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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modification of the protein matrix around active-and inactive-branch pheophytins by site-directed mutagenesis; affects on energy and electron transfer processes in photosystem II

Xiong, Ling 20 December 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Διερεύνηση του βιολογικού περιβάλλοντος παράκτιων οικοσυστημάτων, με έμφαση στο ζωοπλαγκτό : η περίπτωση των υποθαλάσσιων κρατήρων του κόλπου του Ελαιώνα Αιγίου

Γεράκη, Ξανθίππη 25 January 2012 (has links)
Οι κρατήρες διαφυγής ρευστών (pockmarks) είναι βυθίσματα σε μαλακά ιζήματα του βυθού, στα παράκτια και πελαγικά οικοσυστήματα. Μελετώνται παγκοσμίως τις τελευταίες τέσσερις δεκαετίες και στον ελληνικό χώρο έχουν εντοπιστεί κυρίως στη Δυτική Ελλάδα. Εξ αυτών, οι περισσότεροι είναι κρατήρες μεθανίου και μόνο στον Ελαιώνα Αιγίου και στον όρμο του Πρίνου έχουν βρεθεί κρατήρες γλυκού νερού. Έως τώρα, η μελέτη της βιολογίας των κρατήρων έχει εστιάσει κυρίως την περίπτωση των κρατήρων μεθανίου. Για τους κρατήρες γλυκού νερού δεν υπάρχουν εργασίες σχετικά με τη βιολογία τους, εκτός από μια η οποία αφορά τη μικροβιακή δράση στο ίζημα. Στον Ελαιώνα οπτική παρατήρηση έδειξε την ύπαρξη πληθώρας βενθικών οργανισμών, οι οποίοι απουσιάζουν από τον ευρύτερο πυθμένα. Το φαινόμενο αυτό έχει παρατηρηθεί σε πολλούς κρατήρες παγκοσμίως και θεωρείται ότι σχετίζεται κυρίως με τη φύση του υποστρώματος στο εσωτερικό της δομής των κρατήρων. Γενικά, υπάρχει πολύ περιορισμένη πληροφορία για το αβιοτικό και βιοτικό περιβάλλον των κρατήρων, ιδιαίτερα στη στήλη του νερού, ενώ δεν είναι σαφές το αν οι δομές αυτές μπορούν να αποτελέσουν διαταραγμένα περιβάλλοντα ή οάσεις οργανισμών. Η παρούσα εργασία διερευνά το πλαγκτικό στοιχείο στους κρατήρες γλυκού νερού του Ελαιώνα και αποτελεί την πρώτη σχετική αναφορά σε διεθνές επίπεδο, τουλάχιστον σε ότι σχετίζεται με το ζωοπλαγκτόν. Για τη μελέτη συλλέχθηκε μικρο- και μεσοζωοπλαγκτόν, έτσι ώστε να διερευνηθεί όλο το εύρος μεγέθους των οργανισμών από 50 μm έως 20 mm. Οι κρατήρες που μελετήθηκαν παρουσίασαν μικρή εκροή γλυκού νερού. Μετρήσεις θρεπτικών ιόντων και χλωροφύλλης -α έδειξαν ότι οι κρατήρες δεν επηρέασαν φυσικοχημικά το θαλάσσιο περιβάλλον. Ωστόσο, παρατηρήθηκε αύξηση της Chl-a κοντά στο στόμιο του κρατήρα και της φαιοφυτίνης (προϊόν αποδόμησης της Chl-a) και των θρεπτικών στο εσωτερικό του κρατήρα. Ως προς το ζωοπλαγκτόν, οι κρατήρες βρέθηκαν να συγκεντρώνουν μεγαλύτερες αφθονίες πελαγικών προνυμφών βενθικών οργανισμών που εγκαθίστανται στο εσωτερικό τους, όπως έχει επιβεβαιωθεί με οπτική παρατήρηση, καθώς και ειδών Αρπακτικοειδών και Ποικιλοστοματοειδών Κωπηπόδων (ενηλίκων, κωπηποδιτών, ναυπλίων). Τα εν λόγω κωπήποδα πιθανόν να σχετίζονται με την παρουσία αυξημένου αιωρούμενου οργανικού υλικού στους κρατήρες και ζελατινοειδών διηθηματοφάγων οργανισμών (κωπηλατών, βυτιοειδών) σε αυτούς. Επιπλέον, η αυξημένη συγκέντρωση ναυπλίων και κωπηποδιτικών σταδίων υποθέτουμε ότι μπορεί να σχετίζεται με την αυξημένη παρουσία αυγών κωπηπόδων, εφόσον η δομή του κρατήρα μπορεί να τα συγκεντρώνει. Επειδή η παρούσα μελέτη πραγματοποιήθηκε σε μια περίοδο ανάμιξης του νερού και μια περίοδο ασθενούς θερμοστρωμάτωσης, θεωρούμε ότι οι παρατηρήσεις μας για το ζωοπλαγκτόν δεν εμφανίζουν έντονο ‘’σήμα’’ και προτείνεται επανάληψη της έρευνας σε περίοδο έντονης θερμοστρωμάτωσης. / Pockmarks are seabed depressions on soft sediments, found in coastal and pelagic ecosystems. They have been studied for the last four decades and in Greece they can be found mainly in the western parts of the country. Most of the pockmarks are methane formatted, while groundwater formatted pockmarks have been found in Greece only in Elaionas bay and Prinos bay. So far, only methane pockmarks have been studied, concerning their biological components, and there are no references for the groundwater formatted ones, except one that focused on the microbial activity in the sediments. In Elaionas bay optical observations revealed the presence of an extensive benthic community that lacks from the surrounding seabed. This has been observed in a number of pockmarks worldwide and is believed to be co occurring with the presence of hard substrates in the pockmarks. Generally, there is little information of the biotic and abiotic environment of the pockmarks, especially in the water column, while it is not yet clear if these depressions should be considered as disturbed environments or local oasis for the organisms in the area. This study is focusing on the planktonic component of the pockmark field at Elaionas bay and to our knowledge it is the first attempt internationally, at least when it comes to zooplankton. Mesozooplankton and microzooplankton samples were collected in order to investigate the whole basic size range of the zooplankton community (50 μm to 20 mm). The studied pockmarks exhibited slight groundwater flow. Nutrient and chlorophyll a concentrations showed no physicochemical ‘’signal’’ in the pockmarks. However, there was a trend of increase of Chl –a near the opening of the pockmark and of phaeophytin and nutrients inside the pockmark. As for zooplankton, there is evidence that greater abundances of pelagic larvae of benthic organisms are concentrated in the pockmarks (the presence of the adults has been confirmed by divers and ROV), as well as some species of the Order Harpacticoida and Poecilostomatoida (adults, copepodites, nauplii). These copepods may be related to the increase of dissolved organic matter in the pockmark and the presence of tunicates (appendicularians, doliolids) also found concentrated in the pockmarks. Increased abundance of nauplii and copepodite stages in the pockmark is believed to result from the increase of copepod eggs, assuming that the pockmark can gather and retain them. Repetition of the sampling procedure at the pockmark field on a different season is necessary, because the lack of a strong thermocline suggests that any strong differences between the pockmark and the surrounding environment are being less detectible.

Tratamento AnaerÃbio do LÃquido da Casca de Coco Verde / Anaerobic treatment of Coconut Husk Liquor (CHL)utilizing UASB reactor.

Alex Miranda de AraÃjo 21 February 2008 (has links)
FundaÃÃo Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnolÃgico / Para promover o reuso de resÃduos da agroindÃstria e agregar valor à cadeia produtiva do coco verde, a Embrapa agroindÃstria tropical desenvolveu uma tecnologia capaz de aproveitar cascas deste produto. Atualmente, as cascas do coco verde compÃem a maior parte dos resÃduos sÃlidos depositados nas praias. A tecnologia converte as cascas em pà e fibra que possuem grandes aplicaÃÃes comerciais e ambientais. Durante a etapa de prensagem, ocorre a geraÃÃo do LÃquido da Casca de Coco Verde (LCCV), que apresenta elevada concentraÃÃo de matÃria orgÃnica, cuja Demanda QuÃmica de OxigÃnio (DQO) varia de 60 a 80 gO2/L, incluindo compostos fenÃlicos e aÃucares. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a performance de um reator anaerÃbio de fluxo ascendente e manta de lodo (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket â UASB) para tratamento do LCCV. O reator UASB em escala de laboratÃrio (16,8 L) foi operado por 222 dias tendo sua carga orgÃnica volumÃtrica (COV) aumentada gradativamente de 2,2 atà 10 Kg DQO/ m3 d. A performance do UASB foi avaliada atravÃs de determinaÃÃes de DQO, compostos fenÃlicos totais (taninos) do afluente e efluente; atividade metanogÃnica especÃfica (AME) e toxicidade anaerÃbia do lodo; composiÃÃo e produÃÃo de biogÃs; pH, alcalinidade e Ãcidos graxos volÃteis (AGV). Os resultados demonstraram que o UASB pode ser usado para prÃ-tratamento do LCCV, mantendo-se estÃvel durante toda a operaÃÃo do sistema com remoÃÃo de DQO superior a 80% e de taninos em torno de 48%. A razÃo AGV/alcalinidade bicarbonato ficou sempre inferior a 0,40. O biogÃs apresentou composiÃÃo de 75% de metano. Os ensaios de toxicidade demonstraram que o LCCV nÃo foi tÃxico à biomassa metanogÃnica presente no UASB. / With the aim of reusing the agroindustry waste and aggregating value to the productive chain of immature coconut, Embrapa AgroindÃstria Tropical (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Tropical Agroindustry National Centre) has developed a system for processing this raw material. During the pressing stage, the Coconut Husk Liquor (CHL) is generated. It contains high concentration of organic matter, with Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) varying from 60 to 80 g/L, including phenolic compounds and sugars. In this work, the performance of an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor (UASB) was evaluated for CHL treatment. The lab-scale UASB reactor (16.8 L) was operated during 222 days increasing the organic loading rate (OLR) from 2.2 kgCOD/m3.d to 10 kgCOD/m3.d. The UASB reactor performance was evaluated based on influent and effluent COD and total phenolic compounds (tannin); sludge specific methanogenic activity (SMA) and anaerobic toxicity; biogas production and composition; pH, alkalinity and volatile fatty acids (VFA). Results showed that UASB reactor can be used for pre-treatment of CHL, showing stability during the operation period, with COD removal efficiency higher than 80%, phenolics compounds removal efficiency of around 48%. The ratio AGV/alkalinity was always lower than 0,30. Biogas presented 75% of methane on its composition. Toxicity tests demonstrated that CHL was not toxic to the methanogenic consortia.

Solar Energy Conversion in Plants and Bacteria Studied Using FTIR Difference Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemical Computational Methodologies

Parameswaran, Sreeja 15 July 2009 (has links)
This dissertation presents a study of the molecular mechanism underlying the highly efficient solar energy conversion processes that occur in the Photosystem I (PS I) reaction centers in plants and bacteria. The primary electron donor P700 is at the heart of solar energy conversion process in PS I and the aim is to obtain a better understanding of the electronic and structural organization of P700 in the ground and excited states. Static Fourier Transform Infra-Red (FTIR) difference spectroscopy (DS) in combination with site directed mutagenesis and Density Functional Theory (DFT) based vibrational frequency simulations were used to investigate how protein interactions such as histidine ligation and hydrogen bonding modulate this organization. (P700+-P700) FTIR DS at 77K were obtained from a series of mutants from the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. 6803 (S. 6803) where the amino acid residues near the C=O groups of the two chlorophylls of P700 where specifically changed. (P700+-P700) FTIR DS was also obtained for a set of mutants from C. reinhardtii where the axial ligand to A0-, the primary electron acceptor in PS I was modified. The FTIR DS obtained from these mutants provides information on the axial ligands, the hydrogen bonding status as well as the polarity of the environment of specific functional groups that are part of the chlorophyll molecules that constitute P700. Assignment of the FTIR bands to vibrational modes in specific types of environment is very difficult. In order to assist the assignment of the difference bands in experimental spectra DFT based vibrational mode frequency calculations were undertaken for Chl-a and Chl-a+ model molecular systems under different set of conditions; in the gas phase, in solvents using the Polarizable Continuum Model (PCM), in the presence of explicit solvent molecules using QM/MM methods, and in the presence of axial ligands and hydrogen bonds. DFT methods were also used to calculate the charge, spin and redox properties of Chl-a/Chl-a’ dimer models that are representative of P700, the primary electron donor in PS I.

Fangyan-speaking learners of Mandarin Chinese in U.S. universities : experiences of students with heritage backgrounds in Chinese languages other than Mandarin

Hsiao, Jennifer Ching-hui 07 January 2011 (has links)
With the rising importance of Mandarin Chinese since the 80s, researchers have paid more attention to the Mandarin learners of heritage backgrounds who can understand or speak Mandarin Chinese before entering Chinese as a Foreign Language (CFL) programs. However, the study of Fangyan-speaking learners of Mandarin Chinese has been long neglected and still remains scarce. This interview study was conducted with twelve Fangyan-speaking learners of Mandarin in U.S. universities with an aim of investigating the linguistic knowledge and ethno-cultural identities that Fangyan-speaking students bring to college-level CFL classrooms. Another focus of this study is to investigate the perception Fangyan-speaking students have about their linguistic abilities and what Fangyan-speaking students are perceived to be the expectations of their instructors and peers. This study was conducted in two CFL programs: a long-established dual-track program in a research university and a newly-established mixed track program in a teaching university. Both Fangyan-speaking students and their instructors were recruited for interviews and document data were collected from both students and their instructors. A modification of Krashen’s Input Hypothesis (1981) was employed in categorizing four types of Mandarin input, in which Cantonese pronunciation for reading purposes and media consumption were found to play important roles in Fangyan-speaking students’ Mandarin learning. Analysis of the data also revealed that Fangyan-speaking participants’ ethno-cultural identities may exhibit a nature of “hybridity” (Young, 1995) owing to their family immigration histories. Implications derived from the findings are offered for researchers, practitioners, and administrators of programs that serve tertiary CFL learners. / text

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