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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Methods for Locating Distinct Features in Fingerprint Images / Methods for Locating Distinct Features in Fingerprint Images

Nelson, Jonas January 2002 (has links)
<p>With the advance of the modern information society, the importance of reliable identity authentication has increased dramatically. Using biometrics as a means for verifying the identity of a person increases both the security and the convenience of the systems. By using yourself to verify your identity such risks as lost keys and misplaced passwords are removed and by virtue of this, convenience is also increased. The most mature and well-developed biometric technique is fingerprint recognition. Fingerprints are unique for each individual and they do not change over time, which is very desirable in this application. There are multitudes of approaches to fingerprint recognition, most of which work by identifying so called minutiae and match fingerprints based on these. </p><p>In this diploma work, two alternative methods for locating distinct features in fingerprint images have been evaluated. The Template Correlation Method is based on the correlation between the image and templates created to approximate the homogenous ridge/valley areas in the fingerprint. The high-dimension of the feature vectors from correlation is reduced through principal component analysis. By visualising the dimension reduced data by ordinary plotting and observing the result classification is performed by locating anomalies in feature space, where distinct features are located away from the non-distinct. </p><p>The Circular Sampling Method works by sampling in concentric circles around selected points in the image and evaluating the frequency content of the resulting functions. Each images used here contains 30400 pixels which leads to sampling in many points that are of no interest. By selecting the sampling points this number can be reduced. Two approaches to sampling points selection has been evaluated. The first restricts sampling to occur only along valley bottoms of the image, whereas the second uses orientation histograms to select regions where there is no single dominant direction as sampling positions. For each sampling position an intensity function is achieved by circular sampling and a frequency spectrum of this function is achieved through the Fast Fourier Transform. Applying criteria to the relationships of the frequency components classifies each sampling location as either distinct or non-distinct. </p><p>Using a cyclic approach to evaluate the methods and their potential makes selection at various stages possible. Only the Circular Sampling Method survived the first cycle, and therefore all tests from that point on are performed on thismethod alone. Two main errors arise from the tests, where the most prominent being the number of spurious points located by the method. The second, which is equally serious but not as common, is when the method misclassifies visually distinct features as non-distinct. Regardless of the problems, these tests indicate that the method holds potential but that it needs to be subject to further testing and optimisation. These tests should focus on the three main properties of the method: noise sensitivity, radial dependency and translation sensitivity.</p>

Methods for Locating Distinct Features in Fingerprint Images / Methods for Locating Distinct Features in Fingerprint Images

Nelson, Jonas January 2002 (has links)
With the advance of the modern information society, the importance of reliable identity authentication has increased dramatically. Using biometrics as a means for verifying the identity of a person increases both the security and the convenience of the systems. By using yourself to verify your identity such risks as lost keys and misplaced passwords are removed and by virtue of this, convenience is also increased. The most mature and well-developed biometric technique is fingerprint recognition. Fingerprints are unique for each individual and they do not change over time, which is very desirable in this application. There are multitudes of approaches to fingerprint recognition, most of which work by identifying so called minutiae and match fingerprints based on these. In this diploma work, two alternative methods for locating distinct features in fingerprint images have been evaluated. The Template Correlation Method is based on the correlation between the image and templates created to approximate the homogenous ridge/valley areas in the fingerprint. The high-dimension of the feature vectors from correlation is reduced through principal component analysis. By visualising the dimension reduced data by ordinary plotting and observing the result classification is performed by locating anomalies in feature space, where distinct features are located away from the non-distinct. The Circular Sampling Method works by sampling in concentric circles around selected points in the image and evaluating the frequency content of the resulting functions. Each images used here contains 30400 pixels which leads to sampling in many points that are of no interest. By selecting the sampling points this number can be reduced. Two approaches to sampling points selection has been evaluated. The first restricts sampling to occur only along valley bottoms of the image, whereas the second uses orientation histograms to select regions where there is no single dominant direction as sampling positions. For each sampling position an intensity function is achieved by circular sampling and a frequency spectrum of this function is achieved through the Fast Fourier Transform. Applying criteria to the relationships of the frequency components classifies each sampling location as either distinct or non-distinct. Using a cyclic approach to evaluate the methods and their potential makes selection at various stages possible. Only the Circular Sampling Method survived the first cycle, and therefore all tests from that point on are performed on thismethod alone. Two main errors arise from the tests, where the most prominent being the number of spurious points located by the method. The second, which is equally serious but not as common, is when the method misclassifies visually distinct features as non-distinct. Regardless of the problems, these tests indicate that the method holds potential but that it needs to be subject to further testing and optimisation. These tests should focus on the three main properties of the method: noise sensitivity, radial dependency and translation sensitivity.

Fatores Formadores da Paisagem Litorânea: A bacia do Guaratuba, São Paulo-Brasil / FORMATION FACTORS OF THE COASTAL LANDSCAPE: THE CASE OF THE GUARATUBA WATERSHED, SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL.

Rossi, Marcio 07 June 1999 (has links)
O estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar e correlacionar os elementos do meio físico biótico, drenagem, geologia, formas de relevo, cobertura vegetal, solos e uso da terra, através da interpretação de fotografias aéreas, imagens de satélite e trabalhos de campo, bem como testar a técnica de amostragem circular de rede de drenagem para identificar unidades de mapeamento de solos no complexo Serra do Mar em São Paulo, que correspondem a áreas de difícil acesso, escarpadas, com densa rede de drenagem e densamente florestadas. A bacia do Guaratuba caracteriza-se por apresentar distintos compartimentos: a planície litorânea, onde ocorrem sedimentos marinhos e flúvio-marinhos sobre os quais se desenvolve uma vegetação pioneira herbácea e arbórea, com solos que apresentam em geral hidromorfismo (podzol e glei); o planalto, caracterizado por gnaisses com feições amorreadas, alternando solos podzólicos, cambissolos e litólicos sob floresta pluvial tropical; e, as serras e escarpas abruptas, revestidas por formações superficiais pouco espessas (litossolos e cambissolos) sobre granito, recobertas pelas florestas tropicais. Apresenta clima com precipitações acima de 2.000 mm por ano, sem estação seca definida e temperatura média anual de 19 a 25ºC. Como resultado foram produzidos os mapas da rede de drenagem, geologia, formas de relevo, declividade, hipsometria, vegetação e solos. Elaboraram-se também, 48 amostras circulares de 50 ha distribuídas pelos compartimentos do planalto, escarpa e planície litorânea na bacia do rio Guaratuba, trabalhando-se ainda, pontualmente em detalhe, com toposseqüências pedológicas. Concluiu-se com o estudo de amostras circulares, que o padrão de drenagem indica as formações geológicas predominantes, enquanto o número de rios e seus índices correlatos indicam os solos e o material superficial. A aplicação estatística aos índices de número, comprimento de rios, relevo, declive, geologia e vegetação mostrou-se mais eficiente na separação de grupamentos de solos nos subcompartimentos, agrupando amostras com mesmas associações de solos, facilitando o mapeamento. Conclui-se, ainda, que os elementos influenciam a distribuição e composição dos solos, devido à relação infiltração/deflúvio, que comanda o desenvolvimento e espessura dos mantos de alteração, modelando a topografia e, consequentemente, propiciando a instalação da vegetação. Para as zonas litorâneas, o relevo, a vegetação natural e o material geológico delimitam e definem unidades de solos distintas, podendo estes, serem mapeados por meio desses elementos. Assim, a vegetação exuberante e o clima local quente e úmido em toda a bacia, permitem dizer que na planície litorânea, as formas de relevo e a drenagem são os principais fatores no desenvolvimento dos solos, enquanto na escarpa e planalto, a declividade e o material de origem tornam-se mais decisivos. Observa-se portanto, uma relação direta entre os compartimentos morfológicos, a vegetação natural, a geologia e os solos nesta bacia hidrográfica, enquanto o detalhamento por toposseqüências, indica processos de transformação e evolução morfopedológicos, como as passagens de solos podzois para glei e de podzois para solos orgânicos, que fornecem indícios sobre a gênese e evolução da paisagem. O trabalho de mapeamento da zona litorânea, permite extrapolar os resultados para áreas contíguas, definindo as associações de solos, bem como a estrutura da cobertura vegetal natural e as formas de relevo presentes. Este fato deve ser observado em zonas que apresentem material geológico similar (granitos, gnaisses e respectivos sedimentos). / This study aims to characterize and correlate elements of the biotic-physical environment, drainage, geology, landform, vegetation cover, soil and land use by means of interpretation of aerial photographs, satellite images and field work. It also aims to test the technique of circular sampling the drainage network for identifying soil mapping units in the Serra do Mar complex, which corresponds to very steep areas, with dense drainage, and heavily forested areas, with difficult access. The Guaratuba watershed has distinctive compartments. In the coastal plain, pioneer herbaceous and arboreous plant species grow on redoximorphic soils developed on marine and fluvial-marine sediments (Spodosols and gley soils). The highlands have tropical rain forest on Ultisols, Inceptisols, and Entisols developed from gneissic bedrock in a hilly relief. The granitic escarpments have shallow soils (Entisols and Inceptisols) covered by tropical forests. The regional climate is characterized by an annual rainfall above 2000 mm, no distinct dry season, and an average temperature that can range locally from 19o to 25oC. Drainage, geology, landform, slope, hipsometry, vegetation and soil maps were produced. It was also produced in the Guaratuba watershed 48 circular samples, of 50 ha each, distributed in the highlands, mountains, and coastal plain. Additionally, pedological transects were studied in further detail locally. The circular sampling study concluded that the drainage pattern indicates the predominant geological formations, whereas the number of rivers and its associated indexes indicate the soils and the superficial material. The statistics of the number of river, river length, relief, geology, and vegetation indexes were more efficient in discriminating the soil groups in the sub-compartments, grouping samples with the same soil associations, easing therefore the mapping work. It was also concluded that the elements influence the soil distribution and composition, due to the infiltration/runoff ratio, which determines the development and thickness of the weathering mantle, shaping the relief and allowing the establishment of the vegetation. In the coastal areas, relief, natural vegetation and geological material determine distinctive soil units, which can be mapped through these elements. Thus, the exuberant vegetation and the hot and humid climate throughout the watershed support the idea that, in the coastal plain, the landforms and drainage are the main factors influencing soil development. Whereas in the highlands and in the mountainous areas, the slope and parent material give a more important contribution to soil development. It was observed in the whole watershed, therefore, a direct relationship between landform compartments, natural vegetation, geology and soils, whereas the localized study in the transects indicates transformation and morpho-pedological processes, like the ones where spodosols grade to gley soils, and spodosols grade to histosols, indicating landscape genesis and evolution. The work in the coastal zone allows the extrapolation of the results to contiguous areas, defining soil associations as well as the structure of the natural vegetation cover and landforms. This association should be expected in areas that have similar geology (granites and gneisses and its derived sediments).

Fatores Formadores da Paisagem Litorânea: A bacia do Guaratuba, São Paulo-Brasil / FORMATION FACTORS OF THE COASTAL LANDSCAPE: THE CASE OF THE GUARATUBA WATERSHED, SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL.

Marcio Rossi 07 June 1999 (has links)
O estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar e correlacionar os elementos do meio físico biótico, drenagem, geologia, formas de relevo, cobertura vegetal, solos e uso da terra, através da interpretação de fotografias aéreas, imagens de satélite e trabalhos de campo, bem como testar a técnica de amostragem circular de rede de drenagem para identificar unidades de mapeamento de solos no complexo Serra do Mar em São Paulo, que correspondem a áreas de difícil acesso, escarpadas, com densa rede de drenagem e densamente florestadas. A bacia do Guaratuba caracteriza-se por apresentar distintos compartimentos: a planície litorânea, onde ocorrem sedimentos marinhos e flúvio-marinhos sobre os quais se desenvolve uma vegetação pioneira herbácea e arbórea, com solos que apresentam em geral hidromorfismo (podzol e glei); o planalto, caracterizado por gnaisses com feições amorreadas, alternando solos podzólicos, cambissolos e litólicos sob floresta pluvial tropical; e, as serras e escarpas abruptas, revestidas por formações superficiais pouco espessas (litossolos e cambissolos) sobre granito, recobertas pelas florestas tropicais. Apresenta clima com precipitações acima de 2.000 mm por ano, sem estação seca definida e temperatura média anual de 19 a 25ºC. Como resultado foram produzidos os mapas da rede de drenagem, geologia, formas de relevo, declividade, hipsometria, vegetação e solos. Elaboraram-se também, 48 amostras circulares de 50 ha distribuídas pelos compartimentos do planalto, escarpa e planície litorânea na bacia do rio Guaratuba, trabalhando-se ainda, pontualmente em detalhe, com toposseqüências pedológicas. Concluiu-se com o estudo de amostras circulares, que o padrão de drenagem indica as formações geológicas predominantes, enquanto o número de rios e seus índices correlatos indicam os solos e o material superficial. A aplicação estatística aos índices de número, comprimento de rios, relevo, declive, geologia e vegetação mostrou-se mais eficiente na separação de grupamentos de solos nos subcompartimentos, agrupando amostras com mesmas associações de solos, facilitando o mapeamento. Conclui-se, ainda, que os elementos influenciam a distribuição e composição dos solos, devido à relação infiltração/deflúvio, que comanda o desenvolvimento e espessura dos mantos de alteração, modelando a topografia e, consequentemente, propiciando a instalação da vegetação. Para as zonas litorâneas, o relevo, a vegetação natural e o material geológico delimitam e definem unidades de solos distintas, podendo estes, serem mapeados por meio desses elementos. Assim, a vegetação exuberante e o clima local quente e úmido em toda a bacia, permitem dizer que na planície litorânea, as formas de relevo e a drenagem são os principais fatores no desenvolvimento dos solos, enquanto na escarpa e planalto, a declividade e o material de origem tornam-se mais decisivos. Observa-se portanto, uma relação direta entre os compartimentos morfológicos, a vegetação natural, a geologia e os solos nesta bacia hidrográfica, enquanto o detalhamento por toposseqüências, indica processos de transformação e evolução morfopedológicos, como as passagens de solos podzois para glei e de podzois para solos orgânicos, que fornecem indícios sobre a gênese e evolução da paisagem. O trabalho de mapeamento da zona litorânea, permite extrapolar os resultados para áreas contíguas, definindo as associações de solos, bem como a estrutura da cobertura vegetal natural e as formas de relevo presentes. Este fato deve ser observado em zonas que apresentem material geológico similar (granitos, gnaisses e respectivos sedimentos). / This study aims to characterize and correlate elements of the biotic-physical environment, drainage, geology, landform, vegetation cover, soil and land use by means of interpretation of aerial photographs, satellite images and field work. It also aims to test the technique of circular sampling the drainage network for identifying soil mapping units in the Serra do Mar complex, which corresponds to very steep areas, with dense drainage, and heavily forested areas, with difficult access. The Guaratuba watershed has distinctive compartments. In the coastal plain, pioneer herbaceous and arboreous plant species grow on redoximorphic soils developed on marine and fluvial-marine sediments (Spodosols and gley soils). The highlands have tropical rain forest on Ultisols, Inceptisols, and Entisols developed from gneissic bedrock in a hilly relief. The granitic escarpments have shallow soils (Entisols and Inceptisols) covered by tropical forests. The regional climate is characterized by an annual rainfall above 2000 mm, no distinct dry season, and an average temperature that can range locally from 19o to 25oC. Drainage, geology, landform, slope, hipsometry, vegetation and soil maps were produced. It was also produced in the Guaratuba watershed 48 circular samples, of 50 ha each, distributed in the highlands, mountains, and coastal plain. Additionally, pedological transects were studied in further detail locally. The circular sampling study concluded that the drainage pattern indicates the predominant geological formations, whereas the number of rivers and its associated indexes indicate the soils and the superficial material. The statistics of the number of river, river length, relief, geology, and vegetation indexes were more efficient in discriminating the soil groups in the sub-compartments, grouping samples with the same soil associations, easing therefore the mapping work. It was also concluded that the elements influence the soil distribution and composition, due to the infiltration/runoff ratio, which determines the development and thickness of the weathering mantle, shaping the relief and allowing the establishment of the vegetation. In the coastal areas, relief, natural vegetation and geological material determine distinctive soil units, which can be mapped through these elements. Thus, the exuberant vegetation and the hot and humid climate throughout the watershed support the idea that, in the coastal plain, the landforms and drainage are the main factors influencing soil development. Whereas in the highlands and in the mountainous areas, the slope and parent material give a more important contribution to soil development. It was observed in the whole watershed, therefore, a direct relationship between landform compartments, natural vegetation, geology and soils, whereas the localized study in the transects indicates transformation and morpho-pedological processes, like the ones where spodosols grade to gley soils, and spodosols grade to histosols, indicating landscape genesis and evolution. The work in the coastal zone allows the extrapolation of the results to contiguous areas, defining soil associations as well as the structure of the natural vegetation cover and landforms. This association should be expected in areas that have similar geology (granites and gneisses and its derived sediments).

Systém pro optické měření / Optical measurement system

Opravil, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the creation and testing of optical measurement system. There are basic parts of computer vision. Some ways of image preprocessing and templates matching are discussed. Everything is directed to a particular practical task. Selected methods for templates matching are the Correlation Method, the Classical and Hybrid Hausdorff Distance, Radial and Circular Sampling Space. These methods are programmed in C++ and they are compared with function for searching templates from specific library.

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