Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cell anda molecular biology"" "subject:"cell ando molecular biology""
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Mapping the encoding of innate versus learned aversive threat in the amygdala.Das Barman, Shubhangi January 2021 (has links)
The amygdala is essential in the process of learned aversive signals. Its implication in processing an innately aversive threat remains to be decoded. This implies asking questions on how a learned and an innate aversive threat is processed. Learned aversive threat involves changes in synaptic plasticity while the responses to the innate aversive threat are hard-wired in the animal’s brain. A way to answer this question is to visualize the neurons activated by both behaviors in the same animal. To do so, a set of behavioral experiments were done with the help of a cross of Rosa td Tomato and TRAP2-Cre mice in combination with c-Fos staining. Following this, a combination of techniques including behavioral studies, immunohistochemistry and apotome microscopy for cell quantification were being used. This was intended to find the number of TRAP cells and c-Fos cells in the areas of LA, BA, CeL and CeM respectively. A heat map was further being plotted to measure the density of the cells in each area. The percentage of cells which got activated when a specific stimulus was being repeated twice were also being quantified using the Fiji software. The results section discusses the analysis of shock-shock and loom-loom experiments wherein the freezing percentages of the first set of mice (aversive threat measurement experiments) and the looming behavior of the second set of mice were being analyzed. It was observed that the freezing rate of all the mice used for the aversive threat measurement experiments increased steadily with time. The responses of the mice to the looming stimulus were also significant. The quantification of the number of cells which got activated when the mice were exposed to the shock stimulus twice indicated that Lateral amygdala (50%) exhibited the maximum percentage of cells in the case of shock-shock experiments and the central amygdala in the case of loom-loom experiments (30-50%). This helped us to identify some of the primary areas involved when the mice were being exposed to a shock or loom stimulus. It also helped us to infer the percentage of cells which got activated when the same stimulus was being repeated twice. These experiments serve as a foundation for the future experiments to learn about the specific cell types involved in each area and whether these cell populations get activated when the same stimulus is being repeated twice.
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Assessment of methods for microRNA isolation, microRNA amplification, and development of a normalization strategy for sepsis biomarker researchNordén, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Sepsis, defined by organ dysfunction caused by an adverse immune response of the host to an infection, comes with considerable cost in human lives and as a substantial burden financially. Significant upgrades have been made over the past two decades when diagnosing and treating sepsis but still with room for improvements. Early detection is a cornerstone in the fight against sepsis, and the focus on strengthening diagnostics is in the forefront of modern research. The implementation of biomarkers may be the path of progression in this objective. This study aimed at establishing procedural foundations when using microRNAs as potential biomarkers. The study conducted looked at: (1) Isolation procedure, of microRNA from human plasma, of three kits: Total RNA Purification Kit (Norgen Biotech), miRNAeasy Serum/Plasma Kit (Qiagen), and miRNeasy Serum/Plasma Advanced Kit (Qiagen). (2) Amplification of miRNA through two Reverse Transcription Quantitative PCR methods: Two-tailed RT-qPCR (TATAA Biocenter), and miRCURY LNA miRNA PCR (Qiagen). (3) Developing a normalization strategy by identifying miRNA reference targets in a geNorm pilot experiment. Qubit analysis revealed that the two isolation kits from Qiagen performed similar, and better that the Norgen kit. The Two-tailed RT-qPCR failed to amplify miRNA samples, whereas the miRCURY LNA miRNA PCR showed consistent amplification across samples with a high call rate. The geNorm analysis concluded that hsa-miR-425-5p and hsa-miR-93-5p was the optimal reference target set. The study demonstrated that the isolation kits from Qiagen coupled with the miRCURY LNA miRNA PCR is a viable option for future miRNA biomarker studies.
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Detection and Characterization Of pancreatic cancer exosome using ExoPLAKalukhe, Himangi January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Intermittent fasting’s impact on autophagy, insulin sensitivity and cortisol in a clinical setting : A Systematic ReviewOtter, Marcus, Laag, Anton January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Understanding endothelial cell distribution in Cerebral Cavernous MalformationsDesai, Malavika Bimal January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Solljusinducerade hudskador och molekylära reparationssystemPersson, Sanna January 2019 (has links)
Ultraviolett (UV) strålning genererar fotodimerer i celler som leder till komplikationer med replikering och transkribering. Dessutom bidrar det också med DNA lesioner och brott. Förståelsen för hur de molekylära mekanismerna fungerar är av högsta vikt för att förhindra uppkomsten och bota hudsjukdomar som orsakats av UV-strålning. Den här uppsatsen fokuserar på hudens komposition och hur den förändras med åldern, av både inre och yttre faktorer samt cellernas egna reparationsmekanismer. Huden består av cellulära och extracellulära matriskomponenter, båda är fint fördelade och organiserade för att bidra med skydd, elasticitet och spänst. Åldrande leder till att hudens förmågor försämras, rynkor uppstår och det sker en förlust av spänst. Detta sker naturligt som konsekvens av inre åldrande, men detta påskyndas av yttre faktorer som miljöföroreningar och UV-strålning. Olika mekanismer i celler reparerar dessa skador, det här arbetet tar upp nukleotidreparation (NER) och hur det reparerar via att klyva bort de mutagena delarna av genomet för att förhindra uppkomst av tumörer. Trots hudens olika reparationssystem förblir vissa celler skadade, personer med ljusa pigment är mer känsliga för mutationer än personer med mörka pigment. För att förhindra och förebygga uppkomst av farliga hudförändringar rekommenderas idag inte bara solskyddsfaktorer, utan även antioxidanter som skyddar mot oxidativ stress som även den orsakas av UV-strålning.
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CRISPR-Cas9 som behandlingsmetod för herpeskeratit orsakad av herpes simplexvirus typ 1Everett Palm, Erik January 2021 (has links)
Den snabba utvecklingen av det nya genredigerande verktyget CRISPR-Cas9 har öppnat dörren för behandlingen av svåra, virusorsakade sjukdomar. Herpes simplexvirus typ 1 (HSV-1), en av de mest vanligt förekommande virus i världen, kan etablera sig latent i känselnervceller. Stressfaktorer kan orsaka herpeskeratit, som är en sekundär infektion av ögat vilket leder till inflammation och potentiell ärrbildning. Vid upprepade återfall kan herpeskeratit resultera i synnedsättningar och i allvarligare fall blindhet, och därför anses det som en stor samhällsbörda. Denna uppsats undersöker förutsättningarna att CRISPR-Cas9 i framtiden ska användas för att effektivisera behandlingen av herpeskeratit. Detta görs först genom att beskriva hur HSV-1 infekterar människokroppen, etablerar latens och skadar hornhinnan. Sedan introduceras utvecklingen av CRISPR-Cas9 som ett molekylärt verktyg där dess fördelar och nackdelar beskrivs. Slutligen sammanfattas de tre olika tillvägagångssätten av forskare som undersöker möjligheten att skapa en CRISPR-Cas9-baserad behandling. Den första metoden baseras på användningen av CRISPR-Cas9 för att dämpa virusreplikation vilket resulterar i att konsekvenserna blir lindrigare vid eventuella återfall. Detta alternativ har visat sig vara framgångsrikt in vitro och det kringgår en del utmaningar gällande leveranssystemet, men är begränsad i sina användningsområden. Den andra metoden baseras på att redigera känselnervceller så att de konstant utsöndrar CRISPR-Cas9 samt relevanta guide- RNA för dämpningen av virionbildandet likväl som förebyggandet av en primärinfektion. I praktiken blir detta svårt att tillämpa som behandlingsmetod på grund av ett antal tekniska svårigheter. Det tredje alternativet är att klyva det latenta HSV-1 genomet. Detta skulle omöjliggöra en sekundärinfektion. In vitro-experiment har visat att det är möjligt, men svårigheter med leveranssystem och effektiviteten har gjort det problematiskt att dra några relevanta slutsatser om CRISPR-Cas9 är rätt väg eller inte. Andra genredigerande enzymklasser, exempelvis meganukleaser, har haft större framgång i musmodeller. Forskningen gällande CRISPR-Cas9 är vid ett tidigt stadium, men har väckt stort intresse inom forskningsvärlden. Med fortsatt optimeringen av CRISPR-Cas9, och dess framgång i andra virussammanhang är det troligt att CRISPR-Cas9 eventuellt kommer vara en del av lösningen för att bota herpeskeratit.
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Molecular characterization of vascular malformations using single-cell RNA sequencing and immunohistological analysisNorrén, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
CCM is a human disease in which vascular malformations develop in the central nervous system, predominantly in the brain. The malformations which can measure up to several centimeters in size are dilated and leaky vessels, with unstable cellular junctions and thin vessel walls. Depending on the size and the location of the malformation, the lesion might impose a direct threat to the health of the patient. The symptoms vary from more mild health issues such as headaches, to more severe symptoms such as loss of vision or hearing, or even epileptic seizures, paralysis, and hemorrhagic strokes. CCM is caused by a mutation in either of the CCM genes: CCM1, CCM2, or CCM3. The molecular mechanisms underlying the development of the vascular malformations are still poorly understood, but it has recently been shown that the GTPase CDC42 interacts with the CCM protein complex. By inducing endothelial cell-specific deletion of Cdc42, similar malformations to that of CCM arise in the mouse brain. In this project, our aim was to investigate the molecular changes underlying the vascular malformations caused by endothelial specific Cdc42 deletion in mice. To do so, we isolated endothelial cells from Cdc42iΔEC and Control mouse brain at postnatal day seven and performed single-cell RNA sequencing of these cells. When analyzing the data, we noticed that a subset of KO cells clustered differently and showcased a unique molecular profile. These cells expressed pan-endothelial markers but did not classify as arteries, capillaries, or veins as they did not express markers for those endothelial sub-types. Instead, these cells expressed markers for fenestrated choroid plexus endothelium, such as Igfbp3, and Gpihbp1, yet the absence of Aqp1 expression distinguishes them from choroid plexus endothelial cells. To validate the results from the RNA sequencing experiments we performed immunohistochemistry on brain sections of Cdc42iΔEC and Control mice. In summary, we identified a unique expression pattern in a subset of Cdc42 depleted endothelial cells. While further investigations are needed, this is an important starting point for the identification of potential biomarkers, drug targets and the development of urgently needed treatment strategies.
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Application of Optogenetic Reporters to In vitro Cardiovascular Safety ModelsVed, Mansi January 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Role of arrestin beta-1 genetic mutation on insulin-producing beta-cell viabilityXie, Zexian January 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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