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Bytový dům / Apartment houseJanás, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
The master thesis deals with structural analyzing of timber house structure. In the thesis, two variants are discussed with detailed focus on one of them. The chosen variant is made up by platform frame system. This system is getting more popular in the Czech Republic.
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Analýza nákladů na opravy a údržbu domu v Brně / Cost Analysis of Repairs and Maintenance of an Apartment Building in BrnoStaňková, Pavla January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis will be to create a plan for maintenance and repairs of the building on the street of the brothers Čapků in Brno. The first part will describe the individual concepts dealing with the life of individual structural elements, maintenance and repair and revisions of dedicated technical equipment. The second part will be focused on practice. A plan for maintenance and repairs of the building structures and a plan for revisions and inspections on the dedicated technical equipment will be prepared for the given building. The proposed plan will be designed to spread the funds over the whole period considered.
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Zdanění vlastníka nemovitostí / Retail Estate Owner`s TaxationStudená, Kamila January 2008 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is the taxation of the estate owner. The content of the project is firstly identification with the general tax patterns, thereinafter theoretical analysis of the introduced issues and finally its application on the concrete company. The study should give compact view on the tax liability, as a result of the ownership of the estate.
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Bytový dům, Uničov / Apartment building, UnicovNavarová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Object of presented dissertation is proposition of block of flats. Block of flats is based on wood technology with free stages without cellar. Block of flats is designed with 22°saddle roof based on rafters with tie beam. Object is situated in Uničov, Czech Republic.
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Koncový polyfunkční dům v Prostějově / Semi-detached Multifunctional Building in ProstějovJaneček, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the design and preparation of project documentation multifunctional building in Prostejov. Building has a basement, six floors and the last floor is the attic. The structural system is longitudinal wall and is made of Porotherm system. Floors are made of ceramic panels Heluz. Roof is designed as Gambrel roof. The building is connected to the next building.
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Bytový dům, Brno - Slatina / Block of flats, Brno - SlatinaPřichystal, Jan January 2013 (has links)
In intention of investor is to build on land number 2194/1 single apartment house for 13 families in location Slatina, city Brno. Apartment house is designed as a four-storey building, without basement. Ground plan has the shape of letter T. The maximum dimensions of 16,82 x 30,32 m. The roof is planned single-layer flat roof.The apartment building is designed as a walled insulated. The apartment building created thirteen apartment units.
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Železobetonová nosná konstrukce / Reinforced concrete load-bearing constructionEliášová, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
My diploma thesis presents structural design of an apartment block in Praha Smíchov. It is a reinforced concrete column structure with six floors. Plane dimensions of the building are 19x36 m. The project includes design of main structural system elements - columns, ceiling plate, foundation and staircase structure.
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Přestavba učiliště na pasivní bytový dům / Conversion of school building to energy passive residential houseMázl, Michal January 2015 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis is the project of reconstruction of schools to passive apartment building. This thesis follows a pilot project reconstruction of the former school in Dubňany to 27 apartments in the passive standard. This is a real project that will be implemented in the following years.
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Bytový dům / Residential BuildingLonda, Libor January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the preparation of documentation project of new residential building with twenty flats. The building is located in Valašské Meziříčí. The building has four floors, which are used for housing and one underground technical floor with garage and cellar booths. The building is brick ceramic blocks Porotherm and it is covered with a flat roof. The drawings were processed in a computer program AutoCAD.
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Novostavba bytového domu v Brně / New-Built Residential House in BrnoPichaničová, Pavla January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis of " New-Built Residential House in Brno" is composed in the form of project documentation. The building is situated in the centre of Brno city, Rybářská street and there is designed nineteen apartments. The building has five floors and one basement. The supporting structure of the wall, brick. The roof sloping saddle.
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