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Mikrovlákna na bázi polyhydroxybutyrátu pro medicínské aplikace / Microfibers based on polyhydroxybutyrate for medical applicationsGregušková, Zuzana January 2021 (has links)
Diplomová práca je zameraná na mikrovlákna na báze biopolyméru poly(3-hydroxybutyrátu) a ich využitie v medicínskych aplikáciách. Teoretická časť práce sa zaoberá štúdiom procesu tvorby vláken pomocou technológie odstredivého zvlákňovania, jeho kinetikou a faktormi ovplyvňujúcimi vznik a vlastnosti vláken. Teoretická časť sa následne orientuje na krátky prehľad biopolymérov používaných v tejto technológii, charakteristiku materiálu poly(3-hydroxybutyrátu) a taktiež prezentuje návrh potenciálnej cieľovej aplikácie daných mikrovláken. Praktická časť sa koncentruje sa prípravu mikrovláken zo spomínaného poly(3-hydroxybutyrátu). Sledované a optimalizované sú viaceré parametre vedúce k lepšej zvlákniteľnosti materiálu. Praktická časť je rozšírená o modifikáciu polymérneho roztoku prídavkom iných biopolymérov a zmäkčovadiel a prípravu mikrovláken z takto modifikovanej polymérnej zmesi. Pozornosť je venovaná taktiež optimalizácii procesných parametrov. Pripravené mikrovlákna sú následne analyzované a charakterizované viacerými metódami a vzájomne porovnávané s cieľom vyvinúť alternatívu k súčasne používaným substrátom pre rast buniek v 3D.
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Molekulární základy klonální heterogenity hematologických onemocnění / Molecular basis of clonal heterogeneity of hematological diseasesBabošová, Oľga January 2019 (has links)
Tumor heterogeneity has been recognized for decades. The molecular mechanisms impacting clonal heterogeneity in hematological diseases, specifically myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) and mantle cell lymphoma, with the focus on several inherited genetic factors, inflammation, the protective mechanisms of DNA damage response (DDR) in the leukemic transformation and the treatment strategies are the focus of this thesis. Firstly, I focus on studying germline JAK2 variants and how these may influence the initiation and progression of MPN diseases, and even contribute to further genomic alterations in the mutated clone. A study performed by our cooperating lab in Utah, USA,1 analyzing the mutational landscape of 31 JAK2 V617F-positive polycythemia vera (PV) patients identified two novel germline mutations in JAK2 gene, JAK2 T108A and JAK2 L393V. Another study2 , performed by our cooperating lab in Olomouc, Czech Republic, characterized two germline JAK2 mutations, E846D and R1063H, in a case of hereditary erythrocytosis accompanied by megakaryocytic atypia. The JAK2 R1063H variant was initially described in 3 out of 93 PV patients that were JAK2 V617F-positive.3 Our aim was to identify the role of selected inherited mutations in JAK2 gene in the initiation and progression of myeloproliferative...
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In vitro studium nově syntetizovaných potenciálně kardioprotektivních léčiv / In vitro study of newly synthesized potential cardioprotective drugsLiptáková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Biochemical Sciences Candidate: Lucie Liptáková Supervisor: RNDr. Pavlína Hašková, Ph.D. Title of master thesis: In vitro study of newly synthesized potential cardioprotective drugs Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are in an organism generated under normal or pathological conditions. There are antioxidant mechanisms, which protects the organism from their harmful effect. In case of imbalance between ROS/RNS production and antioxidant mechanisms, an oxidative stress is initiated. The oxidative stress is involved in the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cardiovascular desease. In consequence of higher presence of mitochondria and lower presence of antioxidants cardiomyocytes are more sensitive to the oxidative stress. Iron, by catalysing radical's reactions, significantly participates on formation and development of oxidative stress. Elimination of the free iron by iron chelators is one option how to prevent or moderate oxidative stress. The aim of this master theses was to study cardioprotective effect in presence of H2O2 and own toxicity of newly synthetized aroylhydrazone iron chelators (H21, H22, H23, H24, H25 and H26) on rat embryotic cardiomyoblasts H9c2. Protective and toxic...
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Morfologické zmeny hipokampu v tetanotoxínovom modeli temporálnej epilepsie / Morphological changes of the hippocampus in tetanus toxin model of temporal lobe epilepsyDemeterová, Ľubica January 2015 (has links)
Temporal lobe epilepsy is the most common form of epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosis represents the main underlying structural abnormity. Approximately 20% of TLE cases are non- lesional due to absence of any obvious epileptogenic lesion and tetanus toxin model is traditionally considered as a model of non-lesional temporal lobe epilepsy. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the presence of the cell damage and to determine its spatiotemporal profile. Tetanus toxin was stereotaxically injected into CA3 subregion of dorsal hippocampus in adult male Wistar rats. Brain tissue was extracted 4, 8 and 16 days following the surgery. Postfixed brains were sectioned to 50 µm slices and labeled using Nissl's and FluoroJade B staining (FJB). Hippocampal sclerosis was present only in animals from D16 group, however, it was localized mainly in contralateral CA1 area. Additional finding was decreased Nissl's staining in contralateral hippocampus which corresponded with the presence of FJB positive neurons. In animals from group D8, we have identified presence of FJB positive neurons predominantly in ipsilateral hippocampus. In D4 animals, cellular degeneration was absent. To examine the non- lesional nature of tetanus toxin model, we have performed blind study, when Nissl's staining were reviewed...
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Nastavenie skríningových metód na nájdenie nových regulátorov aktivity fosfoglykolát fosfatázy. / Establishment of screening methods to find new regulators of the activity of phosphoglycolate phosphataseTroppová, Eva January 2018 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Eva Troppová Supervisor: PharmDr. Marie Vopršalová, CSc. Specialized supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antje Gohla Title of diploma thesis: Establishment of screening methods to find new regulators of the activity of phosphoglycolate phosphatase This work deals with the siRNA-based genomic screening for the modification of phosphoglycolate phosphatase (PGP) activity. 235 proteins were affected by transient transfection of siRNAs in vitro. Each siRNA was used in duplicates and the control was carried out by two control siRNAs. After downregulation of protein by siRNA PGP activity was evaluated, whether any modifications of PGP activity have occurred. PGP was the main research target. The main goal of this study before the screening was to set up a method, to create a reliable protocol. The whole study was 96 plate well. It was necessary to find the right conditions to measure PGP activity in two cell types (HEK AD 293 and Hep G2). Subsequently, optimal conditions were set up to influence expression of the protein. The method was optimalized using PGP siRNAs and 2 types of transfection reagents were tested. During our study the following methods were used: PGP activity assay, Bicinchoninic acid...
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Studium úlohy proteinkinázy C alfa v améboidní invazivitě nádorových buněk / Studium úlohy proteinkinázy C alfa v améboidní invazivitě nádorových buněkVaškovičová, Katarína January 2012 (has links)
1. Abstract Protein kinase C α (PKCα) is a serine/threonine protein kinase regulating many different signaling pathways. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential role of PKCα in amoeboid morphology and invasion of cancer cells. It was observed, that expression of PKCα as well as its phosphorylation on Thr497 remained unchanged upon amoeboid-mesenchymal transition of A375m2 cells (induced by inhibition of ROCK kinase) both in 3D and in 2D environment. However, activation of PKCα by PKC activator treatment resulted in mesenchymal- amoeboid transition of K2 and MDA-MB-231 mesenchymal cell lines, although it did not change overall invasivity ability of cells to invade 3D collagen. Notably, PKCα activation significantly reduced matrix degrading abilities of A375m2 cells. Conversely, inhibition of PKCα by PKCα inhibitor treatment caused amoeboid-mesenchymal transition of amoeboid A375m2 cells and it was associated with decreased invasiveness of all three cell lines used. PKCα inhibitor did not have any effect on gelatin degradation area of A375m2 cells. Consistently, specific siRNA mediated downregulation of PKCα lead to transition from amoeboid to mesenchymal morphology of A375m2 cells and reduced invasiveness of cells into 3D collagen. Moreover, gelatin degrading abilities of A375m2 cells were...
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Kompetice buněk v populacích kolonií kvasinek / Competition of cells within the population of yeast colonyOčková, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
Competition is a very important natural phenomenon, which causes the rivalry of organisms, in cases such as space limitation or lack of nutrients. It occurs mainly in situations where organisms, including microorganisms live in large populations. Multicellular yeast colonies represent an example of such a population. After the population of yeast cells spends nutrients from the environment, the cells in colonies are able to respond to these changes by production of ammonia functioning as a signaling molecule. Subsequently, the cells are able to change their morphology and metabolism and, dependently on their location within the colony, to create a subpopulation of cells with specific characteristics and functions. It is likely that in the case of mixed colonies formed by the two different strains, a competition between the cells of these two strains could exist. Such rivalry can result in changes in the ratio of cells of the two strains within the colony population, so that the cells of one strain outweigh the other. In this diploma thesis, I compared the growth and development of giant colonies and competition between the cells of selected pairs of strains forming mixed colonies. I focused on the parental strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae BY and its variants labeled with fluorescent proteins. For...
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