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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tales of Caution

Landry, Sean (Sean Michael) 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis contains five short stories, "The Playground at the End of the Neighborhood," "The Daylight Monster," "Union, Justice, and Confidence," "Traction," and "Exercise." The five stories presented here seek to utilize the freedom of the "tale." They vary in degree of employment of the fantastic, are the product of another culture and a different outlook, and utilize the freedom of the short story to operate on strengths other than reader-protagonist identification. A theme of caution serves as a unifying thread for these five tales

Sociétés et cautionnement / Companies and surety bond

Chieudji Nguedou, Christelle 07 December 2018 (has links)
L’importance du cautionnement pour les sociétés est indéniable. En plus de contribuer à l’essor de ces dernières par l’accès au crédit, le cautionnement s’impose comme un levier de célérité et de simplicité, atouts majeurs dont requiert le monde des affaires. Cependant, son implémentation dans le cadre des sociétés ne va pas sans poser des difficultés. En effet, l’articulation du cautionnement au sein des sociétés suscite une multitude de controverses et d’ambiguïtés. La combinaison des règles du droit des sociétés et de celles des sûretés n’est pas toujours empreinte d’homogénéité. La complexité de la mise en œuvre du cautionnement au sein des sociétés prend un relief particulier quand il s’agit d’ajouter au panel des règles existantes, les multiples productions jurisprudentielles et les innombrables apports de la doctrine. Ces diverses confrontations dépouillent la matière de sa fluidité, de sa cohérence et par là-même, de son efficacité. Son essence première s’en trouve entachée et le seul trait qui semble ne souffrir autant de reproches est son caractère singulier. L’état des lieux actuel révèle que la mise en œuvre du cautionnement dans les sociétés manque de clarté. Les incessantes interventions du législateur, les désaccords entre les acteurs juridiques, tendent à « polluer » son régime et à le compromettre, ce constat étant valable dans ses deux variantes, que le cautionnement soit donné par une personne physique, le dirigeant social, ou par une personne morale, la société. En pareil contexte, il est impératif de redonner son éclat au cautionnement. / The importance of surety bond for companies is undeniable. In addition to contributing to the growth of the latter through access to credit, surety bond is a lever of speed and simplicity, which are major assets required by the business world. However, its implementation in the context of companies is not without difficulties. Indeed, the articulation of surety bond within companies gives rise to a multitude of controversies and ambiguities. The combination of corporate law and security law rules is not always uniform. The complexity of the implementation of surety bond within companies takes on particular importance when it comes to adding to the panel of existing rules, the multiple productions of case law and the countless contributions of doctrine. These various confrontations deprive the material of its fluidity, its coherence and, consequently, its effectiveness. Its primary essence is tainted by it and the only trait of character that seems not to suffer so much reproach is its singular character. The current inventory shows that the implementation of surety bond in companies is unclear. The incessant interventions of the legislator, the disagreements between the legal actors, tend to pollute his regime and compromise it, this observation is valid in these two variables, whether the assurance is given by a natural person, the company director or by a legal person, the company. In such a context, it is imperative to restore the surety bond to its former glory.

La caution dirigeante / Director's guarantee

Huprelle, Lolita 05 December 2014 (has links)
La ''caution dirigeante'' est une formule consacrée par la doctrine pour désigner le cautionnement donné par un dirigeant en garantie des dettes de sa société. L'emploi de ce syntagme n'est pas inutile dans la mesure où la caution dirigeante a toujours eu un statut intermédiaire : elle ne peut pas être appréhendée comme un simple consommateur puisqu'elle contracte pour les besoins de son activité professionnelle, elle ne peut pas davantage être considérée comme un professionnel contractant dans son domaine de compétences. Traditionnellement, la jurisprudence considérait pourtant les cautions dirigeantes comme des cautions averties, elles en incarnaient précisément l'archétype. Dès la fin des années 1970, des réformes législatives compliquèrent régulièrement cette conception prétorienne de la caution dirigeante. La loi pour l'initiative économique du 1er août 2003 annonça l'avènement d'une ère nouvelle pour les cautions dirigeantes, faisant d'elles des quidam du droit du cautionnement. Les interventions législatives ultérieures forcent même à constater que les dirigeants sont paradoxalement mieux protégés que les cautions non-dirigeantes, fragilisant ainsi la fonction de ce cautionnement qui est d'assurer le crédit aux entreprises. / "Director's Guarantee" is an expression reserved by doctrine to refer to the surety given by a director to secure the debts of his company. The employment of this phrase is useful insofar as the director's guarantee has always had an intermediary status : he cannot be considered to be either as simple consumer because he's contracted for the purposes of the director's professional activity, nor as a professional contracting in his or her field. Traditionally, case law has considered director's guarantees as informed sureties. In fact, they embody the archetype. Since the 1970's, legislative reforms have regularly complicated this court-made definition of the director's guarantee. The French Economic Initiative Act of 1 August 2003 launched a new era for director's guarantees, making them ordinary individuals of surety law. Later legislative actions even had to note that director's guarantees are paradoxically better protected than non-director's guarantees, thereby weakening the function of this surety that is to provide business credit.

Cautionary tale : a systematic review of understanding the police caution for adults in the criminal justice system, and an examination of increasing listenability of the caution

Rendall, Michael John January 2018 (has links)
Rationale: Research has repeatedly demonstrated that people have difficulty understanding their interrogation rights, as presented in an orally presented police caution. There has been a limited amount of research into possible means of improving understanding, with the application of linguistic, listenability, techniques to caution wording proving most effective amongst students. Methods: This thesis systematically reviewed research exploring verbal caution comprehension amongst adults involved in the criminal justice system, to isolate possible predictors of performance. It then assessed understanding of the Scottish police caution amongst people with an intellectual disability and if this can be improved using a modified (listenability) version. Results: IQ and verbal comprehension appear to have a positive association with understanding. However, the reviewed literature tends to use broad inclusion criteria that may increase confounding variables and reduce opportunity to isolate further possible predictors. People with intellectual disabilities performed poorly in assessment of their understanding of the Scottish police caution, even when the modified version was used. This was despite every participant claiming they had understood. Conclusions: The thesis questions whether the use of a verbal police caution fulfils the intention of communicating interrogation rights as required by law. It suggests more research into caution comprehension is required, with more specific inclusion criteria, to help better understand variables that predict understanding. The relationship between verbal ability and IQ suggest efforts to improve comprehension should be directed to people who have challenges in these abilities, such as people with intellectual disabilities. This should ensure any improvements can benefit a greater number of people. The thesis' empirical study suggests the method found effective amongst students does not extend to people with intellectual disabilities.

Se esta rua se esta rua fosse minha...: cuidado à população em situação de rua em Lajeado, RS

Tedeschi, Kátia Mottin January 2016 (has links)
Cuidado à população adulta em situação de rua em Lajeado, RS. Essa é a temática que orienta a pesquisa, que tem como objetivo central compreender como as pessoas adultas, em situação de rua, percebem e acolhem as estratégias de cuidado disponibilizadas pelo sistema de Proteção Social na cidade de Lajeado. Para embasar os objetivos da pesquisa, foram criados quatro capítulos conceituais para fundamentar teoricamente a proposta: A praça, o enredo, a história; Paulo, Joaquim e Márcio: quem são eles que compõem a história; Política da Assistência Social; Onde fica a praça? Onde se passa a história? Um pouco sobre Lajeado. Esta é uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, que utilizou como metodologia grupos focais com a população em situação de rua de Lajeado. As falas disparadas nos encontros foram avaliadas pela análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin (2011). Após as transcrições, os conteúdos foram distribuídos em quatro categorias: Vida com Droga, Droga com Vida (versa sobre as relações estabelecidas com o uso de álcool e outras drogas em suas vivências nas ruas); Entre o real e o ideal(izado) (aborda a rede de serviços disponível na cidade, do mesmo modo que avaliam como necessário); Trabalho: o abre e fecha (discute formas de inclusão e exclusão que atravessam o mercado de trabalho); Quem (des) cuida de quem? (analisa as relações de cuidado que vivenciam na rua, que perpassam movimentos de acolhida e violência). Ao longo do processo de escrita do trabalho, foram realizados encontros com a proposta de discutir a construção da história. Nestes foram apresentados os resultados aos sujeitos participantes e, ainda, ocorreram práticas de cuidado como roda de conversa, lanche coletivo, risadas, etc. / Care to people on the street in Lajeado, RS. This is the theme that guides the research, which was aimed at understanding how the adults people on the street realize and embrace the strategies of care provided by the social protection system in the city of Lajeado. To support the objectives of the research, four conceptual chapters were created to theoretically support the proposal: The square, the plot, the story; Paulo, Joaquim and Márcio: who are they that make up the story; Politics of Social Assistance; Where is the square? Where does the story take place? About Lajeado. This is a qualitative study which used as methodology focal groups on the streets people of Lajeado. The statements triggered in the meetings were evaluated by content analysis proposed by Bardin (2011). After the transcripts, the contents were divided into four categories: Life on Drugs, Drugs with Life (it deals with the established relations with the use of alcohol and other drugs in their experiences on the streets); Between the real and the ideal (ized) (it addresses the network services available in the city, as well as evaluating as necessary); Work: opens and closes (discusses ways of inclusion and exclusion that cross the labor market); Who (un) takes care of whom? (It analyzes the care relationships they experience between them, or in their relations on the street, as well as how they perceive the care provided by the city services). At the end of the research and writing process, a meeting was held with the aim to discuss the construction of the story. The results were presented to the participating people and care practices also ocurred as conversation circle, collective snack, laughter, etc.

A negatividade enquanto estrutura ontológica da existência segundo Heidegger / Negativity as the ontological structure of existence according to Heidegger

Rodolfo da Silva de Souza 28 February 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente dissertação tem por objeto o tema da negatividade ontológica constitutiva da existência humana na obra Ser e Tempo de Martin Heidegger. Na primeira parte é analisada as descrições efetuadas por Heidegger na primeira seção de Ser e Tempo sobre a dinâmica existencial do homem compreendido como ser-aí (Dasein). Nesse primeiro momento é evidenciado o caráter negativo da existência. Para tanto, partiremos da reconstrução dos conceitos de existência e deu seu caráter intencional e poder-ser (Seinkonnen) em Ser e Tempo. Na segunda parte, a análise da tonalidade afetiva da angústia é o ponto de partida para se chegar ao modo de ser do homem, descrito por Heidegger como cuidado (Sorge). Argumentaremos também, que o cuidado é o único modo de ser compatível com um ente que em seu modo de ser mais próprio é marcado por uma negatividade (incompletude) radical. Por último, em nosso terceiro capítulo, apresentaremos, em seus traços gerais, a possibilidade compatível com o caráter de poder-ser do ser-aí: a possibilidade da morte, compreendida ontologicamente como ser-para-a-morte. Na conclusão, apontaremos o interesse maior de Heidegger em investigar a dinâmica existencial do ser-aí. Esse interesse consiste, em visualizar, por meio do que Heidegger chama de crise existencial do ser-aí (proporcionada pela angústia) o ponto de gênese das ontologias. / The present dissertation aims the theme of ontological negativity constitutive of human existence in the work Being and Time of Martin Heidegger. In the first part, we examine the descriptions made by Heidegger in the first section of Being and Time about the dynamics of the existential man understood as being-there (Dasein). Initially is shown the negative character of existence. To do that, we start with the reconstruction of existence concepts and its intentional characteristcs and able to be (Seinkonnen) in Being and Time. In the second part, the analysis of the affective tone of anguish is the starting point to get to the mode of being of man, described carefully by Heidegger (Sorge). We also argue that caution is the only way to be compatible with an entity that in its own way of being is marked by an radical negativity (incomplete). Finally, in the third chapter, we present, in its general features, the possibility compatible with the character of able to be of the being-there: the possibility of death, ontologically understood as being-for-death. In the conclusion, we pointed the greatest interest of Heidegger in his investigation of existential dynamics of the being-there. This interest consist in to visualize, through what Heidegger calls of existential crisis of being-there (provided by the anguish) the genesis point of the ontologies.

La protection de la caution / The protection of the guarentee

Habbassi-Mebarkia, Samira 09 February 2016 (has links)
Le risque zéro n'existe pas ! Aussi, pour se protéger contre d'éventuels impayés, les créanciers n'hésitent pas à demander à leurs futurs débiteurs des garanties. Parmi ces dernières, le cautionnement tient une place de choix. Grâce à sa rapidité, sa simplicité, il séduit et devient au fil du temps « la reine des sûretés » mais dont le royaume cache bien des surprises, surtout pour les cautions qui ne se posent guère de questions lors de la formation du contrat. Prenant le risque d'autrui, les cautions disposent-elles des bonnes clés pour entrer en relations contractuelles ? Mesurent-elles la portée de leur engagement ? Il est permis d'en douter au regard de l'important contentieux qui agite la matière. Dans ce cas, comment les protéger efficacement sans mettre en péril le cautionnement ? Définit, ou plus exactement décrit à l'article 2288 du Code civil comme « celui qui se rend caution d'une obligation se soumet envers le créancier à satisfaire à cette obligation si le débiteur n'y satisfait pas lui-même », le cautionnement est soumis à de vives critiques. On s'interroge sur son efficacité, on doute de sa souplesse, de son aptitude à offrir la sécurité juridique attendue. On fustige également l'intrusion excessive du législateur et de la jurisprudence dans le contrat. Mais ces derniers se sont donnés pour mission de délivrer à la caution le fameux « mode d'emploi » qui doit l'avertir des menaces que dissimule cette sûreté. Mais la philosophie protectrice des cautions a poussé le raisonnement très loin, peut-être trop loin. Or, il faut un ajustement des règles du cautionnement à la mesure du droit des sûretés qui demeure une matière foisonnante où la vivacité, la créativité rythment les rapports contractuels. Le droit du cautionnement doit dès lors se garder d'être figé, immobile dans un monde qui est en perpétuelle mouvement et où le temps est à la révision, aux recherches pour être en adéquation avec les besoins économiques, sociaux et juridiques de notre société. De fait le cautionnement doit s'extraire de ce cercle vicieux dans lequel il est tombé. / The zero risk does not exist! So, to protect itself against possible outstanding payments, the creditors do not hesitate to ask their future debtors of guarantees. Among the latter, the guarantee holds a special place.Thanks to it speed, its simplicity, its seduces and becomes over time “the queen of the safeties” but from whom the kingdom hides many surprises, especially for the guarantee which raise themselves not many questions during the training of the contract. Taking the risk of others, pledges do they arrange good keys to enter contractual relations? Do they measure the impact of their commitment? It is allowed to doubt it with regard to the important dispute which shakes the subject. In this cas, how protect them effectively without putting in danger the guarenty? Defines, or more exactly described in the article 2288 of the Civil code “as the one who goes pledge of an obligation submits itself to the creditor to satisfy this obligation if the debtor does not satisfy it himself”, the guarenty is subjected to deep criticisms.We wonder about his efficiency, we doubt his flexibility, its capacity to offer the expected legal security. We also castigate the excessive intrusion of the legislator and the jurisprudence in the contract. But the latter gave for mission to deliver to the pledge the famous “instructions for use” which has to warn it of threats which hides this safety. But the protective philosophy of pledges pushed the very far reasoning, maybe too far. Now, one needs that an adjustment of the rules of the guarenty for the measure of the law of the safeties which remains an abundant material where the liveliness, the creativity give rhythm to the contractual reports. The law of the guarenty has to be careful not from then on to be congealed, to motionless in a world which is in perpetual movement and where the time is for the revision, for the searches to be in adequacy with the economic, social and legal needs for our society. De facto the guarenty has to extract of vicious circle in which it fell.

Se esta rua se esta rua fosse minha...: cuidado à população em situação de rua em Lajeado, RS

Tedeschi, Kátia Mottin January 2016 (has links)
Cuidado à população adulta em situação de rua em Lajeado, RS. Essa é a temática que orienta a pesquisa, que tem como objetivo central compreender como as pessoas adultas, em situação de rua, percebem e acolhem as estratégias de cuidado disponibilizadas pelo sistema de Proteção Social na cidade de Lajeado. Para embasar os objetivos da pesquisa, foram criados quatro capítulos conceituais para fundamentar teoricamente a proposta: A praça, o enredo, a história; Paulo, Joaquim e Márcio: quem são eles que compõem a história; Política da Assistência Social; Onde fica a praça? Onde se passa a história? Um pouco sobre Lajeado. Esta é uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, que utilizou como metodologia grupos focais com a população em situação de rua de Lajeado. As falas disparadas nos encontros foram avaliadas pela análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin (2011). Após as transcrições, os conteúdos foram distribuídos em quatro categorias: Vida com Droga, Droga com Vida (versa sobre as relações estabelecidas com o uso de álcool e outras drogas em suas vivências nas ruas); Entre o real e o ideal(izado) (aborda a rede de serviços disponível na cidade, do mesmo modo que avaliam como necessário); Trabalho: o abre e fecha (discute formas de inclusão e exclusão que atravessam o mercado de trabalho); Quem (des) cuida de quem? (analisa as relações de cuidado que vivenciam na rua, que perpassam movimentos de acolhida e violência). Ao longo do processo de escrita do trabalho, foram realizados encontros com a proposta de discutir a construção da história. Nestes foram apresentados os resultados aos sujeitos participantes e, ainda, ocorreram práticas de cuidado como roda de conversa, lanche coletivo, risadas, etc. / Care to people on the street in Lajeado, RS. This is the theme that guides the research, which was aimed at understanding how the adults people on the street realize and embrace the strategies of care provided by the social protection system in the city of Lajeado. To support the objectives of the research, four conceptual chapters were created to theoretically support the proposal: The square, the plot, the story; Paulo, Joaquim and Márcio: who are they that make up the story; Politics of Social Assistance; Where is the square? Where does the story take place? About Lajeado. This is a qualitative study which used as methodology focal groups on the streets people of Lajeado. The statements triggered in the meetings were evaluated by content analysis proposed by Bardin (2011). After the transcripts, the contents were divided into four categories: Life on Drugs, Drugs with Life (it deals with the established relations with the use of alcohol and other drugs in their experiences on the streets); Between the real and the ideal (ized) (it addresses the network services available in the city, as well as evaluating as necessary); Work: opens and closes (discusses ways of inclusion and exclusion that cross the labor market); Who (un) takes care of whom? (It analyzes the care relationships they experience between them, or in their relations on the street, as well as how they perceive the care provided by the city services). At the end of the research and writing process, a meeting was held with the aim to discuss the construction of the story. The results were presented to the participating people and care practices also ocurred as conversation circle, collective snack, laughter, etc.

A negatividade enquanto estrutura ontológica da existência segundo Heidegger / Negativity as the ontological structure of existence according to Heidegger

Rodolfo da Silva de Souza 28 February 2011 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente dissertação tem por objeto o tema da negatividade ontológica constitutiva da existência humana na obra Ser e Tempo de Martin Heidegger. Na primeira parte é analisada as descrições efetuadas por Heidegger na primeira seção de Ser e Tempo sobre a dinâmica existencial do homem compreendido como ser-aí (Dasein). Nesse primeiro momento é evidenciado o caráter negativo da existência. Para tanto, partiremos da reconstrução dos conceitos de existência e deu seu caráter intencional e poder-ser (Seinkonnen) em Ser e Tempo. Na segunda parte, a análise da tonalidade afetiva da angústia é o ponto de partida para se chegar ao modo de ser do homem, descrito por Heidegger como cuidado (Sorge). Argumentaremos também, que o cuidado é o único modo de ser compatível com um ente que em seu modo de ser mais próprio é marcado por uma negatividade (incompletude) radical. Por último, em nosso terceiro capítulo, apresentaremos, em seus traços gerais, a possibilidade compatível com o caráter de poder-ser do ser-aí: a possibilidade da morte, compreendida ontologicamente como ser-para-a-morte. Na conclusão, apontaremos o interesse maior de Heidegger em investigar a dinâmica existencial do ser-aí. Esse interesse consiste, em visualizar, por meio do que Heidegger chama de crise existencial do ser-aí (proporcionada pela angústia) o ponto de gênese das ontologias. / The present dissertation aims the theme of ontological negativity constitutive of human existence in the work Being and Time of Martin Heidegger. In the first part, we examine the descriptions made by Heidegger in the first section of Being and Time about the dynamics of the existential man understood as being-there (Dasein). Initially is shown the negative character of existence. To do that, we start with the reconstruction of existence concepts and its intentional characteristcs and able to be (Seinkonnen) in Being and Time. In the second part, the analysis of the affective tone of anguish is the starting point to get to the mode of being of man, described carefully by Heidegger (Sorge). We also argue that caution is the only way to be compatible with an entity that in its own way of being is marked by an radical negativity (incomplete). Finally, in the third chapter, we present, in its general features, the possibility compatible with the character of able to be of the being-there: the possibility of death, ontologically understood as being-for-death. In the conclusion, we pointed the greatest interest of Heidegger in his investigation of existential dynamics of the being-there. This interest consist in to visualize, through what Heidegger calls of existential crisis of being-there (provided by the anguish) the genesis point of the ontologies.

Se esta rua se esta rua fosse minha...: cuidado à população em situação de rua em Lajeado, RS

Tedeschi, Kátia Mottin January 2016 (has links)
Cuidado à população adulta em situação de rua em Lajeado, RS. Essa é a temática que orienta a pesquisa, que tem como objetivo central compreender como as pessoas adultas, em situação de rua, percebem e acolhem as estratégias de cuidado disponibilizadas pelo sistema de Proteção Social na cidade de Lajeado. Para embasar os objetivos da pesquisa, foram criados quatro capítulos conceituais para fundamentar teoricamente a proposta: A praça, o enredo, a história; Paulo, Joaquim e Márcio: quem são eles que compõem a história; Política da Assistência Social; Onde fica a praça? Onde se passa a história? Um pouco sobre Lajeado. Esta é uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, que utilizou como metodologia grupos focais com a população em situação de rua de Lajeado. As falas disparadas nos encontros foram avaliadas pela análise de conteúdo proposta por Bardin (2011). Após as transcrições, os conteúdos foram distribuídos em quatro categorias: Vida com Droga, Droga com Vida (versa sobre as relações estabelecidas com o uso de álcool e outras drogas em suas vivências nas ruas); Entre o real e o ideal(izado) (aborda a rede de serviços disponível na cidade, do mesmo modo que avaliam como necessário); Trabalho: o abre e fecha (discute formas de inclusão e exclusão que atravessam o mercado de trabalho); Quem (des) cuida de quem? (analisa as relações de cuidado que vivenciam na rua, que perpassam movimentos de acolhida e violência). Ao longo do processo de escrita do trabalho, foram realizados encontros com a proposta de discutir a construção da história. Nestes foram apresentados os resultados aos sujeitos participantes e, ainda, ocorreram práticas de cuidado como roda de conversa, lanche coletivo, risadas, etc. / Care to people on the street in Lajeado, RS. This is the theme that guides the research, which was aimed at understanding how the adults people on the street realize and embrace the strategies of care provided by the social protection system in the city of Lajeado. To support the objectives of the research, four conceptual chapters were created to theoretically support the proposal: The square, the plot, the story; Paulo, Joaquim and Márcio: who are they that make up the story; Politics of Social Assistance; Where is the square? Where does the story take place? About Lajeado. This is a qualitative study which used as methodology focal groups on the streets people of Lajeado. The statements triggered in the meetings were evaluated by content analysis proposed by Bardin (2011). After the transcripts, the contents were divided into four categories: Life on Drugs, Drugs with Life (it deals with the established relations with the use of alcohol and other drugs in their experiences on the streets); Between the real and the ideal (ized) (it addresses the network services available in the city, as well as evaluating as necessary); Work: opens and closes (discusses ways of inclusion and exclusion that cross the labor market); Who (un) takes care of whom? (It analyzes the care relationships they experience between them, or in their relations on the street, as well as how they perceive the care provided by the city services). At the end of the research and writing process, a meeting was held with the aim to discuss the construction of the story. The results were presented to the participating people and care practices also ocurred as conversation circle, collective snack, laughter, etc.

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