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Meanings of ethnicity and gender in the making : a case study of ethnic change among middle class Dutch Burghers in post-colonial Sri Lanka /Fujinuma, Mizue. January 1997 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 1997. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves [193]-199).
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Kroniky českobudějovických měšťanů Jana Jiřího Millauera a Jana Eichlera a jeho syna Jana Antonína Eichlera z druhé poloviny 18. století ve vzájemné komparaci / The Chronicles of Burghers from České Budějovice Jan Jiří Millauer and Jan Eichler and His Son Jan Antonín Eichler from the Second Half of 18th Century and Their Mutual ComparisonKVĚTOVÁ, Miroslava January 2014 (has links)
The thesis entitled The Chronicles of Burghers from České Budějovice Jan Jiří Millauer and Jan Eichler and His Son Jan Antonín Eichler from the Second Half of 18th Century and Their Mutual Comparison is divided into four chapters. The first one is devoted to the chronicle of Jan Jiří Millauer and is divided into several other parts, which describe externals of this manuscript, present the content of the book in detail and characterize the person of writer or recorder Jan Jiří Millauer. The first chapter is also devoted to issues of filiation of the chronicle, reasons of its emergence and its further history. The second chapter is also divided into several parts, which are devoted to the same issues as the first chapter, but this time in the context of the chronicle of Jan Eichler and his son Jan Antonín Eichler. Records from both chronicles are closely compared in the third chapter. The last chapter presents an attempt to compare records with each other extant chronicle of burghers from České Budějovice from the early modern period, especially to compare them with chronicles from the second half of 18th century. The thesis includes a list of references and sources and in the appendix of the thesis there are the editorial note, the scientific editions of the Chronicle of Jan Jiří Millauer and of the Chronicle of Jan Eichler and his son Jan Antonín Eichler, the local index and writing samples of the edited chronicles.
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BiCGStab, VPAStab and an adaptation to mildly nonlinear systems.Graves-Morris, Peter R. January 2007 (has links)
No / The key equations of BiCGStab are summarised to show its connections with Pade and vector-Pade approximation. These considerations lead naturally to stabilised vector-Pade approximation of a vector-valued function (VPAStab), and an algorithm for the acceleration of convergence of a linearly generated sequence of vectors. A generalisation of this algorithm for the acceleration of convergence of a nonlinearly generated system is proposed here, and comparative numerical results are given.
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Le refuge huguenot du cap de Bonne-Espérance : genèse, assimilation, héritage / The Huguenot Refuge at the Cape of Good Hope : Genesis, Assimilation, HeritageGarcia-Chapleau, Marilyn 21 October 2013 (has links)
Entre 1670 et 1700, 260 protestants français fuyant les persécutions religieuses ont gagné le poste de ravitaillement créé en 1652 par la Compagnie hollandaise des Indes orientales (la VOC) au cap de Bonne-Espérance. Ces réfugiés devaient mettre en valeur des terres nouvellement colonisées et fournir des vivres aux navires de la Compagnie en transit entre l’Europe et l’Asie. La communauté huguenote est rapidement entrée en conflit avec les dirigeants locaux de la VOC dont la politique visait l’assimilation des protestants français dans la communauté hollandaise dominante. Les différends ont porté sur la gestion des propriétés foncières, sur le commerce avec les indigènes et les équipages en transit, sur l’utilisation de la langue française dans les domaines administratif et culturel, ainsi que sur l’autonomie politique de la communauté huguenote. En outre, bien qu’ils partageassent la même foi calviniste, les conditions de la pratique religieuse devaient être approuvées par les autorités du cap. [etc.] / Between 1670 and 1700, 260 French Protestants fleeing religious persecution reached the refreshment station founded in 1652 by the Dutch East India Company (VOC) at the Cape of Good Hope. The refugees’ task was to develop newly colonised land and provide supplies for the Company’s ships in transit between Europe and Asia. The Huguenot community quickly came into conflict with the VOC local authorities, who were intent on assimilating the French Protestants into the dominant Dutch community. Their disputes revolved around the land grants, trade with the indigenous people and passing ships, the use of the French language in the administrative and cultural fields, as well as self-governance of their own community. Additionally, conditions of religious practice had to be approved of by the Cape authorities, despite the fact that the French and Dutch shared the same Calvinist faith.
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Měšťanské domy Starého Města pražského ve světle vizitačního protokolu tereziánského katastru / Burgher houses in Prague's Old Town in the light of the inspection protocol of the Theresian CadastreVobrátilková, Hana January 2012 (has links)
Měšťanské domy Starého Města pražského ve světle vizitačního protokolu tereziánského katastru. Abstrakt Vývoj staroměstské domovní zástavby během barokní epochy bývá nejčastěji posuzován z uměleckohistorického hlediska. V této práci je na domy Starého Města pražského pohlíženo optikou berních pramenů hromadné povahy. Výchozí časový mezník představuje rok 1653, kdy se v pražských městech započalo se sestavováním prvního českého katastru - berní ruly. Komparací údajů berní ruly a vizitačního protokolu tereziánského katastru z let 1725-1726 jsem se pokusila odpovědět na otázku, jaké byly vývojové trendy v domovním majetku staroměstských měšťanů. Písemný výsledek vizitace tereziánského katastru představuje mimořádný pramen, který eviduje řadu podstatných údajů pro dějiny staroměstských domů. Srovnání s berní rulou je v tomto případě omezené výpovědní hodnotou staršího katastru, který nepřináší tolik podrobných informací jako vizitační protokol. Analýzu bylo možné provést jen v těch indikátorech, které se týkají počtu, skladby a daňového zatížení domů. Výrazné změny v počtu staroměstských domů sice berní prameny v letech 1653-1726 neprokazují, zaznamenávají ale odlišnou situaci v samotné skladbě domů. Za hlavní tendence, které se projevily ve vývoji domovní zástavby Starého Města pražského, lze označit zvýšení...
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De ofrälse och makten : En institutionell studie av riksdagen och de ofrälse ståndens politik i maktdelningsfrågor 1660-1682 / Commoner Estates and Power : An institutional study of the Riksdag and the Commoner Estates’ policy regarding power-sharing 1660–1682Scherp, Joakim January 2013 (has links)
In this thesis the constitutional policies of the three Commoner Estates (Priests, Burghers and Peasants) of the Swedish Riksdag between the years 1660 and 1682 is examined. While many previous historians have focused on the power-struggle between the Crown and the nobility, the Commoner Estates have been presumed to be staunch supporters of absolutism. I argue that the picture is far more complex. Case-studies of a number of political negotiations that concerned the distribution of political power show that the Commoners were flexible in their constitutional policies. When they sensed they were in a strong position, they were explicit in their demand for a say in political decisions. But when they were weak, they were deferential to the government. If there is one constant in their policies it is not blind reverence to royalties: the thesis show that they could sacrifice the interests of powerless members of the royal family in favour of security and defence of Protestant faith. In comparison, the Commoners were more eager to protect the rights of their own Estates and of the Riksdag as a whole. One important feature of Commoner politics was the willingness of Priests, Burghers and Peasants to co-operate, which sometimes made them quite influential. In the thesis the relations between the Estates are examined. I also have endeavoured to examine the political institutions, the rules that governed politics in the Riksdag during the period. It is observed that the institutional structures were quite complex and unclear, which gav an advantage to well-oriented Estates like the Priests and the Nobility in comparison with the Peasants. The Priests also was the best organized Estate of the Commoners. Other factors that favoured the clergy was that they were led by politically experienced bishops; that they had common privileges that all priests were interested in defending; and that they were strengthened and united by their religious ideology.
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Obraz města Českých Budějovic v historiografických narativních pramenech raného novověku / The burgher chronicle of České Budějovice of the Early Modern PeriodKVĚTOVÁ, Miroslava January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the study of historiographical narrative sources of České Budějovice from the early modern period. Research is set in a European context. Especially in the German-speaking countries, a number of challenging studies have already emerged from which it is possible to draw suggestions and comparisons. Methodologically, the work is focused on the research of historical-anthropological issues, which could reveal the thought-world of burghers in the early modern period. However, the basis of the dissertation is a codicological analysis of the external and internal features of the manuscripts and their comparison. First, the thesis introduces individual sources, including biographies of scribes overlapping into the 19th century, then the research interest of historians in these sources is presented up to the present day. It is essential to identify the types of sources in which chronicle or memorial records can be found, and to determine the forms of their preservation. Emphasis is also placed on the authors and motivations that led them to create the chronicles. The aim of the analysis of thematic areas of records and their mutual comparison is to find out whether urban historiographical narrative sources could create urban identity and could form the image of the city. The main contribution of this work is to deepen the understanding of historiographical narrative sources of cities and to research of the thinking and action of early modern urban inhabitants. The work also deals with the comparison with other important writing centres in the 16th to 18th century and examines the impact of historical events and artistic and cultural directions on the form of these sources. Part of this work is a list of narrative sources for the history of České Budějovice from the early modern period, which can be used for better understanding the issue and could support further research on the city's history.
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Komunikace Českých Budějovic a nižší šlechty na přelomu 16. a 17. století / Communication of České Budějovice and the lower nobility at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuriesGAJDOŠ, Patrik January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the research of communication between the town council of České Budějovice and representatives of the lower nobility between 1581 and 1584 and later with the interruption from 1602 to 1604. Its aim is to describe the content of mutual correspondence and interpret it in the context of the history of the South Bohemian region. It presents a typology of correspondence in order to identify the most common topics that occurred in the mutual communication of the city council and representatives of the lower nobility. The specific arguments used by the councilors of České Budějovice also became the subject of interest. This approach helped to clarify the identity that the burghers represented through the documents of the city office. Finally, it examines the settlement of representatives of the lower nobility. It was reconstructed using data from correspondence and tax registers. In conclusion, the thesis summarizes the findings and offers possible directions that could be followed in future research.
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Oltářní fundace kutnohorských měšťanů v předhusitské době / Chantry chapels by burghers in Kutná Hora in pre-Hussite periodVaněk, Vojtěch January 2011 (has links)
Chantry chapels by burghers in Kutná Hora in pre-Hussite period Vojtěch Vaněk This study is based on the social-historical understanding of the role of chantries and of liturgical memory in medieval society, as discussed especially by Otto G. Oexle and Michael Borgolte. Chantries as permanent pious gifts connected the world of the living with the world of the dead, kept the presence of the dead among the living and, simultaneously, contributed to the salvation of their souls through mutual solidarity between the living and the dead. This study also evaluates the insights of the new cultural history, which understands the endowments as symbolic capital in a given society, capital which enabled display of social status and legitimized power through ostentatious demonstration of devotion. Under the House of Luxembourg, Kutná Hora was one of the most populous towns in Bohemia and Moravia as well as one of the biggest centers of mining and processing of silver ore in Europe. 1280's saw the origins of mining there, the first decade of the 14th century saw the city's founding. Kutná Hora was the residence of the central mint in the Czech kingdom and of the royal offices related to the mint and mining. It also attracted burgher elite, who participated in the mining entrepreneurship and traded with precious metals....
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Divine horsemen and people inbetween : a study of the spaces between magical time and mechanical motionClementi-Smith, Jonathan January 2011 (has links)
This PhD “Film by Practice” sets out to question and explore the nature of film poetry. The poetry of the cinematic image is described by the filmmaker Jean Epstein as the “unveiling of the magic inherent in the visual object beyond the capacity of words to define” (Epstein, cited in Sitney, 1978: xxiii). This is a daunting task that the study interprets through the moving image with particular reference to the magical temporal art of trance possession, which is processed within the genre of experimental ethnographic documentary and intercultural film. This thesis is an experiment in form, taking the filmmaker Maya Deren’s notion of film as comprising of “narrative horizontals” and “poetic verticals” (Deren and Sitney, 1971: 178) explored through a practical investigation of movement and time in space both beyond and within the film frame, studied through the art installations Divine Horsemen (2005) and People Inbetween (2007). It is focused through a reading of Gilles Deleuze’s Bergsonian philosophies of cinema as “movement-images” and “time-images” (Deleuze, 1989: xvi, xvii), exhibited as multi-screened video art installations that evolve within the space and hence exist in a perpetual state of “becoming”. Whether this is the sounds and images that change depending on where they are viewed, or the narrative theme of the works as “becoming other”. The themes of “in-betweenness” and the “mix” are investigated through these two video documentary artworks; first, by a third party restaging/remixing of the experimental ethnographic footage of Haitian Voodoo trance possession shot by Maya Deren, unfinished and posthumously released as Divine Horsemen the Voodoo Gods of Haiti (1985); and second, diaspora and the intercultural are explored through the first person personal. Intercultural documentary and experimental ethnography filtered through me with specific reference to my own triangular ethnicity, being British, Sri Lankan, though classified as Dutch Burgher, a “lost white tribe” (Orizio, 2000: 2): a journey into racial “becoming” as an “in-between” belonging to a diasporic community.
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