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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podnikatelský záměr / Business Plan

Zvěřinová, Iveta January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on business plan for establishing an English private kindergarten. The first part of the thesis is theoretical, it defines key terms and describes basic and central characteristics of the bussines plan. The sekond part is about analysis of the current market situation. The aim of this business plan is help the company to enter the market successfully.

Hibridinės aplikacijos įmonės informacinėje sistemoje / Bussines mashup applications enterprise information system

Mažeikaitė, Asta 14 June 2010 (has links)
Žinant, kad versle, norint sėkmingai gyvuoti, reikia iškelti sau – organizacijai tam tikrus tikslus ir uždavinius. Tačiau, kartais, norint pasiekti užsibrėžtų tikslų, ne visuomet užtenka įprastinių verslo priemonių, tenka ieškoti naujų, praktiškesnių ir naudą teikiančių priemonių. Todėl siekiama išsiaiškinti, kokiose verslo srityse galima pritaikyti hibridinių aplikacijų integraciją įmonių informacinėse sistemose, siekiant optimizuoti vykdomus procesus. Šio darbo analizės dalyje ištirta ir išsiaiškinta kokia yra hibridinių aplikacijų technologija, ištirta hibridinių aplikacijų architektūra, veikimo principas bei galimi tokių aplikacijų panaudos ir pritaikymo sprendimai, leidžiantys suprasti ir įvertinti, kaip galima pritaikyti šią technologiją verslo srityje. Eksperimentinėje dalyje atlikti trys skirtingi eksperimentai, įvertinant hibridinių aplikacijų pritaikymo ir integravimo galimybes versle, taikant tiek komercinius tiek „Atviro kodo“ kūrimui skirtus įrankius. / It is a well known fact that in order to function successfully the organization has to have set goals. Sometimes while trying to achieve them the usual business means are not enough and new, more efficient ways have to be found. Considering this, it is important to find out the potential business areas in which the integration of hybrid applications can be applied in order to optimize the processes. The analysis part of this paper investigates the technology of hybrid applications, examines their architecture, the principle of operating, possible usage and the possibilities of applying them, all these factors helping understand and evaluate how this technology can be used in business. The experimental part of this paper describes three different experiments concerning the evaluation and integrating of hybrid applications in business while applying both commercial tools and those designed for creating Open-Source.

Testování vývoje bankovního systému / Testing during development of the banking system

Macháčková, Blanka January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with software testing in company, whose activities are financial services . Emphasis is placed on the current development model , which was recently changed from waterfall type to the agile type . This transition is described using the comparison . The work is focused on the ideal composition of the scrum team. Such a team could more easily develop new functionality. Finally, described the tools that are necessary for development and testing . The aim is to analyze and propose improvements in process development testing of new functionality to the financial system. As a result of this activity is a proposal to improve the process , not only testing, but also a process that is itself before starting the tests. Output work is the connection of these analyzes and design process testing, which would save the company costs .

Strategická analýza společnosti Rašelina, a.s. / Strategic Analysis of Rašelina, a.s.

Kolářová, Pavlína January 2009 (has links)
The Strategic Analysis prepared for Raselina a.s. is a graduation thesis, which concentrates on theory, methodology and work experience applied to the strategy and operating management of the company. The theoretical part focuses on general methods and characteristics of strategic analysis. The work experience part summarizes the theoretical and methodological analyses and applies them to analyze the actual internal and external strategy of the company. Based on the results the SWOT analysis is provided. The conclusion is the recap of the results of all analyses and suggestion for the most effective strategy for the company.

Business centrum / Business Centre

Dežerická, Lucia January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and assessment of the two different variants of the steel structure of the business centre. The building is situated in Uherské Hradiště. The construction has several floors and the ground floor in the 1st floor is 32 x 32 m, it gradually extends evenly up in 2nd floor and 5th floor, to the total ground plan dimensions of 48 x 48 m. The building has 8 floors and its maximum construction height is 40 m. The supporting system of the structure is designed from S 355 steel, it consists of steel-concrete beams, dies and columns.

Podnikatelský plán na založení fitness centra ve městě Kuřim / The Business Plan for the Establishment of a Fitness center in the city of Kurim

Pláteník, Jindřich January 2021 (has links)
The master’s thesis is focused on the creation of a viable business plan for establishing a new mikrocompany offering a services in the fitness area in the gradient area. Theoretical part is describes starting points related with through of business and market, bussines plan and his structure including description of used analytical research methods and tools. To define and verification of main idea is used qualitative research and method of Lean canvas. Analytical part contains starting points from of carried out analysis and research, on their basis is selected a suitable strategy for starting mikrobussiness. The design part of the thesis elaborates a specific part of the business plan in connection with the chosen strategy so that the plan is feasible and viable.

Proyecto para implementar asesoría profesional integral empresarial digital “APIE” / Project to implement digital business integral professional advice "APIE"

Encalada Encalada, Cecilia de los Ángeles, Tong Oré, Roberto Claudio, Toro Guerrero, Luis Alexander, Ventura Ramirez, Irma Elizabeth 30 November 2020 (has links)
La iniciativa de Implementar la Asesoría Profesional Integral Digital brindada por expertos en legal, finanzas, tributos y laboral, nace para orientar, asesorar y acompañar a emprendedores y empresarios que buscan crear, formalizar o impulsar sus negocios. La Emergencia Sanitaria por COVID-19 agudizó la informalidad laboral que bordeaba el 75%; ahora el 30% de la PEA tiene empleo de baja calidad o se ha quedado sin uno; por ello, para medir el interés del público, encuestamos a 246 personas, confirmando que el 30.24% tiene un emprendimiento, un 51.21% está interesado en iniciarlo, un 52.42% desconoce los beneficios de formalizarse, sea porque la información no cumple sus necesidades o porque es muy compleja; ni tampoco conocen el buscador del Estado Peruano www.gob.pe,. Aunque el escenario político es desfavorable y el sector muestra amenaza de nuevos competidores; es importante atraer a los clientes con nuestra Propuesta de Valor: “Información y asesoría on-line de acuerdo a sus necesidades”, “Plasma tu idea sin enredos y haz crecer tu empresa asistido por un experto”. Donde la estrategia competitiva será la diferenciación sustentada en innovación, calidad y transparencia, cuya ventaja será el cumpliendo del sentido de urgencia. Nuestro modelo es una plataforma web de búsqueda que podrá absolver consultas frecuentes con respuestas simples y re direccionando a otras páginas para mayores detalles; en caso se requiera profundizar algún tema, permitirá desplegar opciones y contactar a un asesor. Se prevé un recupero de inversión en 5 años, con un VAN positivo de S/.148.444 y una TIR de 53%. / The initiative to Implement Digital Integral Professional Advice provided by experts in legal, finance, taxes and labor, was born to guide, advice and accompany entrepreneurs who seek to create, formalize or promote their businesses. The COVID-19 Health Emergency deepened the high levels of informality in the labour market that bordered on 75%; now 30% of the Labor Force has low-quality employment or has run out of one; therefore, to measure the interest of the public, we survey 246 people, confirming that 30.24% have an enterprise, 51.21% are interested in starting one, 52.42% are unaware of the benefits of formalizing, either because the information does not meet their needs or because it is very complex; there are also unknown the Peruvian State page called www.gob.pe. Although the political landscape is unfavorable and the sector shows threat from new competitors; it is important to attract clients with our Value Proposal: "Information and advice online according to their needs", "Your idea comes true without entanglements, grow your company assisted by an expert". The competitive strategy will be the differentiation based on innovation, quality and transparency, the advantage of which will be to fulfill the sense of urgency. Our model is a web search platform that will be able to acquit frequent queries with simple answers and redirecting to other pages for more details; for specifics topics, it will allow contact an advisor. An investment recovery is planned in 5 years, with a positive NPV of PEN 148.444 and an IRR of 53%. / Trabajo de investigación

Podnikatelský záměr – založení provozovny na zpracování a prodej hovězího masa / Business Plan - Establishment for Processing and Sale of Beef Meat

Uchytil, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Abstract The master‘s thesis deals with the creating of business plan of the establishment for the processing and sale of beef. The thesis is divided into three main parts. The first part summarizes the theory, which contains the necessary theoretical background within which the analytical and solution proposal part is processed. The second main part is the analytical part, which summarizes the results of the questionnaire survey and strategic analysis. In the last solution proposal part, the business plan itself is created.

Cena kmene neživotního pojištění / Value of nonlife insurance portfolio

Pavko, Marek January 2014 (has links)
Název práce: Cena kmene neživotního pojištění Autor: Bc. Marek Pavko Katedra: Katedra pravděpodobnosti a matematické statistky Vedoucí diplomové práce: Mgr. Pavel Koudelka, Generali Pojiš'ovna a.s. Abstrakt: V práci se věnujeme r·zným přístup·m k ocenění portfólia neživotního pojištění. Podrobněji rozebíráme návrh modelu, který zkoumá hodnotu aktuálního obchodu pojiš'ovny. Odděleně se zaměřujeme na hodnotu obchodu pocházejícího z nadbytku rezerv na jedné straně a zvláš' analyzujeme hodnotu obchodu pocházejí- cího z obnovených smluv na straně druhé. V teoretické části návrhu se zaobíráme simulační metodou bootstrap, kterou využijeme k analýze rizika škodních rezerv. Navržený model aplikujeme na reálná data, která odpovídají odvětví neživotního pojištění. V závěru práce zkoumáme citlivost hodnoty aktuálního obchodu vzhledem ke změně jednotlivých parametr· navrženého modelu a diskutujeme možnost jejich ovlivnění z pohledu pojiš'ovny. Klíčová slova: ocenění portfólia, hodnota aktuálního obchodu, bootstrap, neživotní pojištění, Solvency II 1

Ocenění podniku společnosti SAPELI, a.s / The valuation of the company SAPELI a.s.

Bahounková, Michaela January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to determine the market value of the company SAPELI a.s. to 30.6.2010. The thesis is divided into this parts - strategic analysis, financial analysis, the generators of value , valuation. The valuation is made by DCF Equity method, as an alternative method is chosen method of market comparison.

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