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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Deadly in pink: The impact of female-oriented cigarette packaging on brand appeal, beliefs about smoking, and risk perceptions among young women

Doxey, Juliana Rose January 2009 (has links)
Industry documents and anecdotal evidence suggest that cigarette packaging can target women by enhancing brand appeal and influencing important beliefs about smoking. Little research has been conducted on how cigarette pack design might contribute to young women's faulty beliefs about smoking. This study sought to identify package designs that promote misleading beliefs about the health effects of smoking and the relationship between smoking and weight control, and that increase brand appeal among young women; as well as the extent to which plain packaging reduces these beliefs. A between-subjects experiment was conducted in which 512 participants between the ages of 18-25 years viewed cigarette packs using a computerized survey in one of four conditions: female-oriented (n = 141); female-oriented with descriptors (i.e., slims) removed (n = 125); female-oriented without brand imagery or descriptors (“plain”; n = 122); and standard non-female oriented (n = 124). Participants rated 8 cigarette packs on perceptions of appeal, taste, tar, and health risks; and answered questions about smoking and weight control and attitudes towards smoking. Results of the study indicated that women found the female-oriented packs most appealing. Participants also believed that the female-oriented packs had fewer health risks than the same packs with descriptors removed. Women who viewed the plain packs were less likely to believe that smoking helps people control their appetites compared to women who viewed the female-oriented and non-female oriented packs. Women with more weight concerns were more likely to believe in a relationship between smoking and weight control. Overall, this study demonstrates that as packages become “plainer” they become less appealing. Women viewing plain packs were less likely to endorse the belief that smoking can be used for appetite control, and that smoking helps people stay slim; and as descriptors were removed, packs were perceived to have more health risks. Results of the study extend the evidence base on the impact of cigarette packaging on women, and provide support for the implementation of plain packaging to reduce package appeal and faulty beliefs about smoking.

Deadly in pink: The impact of female-oriented cigarette packaging on brand appeal, beliefs about smoking, and risk perceptions among young women

Doxey, Juliana Rose January 2009 (has links)
Industry documents and anecdotal evidence suggest that cigarette packaging can target women by enhancing brand appeal and influencing important beliefs about smoking. Little research has been conducted on how cigarette pack design might contribute to young women's faulty beliefs about smoking. This study sought to identify package designs that promote misleading beliefs about the health effects of smoking and the relationship between smoking and weight control, and that increase brand appeal among young women; as well as the extent to which plain packaging reduces these beliefs. A between-subjects experiment was conducted in which 512 participants between the ages of 18-25 years viewed cigarette packs using a computerized survey in one of four conditions: female-oriented (n = 141); female-oriented with descriptors (i.e., slims) removed (n = 125); female-oriented without brand imagery or descriptors (“plain”; n = 122); and standard non-female oriented (n = 124). Participants rated 8 cigarette packs on perceptions of appeal, taste, tar, and health risks; and answered questions about smoking and weight control and attitudes towards smoking. Results of the study indicated that women found the female-oriented packs most appealing. Participants also believed that the female-oriented packs had fewer health risks than the same packs with descriptors removed. Women who viewed the plain packs were less likely to believe that smoking helps people control their appetites compared to women who viewed the female-oriented and non-female oriented packs. Women with more weight concerns were more likely to believe in a relationship between smoking and weight control. Overall, this study demonstrates that as packages become “plainer” they become less appealing. Women viewing plain packs were less likely to endorse the belief that smoking can be used for appetite control, and that smoking helps people stay slim; and as descriptors were removed, packs were perceived to have more health risks. Results of the study extend the evidence base on the impact of cigarette packaging on women, and provide support for the implementation of plain packaging to reduce package appeal and faulty beliefs about smoking.

En ansvarsfull cigarettförpackning / A responsible cigarette packaging

Sandberg, Amanda, Tjernberg, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
Rökning är en ovana som många personer ägnar sig åt, det speglas inte minst på gatorna vart man än går. Fimpar på gator runt om i städer är en miljöbov som sällan uppmärksammas. Trots att det finns allmänna askkoppar för fimparna att slängas i, hamnar de ofta på gatan och blir en fara för djur och natur. Denna studie syftar på att ta fram ett designförslag på hur en omkonstruerad cigarettförpackning, som rymmer cigarettfimpar, kan se ut. Det undersöks även hur en cigarettförpacknings konstruktion kan uppmana konsumenter att inte slänga fimpar på marken, vilket i stort kan ha en positiv effekt på miljön. Den målgrupp som är relevant att undersöka är alltså alla rökare i Sverige. En digital enkät skickades inledningsvis ut för att ta reda på folks vanor och åsikter kring rökning. Detta resulterade i en bekräftelse av forskningsfrågorna där respondenterna önskade en smidig lösning som minskade antalet fimpar på marken, varpå några föreslog att en cigarettförpackning hade en funktion liknande snusdosans dubbla lock. Representanter från kartongproducenter kontaktades för att få information om material och dess möjligheter. Designprocessen inleddes med en konceptgenerering med hjälp av mindmapping och brainstorming. Ur detta föddes tio idéer som sedan reducerades till tre koncept genom en pugh-chart. LoFi-prototyper skapades av dessa och presenterades för åtta deltagare under semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna resulterade i att två koncept föredrogs, men författarna tog beslutet att utveckla ett av dem. En slutgiltig prototyp skapades, vilken var konstruerad som en vanlig cigarettförpackning med flip top lock, men var knappt två centimeter längre. Detta gav utrymme i förpackningens botten att ha en separat plats för använda fimpar. Värderingen av den slutgiltiga prototypen skedde genom ytterligare en digital enkät som skickades ut till samtliga deltagare från den tidigare semistrukturerade intervjun. Genom att de besvarade påståenden samt beskrev prototypen fritt kunde det konstateras att alla deltagare inte är lika positivt inställda till denna förpacknings utformning, men att majoriteten ändå skulle använda en cigarettförpackning som denna till att förvara fimpar när inget bättre alternativ finns. Dessutom uppgav respondenterna att förpackningen skulle motivera dem personligen att slänga färre fimpar på marken, samt att förpackningen skulle minska antalet fimpar i naturen generellt. Därmed kan det konstateras att en alternativ cigarettförpackning troligtvis skulle minska antalet fimpar på marken och ge en positiv effekt på miljön i stort. / Smoking is a bad habit whose traces can be seen widely on the streets. The cigarette butts pose an environmental threat that seldom is given attention. Although there are public ashtrays, cigarette butts often end up on the ground and become a risk for animals and nature. This study aims to produce a design suggestion for a reconstructed cigarette packaging that can hold used cigarette butts. It will also be examined how a cigarette packaging’s construction can invite consumers to avoid tossing cigarette butts on the ground, which at large can have a positive impact on the environment. The relevant target group that will be analysed is all smokers in Sweden. A survey was distributed in order to examine the smoking habits of persons and their opinions about smoking and cigarettes. The result showed that the respondents wanted a handy solution that would reduce the amount of cigarette butts on the ground, whereupon some proposed that the cigarette packaging could utilize a feature like the double lid on the packaging of swedish snus. Representatives from large carton board producers were also contacted in order to retrieve information concerning material and their possibilities. The design process started by generating concepts with mind mapping and brainstorming. This resulted in ten ideas that later was reduced to three concepts via a Pugh-chart. LoFi-prototypes of the three concepts were created, which were presented to eight participants in semi structured interviews. The interviews led to two concepts being prefered by the respondents, where the writers chose to develop one of them. A final prototype was developed and produced. This was constructed as a general cigarette packaging with a flip top lid, but was barely two centimeters longer. This created a space in the bottom of the packaging to contain used cigarette butts. The valuation of the finished prototype was done by an additional survey that was distributed to the same participants that partook in the semi-structured interview. By having them answer statements and describe the prototype freely, it was clear that every respondent didn’t have a positive attitude towards the prototype’s construction. However, a majority of the participants claimed that they would use a cigarette packaging like this to hold the cigarette butts when no better option was available. Additionally, the respondents stated that the cigarette packaging would personally motivate them to discard fewer cigarette butts on the ground, and also that the cigarette packaging would decrease the amount of cigarette butts in the environment generally. Consequently, an alternative cigarette packaging would possibly reduce the amount of cigarette butts on the streets and therefore positively affect the environment.

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