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Design and Implementation of an Ultrabroadband Millimeter-Wavelength Vector Sliding Correlator Channel Sounder and In-Building Multipath Measurements at 2.5 & 60 GHzAnderson, Christopher R. 21 May 2002 (has links)
Over the past decade, the market for wireless service has grown at an unprecedented rate. The industry has grown from cellular phones and pagers to broadband and ultra-broadband (also called ultra-wideband) wireless services that can provide voice, data, and full-motion video in real time. This growing hunger for faster data rates and larger bandwidths has prompted a need for a deeper understanding of the wireless channels upon which these devices communicate. In order for the visions of real time full-motion video, multimedia, and high speed data delivery inherent in the 3rd and 4th generations of wireless communication standards to be fully realized, system design engineers must have a thorough understanding of the wireless channels upon which these devices operate. Additionally, for these networks to deliver their promised data rates, they must operate at very high microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies, where large segments of spectrum are readily obtained.
Unfortunately, little is known about the propagation characteristics at these frequencies and bandwidths. As a consequence, there has been a significant demand for wireless test equipment that is capable of characterizing these new wireless channels. The objective of this research was to design and develop a wireless test instrument that can not only characterize these new wireless channels, but has the portability to be quickly and easily re-located to various measurement sites, as well as the flexibility to characterize a wide variety of frequencies and bandwidths in addition to the ultrawideband channels investigated in this work. This measurement system is also designed to be capable of characterizing both the magnitude and phase response of these wireless channels, which not only provides a more complete channel characteristic, but the potential capability to measure the Doppler spectrum introduced by a dynamic channel. / Master of Science
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Design and Implementation of a Swept Time Delay Short Pulse (SSTDSP) Wireless Channel Sounder for LMDSRieser, Christian James 23 September 2001 (has links)
This thesis describes the theoretical development, design, and implementation of a novel measurement system, called a Sampling Swept Time Delay Short Pulse (SSTDSP) wireless channel sounder, capable of real time in field performance characterization of high speed fixed wireless links. The SSTDSP sounder has been designed to provide vital performance metrics for fixed point high data rate applications in the 28 GHz LMDS band at a fraction of the cost and complexity of existing wideband channel sounders.
The SSTDSP sounder monitors the behavior of the LMDS channel by sampling the impulse response of the channel in real time. This digitized impulse response is used to assemble a power delay profile and render real-time channel performance metrics such as the mean excess delay, RMS delay spread, maximum excess delay for a given multipath threshold, and coherence bandwidth. The SSTDSP sounder is capable of recording these metrics through three modes of operation - continuous channel monitoring, single instant channel snapshot, or data logging. Swept time delay time dilation processing is combined with precise sample and hold gating to reduce the analog to digital converter sampling rate required to digitize the nanosecond short pulses from 2 Gsps to 1 Msps, while retaining the required effective Nyquist sampling rate of 2 Gsps. This dramatically reduces the memory, digital signal processing, and data logging storage requirements as well as the overall cost of the sounder system.
The thesis presents the theory behind channel sounding and discusses whether there is a "bounce path" available to LMDS. Several existing channel sounding methods are compared for this application. A number of specific design and performance criteria from each of these methods are synthesized to produce the Sampling Swept Time Delay Short Pulse Sounder architecture. The design and implementation process used to realize the SSTDSP sounder is presented, including a system overview, module details, and algorithm development details. A calibration and measurement test procedure is outlined and system verification results are presented.
Current work in progress on the test platform and future improvements to the modular system are outlined, as well as conclusions and future implications of the system. / Master of Science
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