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Short Term Effectiveness of High Density Large Woody Debris in Asotin Creek as a Cheap and Cheerful Restoration Restoration ActionCamp, Reid 01 December 2015 (has links)
In response to human impacts, river restoration and rehabilitation actions have become a priority in the United States. In the Pacific Northwest, most restoration actions are focused on repairing degraded freshwater habitat to increase or improve Pacific salmonid production. However, traditional river restoration actions remained largely unchanged for over 100 years despite a lack of definitive evidence that the actions were effective. More recently, there has been a surge in process-based restoration actions, which aim to reestablish the physical and biological processes that maintain fluvial and floodplain environments by targeting the root causes of degradation in a watershed. Cheap and cheerful restoration projects focus on restoration actions that are low impact and cost effective, can be implemented over large scales, and target degraded processes. However, because cheap and cheerful restoration is a relatively new method, the success of these types of projects has not been assessed.
To address this issue, I studied the short-term physical effectiveness of a type of cheap and cheerful restoration that uses high density large woody debris (HDLWD) to restore instream habitat complexity in two wadeable tributaries to Asotin Creek in southeast Washington State. My specific research objectives included (1) assessing hydraulic and geomorphic responses in the stream channel imposed by restoration structures, (2) quantifying the changes to geomorphic channel unit assemblages post restoration, (3) quantifying changes in sediment storage post restoration, and (4) developing a geomorphic condition assessment of Asotin Creek using the River Styles Framework. Additionally, I developed a mobile database application (app) to facilitate data collection using a novel rapid restoration effectiveness assessment survey.
Through analysis and a thorough review of the land use history in Asotin Creek, I determined that much of the watershed is in poor geomorphic condition based on the River Styles Framework for river classification. Many stream reaches have been degraded from their historic condition and often lack habitat complexity associated with suitable rearing habitat for juvenile salmonids. My results indicate that the structures are impose several immediate hydraulic responses following installation. These hydraulic responses increase hydraulic roughness, which results in predictable geomorphic responses following high flow events. Following restoration, the number and area of pools and bars significantly increased within treatment sites, while the number and area of planar units decreased. Likewise, it appears that the addition of the structures has led to a 25% increase in depositional volume at treatment sites compared to control sites.
Results from the rapid assessment approach supported the more vetted approaches used to assess the efficacy of the treatment. However, the viability of the app and rapid protocol indicate that inter-observer variability may be high, and estimates of geomorphic unit area are not entirely consistent with the vetted approaches. Analysis of the rapid assessment approach revealed pertinent improvements to the app and rapid protocol that will be made in the future.
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QY03Yang-Möller, Qiufu 17 November 2023 (has links)
Das Kunstobjekt aus Carbonbeton soll vor dem Gebäude des Instituts für Massivbau der RWTH Aachen stehen. Forschung, Wissenschaft und große Innovationen sind wichtigster Baustein unserer Zukunft. Das Kunstobjekt kann ein Denkmal für Forschung und Wissenschaft sein. Die natürliche Farbe von Carbonbeton ist grau, und das Grau deprimiert uns besonders im Winter. Daher sollte die Farbe des Carbonbetons verändert werden, genau wie das Denkmal in fröhlichen Farben, um alle Leute zu erfreuen und zu erfrischen, um die Umgebung zu verschönern. Das Rot versprüht die Frühlingsstimmung, die Offenheit, Ehrlichkeit und Kraft des Kampfgeists der Wissenschaftler*innen. Das Blau wirkt beruhigend, verströmt die Ruhe, die Gelassenheit und unendliche Weite der Forschungsbereiche der Wissenschaftler*innen. Das Gelb verbreitet die Heiterkeit, den Optimismus und den Mut der Wissenschaftler*innen. Das Zusammentreffen der Farben bildet ein Elysium der Wissenschaftler*innen. Das Strahlen der Farben vertreibt die Depression der Rückschläge der Forschung der Wissenschaftler*innen.
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Projeto Restaurar: uma forma de inclusão social da criança e do adolescente através da valorização da educaçãoAna Lucia Nogueira Guimarães 28 June 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar os impactos sociais das
ações realizadas pelo Projeto Restaurar Criança Alegre, um dos projetos da
Fundação Evangélica Restaurar, mantido pelo Instituto Educacional da Bahia - IEB,
e as transformações apresentadas pelas crianças e adolescentes que participam do
projeto. Trata-se de um estudo de caso, pesquisa qualitativa, que busca a
compreensão de como a educação pode influenciar na formação do sujeito crítico,
autônomo, solidário e na mudança de comportamentos e de atitudes. Apresenta o
processo educacional e a ação educativa como práticas libertadoras, na
compreensão do ser e na busca de alternativas pedagógicas, focadas em processos
que vão além de formas acabadas e burocráticas de ensino predefinido, mas que
despertem o desejo e o prazer de aprender para ser mais feliz e ter uma vida mais
digna. Há décadas a educação vem chamando atenção de debates políticos e
sociais na sociedade. Diante das dificuldades vividas pelas crianças do Projeto
Restaurar Criança Alegre, como a precarização do ensino, contato com o mundo do
crime, uso abusivo de drogas, moradias subdesenvolvidas, mundo globalizado que
valoriza o ter e não o ser, falta de emprego, valores e posturas que se modificam
e se confrontam com as diferenças de gênero, raça, etnia, desigualdade social,
conflitos de gerações, as quais se refletem diretamente no âmbito familiar, escolar e
social. A Instituição, no contexto de sua prática transformadora, concebe que todos
somos educadores/as e educandos/as, ao mesmo tempo que ensinamos e somos
ensinados/as, que a essência fundamental do educador é constituída através de
seus atos e de suas interações com o mundo e com os outros. Nesta Instituição, o/a
educador/a desenvolve atividades que fomentam o desenvolvimento humano, a
participação e a transformação social e que sejam voltadas para uma educação
problematizadora, por meio da qual o/a educando/a se desenvolva de forma criativa,
crítica, sensível, participando ativamente do processo de construção dos
conhecimentos. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que o desenvolvimento
intelectual satisfatório, somado à crença na capacidade do ser e um trabalho com
afetividade e compromisso, apontam para a construção do sujeito autônomo,
criativo, moral e ético, e estes são valores que poderão ser ensinados e aprendidos. / This paper aims to analyze the social impacts of the actions performed by the
Projeto Restaurar Criança Alegre, one of the projects of the Fundação Evangélica
Restaurar, supported by the Instituto Educacional da Bahia IEB, and the
transformations presented by the children and adolescents that participated of the
Project. This is a study case, qualitative research, which seeks to understand how
education can influence on the formation of the critical, supportive and autonomous
character as well as on the changing of behaviors and attitudes. It presents the
educational process and the educative action as liberating practices, on the
understanding of the being and in the search of pedagogical alternatives, focused on
processes that go beyond the finished and bureaucratic forms of predetermined
teaching, but awake the desire and the pleasure of learning to be happier and have a
better life. For decades the education has been calling the attention of political and
social debates in society. Given the difficulties experienced by children and
adolescents of the Projeto Restaurar Criança Alegre, as the precariousness of
teaching, contact with the world of crime, drug abuse, underdeveloped homes,
globalized world that values the possessions and not the human being, lack of
employment, values and attitudes that are changing and confront with the
differences of gender, race, ethnicity, social inequality, the generation gap, which
directly reflect on the family, school and social ambit. The institution, in the context
of its transformative practice, conceives that we are all educators and learners, while
we teach and are taught, that the fundamental essence of the educators is
constituted through their actions and their interactions with the world and with others.
In this institution, the educator develops activities that foster human development,
participation and social transformation and that are designed for a problem-based
education, through which the educators can develop themselves in a creative, critical
and sensitive way, actively participating in the process of construction of knowledge.
The results of the research show that the satisfactory intellectual development,
coupled with the belief in the capacity of the subject and a work with affectionateness
and commitment, point to the construction of an autonomous, creative, moral and
ethical subject and these are values that could be taught and learned.
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