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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Designing together apart : computer supported collaborative design in architecture

Kvan, Thomas January 1999 (has links)
The design of computer tools to assist in work has often attempted to replicate manual methods. This replication has been proven to fail in a diversity of fields such as business management, Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer- Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW). To avoid such a failure being repeated in the field of Computer-Supported Collaborative Design (CSCD), this thesis explores the postulation that CSCD does not have to be supported by tools which replicate the face-to-face design context to support distal architectural design. The thesis closely examines the prevailing position that collaborative design is a social and situated act which must therefore be supported by high bandwidth tools. This formulation of architectural collaboration is rejected in favour of the formulation of a collaborative expert act. This proposal is tested experimentally, the results of which are presented. Supporting expert behaviour requires different tools than the support of situated acts. Surveying research in computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW), the thesis identifies tools that support expert work. The results of the research is transferred to two contexts: teaching and practice. The applications in these two contexts illustrate how CSCD can be applied in a variety of bandwidth and technological conditions. The conclusion is that supporting collaborative design as an expert and knowledge-based act can be beneficially implemented in the teaching and practice of architecture.

An automated data-capture system for CAAD

Waterfall, R. C. January 1981 (has links)
No description available.

Factory building : Design knowledge engineering

Mahmoud, M. A. January 1987 (has links)
No description available.

Conceptual Requirement Validation for Architecture Design Systems

Flanagan, Gregory M 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Computer-aided architectural design (CAAD) programs represent architectural design at a low level of spatial abstraction. While this representation model allows CAAD programs to capture the precise spatial characteristics of a design, it means that CAAD programs lack the underlying computational apparatus necessary to reason about design at a conceptual level. This thesis is a first step towards building a framework that bridges the gap between the conceptual aspects of a design and its low level CAAD-based spatial representation. Specifically, this thesis presents a new framework, referred to as the Conceptual Requirements Reasoner (CRR), which provides an architect with a framework to validate conceptual design requirements. The CRR will demonstrate how qualitative spatial representation and reasoning techniques can be used as the link between a design's conceptual requirements and its underlying quantitative spatial representation. A museum case study is presented to demonstrate the application of the CRR in a real world design context. It introduces a set of museum design requirements identified in research and shows how these requirements can be validated using the CRR. The results of the case study shows that the CRR is an effective tool for conceptual requirements reasoning.

Random and rational evolution of tautomerase superfamily members : analysis and implications

Darty, Joseph Edward 10 April 2014 (has links)
P[Kappa]a is not responsible for the improved activity. Hence, stabilization of an enediolate intermediate may be important for catalysis. In the second part of this work, the Chloroflexus aurantiacus J-10-fl heterohexameric 4-OT tautomerase was employed in random and rational directed evolution studies to introduce a CaaD activity. Genetic selection and a high throughput screening assay were used to identify mutants. Genetic selection was unsuccessful due to plasmid instability in the host strain. A small mutant library in the screening assay precluded the identification of any mutants with CaaD activity. Finally, rational design using structure-function relationships was investigated and a single mutant was discovered for hh4-OT that incorporated CaaD activity into the enzyme, the [alpha]L9R hh4-OT, this mutant has been characterized kinetically and the evolutionary implications for the tautomerase superfamily are described. / text

The machine refinement of raw graphic data for translation into a low level data base for computer aided architectural design (CAAD)

Leifer, David Mark January 1984 (has links)
It is argued that a significant feature which acts as a disincentive against the adoption of CAAD systems by small private architectural practices, is the awkwardness of communicating with computers when compared with traditional drawing board techniques. This consideration, although not perhaps the dominant feature, may be mitigated by the development of systems in which the onus of communicating is placed on the machine, through the medium of an architect's sketch plan drawing. In reaching this conclusion, a design morphology is suggested, in which the creative generation of building designs is set in the context of the development of a 'data-base' of information which completely and consistently describes the architect's hypothetical building solution. This thesis describes research carried out by the author between 1981 and 1984, and describes the theory, development and application of algorithms to interpret architect's sketch plan drawings, and hence permit the encoding of building geometries for CAAD applications programs.

Artères et nerfs du pénis humain adulte : étude par dissection anatomique assistée par ordinateur (DAAO) / Arteries and nerves of penis : a computer-assisted anatomic dissection study (CAAD)

Diallo, Djibril 11 October 2013 (has links)
Introduction : l’innervation et la vascularisation des corps caverneux du pénis sont très difficilement explorables par les techniques de dissection anatomiques classiques. De ce fait, elles demeurent pas très bien connues. La dissection anatomique assistée par ordinateur (CAAD), combinant méthodes immuno-histochimiques et reconstruction tridimensionnelle représente un outil original permettant l’analyse microscopique des artères et des nerfs au sein des corps caverneux. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient donc d’étudier l’innervation et la vascularisation microscopique des corps caverneux par dissection anatomique assistée par ordinateur (CAAD).Matériel et méthodes : Des coupes histologiques sériées de pénis ont été réalisées chez huit cadavres adultes masculins et sur des pièces issues de pénnectomie pour cancer à l’hôpital du kremlin-Bicêtre. Les coupes ont été traitées par des méthodes histologiques (Hématoxyline-Eosine et trichrome de Masson) et immuno-histochimiques pour détecter les fibres nerveuses (anti-S100), les fibres somatiques (anti-PMP22), les fibres adrénergiques (anti-TH), cholinergiques (anti-VAChT) et nitrergiques (anti-nNOS). Les lames ont ensuite été numérisées par un scanner de haute résolution optique et les images bidimensionnelles ont été reconstruites en trois dimensions grâce au logiciel WinSurf. Résultats: La reconstruction tridimensionnelle des coupes histologiques immuno-marquées a permis de décrire l’innervation et la vascularisation des corps caverneux du pénis. Les artères et les nerfs du pénis sont très largement anastomosés entre eux.Les anastomoses entre les artères caverneuses et les artères urétrales se font en dehors de l’albuginée du corps spongieux d’où le terme de « shunts caverno-urétraux » utilisé dans ce travail pour qualifier ces vaisseaux anastomotiques.La vascularisation et l’innervation permettent de distinguer deux compartiments anatomiques distincts au niveau du pénis : une partie proximale (les 2/3 du pénis) autonome dont les artères et les nerfs proviennent du plexus hypogastrique inférieur (supra-lévatorien), et le tiers distal somatique dont les artères et les nerfs proviennent des artères et nerfs dorsaux du pénis (infra-lévatorien).Les communications entre les systèmes autonomes et somatiques (entre le plexus hypogastrique inférieur supra-lévatorien et le nerf pudendal infra-lévatorien) existent donc à quatre niveaux : proximal, intermédiaire, à la racine du pénis et intracaverneuses. Les communications intracaverneuses sont responsables des marquages autonomes observés dans les nerfs dorsaux du pénis. Elles confèrent également aux corps caverneux une sensibilité à peu près semblable à celui du gland au cours de l’acte sexuel.Conclusion: Nos résultats montrent de très nombreuses anastomoses vasculaires et nerveuses dans les corps caverneux entre les systèmes supra et infra-lévatoriens avec 2 régions anatomiques distinctes : les 2/3 proximaux érectiles et le 1/3 distal sensitif. Ces anastomoses permettent d’espérer une certaine plasticité dans la vascularisation et l’innervation du pénis en cas de dysérection. / Introduction: The innervation and the vascularization of the corpora cavernosa of the penis are very difficult searchable by the classical anatomic dissections. Therefore, they remain not very well known. The computer-assisted anatomic dissection (CAAD), combining immunohistochemical methods and three-dimensional reconstruction is a unique tool for the microscopic analysis of the arteries and nerves in the corpora cavernosa.The objectives of this study were therefore to investigate the microscopic innervation and vascularization of the corpora cavernosa by the CAAD.Materials and methods: Serial histological sections of penis were performed in eight adult male cadavers and one piece after penectomy for cancer in the hospital of Kremlin Bicetre. The sections were processed by histological methods (hematoxylin-eosin and Masson trichrome) and immunohistochemistry to detect nerve fibers (anti-S100), somatic fibers (anti-PMP22), adrenergic fibers (anti-TH), cholinergic fibers (anti-VAChT) and nitrergic fibers (anti-nNOS). The slides were then scanned by a high resolution scanner and two-dimensional images were reconstructed in three dimensions using WinSurf software.Results: Three-dimensional reconstruction of immunolabeled histological sections allowed describing the innervation and vascularization of the corpora cavernosa of the penis. The arteries and nerves of the penis are widely anastomosed.The anastomoses between the cavernous arteries and urethral arteries are outside the tunica albuginea of the corpus spongiosum hence the term "cavernous urethral shunts".The innervation of the penis distinguishs two distinct anatomical portions: a proximal portion (2/3 of the penis) is autonomic whose arteries and nerves come from the inferior hypogastric plexus (supralevator), and the third including somatic distal nerves from the dorsal nerves of the penis (infralevator).The communications between autonomic and somatic systems (between the inferior hypogastric plexus and the pudendal nerve) exist in four levels: proximal, middle, crura of penis and intra-cavernous. The intra-cavernous communications are responsible for autonomic fibers observed in the dorsal nerves of the penis.Conclusion: Our results show a large number of vascular and nerve anastomoses in the corpora cavernosa between supra and infralevator sustems with two distinct anatomical regions: the 2/3 proximal erectile portion and 1/3 distal sensorial portion. These anastomoses provide a hope for the plasticity in the vascularization and innervation of the penis in cases of erectile dysfunction.

L’innervation intra-pelvienne : étude anatomique et immuno-histochimique avec reconstruction tridimensionnelle / The intra-pelvic innervation : anatomical and immuno-histochemical study with three-dimensional reconstruction

Alsaid, Bayan 06 May 2011 (has links)
Introduction : L’utilisation des méthodes anatomiques classiques rend difficile la localisationprécise des micro-fibres nerveuses et ne permet pas de déterminer leur nature ni leur fonction.La chirurgie pelvienne est associée à des séquelles urinaires et sexuelles fréquentes causéespar lésion iatrogène des nerfs pelviens. La connaissance de l’anatomie et de la physiologie del’innervation intra-pelvienne est fondamentale pour tenter de réduire le taux de troublesfonctionnels postopératoires.Objectifs : i) étudier l’anatomie topographique et la nature de fibres nerveuses intrapelvienneen utilisant la reconstruction tridimensionnelle des coupes histologiques immunomarquéesii) standardiser la technique de Dissection Anatomique Assistée par Ordinateur(DAAO) et vérifier sa faisabilité sur des sujets adultes et iii) établir grâce à cette technique deDAAO des modèles pédagogiques tridimensionnels afin d’améliorer la compréhension desdysfonctions sphinctériennes et sexuelles survenant après la chirurgie (rectale et prostatique)et d’adapter éventuellement la technique opératoire.Matériel et méthodes : Des coupes histologiques sériées de pelvis ont été réalisées chez septfoetus masculins, sept foetus féminins et six cadavres adultes masculins. Les coupes ont ététraitées par des méthodes histologiques (Hématoxyline-Eosine et trichrome de Masson) etimmuno-histochimiques pour détecter les fibres nerveuses (anti-S100), les fibres somatiques(anti-PMP22), les fibres adrénergiques (anti-TH), cholinergiques (anti-VAChT), sensitives(anti-SP/CGRP) et nitrergiques (anti-nNOS) ainsi que l’actine lisse des sphincters. Les lamesont ensuite été numérisées par un scanner de haute résolution optique et les imagesbidimensionnelles ont été reconstruites en trois dimensions grâce au logiciel WinSurf.Résultats: La reconstruction tri-dimensionnelle des coupes histologiques immuno-marquéesa permis d'identifier l’anatomie topographique et structurelle de l’innervation intra-pelvienne.Les structures nerveuses afférentes du plexus hypogastrique inférieur (PHI) : nerfssplanchniques pelviens (NSP) et nerfs hypogastriques (NH) véhiculent de façon mixte l’influxsympathique et parasympathique pelvien.Les fibres nerveuses issues de la partie distale du PHI sont responsables de la continenceurinaire et de la fonction sexuelle. Elles sont regroupées et associées au pédicule vasculairepour former la bandelette neuro-vasculaire (BNV). Trois efférences principales sont issues decette BNV : i) des fibres antérieures destinées au sphincter urétral, ii) des fibres antérolatérales,par rapport à la prostate et au vagin, constituant le nerf caverneux destiné aux corpscaverneux du pénis/clitoris et iii) des fibres nerveuses postéro-latérales, par rapport à laprostate et au vagin, formant le « nerf spongieux » destiné aux corps spongieux/bulbesvestibulaires.Les communications autonomiques-somatiques entre le PHI supra-lévatorien et le nerfpudendal infra-lévatorien existent à trois niveaux ; proximal, intermédiaire et distal. Lacommunication distale caverno-pudendale est responsable de l’activité érectile segmentaireobservée au sein du nerf dorsal du pénis/clitoris.Conclusion: La DAAO est une méthode originale de recherche anatomique qui a étéprogressivement améliorée au sein de notre unité de recherche. Cette évolution illustre le faitque l'anatomie descriptive est encore une science dynamique. Notre étude a permis dedévelopper des modèles anatomo-physiologiques d’innervation pelvienne contribuant àaméliorer du point de vue morphologique, chirurgical et pédagogique la compréhension derégions anatomiques complexes comme le petit bassin. / Introduction: Classic anatomical methods have limitations in micro determination of nervefibre location. Furthermore, the precise detection of the nerve fibres nature is not possible bymeans of dissection. Pelvic surgery is associated with urinary and sexual consequence causedby iatrogenic damage of the pelvic nerves. Anatomic and physiologic knowledge of the intrapelvicinnervation is essential to reduce the rate of postoperative functional complication.Objectives: i) to study the topographic anatomy and the nature of intra-pelvic nerve fibersusing three-dimensional reconstruction of histological immuno-labeled sections ii)standardize the technique of Computer-Assisted Anatomic Dissection (CAAD) and check itsfeasibility on adult subjects iii) reconstructe three dimensional teaching models to improveunderstanding of urinary and sexual dysfunction occurring after surgery (of rectal and ofprostate) to ameliorate the operative technique.Materials and methods: serial histological sections of pelvic portion were performed inseven male foetuses, seven female foetuses and six adult male cadavers. The sections weretraited by histological methods (Hematoxylin-Eosin and Masson's trichrome) and immunohistochemicalmarker of the nerve fibers (anti-S100), the somatic fibers (anti-PMP22), theadrenergic (anti-TH), cholinergic (anti-VAChT), sensory (anti-SP/CGRP) and nitrergic (antinNOS)fibers and the actin smooth muscles. The slides were then digitized by a scanner ofhigh optical resolution and two-dimensional images were reconstructed in three dimensionsusing WinSurf software.Results: The three dimensional reconstruction of histological immuno-labelled sectionsidentified structural and topographic anatomy of intra-pelvic innervation. The afferencenerves of the inferior hypogastric plexus (IHP): pelvic splanchnic nerves (PSN) andhypogastric nerves (HN) contain both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers.The nerve fibers from the distal part of the IHP is responsible for urinary continence andsexual function. They are grouped and associated with the vascular pedicle to form theneurovascular bundles (NVB). Efferences of this NVB are distributed in three maindirections: i) anterior fibers the urethral sphincter, ii) anterolateral fibers, compared withprostate / vagina, which constitute the cavernous nerve for the corpora cavernosa of the penis/ clitoris and iii) " spongious nerve”, which is the continuity of posterior-lateral nerve fibers,compared with prostate / vagina, for the corpus spongiosum / vestibular bulbs.Autonomic-somatic communications between supra-lavator IHP and infra-levator pudendalnerve are present at three levels; proximal, intermediate and distal communications. Cavernopudendaldistal communication provides segmental erectile activity of the dorsal nerve of thepenis / clitoris.Conclusion: The CAAD is an original method in anatomical research which has beenprogressively improved. This illustrates the fact that descriptive anatomy is still a dynamicscience. Our study has developed anatomico-physiological models of intra-pelvic innervationcontributing to a better understanding of complex anatomical

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