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Circulation 2000: How to Focus Departmental Resources to Meet the Challenges in an Ever-Changing EnvironmentMaloy, Frances, Shiel, Catherine M. 22 April 1998 (has links)
Conference proceedings from the Living the Future Conference, April 21-24, 1998, University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson, AZ. / This presentation outlines the planning, design and implementation processes used to redesign the Circulation and Reserve Units of the Woodruff Library at Emory University. Managing the changes resulting from the redesign will also be described. The presenters will highlight what they learned from their successes and failures throughout the 2+ year period.
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Overcoming Oraganizational Barriers and Preparing for the Future Through Consortial Partnershipsvan Reenen, Johann 23 April 1998 (has links)
Conference proceedings from the Living the Future Conference, April 21-24, 1998, University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson, AZ. / Which electronic product/service has your library purchased recently? How was it selected, who (or which group/committee) was involved, who made the decision, and how long did it take? This presentation will analyze the results and/or ongoing experiences from a variety of information partnerships and joint ventures. It will explore whether there are organizational models that better facilitate the purchase or licensing of electronic products/services and consortial leadership than others. As well, we will explore the emerging role of chaos and complexity theories on team decision making and risk taking.
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Selected Conference Proceedings21 April 1998 (has links)
Conference program from the Living the Future Conference, April 21-24, 1998, University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson, AZ.
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TriUniversity Group of Libraries: Experiences and Lessons from a Comprehensive Collaborative InitiativeRidley, Michael, Gillham, Virginia, Shepherd, Murray, Haslett, Mark 23 April 1998 (has links)
Conference proceedings from the Living the Future Conference, April 21-24, 1998, University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson, AZ. / In January 1995 the Tri-University Group of Libraries (Wilfrid Laurier, Guelph and Waterloo) was formed as a collaborative partnership to enable the coordination of their services and resources in such a manner that the three libraries were perceived and experienced by their user community as a single library serving the needs of the three institutions. This presentation will explore the key administrative and leadership experiences of the collaboration outlining the need to adopt new organizational techniques and evolve new organizational cultures if such collaborations are to be successful.
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Conference Schedule 200026 April 2000 (has links)
Conference schedule from the Living the Future Conference, April 26-29, 2000, University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson, AZ.
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Presentations from the Living the Future 4 Conference24 April 2002 (has links)
Conference presentations from the Living the Future Conference, April 24-27, 2002, University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson, AZ.
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Conference Schedule 200830 April 2008 (has links)
Conference schedule from the Living the Future Conference, April 30-May 3, 2008, University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson, AZ.
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Conference Schedule 201223 April 2012 (has links)
Conference schedule from the Living the Future Conference, April 23-24, 2012, University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson, AZ.
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Anxious Response to Change: the Leader's Role in Calming the SystemKott, Katherine 23 April 1998 (has links)
Conference proceedings from the Living the Future Conference, April 21-24, 1998, University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson, AZ.
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Conference Program - Living the Future 199601 May 1996 (has links)
Conference program from the Living the Future Conference, May 1-4, 1996, University of Arizona Libraries, Tucson, AZ.
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