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Bytový dům s provozovnou / Apartment Building with Commercial premisesMikošek, Marek January 2013 (has links)
The theme of my dissertation is creation of technical dokumentacion for the Apartment Building with Commercial premises. The building is three storey. In the 1st floor is located a shop and garage, in the 2nd floor and 3rd floor apartments. The building is designed as a monolithic concrete frame contruction with flat roof. Peripheral walls are sandwich ones made from ceramics masonry and contacts thermal insulation systém.
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První krok k bydlení / First Step in LivingČapek, Aleš January 2014 (has links)
To my master's thesis I approached with the idea of functional simplicity in construction and without limitation of comfort of the object´s users. Residential house is located in a new development in Pávov near Jihlava, which is designed as a five-storey building that provides housing for people moving for work. This is why I designed it as a low cost construction, which mainly consists of one room apartments with a kitchen corner. The whole building is shaped as "L", where the ground floor serves as technical facility of the object, entrance, cellar and a covered parking space.The following four floors serve as residential. From the construction point of view I chose a suitable combination of materials and systems for overall pleasant use of the building.
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Bytový dům / Apartment houseŠťastný, Václav January 2014 (has links)
The subject of master´s thesis is a new apartment building. This house is designed by wall system POROTHERM. Ceilings are monolithic made of prestressed ferronconcrete panels spiroll and the roof is flat. The house has three overhead floors and it has seven residential units. In four of them enter from the main entrance on the 1st floor, which is on the north side of the building. Three of them have their own entrance on the 1 st floor. Shape of the platform is unfinished ,,Z”. Roofs are designed as a cascade. The house is located on the plane in development of apartment house.
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Bytový dům, Náchod - Tepenská / Residential House, Náchod - TepenskáMňuk, Václav January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the master thesis is the Residential house, Nachod - Tepenska. The building is situated near by the city center of Nachod. It contains 6 floors. In the first floor there are two comercial areas, technical room and parking lot. The roof of parking lot serves as a terace for the second floor. In other floors are situated flats. Whole building is covered by flat roof. The ETICS is applied. The insulation from mineral wool is used. The master thesis includes the blue prints of the building.
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Bytový dům / Block of FlatsPertlíček, Michal January 2014 (has links)
The subject of this master’s thesis is elaboration of project documentation for building an " block of flats" according to the actual standards and norms given by law. The object has four storeys above the ground and one underground floor. Object consists of fourteen regular flats and one flat for immobile person. Object is built of brick construction system with ceilings based on the Spirol preloaded panels. Object has partially flat roof covered with vegetation and partially skew pult roof.
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Low energy block of apartments / Low energy block of apartmentsHlavica, Marian January 2014 (has links)
The goal of the project is development of a project documentation for a building: Low energy block of apartments. The documentation was processed in the depressed for construction realization. It solves a four floor block of apartments with flat warm roof and partially depressed parking garage. The structure is designed with risen requirements on thermal properties. The project also solves a concept of heating system. Its energy efficiency was analysed using precise calculation acc. ČSN 73 0540 and processed statement of energy efficiency. The result energy consumption of the structure is B – very efficient.
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Bytový dům v Brně / Apartment building in BrnoŠtefec, Jaroslav January 2014 (has links)
The building is located in Brno, in the city of Štýřice on street Havlenkova. It is a new apartment building. The building has four floors used for living and one underground where the background for the housing and garage. The building is brick ceramic blocks Porothem with monotube flat roof.
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Bytový dům ve svahu / Apartment building on a sloped siteHudec, Karel January 2014 (has links)
Subject of master´s thesis is an apartment building in Uhersky Brod. Subject is designed on a sloped site in central urban area of the city. Apartments are placed on three floors above the ground level, in underground floor is situated a garage. Vertical load-bearing structures in lower floors are made of monolithic reinforced concrete, upper floors are made of ceramic blocks HELUZ. Whole building is insulated with external thermal insulation composite system. Horizontal structures are made of monolithic reinforced concrete. Roof is partly mono-pitched, partly double-pitched truss roof.
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Rezidence pro seniory / Senior citizens' homeŠafář, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Diploma´s thesis of Senior citizens' home is compile in project documentation by legislation in force. Object is situated on plat 260/3 in Sadová. In the building, there are part with apartments and coffee room. It is three-storey cellarless building with flat roof. Acces to building and coffee room is barier-free including parking. House is with elevator. In each floor is barrier-free apartment. Project is compile including static analysis of connection girder, fire safety solution and thermal technical assessment.
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Obytný komplex s provozovnou / Residential buiding with bussines partSevera, Aleš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the layout, construction, fire and thermal technical solution for residential building with business part. The residential complex is divided into four functional parts - underground garages, administrative, operational and residential part. This proposed building has four floors and a basement. The upper floor is sheltered by a flat roof. The constructional system is made of reinforced concrete columns and walls in the first two floors, as for the next floors the brick wall construction is used. The ceiling construction is a monolithic reinforced concrete panel with cross tension.
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