessment and energy that can be generated from the agro-industrial residues from major crops of Alagoas were conducted. The main agro-industrial residues next to the bigger five ceramics, located in adjacent municipalities of Alagoas were characterized in terms of physical-chemical parameters, comparing energy demands with their possible use in furnaces. The process of manufacturing of briquettes was also subject to a case study involving such a process on laboratory scale. The economic evaluation of the use of agro-industrial residues considering the preparation, transportation and energy consumption in furnaces and one simulation, considering various scenarios for the use of agro-industrial residues, with reference to a ceramic Arapiraca were made. In addition, the case of utilization of eucalyptus wood for energy generation was assessed using economic and financial study, simulating the culture of this crop in a rural settlement. The various aspects investigated here showed that the agro-industrial residues from the processing of agricultural production in the State of Alagoas could be used in ceramic and can completely replace the fuel currently used in furnaces, for one ceramic located in the Arapiraca region, where these kind of residues are available. In the case of ceramics located in regions where the availability of agro-industrial residues is limited, an alternative of renewable fuel, would be the culture of energy forests with native or exotic species, such as the eucalyptus. / Nesse estudo foi avaliada a utilização de resíduos agroindustriais e florestais do Estado de Alagoas, para utilização em fornos cerâmicos para geração de energia. Inicialmente, foi realizado um levantamento dos diversos tipos de biomassa existentes no Brasil e em Alagoas, seguido de um levantamento das principais culturas agrícolas permanentes e temporárias que poderiam gerar resíduos agroindustriais. Após, foram efetuados estudos das formas de utilização dos resíduos agroindustriais assim como uma avaliação quantitativa e da energia que pode ser gerada, a partir dos resíduos agroindustriais provenientes das principais culturas agrícolas de Alagoas. Os principais resíduos agroindustriais dos municípios limítrofes as cinco principais cerâmicas de Alagoas foram caracterizados, do ponto de vista físico-químico, comparando-se demandas energéticas com a possível utilização desses em fornos ou fornalhas. O processo de fabricação de briquetes também foi alvo de um estudo de caso envolvendo tal processo em escala laboratorial. A avaliação econômica do aproveitamento dos resíduos agroindustriais considerando a preparação, o transporte e o consumo energético em fornalhas e fornos cerâmicos foi alvo de investigação e uma simulação, considerando vários cenários para o aproveitamento de resíduos agroindustriais, tomando como referência uma cerâmica em Arapiraca. Complementarmente, a hipótese de utilização da lenha de eucalipto para a geração de energia foi avaliada através de estudo econômico e financeiro, simulando o plantio dessa cultura em um assentamento rural. Os vários aspectos aqui investigados apontaram que os resíduos agroindustriais provenientes do beneficiamento da produção agrícola do Estado de Alagoas poderiam ser usados nos fornos cerâmicos sem processamento ou adensados e poderiam substituir totalmente os combustíveis atualmente utilizados nos fornos ou fornalhas, de cerâmicas localizadas na região de Arapiraca, privilegiada nesses tipos de resíduos, pela alta produção agrícola. No caso de cerâmicas, localizadas em regiões onde exista pouca disponibilidade de resíduos agroindustriais, uma alternativa em termos de combustível renovável, seria o plantio de florestas energéticas com espécies nativas ou exóticas como, por exemplo, o eucalipto.

Utilization of Pulp and Paper Waste Products in the Metal Industry : Initial testing of carbon-containing waste material briquettes

Johansson, Ingrid, Deltin, Walter January 2018 (has links)
Today, a huge part of waste products from pulp and paper industries ends up in landfill which is both economically and environmentally adversely. This report examines the possibilities of using those products as a slag foamer and fuel in different furnaces in the metal industry. The waste products contain valuable elements, especially carbon. Therefore, there is an increased interest in finding possible use for the waste products in the metal industry. The reuse would contribute to preservation of energy as fossil fuel can be replaced. In the report, two waste materials called mixed biosludge and fiber reject are examined. The experiments are performed with the waste products pressed together with a base material and cement forming a briquette. The requirements examined are strength needed for both transportation and use in furnaces and ability to create a foaming slag. The results in strength were ambiguous, no waste material based briquettes met the set criteria. As of now, the briquettes are probably not strong enough to be transported. No foaming occurred during the experiment, but only one experiment was performed. Therefore, further experiments are needed before any conclusions can be drawn. The briquettes can possibly replace coke and coal in applications where strength is not as important. Nevertheless, it is uncertain if the briquettes affect the steel quality. / Idag läggs en stor del av restprodukter från pappers och massaindustrin på deponi, vilket innebär såväl ekonomiska som miljömässiga nackdelar. Den här rapporten undersöker möjligheterna att använda dessa restprodukter som slaggskummare och bränsle i de olika ugnarna inom metallindustrin. Restprodukterna innehåller värdefulla ämnen, framförallt kol. Därför finns det ett ökat intresse för att hitta möjliga användningsområden för restprodukterna inom metallindustrin. Denna återanvändning skulle bidra till energibevarande eftersom fossila bränslen kan ersättas. I den här rapporten undersöks två restmaterial, blandat biologiskt slam och fiberavfall. Experimenten utfördes med dessa restprodukter pressade samman med ett basmaterial och cement till en brikett. Kraven som undersöks är styrka för både transport och användning i ugnarna samt förmågan att skumma en slagg. Resultaten för briketternas styrka var tvetydiga, inga av briketterna innehållande restprodukter satisfierade det uppsatta kriteriet. Styrkan är troligtvis för låg för att transport ska vara möjlig. Ingen skumning skedde under experimentet, men endast ett experiment genomfördes. Därför behöver ytterligare experiment genomföras innan några slutsatser kan dras. Men briketterna tros kunna ersätta koks och kol där styrkan inte är viktig. Men det är osäkert om briketterna påverkar stålkvaliteten.

Drivers and Barriers to Substituting Firewood with Biomass Briquettes in the Kenyan Tea Industry

Suryani, Amalia, Bezama, Alberto, Mair-Bauernfeind, Claudia, Makenzi, Macben, Thrän, Daniela 27 September 2023 (has links)
The tea industry in Kenya is among the main consumers of firewood for its intensive thermal energy demand. Along with the growing concerns about firewood depletion, tea factories have begun transitioning to alternative fuels to power their boilers. Briquettes made of biomass residues are among the promising solutions; however, they are not yet widely adopted. This study was conducted to identify the factors that motivate the tea factories to use biomass briquettes instead of firewood and the factors hindering such substitution. The substitution potential was assessed, and the drivers and barriers of the substitution were examined using a combination of SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis and a PESTEL (political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal) framework. The findings suggest that even though using biomass briquettes is technically possible, it is not economically favorable for tea factories. The SWOT/PESTEL analysis identified 27 factors influencing the substitution. Among the key drivers are the depleting supply of firewood, the availability of biomass residues, and the external support from development organizations to improve the technical capacity in both tea and briquette industries. The study revealed the barriers to substitution include the cost competitiveness, insufficient supply, and varying quality of briquettes, as well as the lack of awareness and knowledge of briquettes.

Bio-coal pre-treatmeant for maximized addition in briquettes and coke

Robles, Astrid January 2017 (has links)
Carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere today cause problems around the world. In Sweden, the steel production contributes significantly to carbon dioxide emissions. The steel industry challenge is to improve the metallurgical processes to decrease the carbon dioxide emissions. One way to reduce the emissions is to use renewable carbon sources. The blast furnace process is a counter current reduction process for ironmaking. Raw materials such as iron ore agglomerates, coke and slag formers are charged at the top of the furnace while oxygen-rich blast air and powdered coal are injected in the bottom. The gases produced by combustion rise through the burden on the top of the furnace. The combustion of carbon produces carbon monoxide which is the reducing gas used for the reduction of iron oxides to pig iron. The process is the highest producer of CO2 emissions in Sweden; biomass can partially replace fossil carbon in coal blends for cokemaking, coal powder for coal injection and coke in self-reducing briquettes.  The purpose of this project was to maximize the addition of biomass in coal blends for cokemaking and the addition in briquettes produced for the recovery of iron bearing rest products. The challenge with biomass in cokemaking is its low density and high reactivity which decrease the coke yield and coke strength at the same time that it increases the coke reactivity. The coke quality has to be kept at sufficient quality in order to avoid effects on productivity and process stability in the blast furnace. The addition of biomass in briquettes is limited due to the low density of the biomass which may affect the strength of the briquettes. The effect of the addition of sawdust in coke and briquettes has been studied to understand the effect on reaction behaviour of bio-coal. Heat-treatment of sawdust with high volatile coal was performed in order to achieve a coating of coal on the sawdust surface and get less reactive sawdust. Torrefied sawdust contained 23 wt. % fixed carbon while the pre-treatment of sawdust with high volatile coal increased the content to about 60 wt. %. Pre-treated sawdust was added to coal blend for coke making and briquettes containing iron oxide. The pre-treated sawdust was added to five coal blends for coke production, the contents were 5, 10 and 20 wt. %, and a base blend was used as reference. Coke reactivity, chemical composition and cold compression strength in coke were studied. This work resulted in an improved bulk density; up to 20 wt. % pre-treated sawdust could be added to the coal blend and still keep a bulk density of 800 kg/m3. The coke yields in cokes with pre-treated sawdust were comparable to the coke reference. The temperature at which carbon in coke began to be consumed was slightly higher in coke containing sawdust treated with 50 wt. % high volatile coal. It was estimated that the CO2 emission from fossil coal could be reduced with 8.6 % per ton hot metal (THM) with the addition of 10 wt. % pre-treated sawdust to coal blends for cokemaking. The addition of 20 wt. % pre-treated sawdust could reduce the CO2 emission with 10% per THM. In addition, two different mixes of briquettes were produced, one with torrefied sawdust and one with pre-treated sawdust. The chemical composition and reduction of iron oxides in briquettes was also studied and evaluated. Briquettes with treated sawdust were more compact, i.e. had a higher density than briquettes containing torrefied sawdust. The amount of hematite that could be added to the briquette mixes was 0.107 moles in briquettes with torrefied sawdust and 0.112 moles in briquettes with pre-treated torrefied sawdust. / Koldioxidutsläppet till atmosfären orsakar idag problem runt om i världen. I Sverige bidrar stålproduktionen avsevärt till koldioxidutsläppet. Stålindustrin har som en utmaning att förbättra de metallurgiska processerna för att sänka utsläppet av koldioxid. Ett sätt att sänka koldioxidutsläppen är att minska påverkan genom att använda förnybara kolkällor. Masugnsprocessen är en kontinuerlig reduktionsprocess för råjärnframställning och en av processerna där det används reduktionsmedel från fossila kolkällor. Råmaterial som järnmalm, koks och slaggformare chargeras på toppen av ugnen medan syrgasberikad blästerluft och pulveriserat kol injiceras i botten av ugnen genom masugnens formor. De gaser som produceras vid förbränning stiger upp genom beskickningen upp till ugnens topp. Vid förgasning av kol bildas kolmonoxid som är den reducerande gasen, den möjliggör reduktionen av järnoxider vid framställning av råjärn. Torrefierad biomassa kan delvis ersätta fossilt kol i kolblandningarna för kokstillverkning, i kolinjektionen och i briketter. Syftet med detta projekt var att maximera mängden tillsatt biomassa i kolblandningarna för kokstillverkning och i briketter för återvinning av järnbärande restprodukter. Utmaningen med biomassa i kokstillverkningen är den höga reaktiviteten och den låga densiteten av kol, vilket resulterar i låg koksutbyte när den tillsätts i kolblandningar. Biomassa innehåller också en högt halt flyktiga ämnen vilket resulterar i koks med låg hållfasthet och hög reaktivitet. Kokskvalitén måste behållas för att undvika processvariationer i masugnen. Tillsatsen av biomassa i briketter, är begränsat då biomassa kan påverka briketternas hållfasthet. Effekten av tillsatsen av biomassa i koks och briketter har studerats för att kunna förstå reaktionsbeteendet i dessa när torrefied sågspån och förbehandlat sågspån med hög fluiditetskol har tillsatts till blandningarna. Värmebehandling av torrifierat sågspån med en hög fluiditeteskol gjordes för att uppnå en mindre reaktiv biomassa. Torrifierat sågspån innehöll 22.9 viktsprocent kol, förbehandlingen av sågspån med hög fluiditetskol ökade halten till cirka 60 viktsprocent. Den behandlade sågspånen tillsattes till fem kolblandningar för koksframställning, 5, 10 och 20 viktprocent tillsattes till en bas blandning som användes referens. Koksreaktiviteten, kemisk sammansättning och hållfasthet i koks studerades. Arbetet resulterade i en förbättrad bulkdensitet då upp till 20 viktprocent förbehandlad biomassa kunde tillsättas i kolblandningen och fortfarande behålla en bulkdensitet på 800 kg/m3. Koksutbytet i alla koks med förbehandlat sågspån var jämförbart med koksreferensen. Temperaturen där kemisk kol i koks började förbrukas, var något högre i koks som innehöll sågspån med 50 viktsprocent hög fluiditetskol. Koldioxidutsläppen från fossilt kol per ton råjärn (THM) uppskattades att vara 8,6 % lägre med tillsatsen av 10 viktprocent förbehandlat sågspån i kolblandningar för kokstillverkning. Tillsatsen av 20 viktprocent skulle innebära en minskning på 10 % per ton råjärn. Briketter med två olika blandningar framställdes, en blandning med torrifierat sågspån och en blandning med behandlat sågspån. Briketterna karakteriserades genom att analysera den kemiska sammansättningen och reduktionen av järnoxider i termisk reducerade briketter. Briketter med behandlat sågspån var mer kompakta, d.v.s. hade en högre densitet än briketter som innehöll torrifierad sågspån. Mängden hematit som kunde tillsättas i mixen med torrifierad sågspån var 0.107 mol, medan i mixen med förbehandlat sågspån 0.112 mol kunde tillsättas. / Bio4metals / CAMM

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