Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bulgaria""
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Kauza ČEZ z pohledu českého a bulharského tisku / CEZ's affair from the point of view of Czech and Bulgarian pressKraevská, Markéta January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis The CEZ affair from the perspective of the Czech and Bulgarian press deals with the media portrayal of the unrests in Bulgaria in February and March 2013, which were caused by the high prices for electricity that had been supplied, among others, by the parastatal Czech company CEZ. This company became a symbol of the protests. The basis for the analysis and comparison consists of the Czech dailies Mladá fronta Dnes, Právo, Hospodářské noviny and the Bulgarian dailies Trud, 24 chasa and Standart. The reference period is February 2013, when the protests began and subsequently culminated at the end of the month. This work aims to describe how the whole affair was depicted in selected examples of Czech and Bulgarian press. Subsequently, these two approaches are compared. In addition to the analysis, the thesis also touches the topic of modern history of Bulgaria and an outline of Czech-Bulgarian relations. The individual periodicals used for the analysis, as well as the energetical concept of Bulgaria are introduced in order to achieve easier understanding of the entire problem.
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Turkish loanwords in seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Bosnian and Bulgarian Franciscan textsGraham, Florence January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation analyses when, how and why Turkish loanwords became incorporated into Bosnian and Bulgarian, as seen in the writings of the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Bosnian and Bulgarian Franciscans. I analyse Bosnian works (religious and secular) by Matija Divkovic, Ivan Bandulavic, Pavo Posilovic Mošunjanin, Mihovil Radnic, Stjepan Margitic Markovac, Lovro Braculjevic, Filip Lastric, Nikola Marcinkušic Lašvanin, Marko Dobretic, Bono Benic, and Grgo Ilijic-Varešanin. As a Bulgarian counterpart, I analyse three eighteenth-century Bulgarian Franciscan manuscripts and the works of Petar Bogdan Bakšic and Filip Stanislavov. The dissertation consists of eight chapters. The first chapter gives background information on Turkish presence in Bosnia and Bulgaria, the history of the Franciscans in Bosnia and Bulgaria, short biographies of each of the writers whose works are analysed, phonology and orthography. The second chapter focuses on the complications regarding establishing earliest attestations for turkisms in Bosnian and Bulgarian. The third chapter discusses the nominal morphology of turkisms in Bosnian and Bulgarian. This chapter analyses why turkisms developed the gender that they did when borrowed from a language that does not have gender as a category. Chapter four addresses the verbal morphology of turkisms in Bosnian and Bulgarian. Verbal prefixes are discussed in detail, as are Turkish voiced suffixes in Bulgarian. The fifth chapter analyses adjectives and adverbs, with focus on gender and number agreement. The sixth chapter addresses the use of Turkish conjunctions. The seventh chapter looks at the motivation, semantics and setting of turkisms in Bosnian and Bulgarian. The conclusion addresses how morphology, semantics, motivation and setting of turkisms relate to their chronology in Bosnian and Bulgarian and how these areas differ from language to language. Read more
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Intergenerational Caregiver Loss and Successful Aging Opportunity Disruption of Bulgarian ElderlyHabermann, Daniel Georg 01 January 2019 (has links)
Identified by European research as an aging crisis, vulnerabilities in the rural Bulgarian elderly population such as intergenerational caregiver loss, are sociohistorical consequences and barriers to successful aging. This transcultural study investigated the aging crisis in rural Bulgaria to create a contextual definition of successful aging and to address successful aging and the identification of challenges and barriers faced by social workers and elders to support successful aging. Guided by continuity theory in aging and contextualized by overarching ecological systems theory, the research questions examined Bulgarian social workers' perceptions and expectations of successful aging and barriers to it. A collaborative action research design was commissioned with a purposeful sample of an 8-member participant group drawn from multileveled Bulgarian social workers affiliated with the rural elderly population. Data were distilled by a thematic analysis into perceptions, expectations, and barriers of successful aging, which were validated by triangulation through translation and repetitive member checking processes. The findings revealed no universal threshold of successful aging achievement, but because expectations were unmet due to systemic barriers successful aging is not occurring in Bulgaria. The study results might bring about positive change by unifying Bulgarian multilevel social work practice to restore successful aging opportunity for the rural Bulgarian population by actions that systemically respond to the identified barriers. Read more
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Poetika povídkové tvorby Dejana Eneva / Poetics of the short stories of Dejan EnevNovotná, Mariana January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is the introduction of the poetics in the work of the contemporary Bulgarian writer Dejan Enev (*1960), who is mainly writing short stories. Enev is an almost unknown author in the Czech milieu (only these short stories were published in a Czech translation: Little Bulgarian from Alaska, Българи 2011; Niki- Nikola, Casablanca and How to write haiku, Plav 2014/č.1; Little town Mendocino from the book Which way the wind is blowing. Anthology of short stories from Southeast Europe. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, 2016, s. 38-43). He was awarded several international prizes in foreign countries and his stories were translated into several foreign languages (he achieved a great success e.g. in Austria where Zirkus Bulgarien, Geschichten für eine Zigarettenlänge. Wien: Zsolnay Verlag, 2008; was published in German. His books were also published in the United Kingdom and Norway. In his works Dejan Enev is close to the most famous classical writers of Bulgarian short stories (e.g. to Jordan Jovkov), as well as to writers of this genre in world literature (he endorses himself to the legacy of Isaak Babel or Jerome David Salinger). In the context of Bulgarian literature he is considered as the leading successor of the home storytelling tradition in the field of short fiction... Read more
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Agreement, case assignment and nominal coordinationHristov, Bozhil Petrov January 2012 (has links)
The topic of this dissertation is agreement and case assignment, with particular reference to conjoined noun phrases. The initial chapters look at the different possibilities available in such contexts, including agreement with the features of each individual conjunct, agreement with the features of only one conjunct, or agreement with features computed on the basis of those of the individual conjuncts but not necessarily possessed by them. We propose a way of handling all of these patterns with a single formal mechanism, later applying the same intuitions to the assignment (or non-assignment) of case values by a head to its dependents. Attempts are also made to explore in greater depth some of the factors that might influence the choice of alternative agreement configurations, as well as to extend the scope of the model which we elaborate as we go along to non-conjoined environments where variable agreement occurs. Special emphasis is laid throughout on fluctuations in agreement, either because the controller has mismatched attributes or because the syntactic structure and/or the semantic interpretation allow variation. The final conclusion is that a modular approach to grammar is best placed to deal with the empirical facts. The complexities of the data call for bringing together purely morpho-syntactic, declensional information, syntactic hierarchy, order and constituency, coupled with semantics and pragmatics. The successful, appropriately regulated, interaction of these modules is shown to offer a satisfactory explanation which is difficult to obtain by exclusively relying on syntax or semantics alone. Read more
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Typologie ženských postav v románovém díle Teodory Dimovové / The typology of female characters in Teodora Dimova's fictional worksFlemrová, Romana January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation in its introduction deals with theoretical view at poetics of literary character and its evolution in 19th and 20th century. These theories are applied at female characters in novels of contemporary Bulgarian writer Teodora Dimova. Subject of research is central female characters in her novels Mothers and Adriana. The last above mentioned novel continues a novel found in heritage of her father - classical writer of Bulgarian literature Dimtăr Dimov. Teodora Dimova is often attacked in Bulgaria that she only profits from her father's fame and that she uses his writing method. This dissertation points out independence of her literary discourse and argue against above mentioned opinions. Key words Dimovova, poetics of female character, contemporary Bulgarian novel
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Processing negative imperatives in Bulgarian : evidence from normal, aphasic and child languageKuehnast, Milena January 2010 (has links)
The incremental nature of sentence processing raises questions about the way the information of incoming functional elements is accessed and subsequently employed in building the syntactic structure which sustains interpretation processes. The present work approaches these questions by investigating the negative particle ne used for sentential negation in Bulgarian and its impact on the overt realisation and the interpretation of imperative inflexion, bound aspectual morphemes and clitic pronouns in child, adult and aphasic language.
In contrast to other Slavic languages, Bulgarian negative imperatives (NI) are grammatical only with imperfective verbs. We argue that NI are instantiations of overt aspectual coercion induced by the presence of negation as a temporally sensitive sentential operator. The scope relation between imperative mood, negation, and aspect yields the configuration of the imperfective present which in Bulgarian has to be overtly expressed and prompts the imperfective marking of the predicate. The regular and transparent application of the imperfectivising mechanism relates to the organisation of the TAM categories in Bulgarian which not only promotes the representation of fine perspective shifts but also provides for their distinct morphological expression.
Using an elicitation task with NI, we investigated the way 3- and 4-year-old children represent negation in deontic contexts as reflected in their use of aspectually appropriate predicates. Our findings suggest that children are sensitive to the imperfectivity requirement in NI from early on. The imperfectivisation strategies reveal some differences from the target morphological realisation. The relatively low production of target imperfectivised prefixed verbs cannot be explained with morphological processing deficits, but rather indicates that up to the age of five children experience difficulties to apply a progressive view point to accomplishments.
Two self-paced reading studies present evidence that neurologically unimpaired Bulgarian speakers profit from the syntactic and prosodic properties of negation during online sentence comprehension. The imperfectivity requirement negation imposes on the predicate speeds up lexical access to imperfective verbs. Similarly, clitic pronouns are more accessible after negation due to the phono-syntactic properties of clitic clusters. As the experimental stimuli do not provide external discourse referents, personal pronouns are parsed as object agreement markers. Without subsequent resolution, personal pronouns appear to be less resource demanding than reflexive clitics. This finding is indicative of the syntax-driven co-reference establishment processes triggered through the lexical specification of reflexive clitics.
The results obtained from Bulgarian Broca's aphasics show that they exhibit processing patterns similar to those of the control group. Notwithstanding their slow processing speed, the agrammatic group showed no impairment of negation as reflected by their sensitivity to the aspectual requirements of NI, and to the prosodic constraints on clitic placement. The aphasics were able to parse the structural dependency between mood, negation and aspect as functional categories and to represent it morphologically. The prolonged reaction times (RT) elicited by prefixed verbs indicate increasing processing costs due to the semantic integration of prefixes as perfectivity markers into an overall imperfective construal. This inference is supported by the slower RT to reflexive clitics, which undergo a structurally triggered resolution. Evaluated against cross-linguistic findings, the obtained result strongly suggests that aphasic performance with pronouns depends on the interpretation efforts associated with co-reference establishment and varies due to availability of discourse referents.
The investigation of normal and agrammatic processing of Bulgarian NI presents support for the hypothesis that the comprehension deficits in Broca's aphasia result from a slowed-down implementation of syntactic operations. The protracted structure building consumes processing resources and causes temporal mismatches with other processes sustaining sentence comprehension.
The investigation of the way Bulgarian children and aphasic speakers process NI reveals that both groups are highly sensitive to the imperfective constraint on the aspectual construal imposed by the presence of negation. The imperfective interpretation requires access to morphologically complex verb forms which contain aspectual morphemes with conflicting semantic information – perfective prefixes and imperfective suffixes. Across modalities, both populations exhibit difficulties in processing prefixed imperfectivised verbs which as predicates of negative imperative sentences reflect the inner perspective the speaker and the addressee need to take towards a potentially bounded situation description. / Die schnelle und automatische Natur der Satzverarbeitung wirft Fragen nach der inkrementellen Integration von funktionalen Elementen auf. Wie erfolgt der Zugriff auf die strukturellen, semantischen und prosodischen Informationen der funktionalen Elemente? Wie werden diese Informationen beim Aufbau der syntaktischen Struktur so verknüpft, dass eine wohlgeformte semantische Repräsentation entsteht? Die vorliegende Dissertation widmet sich diesen Fragen durch die Untersuchung der Verarbeitungsmuster von bulgarischen negativen Imperativen (NI) in der Sprache von Kindern, Erwachsenen und Broca-Aphasikern. Die Effekte der Negationspartikel ne auf die Realisierung und die Interpretation von Imperativ- und Aspektmorphologie sowie von klitischen Pronomen werden in Produktions- und online Satzverständnistests untersucht.
Im Unterschied zu anderen slawischen Sprachen sind synthetische NI im Bulgarischen mit perfektiven Verben ungrammatisch. Diese Besonderheit wird zunächst durch die aspektuelle Interpretation von NI und die sprachspezifische Organisation des TAM-Systems begründet. Die Aspektrestriktion resultiert aus dem Aspektzwang, den die Negation als temporal sensitiver Operator auslöst. Die Skopusrelation zwischen imperativem Modus, Negation und Aspekt ergibt die temporale Konfiguration von imperfektivem Präsens, die im Bulgarischen morphologisch durch die Imperfektivierung des Prädikats markiert werden muss. Der Wechsel in der aspektuellen Perspektive wird durch einen produktiven und transparenten Imperfektivierungsmechanismus gewährleistet.
Der Erwerb von Negation in deontischen Kontexten wurde anhand der Produktion von imperfektiven Prädikaten in einem Elizitationsexperiment mit 3- und 4-jährigen Kindern untersucht. Die Ergebnisse belegen eine frühe Sensitivität für die aspektuelle Wohlgeformtheit der NI. Die Imperfektivierungsstragien zeigen jedoch Abweichungen von der zielsprachlichen morphologischen Realisierung. Die relativ niedrige Produktion von imperfektivierten präfigierten Verben kann nicht durch Defizite in der Morphologieverarbeitung erklärt werden. Die Fehleranalyse verdeutlicht die Schwierigkeiten der Kinder eine Innenperspektive zu potenziell gebundenen Ereignissen einzunehmen, die der zielsprachlichen Interpretation entspräche.
Die syntaktischen und prosodischen Effekte der Negation auf die inkrementelle Verarbeitung von Imperativen bei erwachsenen bulgarischen Muttersprachlern wurde in zwei online Leseexperimenten (self-paced reading) untersucht. Die Reaktionszeiten (RT) zeigen, dass die Negation den lexikalischen Zugriff auf imperfektive Verben beschleunigt. In NI wird der Verarbeitungsaufwand für klitische Pronomen auch deutlich reduziert, da die proklitische Negation mit den pronominalen Enklitika eine phono-syntaktisch strikt geordnete Sequenz bildet. Da der experimentelle Kontext keine externen Diskursreferenten bereitstellt, werden klitische Personalpronomen als Objektkongruenzmarker verarbeitet. Dementsprechend elizitieren sie kürzere RT als die reflexiven Klitika, die eine syntaktisch motivierte Resolution auslösen.
Abgesehen von der deutlich verlangsamten Geschwindigkeit, weisen die RT der untersuchten Broca-Aphasikern ein mit dem der Kontrollgruppe vergleichbares Muster auf. Die Agrammatiker profitieren vom Aspektzwang sowie von den phono-syntaktischen Restriktionen der klitischen Gruppe in NI. Dieses Ergebnis wird als Evidenz interpretiert, dass keine qualitative Beeinträchtigung in der Verarbeitung der funktionalen Eigenschaften der Negation vorliegt. Die Aphasiker sind in der Lage die strukturell bedingte Interaktion zwischen Modus, Negation und Aspekt zu parsen und morphologisch abzubilden, weisen jedoch längere RT für präfigierte Verben auf, was auf einen erhöhten Interpretationsaufwand hindeutet. Die längeren RT der reflexiven Klitika sprechen auch dafür, dass die Performanz der Broca-Aphasikern eher durch den Resolutionsprozess und durch die Verfügbarkeit von Diskursreferenten bedingt wird. Die Lesezeit-Experimente liefern Evidenz für die Hypothese, dass Verständnisdefizite bei Broca-Aphasie von einer langsamen Implementierung syntaktischer Operationen resultieren. Die Limitierung von Verarbeitungsressourcen verzögert den Strukturaufbau und verursacht zeitliche Diskrepanzen zwischen Prozessen, die die semantische Repräsentation bedingen.
Die Untersuchungen zur Verarbeitung von NI bei bulgarischen Kindern und Broca-Aphasikern belegen die hohe Sensitivität beider Gruppen für den Aspektzwang in prohibitiven NI. Die imperfektive Interpretation erfordert Zugang zu morphologisch komplexen Verben mit semantisch widersprüchlichen aspektuellen Affixen – perfektiven Präfixen und imperfektiven Suffixen. Beide Gruppen haben Schwierigkeiten präfigierte imperfektivierte Verben zu verarbeiten. Als Prädikate in NI reflektieren solche komplexe Verben die innere Perspektive, die Sprecher und Hörer in der Repräsentation eines potenziell gebundenen Ereignisses einzunehmen haben. Read more
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A Cross-language Study of the Production and Perception of Palatalized ConsonantsPritchard, Sonia 06 June 2012 (has links)
The goal of this dissertation was to investigate experimentally the phonetic qualities of the palatalized consonants of Standard Bulgarian. The term ‘palatalized’ refers to consonants (e.g., [tʲ, dʲ]) which are articulated with a secondary palatal gesture superimposed on the primary gesture associated with their plain counterparts (e.g., [t, d]). An acoustic study investigated the claim (Horálek, 1950; Choi, 1998; Ignateva-Tsoneva, 2008) that the palatalized consonants of Standard Bulgarian have undergone depalatalization, which was defined as the decomposition of a secondary palatal [ ʲ ] gesture into a palatal glide [j]. A cross-language comparison was performed. Russian (e.g., [tʲulʲ], ‘silk net’) and British English (e.g., [tju:lip], ‘tulip’) data served as a baseline against which the Bulgarian data (e.g., [tʲul], ‘silk net’) was evaluated. Subjects’ productions of words were recorded for acoustic analyses. The F1, F2 and F3 frequencies of the critical segments were analyzed with a Smoothing Spline ANOVA (Gu, 2002). The analyses indicated that Bulgarian palatalized consonants were identical to those of the Russian palatalized consonants, but different from the consonant-palatal glide sequences of British English. It was concluded that Bulgarian palatalized consonants have not undergone depalatalization. A perception study employed two variations of the gating task (Grosjean, 1980): audio-only and audio-visual. The results of the audio-only experiment indicated that Bulgarian and Russian listeners needed only the information associated with the palatalization portion of the consonant to identify it as palatalized. Bulgarian subjects did not need the transitions with the following vowel (Tilkov, 1983) to identify a consonant as palatalized. The Russian subjects of Richey’s (2000) experiment did not need the formant transitions either to identify the secondary palatal gesture. These findings provide further evidence that the palatalized consonants of the Standard Bulgarian have not undergone depalatalization. The purpose of the audio-visual experiment was to investigate if Bulgarian and Russian listeners use visual information to identify palatalized consonants. The results from this experiment were not as clear cut as those from the audio-only experiment. Factors such as insufficient visual information at earlier gates, as well as attentional load are being considered as possible confounds. In addition, an improved methodology for an audio-visual perception study is outlined. Experimental evidence from the acoustic and perception studies points to similarities in the phonetic shape of the palatalized consonants of Bulgarian and Russian. However, the phonological distribution of these segments is very different in the respective languages. I argue against a one-to-one mapping between the phonetic and phonological representations of the Bulgarian palatalized consonants. Based on distributional evidence, I propose that at the level of phonology they consist of a sequence of /CjV/. Read more
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Between Challenge and Limitation : Blogging the Bulgarian Elections 2011Dankova, Adelina January 2012 (has links)
The constant change of the political, economic, cultural and environmental landscapes of global societies predetermined the upgrowth of the media, the journalistic writings and the blogging practices as a new way of “citizen journalism”. Political blogs are a quite new media phenomenon that gained popularity in the past few years in Bulgaria. Hence, there are limited theoretical case studies. The lagging performance of Bulgaria in the last Reporters Without Borders Report 2011 together with the explicit recommendations of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) after the Presidential and Municipal Elections 2011 in terms of media policy, ownership and news coverage bring the question of limited freedom of speech and the emergence of the blogs as an alternative platform for expression into discussion. Two methods are used in this thesis: structured interviews with two different additional questions and Critical Discourse Analysis. The empirical material was gathered from interviews with 8 of the most influential bloggers in Bulgaria (5 of whom work as journalists) and through an analysis of the texts of their blog entries (2 articles per bloggers or 18 articles in total). The aim is to underline the possible limitations in the practice of freedom of speech in Bulgaria from the bloggers’ perspective and to show only major patterns of the social environment and the current discourse in Bulgaria. Among the main findings of this study are thаt the lack of clarity in the media ownership and the failure of the media to defend the public interest are alarming for the level of democracy. Moreover, the media dependence on power and lobbying circles, as well as the blurred boundary between politics and the media results in the media self-censhorship and thus are threatening for the democratic foundation in Bulgaria and the freedom of speech which is at its basis. This study confirms the thriving of the blogosphere as an alternative media platform. This paper aims to provide insights and policy recommendations for international media experts. Read more
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A Cross-language Study of the Production and Perception of Palatalized ConsonantsPritchard, Sonia 06 June 2012 (has links)
The goal of this dissertation was to investigate experimentally the phonetic qualities of the palatalized consonants of Standard Bulgarian. The term ‘palatalized’ refers to consonants (e.g., [tʲ, dʲ]) which are articulated with a secondary palatal gesture superimposed on the primary gesture associated with their plain counterparts (e.g., [t, d]). An acoustic study investigated the claim (Horálek, 1950; Choi, 1998; Ignateva-Tsoneva, 2008) that the palatalized consonants of Standard Bulgarian have undergone depalatalization, which was defined as the decomposition of a secondary palatal [ ʲ ] gesture into a palatal glide [j]. A cross-language comparison was performed. Russian (e.g., [tʲulʲ], ‘silk net’) and British English (e.g., [tju:lip], ‘tulip’) data served as a baseline against which the Bulgarian data (e.g., [tʲul], ‘silk net’) was evaluated. Subjects’ productions of words were recorded for acoustic analyses. The F1, F2 and F3 frequencies of the critical segments were analyzed with a Smoothing Spline ANOVA (Gu, 2002). The analyses indicated that Bulgarian palatalized consonants were identical to those of the Russian palatalized consonants, but different from the consonant-palatal glide sequences of British English. It was concluded that Bulgarian palatalized consonants have not undergone depalatalization. A perception study employed two variations of the gating task (Grosjean, 1980): audio-only and audio-visual. The results of the audio-only experiment indicated that Bulgarian and Russian listeners needed only the information associated with the palatalization portion of the consonant to identify it as palatalized. Bulgarian subjects did not need the transitions with the following vowel (Tilkov, 1983) to identify a consonant as palatalized. The Russian subjects of Richey’s (2000) experiment did not need the formant transitions either to identify the secondary palatal gesture. These findings provide further evidence that the palatalized consonants of the Standard Bulgarian have not undergone depalatalization. The purpose of the audio-visual experiment was to investigate if Bulgarian and Russian listeners use visual information to identify palatalized consonants. The results from this experiment were not as clear cut as those from the audio-only experiment. Factors such as insufficient visual information at earlier gates, as well as attentional load are being considered as possible confounds. In addition, an improved methodology for an audio-visual perception study is outlined. Experimental evidence from the acoustic and perception studies points to similarities in the phonetic shape of the palatalized consonants of Bulgarian and Russian. However, the phonological distribution of these segments is very different in the respective languages. I argue against a one-to-one mapping between the phonetic and phonological representations of the Bulgarian palatalized consonants. Based on distributional evidence, I propose that at the level of phonology they consist of a sequence of /CjV/. Read more
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